Stealing The Wind But Not The Moon

Chapter 50


Chu Shichen walked to Xiang Mingzhang. The golf club he used was provided by the club. It didn't fit him well, so he couldn't help but weigh it in his palm.

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "Where do you want to fight?"

There are long grass areas and slopes around, and there is a water obstacle not far ahead, like a small lake. Chu Shichen watched a golf video on the way here and said, "I want the ball to fly over the water and then into the hole."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "It's too difficult to play ball in water for the first time."

Chu Shichen asked in a low voice: "Or you don't know how to teach?"

Xiang Mingzhang was not provoked, but smiled and replied meaningfully: "Ideals and reality are different. You think it's "Great Expectations", but what you are facing may actually be "Les Miserables."

With Director She watching, Chu Shichen gave up arguing. He played a few balls behind Xiang Mingzhang and stopped to talk about some selection issues.

The afternoon passed quickly. Director She was tired and left first. Before parting, he once again expressed his approval of Chu Shichen's strategy.

When another patrol car came, Xiang Mingzhang and Chu Shichen sat in the last row. The driver asked for directions, and Xiang Mingzhang said, "Just go around a circle."

Chu Shichen opened a bottle of mineral water and moistened his throat in advance.

Before the cool liquid flowed into his stomach, Xiang Mingzhang had already spoken first: "I don't agree."

Chu Shichen tightened the bottle cap: "What do you mean?"

Xiang Mingzhang said clearly: "The company will not allow Yisi to participate in this project."

Chu Shichen had a hunch about Xiang Mingzhang's attitude, but he didn't expect him to be so tough. He still held out hope and said, "It was wrong of me to act first and report later. I will accept the punishment."

Xiang Mingzhang said calmly: "I don't intend to punish you, I just deny this opinion."

"Why?" Chu Shichen said, "I admit that I have selfish motives towards Yisi, but given the current situation, this method is also beneficial to Xiang Yue. It's a win-win situation."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "I don't think so."

Chu Shichen analyzed, "Li Cangqiu is the chief operating officer of Yisi, so Director She was willing to meet him, which shows that Yisi has strengthened Du Heng. Zhitian led Du Heng to do A plus C, and Xiang Yue plus Yisi is an optimized and upgraded version. Learning from the foreigners to defeat them is obviously more beneficial than harmful."

Xiang Mingzhang objected: "Why should we be led by Zhitian? What we provide to Party A is a plan, and the foundation of the plan is technology. As long as the technology is strong, Xiang Yue can handle it himself."

Chu Shichen understood this and said, "Technology responds to demand. To understand demand, we must first satisfy Party A's taste. Isn't that what we are busy with in the early stages? Director She has just revealed the official attitude. We need stability and help."

Xiang Mingzhang was silent for a moment, and Chu Shichen took the opportunity to say, "Besides, Xiang Yue is the major shareholder of Yisi, and there is a fundamental difference. Yisi is not here to share, let alone to fight for. It is a real helper."

Xiang Mingzhang made it clear in one sentence: "I don't trust this helper. Is this reason enough?"

Chu Shichen was speechless for a moment. The simpler and more brutal the argument was, the more powerful it was. He couldn't think of how to continue his rebuttal.

Or maybe he made a mistake and took all the objective factors into consideration, but ignored Xiang Mingzhang's subjective consciousness.

Chu Shichen felt a little frustrated. He looked at the lawns along the road and digested the thought while weighing whether he should fight for it or give up.

His relationship with Xiang Mingzhang had just eased, and if it became strained again, it would be more trouble than gain. Before he could figure out the answer, Xiang Mingzhang suddenly asked, "I ordered chocolates in advance, do you still have an appetite?"

Chu Shichen moved the corner of his mouth and asked back: "Is it the sweetest?"

When the patrol car arrived at the end, Xiang Mingzhang took out his black membership card and said, "Go get it yourself and you'll know. I'll drive."

The same velvet bag, filled with heart-shaped chocolates. Chu Shichen waited for Xiang Mingzhang to drive to the door. He sat in the passenger seat, opened it and ate one first.

At dusk, they were stuck in traffic after leaving the club. The chocolate melted in Chu Shichen's mouth, rich and sweet, but his thoughts became clearer.

