Stealing The Love of The Underworld Princess

Chapter 90: The couple will not despise me


"Brother? Why are you here? I asked you to see Ranran. Why didn't you go?" In the morning, Luo Fanyi went downstairs in a formal suit, but saw Luo Canyi sitting in his seat and eating breakfast leisurely, and he walked over. Asked while holding the table.

"Why should I go to see her? Who is she! Why must I go!" Luo Canyi took the bread, tore a piece into his mouth and swallowed it, then looked up at Luo Fan and recalled.

"Why! Why! Because she is your favorite person, and she is the person who loves you most!" Luo Fanyi was scarlet and asked to pick up Luo Canyi's collar and wave his fist to Luo Canyi's face. Hit it.

"What are you doing Luo Fanyi! He is your brother! How can you beat him for a woman! Don't forget that he has amnesia! He has forgotten all the messy things in the past!" Ling Zi on the side shouted towards Luo Fanyi , She can't let anyone hurt her son, she can't!

"Amnesia? Hahaha!" Luo Fanyi let go of Luo Canyi and looked at him. "If you forget your past with her, how can you forget her and save you again and again? You killed her favorite Parents, you don't want to think about why she would rather be an enemy of the family to save you?" Luo Fanyi asked Luo Canyi back a bunch of questions left to Luo Canyi. "And you! You vicious woman! You made your son so bloodthirsty and murderous like a devil! People say you would rather demolish a temple than a pair of people! What about you! But what is there? I'm sorry you have to do this to him! If I didn't leave my brother then, would he be like this!" Luo Fanyi pointed at Ling Zi and spit out what he had endured for so long.

In the end Luo Fanyi walked away. Luo Canyi only took a few mouthfuls and left. There was only Ling Zi at the sumptuous dinner table. Luo Fanyi's words kept thinking back to her, could it be that she was really wrong ? Is it really a wrong choice to let Leng Ran leave? However, she did all this for her son!

In the room, Luo Canyi was standing by the window, he tried hard to think about Leng Ran’s face, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find any clues in his memory. Some only got headaches and his parents were cold. Can Luo, Ji Nuanyan splashed blood on the beaches of Deep Island, some of them were just coldly watching his parents’ relics rushing to a house, why, why no matter how he searched for him, there would be no Leng Ran in his memory, why Why can't he find it at all!

"A Yi" Ling Zi pushed the wheel in front of Luo Canyi's door and knocked on the door.

Luo Canyi turned her head and watched her mother sitting on the wheel all day calling "Mother" softly...

Ling Zi smiled and pushed the wheel forward. Mother... When did his son start calling her mother? Probably the moment he woke up! She let Leng Ran leave his son, and at the same time let his original son with flesh and blood, sentiment and soul step by step into death, and now in front of her is nothing but her soulless son, bloodless and fleshless. , Ruthless and cold. It's just a body that can be said to be able to walk!

"A Yi, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about what your brother said just now?" Ling Zi pushed the wheel to Luo Canyi's side and asked tentatively. Luo Canyi, who woke up, didn't like other people's personal affairs, including his mother!

"Yes! I'm wondering what the hell did Leng Ran and I have in the past!" This time, Luo Canyi replied unexpectedly.

"If you want to know, then you should go see her more! I heard that she is sick! And his brother deliberately let you in every night! This is a long time! Ayi go!" Ling Zi Looking up at her son, she suddenly hoped that his son could go back to the past!

"Mother, you know that I don't like other people's troubles with me! It's my business to go or not, so please don't trouble me."

other people? other people! Ha ha... Ling Zi felt sad inexplicably, it turns out that she is someone else in her son's heart! I am someone else!

"Sorry, Ah Yi!" Ling Zi lowered his head and said, then pushed the wheel to leave his room and returned to his room. While Luo Canyi was still in the room, she quickly packed her clothes and called the driver...

In the car "Where are you going, madam?"

"Go to the cottage!"

"Small villa? Isn't that someone living?"

"I just want to talk to their husband and wife. I believe their husband and wife will not despise me as a handicapped person! Let's go!"

The car left in the dust, Ling Zi thought that he had done it without knowing it. In fact, Luo Canyi saw everything in his eyes, all in his eyes.