Stealing The Wind But Not The Moon

Chapter 110


At the convalescent center of a high-end private hospital, Xiang Mingzhang's assistant was standing at the door to greet him. After the car stopped, he walked forward and opened the door.

Xiang Mingzhang and Shen Ruozhen got out of the car and glanced at the license plates of several cars around them.

Shen Ruozhen has an amazing memory. He had only seen Chen Piyan once, but he could still remember the name in his mind after such a long time. He said, "All the directors are here too. It's quite a big event."

Xiang Mingzhang buttoned up his suit that he had unbuttoned while riding in the car, and asked his assistant, "Who was the first to inform us that Director Xiang was ill?"

The assistant led the way and answered sideways: "It's your great uncle."

Xiang Mingzhang arranged people near the Jingpu mansion. He knew that Xiang Kun and Xiang Huan were very diligent in running around. It was natural for children to visit their father, and he had no reason to stop them.

The seventh floor of the sanatorium has been booked by the Xiang family for many years, ready to provide treatment or recuperation for Xiang Xingzhao at any time. Outside the ward is a large reception area, which is packed with people.

Xiang Mingzhang glanced at the group. There were old Xiang Yue's directors and senior executives, retired company veterans, Xiang Xingzhao's legal team, and several cousins. To have gathered so many people in a short period of time must have been informed in advance.

He laughed in his heart. If someone didn't know, they would have thought that Xiang Xingzhao was dead, so many people came to mourn.

This was the first time Xiang Mingzhang appeared after the kidnapping. Everyone stood up and surrounded him. The older and more senior people standing in the front expressed their concern.

A group of directors that Chen Piyan had met were also among them. After the greetings, Uncle Lun asked, "Secretary Chu, I heard that you took a bullet for Mr. Xiang. Have you recovered?"

Xiang Mingzhang corrected: "Uncle Lun, he is now the director of Yisi, not my secretary anymore."

Uncle Fang said, "Mr. Chu, it's a waste of talent to be a secretary. You have a bright future ahead of you, but you must take care of your health."

Shen Ruozhen smiled faintly, leaving room for others to say, "Thank you Uncle Lun and Uncle Fang for your concern. I just got out of the hospital and am still recovering."

At the door of the ward, Xiang Ruxu put his hands in his trouser pockets. He rushed over after receiving Xiang Kun's call in the afternoon and said inside, "Mingzhang is here."

Xiang Ruguang and his wife came out of the ward, followed by the eldest aunt, then uncle and Xiang Huan. Everyone looked over, and finally Xiang Kun pushed Xiang Xingzhao out.

About ten meters apart, the crowd automatically made way for a path. Xiang Mingzhang and Shen Ruozhen stood where they were, without taking a single step forward.

In a wheelchair, Xiang Xingzhao was wearing a sweater and a vest. He looked like a different person, with dry skin, and his exposed neck and wrists were full of wrinkles from old age.

For more than half a month, Xiang Xingzhao probably couldn't sleep at night, and his droopy eye bags worsened to a dark blue color. Even if he was not seriously ill, his condition was not much better.

The wheelchair was pushed closer and stopped. Xiang Xingzhao raised his head with a normal, slightly serious expression. He pressed his hands on the blanket with his fingers clasped together, a gesture he used to use during meetings.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and pressed down the white hair at his temples. Just this momentary action revealed a calm demeanor.

Xiang Mingzhang certainly noticed something was wrong. He did not squat in front of Xiang Xingzhao's knees as usual, but stood up straight and said, "Why don't you lie down in the ward and push grandpa out?"

Xiang Kun said: "Your grandfather can't wait to see you."

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "Has the doctor examined it? What did he say?"

Xiang Kun did not answer, but announced to everyone: "Mr. Xiang has been confused since his stroke, occasionally clear for a while, but his condition has improved recently. We, his children, are so excited that we hurriedly called everyone here."

Regardless of whether they meant it sincerely or not, all the senior executives showed joy on their faces. An elder from Xiang Yue came closer with a cane and asked, "Director Xiang, do you recognize us?"

Xiang Xingzhao's breath was weak but his words were clear, and he spoke without any hesitation: "Life is unpredictable. I'm sorry to have worried you all for being ill for more than two years."

Shen Ruozhen finally got a glimpse of Xiang Xingzhao's true appearance. Looking at everyone's eager reactions, it was not difficult to estimate the other party's past majesty.

Surrounded by congratulations and concern, Uncle Fang said: "Mingzhang has worked the hardest in the past two years, as he had to take care of both his family and the company."

Xiang Xingzhao loosened his hands upon hearing this, raised one to the air, and called out, "Mingzhang, come here."

