Stealing The Wind But Not The Moon

Chapter 8


Chu Shichen read the document word by word several times and checked some information.

This project is about enterprise application integration. Party A is a large pharmaceutical company that hopes to integrate multiple systems including customer resource management, insurance and billing.

The characteristic of integration is "complexity", which is more troublesome than building a single system. There are not many similar cases on the market and there is a lack of reference.

The advantage is that once this project is completed, it will have huge potential for expansion. In the future, pilot projects will be implemented to increase coverage, and the company will have stronger competitiveness.

Chu Shichen weighed it in his mind. The pharmaceutical industry is a field that Yisi has worked in for many years, and the technical foundation is guaranteed. However, the continuous loss of old customers in recent years shows that there are certain problems in the company's operations.

Chu Shichen immersed himself in writing and drawing all night. At dawn, the ringing of his cell phone brought him back to his senses.

Xiang Mingzhang sent a message and asked: What soup are you sending

It was just half past five and Chu Shichen couldn't go to ask Sister Xiu. He wondered, did Xiang Mingzhang wake up so early in the morning and couldn't wait to come and ask

Chu Shichen replied: If you like to drink, I will bring it to you another day.

Xiang Mingzhang finished taking a shower, with cold water dripping from the ends of his hair. After reading the reply, his handsome face became furious, and the anger in his body that had briefly subsided was rekindled.

He called to make a reservation at the club's rock climbing room and decided to use up his abundant physical energy.

Chu Shichen waited in front of the phone for a while, then felt sleepy and simply turned off the phone and went to sleep.

The next morning, Chu Shichen arrived at the company half an hour early. The report from last week's meeting was ready, but he couldn't access the internal system, so he had to print it out and hand it to Peng Xin.

"You did it?" Peng Xin was a little surprised. After all, Chu Shichen was brought there temporarily and only had to complete the translation task.

Chu Shichen said: "Although I was given the task in a critical moment, it is better to see it through to the end."

Peng Xin opened the report, intending to just glance at it, but the more he read it, the more carefully he read. The report was detailed and concise. "Detailed" means meticulousness, and "concise" means skilled.

He couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever made a report before?"

Chu Shichen was afraid that the other party was asking too deep a question, so he didn't answer and just nodded slightly.

After submitting the report, Chu Shichen temporarily left the sales department.

Xiangyue has maintained a steady expansion trend after a period of rapid development. Sufficient space was reserved for this park at the beginning of its construction. For example, several floors of the office building have been designed with multiple functions, which can be changed at any time.

Yisi and Xiang Yue have basically completed the docking, and the sales department will move in first to facilitate business integration.

Chu Shichen took the elevator to the twelfth floor. The hardware had been almost put in place and everyone was packing up their things. He helped them settle down and also got to know Yisi's people.

The entire project team came and after the meeting, the highest person in charge of the project was Yisi's sales director, followed by two project managers in charge of sales and pre-sales consulting, and below them were the sales team leader and several senior solution sales people.

Xiang Yue has already informed everyone that Chu Shichen will participate. Everyone is angry about this decision but dares not say anything. In their impression, this "young master" knows nothing. Wouldn't his coming just cause trouble

Besides, when Chu Shichen was a shareholder, he had to support him a bit. Now he has no shares anymore and his real power is zero. He only has the sentimental title of "Chu Zhe's biological son".

A new emperor appoints new ministers. It has always been like this, and everyone's unhappy attitude is obvious.

The atmosphere at the conference table was awkward. Chu Shichen looked around and almost everyone was avoiding each other as if they were a hot potato, fearing that bringing him along would cause trouble.

There was silence for a long while. Suddenly, the sales team leader said, "Why don't you follow me first? I'll lead you."

Chu Shichen looked over and saw that the sales team leader was called Zhai Feng. He was gentle and kind, with a scholarly air and a good-natured temperament. He was not very conspicuous sitting among the crowd.

He nodded to express his gratitude.

When talking about the project, the promotion meeting was just around the corner, the bidding period was short, and the time was tight and the task was heavy. The director encouraged morale and said, "It's all the same. We have less time and fewer competitors. Don't be anxious and take each step steadily."

Chu Shichen found two competing companies, one was a foreign company and the other was named Du Heng.

He remembered that Li Zangqiu's son was called Li Heng, so he looked up and asked, "Du Heng is..."

