Stealing The Love of The Underworld Princess

Chapter 69: Don't be soft-hearted


"Sister..." Leng Jichen knows Leng Ran's embarrassment. After all, that thief is his beloved. You must know that the only fate of the person who stole the Black Crystal is death, so how can she bear to let someone who has just survived die? Drop it

"Ji Chen, take back the black crystal! We can't let Huadao all be in his hands!" Leng Ran raised her head and looked at the standing brother. Even if she could not bear it, she could not set the islanders of Huadao. And in danger.

"But, the day we captured the black crystal is his death date!" Leng Jichen reminded

"Even so, you must not be merciless! You are the King of the underworld, you should be cold-blooded and ruthless!" Leng Ran suddenly stood up, without a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Master, we found out the whereabouts of Leng Canluo and Ji Nuanyan. They are on the deep island..." the man pushed in and said to the young master who looked at them.

"Oh, the murderer who killed grandma has come to our place! Mother, don't you say that they are not seeking their own way of death? Tell them to go down! Kill them!" He said bloodyly, he is no longer the one he was a year ago. He, the current him, had blood on his hands and became terribly bloodthirsty.

"Are you crazy? It was not Leng Canluo and Ji Nuanyan who killed your grandma!" As a mother looked at her ruthless son, she had to stop her even though she was in love.

"It was their Leng family who killed grandma. I want them to pay for their debts, and their family is ruined!" He turned his head and looked at his mother still expressionless!

She didn't say anything in the wheelchair, and now, she would rather her son never wake up.

"Hey, Luo Fanyi? It's me, Aunt Ling! Do you have time? Go to Luozi Mansion right away. Come, I have something important for you to do!" Faced with her son's ruthlessness, she can only save it, even if she is cold-blooded , I can’t just watch innocent people die. What's more, it’s not the Leng family who killed their grandma... Moreover, many, many years ago, it was the Luo family who was sorry for the Leng family. Now all the behaviors of his son are just It is deepening the contradiction between the two.

"Of course, you have to take back the black crystal for me anyway, no matter what!" The paper can't keep the fire, Madam Leng still knows that the black crystal was stolen, and she also knows who stole it, once She wanted to send the hatred of the two families to make the two children happy and happy together, but, she did not expect that the person just gave her granddaughter more pain, and now he desperately steals the black crystal, and the hatred is further sublimated, she If you want to kill him, the father will pay the debt!

Leng Ran nodded and sighed. It seems that God just doesn't want to let them go... If they can't stay together, can't they be separated? Why must yin and yang be alternated