Xiang Mingzhang stretched out his hand and held it, feeling that only tendons and skin were left on Xiang Xingzhao's bones. He pretended to be sincere: "Grandpa, I have been hoping that you will get better."

Xiang Xingzhao stared at him and said in a low voice: "Grandpa will not get better. I'm afraid it's just a last gasp."

"Dad, how could that be possible?" Uncle-in-law replied, "Mingzhang survived the disaster, and your condition has improved, which means that our family will surely have good fortune in the future."

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "Grandpa, you know everyone, do you remember what happened?"

Xiang Xingzhao asked: "What are those things?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "You are confused because of the stroke. Do you remember the stroke two years ago?"

He watched the man die without helping him. What kind of situation would be caused if the truth were to be revealed now

Xiang Xingzhao's expression did not change, as if he had revealed his chips, and he said, "Remember."

However, the grandfather and grandson each had their own handles, but Xiang Mingzhang remained calm: "Then you must also remember Uncle Qi. He took care of you day and night. Did he reveal his true colors?"

Xiang Xingzhao pulled his hand away, waved it, shook his head and sighed: "I misjudged him."

Xiang Mingzhang raised his voice: "Everyone should have heard that Uncle Qi kidnapped me with the intention of blackmailing the Xiang family. I have just recovered recently, and today I happened to meet all the elders. I want to ask, aunt, uncle, did Uncle Qi contact you when the incident happened?"

Xiang Huan said: "No, I found out later."

"They didn't contact me either." Xiang Kun said, "We explained this when we cooperated with the police investigation."

"Of course I believe you." Xiang Mingzhang looked at Xiang Xingzhao's face, "Grandpa, Uncle Qi didn't contact Aunt and Uncle, so did he contact you?"

Xiang Kun said: "Your grandfather was still confused at the time. What's the point of Uncle Qi calling your grandfather?"

Xiang Mingzhang said doubtfully: "Uncle Qi kidnapped me but didn't contact the Xiang family for money. How can this be considered blackmail? Grandpa, does Uncle Qi want to kill me?"

Xiang Rugang interrupted, "Grandpa is getting better now, don't irritate him."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "How could I upset Grandpa? I was just too excited. Grandpa finally woke up, and what Uncle Qi did behind his back might be revealed."

Xiang Huan retorted: "Will the police investigate once the truth is revealed? Do you want to interrogate your grandfather?"

The eldest aunt followed up by saying, "Uncle Qi has evil intentions, and the old man is the most upset. Mingzhang, you can't vent your anger on grandpa, he loves you the most."

Xiang Kun and the others fell silent, and Xiang Mingzhang continued, "He was shot and has been out of the hospital for less than two days. He came with me so late at night. You don't think he is in the mood to chat with us, do you?"

Shen Ruozhen stood quietly for a long time and watched the show for a while. Xiang Xingzhao "woke up", but the number of people who pretended to be confused even though they knew the truth doubled.

Many eyes were cast at him, but Shen Ruozhen only looked into Xiang Xingzhao's eyes and said, "As the saying goes, suffering a loss is a blessing, but the kidnapping case concerns life, and I also want an explanation."

Xiang Xingzhao slowly said "sorry" and never responded to questions related to Uncle Qi.

According to normal thinking, Xiang Xingzhao should have cooperated with the investigation as soon as possible after he woke up to clear his suspicion. However, his entire family united to protect him and did not even allow him to be questioned.

Shen Ruozhen secretly speculated that Xiang Xingzhao had most likely revealed his true colors. Xiang Kun and Xiang Huan knew that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, and as expected, they chose to protect him for the sake of their own interests.

But Xiang Xingzhao cannot delay for too long. Once he announces that his dementia symptoms have improved, the police will definitely come to investigate him.

Before that, Xiang Xingzhao had to convene all directors.

Xiang Mingzhang sent people to keep an eye on the Jingpu mansion and not allow outsiders to enter or leave, so Xiang Xingzhao lied that his condition had worsened and went to the hospital, and called everyone in on this grounds.

Then, in front of so many eyes, Xiang Xingzhao returned to normal.

Xiang Mingzhang also knew it. It would be easy for a silly old man to get away with it, but Xiang Xingzhao took the initiative to stop pretending. There must be a more important reason.

Xiang Kun walked around to the wheelchair and squatted down: "Dad, you finally understand. It has delayed you for two years. We will do our best to get what you want."

Xiang Xingzhao looked straight at Xiang Mingzhang and said, "I have only one wish, and only Mingzhang can fulfill it."

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "Grandpa, what do you want?"

