Stealing The Love of The Underworld Princess

Chapter 118: What if i love you 2


"Feng Zhiyun, why did you fart so much today! Did you eat too much and couldn't digest it, or the exhaust system had a problem!" Ji Chen was a little angry. He didn't think it would be perfunctory, even if it was perfunctory. He can't use such a vulgar saying, either!

"It's up to you!" Feng Zhiyun changed his tone and said viciously. She secretly thought in her heart, Ji Chen, you are really a pig, can someone with a problematic exhaust function have so much fart!

Really low IQ, walking with you will lower my IQ, Ji Chen, get out of here!

"Wind Yun!" Ji Chen, who was following Feng Zhiyun, finally got angry. He stuck there again like a tree, shouting at Feng Zhiyun's back.

Feng Zhiyun turned his head, her watery eyes stared at him wide, and she looked impatient with something to say.

Seeing Feng Zhiyun turned his head back, Ji Chen no longer stood still and took root. With long legs and long clothes, he walked leisurely to Feng Zhiyun and looked down, no longer condescending.

He slowly said: "If I love you!"

His eyes became affectionate, no longer the same disdain as before, it was a joke. His eyes are full of earnestness and tenderness, and that tenderness makes Feng Zhiyun fascinated.

Feng Zhiyun and Ji Chenzhi were separated by an arm's length. The girl looked up at the boy, and the male god's low head was looking at his beloved woman, affectionately.

This must be a moving picture, it must be.

At least in Leng Jichen's eyes.

That's right, Leng Jichen is standing in the room on the second floor over there, fixedly watching everything on Feng Zhiyun's side. He can't hear the conversation between them, and he doesn't know what happened between them. He only knew that looking at it from a distance, Feng Zhiyun and Ji Chen stood like this, forming a beautiful picture.

His heart was filled with helplessness and sourness. Leng Jichen knew that a jar of vinegar had overturned in his heart!

In fact, Leng Jichen has always known that Ji Chen is interested in your Feng Zhiyun, and he knew it from the moment Ji Chen walked in. He didn't say, let Ji Chen's affection for Feng Zhiyun let him develop in time. It's not that he didn't want to tell Feng Zhiyun in the past and go to Ji Chen to swear his sovereignty over Feng Zhiyun, but he thinks that they are no longer children, and he shouldn't make decisions for Feng Zhiyun anymore.

He wants Feng Zhiyun to make the decision on his own. He will do his best to protect the safety of Feng Zhiyun, but he thinks Ji Chen will do better than him.

Thinking of this, Leng Jichen couldn't help laughing. He laughed that he was not as good as others in protecting himself and loving women.

His smile was helpless, self-deprecating, and deeply attached to the wind.

It's just that Feng Zhiyun didn't know, even Leng Jichen himself didn't know it!

Hearing the words of Ji Chen's Feng Zhiyun, he was stunned. She fixedly looked at Ji Chen's eyes, and she couldn't find a trace of joke. She smiled awkwardly, and then pushed Ji Chen away, pulling away the distance between Ji Chen and herself. She said, "It's my shit!"

Then turned around and left.

Ji Chen was stuck there again. He looked at Feng Zhiyun's back. When she said that, there was no expression on her face, no anger, no tension, and no joy. After she said a word calmly, she turned and left, without even a word of hypocritical comfort.

She refused him, and refused him simply, so that he didn't even have any illusions.