It has been nearly half a year since Xiang Yue acquired Yisi. After merger, review and reorganization, the systems, departments and regulations have been integrated. It cannot be said that Xiang Yue is not paying attention, but there has been no business cooperation so far.

Bored with the traffic jam, Xiang Mingzhang asked, "Why don't you say anything?"

Chu Shichen swallowed the chocolate, thinking from Xiang Mingzhang's perspective, and replied: "Yisi's personnel problems have been accumulated for a long time. Cooperation with Xiang Yue may have the risk of leaking confidential information, so you refused. This is also the reason why the two sides have maintained a boundary in their business since the acquisition, right?"

Xiang Mingzhang admitted: "Yes, if a similar problem occurs after Yisi gets involved, the project will fail, and the company's reputation and employees' psychology will be damaged. As a boss, I can't take this risk."

Chu Shichen said: "Everything is difficult at the beginning, but there must always be a beginning. Yisi has gone through personnel reshuffle, financial internal control, and mechanism reform, and it is no longer the same as before."

"But that's not enough." Xiang Mingzhang got to the point. "You said last night that Li Zangqiu is also Xiang Yue's inner circle. It's too late to be on guard against him. Bringing Yi Si along will make it easier for him to betray us."

Chu Shichen explained, "I have considered this, but I have the opposite idea. If Du Heng and Yi Si are involved, then it is legitimate for Li Zangqiu to avoid suspicion. This is the case with pharmaceutical company projects. If he objects, it would be inconsistent."

Xiang Mingzhang shook his head: "Don't be so naive. Li Zangqiu has avoided suspicion. What about his subordinates? Can you guarantee that they are clean?"

The traffic was loose, Xiang Mingzhang was steering with one hand, Chu Shichen said: "We need to restrain ourselves, sign a confidentiality agreement, and send Xiang Yue's people to lead the team."

Since taking office, Chu Shichen has deeply felt that many of Xiang Yue’s strengths are invisible.

How to balance the standardization and flexibility of procedures, the coordination of the team, the changing sales strategies, the high level of the R&D department... He didn't care whether Yisi could share the profits, he urgently hoped that Yisi could learn a thing or two.

"Who should we send?" Xiang Mingzhang's reasoning was clear. "The high-ranking officials have heavy responsibilities. Meng Tao and Peng Xin, who has the energy to take care of both? The low-ranking officials cannot make decisions if they are sent over. What can they change if they are tied up?"

Xiang Mingzhang overtook several cars in a row and said: "Your strategy is very comprehensive and advanced, but it's a pity that there is no qualified executor."

People are the most difficult to control.

There are opportunities and plans, but no good generals to command the troops, so it is better to do nothing than to be careless.

Chu Shichen wiped his face, but he could not wipe away the disappointment between his brows, nor the bright glow shining on his cheeks. Half an hour later, Xiang Mingzhang parked the car on the side of Jiangan Avenue.

After turning off the engine, Xiang Mingzhang still had his hands on the steering wheel. The argument seemed to be over, but Chu Shichen's words had already caused waves in his mind.

The essence of Xiang Yue's acquisition of Yisi was to obtain assistance and thus become stronger.

Xiang Mingzhang stared at the fast-moving river of cars. As the sky darkened, a row of neon lights suddenly lit up, and the mixed lights filled the entire avenue.

Xiang Mingzhang's thoughts changed like a kaleidoscope. Finally, he hesitated and said, "You mentioned the project of the pharmaceutical company. Have you not forgotten that matter?"

Chu Shichen said calmly: "I will never forget anything that can teach me a lesson."

Xiang Mingzhang calmed down at this moment and said, "It's not that there is no other way."

Chu Shichen looked over suddenly: "What?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "There is a person available. If he can come back to lead the team, I will agree to let Yisi participate in this project."

Chu Shichen thought that the dust had settled, but unexpectedly, there was a turn for the better. He asked earnestly, "Who is it?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "Zhou Kesen."

It was completely dark. Chu Shichen got out of the car and walked towards the villa area with heavy and slow steps.