"Yes, it's Li Heng's company." The director smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter. There is no father and son in the business world. Mr. Li has always been clear about the distinction between public and private affairs. He attaches great importance to this project and has repeatedly instructed us to do our best to win it."

Chu Shichen had not expected this, and said thoughtfully: "The palms and backs of the hands are all made of flesh, Mr. Li must be in a difficult situation."

"Of course Mr. Li is on Yisi's side." The director is a veteran of the company and is familiar with the Chu family's affairs. "Maybe Li Heng is the same. He and Shihui are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they will be a family in the future."

Chu Shichen was slightly stunned. It turned out that Chu Shihui and Li Heng were dating.

The director asked, "Any other questions? Let's discuss any ideas."

Chu Shichen's expression was calm, and he couldn't see through Ding's thoughts. He said, "Boss Li takes this very seriously, will he come over to supervise?"

The director shook his head: "Mr. Li is on vacation and will not be involved in this project."

After the meeting, Chu Shichen went to the calligraphy and painting exhibition hall in the west building alone. He strolled around with two cups of coffee. This place was like a small art gallery, and all the works on display were works of company employees.

Soon, Zhai Feng came over as agreed: "Chu..."

Chu Shichen handed over a cup of coffee and said, "Team Leader Zhai, just call me by my name."

Zhai Feng has worked at Yisi for more than ten years and has solid business capabilities, but his communication skills are a bit weaker than those at the same level. He is not good at beating around the bush and said, "If you have anything you want to know, you can ask me and I will help you get familiar with it as soon as possible."

Chu Shichen asked cheerfully: "What are Yisi's chances of winning now?"

Zhai Feng was stunned for two seconds. An outsider would be curious about specific and superficial things, but Chu Shichen directly preset the results. This was a typical and forward-looking leadership thinking.

"It's too early to tell now," Zhai Feng replied, "but I am confident that the staffing this time is excellent. The directors are experienced and have received many larger orders."

Chu Shichen guessed it and said jokingly, "You must be something else."

Zhai Feng's smile seemed a little lonely: "I don't deserve it. My position is low and I can't reach the company's management circle. I just follow your orders."

The two of them chatted as they walked around. Chu Shichen had prepared a draft in advance, asked comprehensive questions, and talked about some of his ideas. Seeing that he had certain insights, Zhai Feng cooperated and gave a lot of suggestions.

Before they knew it, it was noon and Zhai Feng's cell phone rang. The screen saver was a cute little girl.

Chu Shichen asked: "Your daughter?"

"Yes." Zhai Feng said happily, "Primary school students are very curious and ask me what I eat at noon every day."

Chu Shichen said goodbye and smiled, "Xiang Yue's restaurant is good, please go over there, don't let the little girl worry about her father being hungry."

The large regular script characters are a piece of Xin Qiji's "Poetry of Breaking the Formation", with the brushstrokes flowing smoothly and with infinite vigor.

Chu Shichen has always admired regular script, and he couldn't help but look at it for a while longer. The more he looked, the more he felt that the person who wrote it had an unspeakable indignation when he put pen to paper.

He couldn't help but look for the signature, three words, Xiang Mingzhang.

Chu Shichen suddenly smiled. How could it be such a coincidence? He stretched out his index finger and tapped "Xiang Mingzhang" twice through the glass.

After returning to the sales department, his colleagues all went to have lunch. Chu Shichen washed his hands and locked the project information in a drawer.

I looked up and saw someone coming in.

Xiang Mingzhang stayed in the first-level computer room for the whole morning. As he had no plans to go out in the afternoon, he took off his suit, loosened his tie a little, rolled up his shirt sleeves, put one hand in his pocket and held a box of sandwich in the other.

Chu Shichen's heart was still on that night of "putting aside past grudges", and he took the initiative to greet him: "Mr. Xiang."

Xiang Mingzhang still had the shadow of that bowl of soup in his heart. He didn't understand why this person had the nerve to play dumb. He said expressionlessly, "Come with me."

Chu Shichen followed him into the president's office and closed the door tightly. His mind was full of serious matters, and he planned to discuss work during the lunch break when there were fewer people around.

After Xiang Mingzhang sat down on the sofa, Chu Shichen said, "I had a meeting with Yisi's project team this morning."

Xiang Mingzhang squeezed some hand sanitizer and said nothing.

Chu Shichen was brief and to the point: "One of our competitors this time is Du Heng, and Li Zangqiu has already taken a vacation to avoid suspicion."

Xiang Mingzhang opened the box, picked up the sandwich and took a bite.

