Stealing The Love of The Underworld Princess

Chapter 114: He is a kid who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun


In the dark room, Leng Jichen stood in front of the window, looking at the photos of Leng Ran and himself hanging on the wall from a distance, tapping his left arm with his right hand.

He remembered that before Leng Ran left, a word had been whispering to her mouth.

But he could not be sure whether what she said was the truth. Of course Leng Jichen believes in Leng Ran, but if Leng Ran tells the truth, what should he do at this moment

In the darkness, a beam of light came in, illuminating the dust in the air. Leng Jichen smiled sullenly at the dust. He smiled as if nothing would have been accomplished if he left Leng Ran.

Sister, if only you were here now.

It would be great if you did not leave.

Leng Jichen never had a moment, so I hope Leng Ran will still be by his side. Not only did he miss the carefree time a few years ago—the time when he relied on his sister to rely on and acted arbitrarily.

That is the time they can never go back, they can only think about it.

The lover's heart is close, and Feng Zhiyun stays in a room 100 meters away from Leng Jichen, watching the old photos stored in the album silently with the same longing as Leng Jichen.

Leng Ran asked someone to help her clean up this room. At the beginning, Leng Jichen felt that the room was too monotonous and asked someone to repaint it with a layer of blue paint. He hung a lot of shells on the wall. I bought many white ship models, and carefully arranged the monotonous room into a place with the atmosphere of the sea.

She remembered that when Leng Jichen took her and Leng Ran to visit the room just after the room was set up, Leng Ran still pinched Leng Jichen's ears and said that he was partial and that he had a daughter-in-law, forgetting his mother!

At that time, Leng Jichen had not taken over the position of King of the underworld. He had a lot of free time. He was completely a child who had not been weaned.

Indeed, he is a child spoiled by Leng Ran.

The spoiled Leng Jichen took away Leng Ran’s hand and hid behind Feng Zhiyun, poked out his head and smiled playfully as you came to catch me, you just can’t catch my owing expression, Leng Ji Chen whispered, I just love my daughter-in-law, sister and mommy haven't said anything yet, what is your name? You are not mommy, you are my ugly and fierce bad sister.

Leng Jichen's words made the faces of the two girls in front of him blush, one blushed because of shyness, and the other blushed with anger.

The former is the shy Feng Zhiyun, and the latter is undoubtedly the ugly and fierce bad sister in Leng Jichen's mouth-Leng Ran.

Leng Ran chased Leng Jichen in the new room. The shell was thrown on the ground by Leng Ran. The soft pillow hit Leng Jichen’s head again and again. Leng Jichen ran happily in the room, laughing triumphantly. Leng Ran.

But Leng Jichen didn’t get complacent long before he became embarrassed. Because he was too awkward, his eyes grew bigger and his head went out, and one of his feet accidentally stepped on a shell that was coldly thrown on the ground. The sharp part of the shell was in Leng Ji. Chen made a big hole in the bottom of his feet.

He sat on Feng Zhiyun’s bed and screamed pain. Leng Ran, who had always been distressed by his brother, hurried to Leng Jichen to check his wounds, and carefully treated and bandaged him.

At that time, Leng Ran was too serious about it and did not notice that Leng Jichen sitting on the bed was making a proud face towards Feng Zhiyun.

Of course, Feng Zhiyun was on Leng Ran’s side. When Feng Zhiyun resolutely gave a small report to Leng Ran: "Sister Leng Ran, Ji Chen is laughing!" Before Leng Jichen was ready to prepare. , Leng Ran had already pressed hard against the wound on the sole of Leng Jichen's foot.

Leng Jichen didn't let go of this opportunity to act. When the pain hit, he yelled, crying and tearless, causing Feng Zhiyun to laugh.

The wounded soldier Leng Jichen didn't dare to move while sitting on the bed. He touched the corner of his eye with his hand and raised a middle finger toward Feng Zhiyun. He said more truthfully: "Feng Zhiyun, you guys who eat inside and out and turn your elbows out! You guys! Didn’t I help an outsider to murder your husband? You are a thousand swordsmen, you have no conscience! Oh, why did I marry you, a man with no conscience!!!"

Feng Zhichen stood aside, watching Leng Jichen and a woman who had been beaten thousands of times by her husband and pushed Leng Jichen's head solemnly: "You just turned your elbow out! Knife idiot! I'm not with you! Being with you just lowered my Feng Zhiyun's IQ, you stupid, smart, of course I was with sister Leng Ran! In this house You belong to this!" During the words, Feng Zhiyun gave Leng Jichen a little thumb, changing the image of a usual lady.

Leng Jichen followed Feng Zhiyun's push and fell on the bed, and lay down with a big hand to form a "big" character: "It's over, it's over, even our pure, cute and innocent Xiao Yun has been caught by Leng Ran, a bad woman. Broken! There is no reason in this world!! No longer alive, no longer alive!" With that, Leng Jichen sat up abruptly and frightened Feng Zhiyun. His index finger pointed to Feng Zhiyun. 'S forehead said angrily, "You, you, when did you become so snob!"

Feng Zhiyun was silent, as witty as her, too lazy to talk to Leng Jichen, in her eyes Leng Jichen was like a child.

"Heh, why didn't I find that I have a stammering younger brother!" Leng Ran, who had been watching the show in front of Leng Jichen, cautiously helped her younger brother deal with the wound and then spoke lightly. She slowly stood up and watched condescendingly. Leng Jichen's feet then smiled faintly, "Why couldn't I wrap you up as a mummy!"

Leng Jichen beat his chest and vowed never to talk to the bad woman Leng Ran again. He glanced fiercely at the two women standing in front of him, and fell on the bed with a grunt.

In fact, Leng Jichen was so happy at that time, in his heart Leng Ran is a bad woman, she is simply the best sister in the world, it is too late for him to love Leng Ran!

Feng Zhiyun laughed as he thought about it. At that time, Leng Jichen was a little broken boy who had never seen the world and didn't know the darkness of the world. He only knew how to eat, drink and have fun, and enjoy the infinite love of his sister.

That was the best time, both for Feng Zhiyun and Leng Jichen.

It's just that the past has become a trend, and it has become the past. I can only think about it.