Xiang Xingzhao revealed his purpose and replied, "I want Xiang Long to come back."

Uncle Qi has not yet given in, and Xiang Xingzhao has not been convicted with sufficient evidence. He wants to rely on his past power and take advantage of the fact that Xiang Mingzhang has not yet taken off the mask of filial piety to make one last fight in front of everyone.

The directors were talking among themselves, and someone asked, "Has Xiang Long been found?"

Xiang Kun said: "Ming Zhang is very capable. He found his father abroad. When he mentioned it during the Chinese New Year, Mr. Xiang had a big reaction. Maybe it was because of the stimulation of 'Xiang Long' that Mr. Xiang's brain degeneration was cured."

Xiang Rugang said: "If my uncle comes home, grandpa might be cured."

Xiang Xingzhao kept looking at Xiang Mingzhang and said again: "Let Xiang Long come back."

Xiang Huan also spoke up: "Ming Zhang, this is your grandfather's only wish. Since you know where your father is, agree to it."

The window at the end of the corridor was open, and the cold wind blew in. Shen Ruozhen gently folded his arms. He had not forgotten that these people did not want Xiang Long to come back before, but now their attitude has changed drastically, because they are afraid that Xiang Mingzhang will use Xiang Long as a card to exchange for more.

The elders of the family persuaded him kindly, and the company veterans followed suit. Xiang Mingzhang said, "Xiang Long has a family outside and his health is not good. He can't just come back whenever he wants."

"What kind of excuse is that?" Xiang Kun said, "The Xiang family only recognizes you and your mother. His family is here."

The eldest aunt asked, "Is it because he doesn't want to come back, or because you don't allow him to?"

Without waiting for Xiang Mingzhang to answer, Shen Ruozhen suddenly smiled.

Everyone looked at him sideways, and Uncle Lun asked curiously, "Mr. Chu, what are you laughing at?"

Shen Ruozhen said regretfully: "I'm laughing at myself for making such a wasted trip. I don't think I'll get any explanation."

Xiang Kun frowned and said, "The case is not settled yet, and we are helpless. The Xiang family's lawyers are here, so we can talk about compensation first. You can make your request."

Shen Ruozhen said: "You are so mean to Mr. Xiang, a family member. I dare not believe your promise."

Xiang Huan asked: "What does this mean?"

Shen Ruozhen said, "Miss Bai lives in seclusion, and you dragged her out to make trouble. Have you forgotten that it was Xiang Long who abandoned her? Also, Mr. Xiang just encountered a kidnapping case and was almost killed. He was lucky to save his life. The case has not been closed, and the murderer has not been sentenced, but he is being forced to accuse him by a group of close relatives."

Everyone was speechless for a while, and Shen Ruozhen suddenly asked: "Mr. Xiang, Uncle Qi has followed you for many years. Are you heartbroken that he did this?"

Xiang Xingzhao said: "Yes."

"It's not easy for Mr. Xiang to be betrayed by a confidant who is not related by blood, so please don't let Mr. Xiang ask more questions." Shen Ruozhen's thoughts were clear, "As a biological father, Xiang Long abandoned his son for more than 20 years. Isn't Mr. Xiang's suffering just as much? How can you make demands on him with a clear conscience?"

Xiang Kun's face turned red: "Everyone just-"

Xiang Xingzhao raised his hand to interrupt, and with a pair of cloudy eyes, he assessed the situation and pleaded, "Mingzhang, I'll do anything as long as you let Xiang Long come back."

Xiang Mingzhang almost said: "Grandpa, do you really want him to come back, no matter what the conditions are?"

Xiang Xingzhao stood up with the help of his wheelchair. The blanket slipped off his legs. His legs were trembling and he looked even more hunched over than the last time they met.

Under his exhausted skin, only his eyes were shining. Now that things had come to this, he would not give up until he achieved his goal: "I promise, as long as Xiang Long comes home. If he is sick, I will bring him back for treatment. If he dies, I want to see his body."

Xiang Xingzhao's body was shaking. People around him tried to support him, but he waved them away and stretched his hands forward.

Xiang Mingzhang took a step closer and was grabbed by Xiang Xingzhao on the shoulders. The distance between the grandfather and grandson was so close that he could smell the other's turbid and medicinal breath.

"Grandpa," he said quietly, so that only the two of them could hear, "I haven't made any conditions yet."

Xiang Xingzhao lowered his head slightly, and his voice became weak and vague, as if he had admitted defeat: "My time is coming to an end, and I don't have much time left."

Xiang Mingzhang had a blank expression on his face, and finally agreed: "Okay, Xiang Long can come back, but only to see him off to his grave."

(End of this chapter)