Chu Shichen analyzed, "I believe Li Cangqiu really values this. If this deal is successful, it will not only show Xiang Yue his appearance, but also show his loyalty to Xiang Yue. If he loses to his own son, not only will he lose face, but he will also be known as a traitor."

Xiang Mingzhang chewed with his mouth closed, showing no sign of making any sound.

"So the person in charge is at least someone Li Zangqiu can trust." Chu Shichen continued, "The director jumped three levels under him, so he should be a capable person."

After finishing speaking one by one, Chu Shichen asked: "Do you have anything you want to ask?"

Xiang Mingzhang was eating lunch on this little business, and he was about to have indigestion: "Let's talk about it after the promotion meeting. One report a day, do you think students hand in homework?"

Chu Shichen suddenly felt it was ridiculous: "Then why did you call me over?"

Xiang Mingzhang raised his chin towards the decorative cabinet with a paper bag on it and said, "I asked you to take the thermos away."

Chu Shichen turned around to get it: "Then enjoy it slowly, I'm going to go out now."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "I haven't given you permission to leave yet."

Chu Shichen didn't know if it was an illusion, but Xiang Mingzhang was looking for trouble and deliberately making things difficult for him. Even though they had an argument that night, didn't they tacitly let it go

He asked patiently, "What else?"

Xiang Mingzhang swallowed the last bite. The smoked beef in the sandwich was a bit dry and the cheese was too rich. He said, "I'm thirsty. Peel me an apple."

Chu Shichen frowned: "You treat me as a servant?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "I can be your driver and take you home. Can't you, Master Chu, peel an apple for me?"

Chu Shichen understood that if he didn't take revenge for this little grudge, Xiang Mingzhang would probably feel uncomfortable.

Never mind, he came from the 20th century, and people in later generations are like his juniors, so be more tolerant.

Just think of it as loving your descendants.

Chu Shichen sat next to Xiang Mingzhang and picked a big apple from the crystal plate. Once he thought about it, he could still praise him with something else: "I saw your handwriting in the exhibition hall. It's pretty good."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "I am good at regular script."

Chu Shichen asked: "How many years have you practiced?"

"Since I was five years old, Ouyang Xiu said, 'Those who are good at calligraphy find it difficult to write in regular script.'" Xiang Mingzhang remembered the words on the notebook, which had a hint of regular script style. "Have you ever practiced it?"

Chu Shichen glanced up and replied, "I practice small characters. After all, small characters are the most difficult to write in regular script."

Xiang Mingzhang let out a "tsk" and leaned back against the soft sofa.

The blade made a rustling sound when cutting the fruit peel. He couldn't see the progress from the back, he could only see Chu Shichen with a slightly hunched back and a narrow waist.

Chu Shichen would hang up his suits every night to ensure they were flat when he wore them the next day. Incense would be burned in the room all night, so the fabric would have a little smell.

Xiang Mingzhang sniffed and seemed to smell a faint fragrance.

Chu Shichen lowered his head. He had never done such a trivial task as peeling an apple. He cut deeply and shallowly, afraid of cutting his fingers, so he moved slowly.

After a long time, after cutting the last piece, Chu Shichen looked back while pinching the apple, and found that Xiang Mingzhang had already fallen asleep.

Thanks to that bowl of magical soup, Xiang Mingzhang didn't sleep well the night before yesterday, he consumed a lot of energy by going rock climbing yesterday, and he was so busy at work this morning that he didn't have time to take a breath.

He smelled the faint Canaan fragrance on Chu Shichen's body, his muscles and mind relaxed, he closed his eyes and slept very soundly.

Chu Shichen looked at Xiang Mingzhang's sleeping face. His fierceness had diminished, and he looked more gentle and approachable than when he was awake.

But what to do with the apples? It would be a waste to throw them away. They would oxidize if left to eat. After all the work I’ve done, I might as well eat them for lunch.

Chu Shichen thought it was reasonable and took a bite.

"Crack", the crispness was enough to wake Xiang Mingzhang from his nap. He seemed to be half asleep, but he still did not forget to complain: "Who told you to eat it? Peel another one."

Chu Shichen refused and borrowed the trendy words Qian Hua said, but unfortunately he didn't remember them clearly - "You are really an extreme refiner."

Xiang Mingzhang rubbed his brows speechlessly, gave in, and said, "Yes, go out and eat your apple. I'm going to take a nice nap."

(End of this chapter)