Zhou Kesen and Chu Zhe were college classmates. After graduation, Chu Zhe decided to start a business, but Zhou Kesen chose to stay in school. Yisi needed talent support in its early stages of development, and Chu Zhe hoped that Zhou Kesen could resign and work with him.

Later, Zhou Kesen worked his way up to become Yisi's vice president of technology. The years when he and Chu Zhe fought side by side were the heyday of Yisi.

Zhou Kesen is an upright person, even a little rigid, and has a hot temper.

Like Chu Zhe, he likes to pursue technical skills and is not good at company politics. Li Zangqiu is a business person who is quick and resourceful in his work, so the two have always had different ideas.

Especially after Chu Zhe's death, Zhou Kesen and Li Zangqiu each controlled half of the country, and neither of them was willing to submit to the other. In the end, whether Li Zangqiu made the better move or Zhou Kesen suffered from his personality, the winner was decided.

Before leaving Yisi, Zhou Kesen was demoted and punished. He tried his best to stop Yisi from going downhill, but his power was taken away step by step in the endless internal friction.

Four years ago, something went wrong with a project Zhou Kesen was in charge of.

On the day of the bid opening, there was a major error in the bid and Yisi's bid was rejected on the spot.

This incident was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Zhou Kesen completely exploded and left Yisi angrily.

However, no company in the industry wanted to hire him again, and his age and temperament were not suitable for starting a business on his own. After being depressed for half a year, he moved to Harbin and never showed up again.

After Zhou Kesen left, Yisi's R&D department was disbanded.

The R&D manager became an ordinary salesperson, Zhou Kesen’s apprentice, Zhai Feng.

Chu Shichen's mind was both confused and clear. Past events, both recent and distant, intertwined and entangled, bringing out some causal truths behind them.

When he got home, Chu Shichen did not go upstairs, but knocked on Mrs. Chu's bedroom door.

There were no activities today. Mrs. Chu was half lying on the bed flipping through a magazine. She raised her head and said, "You're back. Why do you look so listless? Are you tired from playing golf?"

Chu Shichen walked to the end of the bed and sat down, saying, "Mom, do you know Zhou Kesen?"

The magazine snapped shut. Mrs. Chu was silent for half a minute and said softly, "You don't even remember the past, so why would you mention Lao Zhou?"

Chu Shichen requested: "Can you tell me about it?"

Mrs. Chu didn't know where to start and hesitated for a long time. What she said was similar to what Xiang Mingzhang said, but in more detail.

Speaking of Zhou Kesen's resignation, Mrs. Chu suddenly changed the subject.

After further questioning, Chu Shichen learned that Zhou Kesen had long been exhausted physically and mentally, and was struggling to stay with Yisi for no other reason than because Chu Zhe had entrusted his son to him.

Mrs. Chu said, "Your sister was too young at the time, and you were naughty. Old Zhou wanted you to be successful more than I did as a mother. Otherwise, with his temper, he would have stopped accompanying you long ago."

Chu Shichen asked: "Has he reached the limit of his patience regarding the bidding document?"

This time, Mrs. Chu was silent for several minutes, and said with guilt: "Xiaochen, your uncle Zhou was investigated for the incident with the tender documents, and it was you who testified against him."

Chu Shichen turned back in astonishment: "...What?"

Zhou Kesen treated Chu Shichen as his own child and disciplined him strictly, taking Chu Shichen with him to study throughout the entire project, but Chu Shichen did not appreciate it and only wanted to get rid of his constraints.

After the incident with the tender documents, "Chu Shichen" personally testified that it was Zhou Kesen who tampered with them.

That incident made Zhou Kesen completely give up. On the day he left Yisi, he locked himself in the conference center and talked to the statue, that is, he talked to Chu Zhe. After that, he left and never came back.

After hearing this, Chu Shichen wanted to curse, but who should he curse

Xiang Mingzhang said that he had contacted Zhou Kesen more than once after acquiring Yisi, but was rejected every time.

The person who tied the bell must untie it, even if he is a fake.

Chu Shichen decided: "I'm going to Harbin."

The author has something to say:

Zhai Feng, the team leader of the pharmaceutical company project in the first few chapters.

(End of this chapter)