Stealing The Love of The Underworld Princess

Chapter 78: You should love her


"Xiaoyi!" The moment Luo Fanyi stepped out of the cold house, a voice sounded.

Luo Fanyi raised his head, and under the bright and extinguished light, his outline could be seen vaguely "Brother!"

"How can you be with her? She is the granddaughter who killed our grandma's murderer, and she is our sorrow!" Luo Canyi grabbed the collar of Luo Fanyi's clothes, Qing Jing violently scolded.

"She is not your sorrow, nor your enemy! She is your lover! Luo Canyi, it's okay for you to be a little clearer! When will you hurt her!" Luo Fan remembered that he was not good-tempered, and pushed hard. Luo Canyi looked at him with no less voice than him.

Suddenly, lightning and thunder

"It's you who should be sober! It's you! I tell you, you can love anyone, but you just can't love her, no! Do you understand?" Luo Canyi looked at his brother's eyes with bloodthirsty eyes .

The rain poured down, and the two brothers were instantly wet.

"The one who should love her is not me, the one who should love her should be you! It should be you Luo Canyi! My good brother!" In the rain, Luo Fanyi could not see Luo Canyi's face clearly, just shouted Yelled.

"I have to beat you sober today!" Luo Canyi's voice just fell, and a fist hit Luo Fanyi's face. Luo Fanyi fell into the rain. The pain hits quickly

"You should love her! You must love her! She has paid so much for you, how can you forget her! You killed her father and mother, you should be beaten! You are the damn! I am going to beat her to death today You ungrateful fellow" Luo Fan remembered. Raise your fist...

The two wrestled in the rain, both up and down. Each refused to admit defeat.

"Miss, the young lady is not good, Master Luo and Master Luo two are fighting!" The girl from Lengzhai ran to Leng Ran's room and said, panting. It was so late, she didn't want to alarm anyone, let alone this matter, the lady would handle it more properly.

"What! Where are they!" Leng Ran quickly got up, with big eyes open.

"It's at the door!" the girl replied

"I'll go over. Don't disturb anyone!" Leng Ran said, already jumping out of bed. Ran out

"Miss, it's raining heavily outside! You have to remember to take an umbrella!" The girl ran out, and when she ran to the gate of the cold house, Leng Ran had already rushed into the rain. "Miss, miss! You are going to do it." Oh! Umbrella, umbrella!" Then, the girl ran out holding the umbrella