Stealing The Wind But Not The Moon

Chapter 90


Mrs. Chu didn't expect Li Zangqiu to come suddenly and bring his whole family. She greeted them with a smile on her face, but actually felt a little embarrassed.

Li Zangqiu's current wife is less than 40 years old. When she first came to the Chu family, she smiled tenderly and took the initiative to say, "I have long wanted to meet Mrs. Chu, but they are too busy, so they only have time to bring me to visit during the Chinese New Year."

Chu Shihui came down from the second floor. She and Li Heng had lost contact and could not even remember the last date. Since Zhou Kesen came back, she had a clear preference and had drawn a line between herself and Li Zangqiu.

Mrs. Li said, "This is Xiao Hui, she's so pretty."

Li Zangqiu looked around and asked, "Is Shichen not home?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Shichen came out of the reception room, accompanied by Xiang Mingzhang.

Li Cangqiu's expression froze for a moment, then he smiled elegantly: "I was wondering why there was an extra luxury car in the garden, it turns out Mr. Xiang is here too."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "If I knew that Mr. Li would come, I would have brought an extra bottle of wine."

Mrs. Chu did not invite Li Zangqiu, fearing that Xiang Mingzhang might misunderstand her, so she said subtly, "You came at the right time. Don't worry, we have enough wine at home."

Li Zangqiu used to drive the Chu family's vehicles at will, and today he came uninvited. His arrogance has not changed at all. However, since he came with his family to show his goodwill, he was sure that the Chu family would welcome him with a smile.

Chu Shichen pursed his lips slightly. The small wound healed and showed a little pink. He said, "Everyone, don't stand. Go sit in the living room."

After a cup of coffee and some insignificant greetings, Mrs. Chu invited everyone to take their seats after the meal was served.

Xiang Mingzhang gave gifts to everyone in the Chu family, including Aunt Tang and Sister Xiu. The table was filled with a sumptuous meal, but he was the only one among the guests who thanked them: "Thank you for your hard work."

Sister Xiu arranged the cups, plates, knives and forks along the table and said, "The ingredients Mr. Xiang brought are very fresh. It's not a big deal to take care of them."

Aunt Tang was distributing hot towels and joked, "Mr. Xiang, don't be polite. Eat more. Don't be like some people who always leave half a bowl of rice. Just drink the dew instead."

Chu Shichen: “…”

Li Cangqiu sat opposite the long dining table and could hear the intimacy in those few words. He thought that Chu Shichen and Xiang Mingzhang only worked closely together in the company, but it seemed that they also had an unusual private friendship.

Separated by the vases and candlesticks, everyone raised their glasses and drank together. Mrs. Chu, who was sitting at the head of the table, livened up the atmosphere by asking, "Li Heng, you've lost weight. Were you too busy before the New Year?"

Du Heng's performance in the second half of the year was sluggish. He approached Zhitian Chuangxiang to try his luck in the cultural tourism project, but failed miserably. Li Heng was ashamed and said evasively, "I'm free now after finishing my work. Where's Xiao Hui?"

Chu Shihui is very busy. She has final exams right after her internship and a design exhibition after school starts. She has neither time for a date nor the energy to dwell on trivial emotional matters.

Li Zangqiu said: "Girls don't have to work so hard."

Chu Shichen held the knife and fork. Regardless of whether Li Cangqiu was the mastermind behind the scenes, one thing was certain - Li Cangqiu opposed the real "Chu Shichen" selling his shares because ignorant and dissolute people were easy to control. Then wouldn't Chu Shihui, who was still young and had not yet entered society, be even easier to control

According to Li Cangqiu's previous plan, if Chu Shihui married Li Heng and became a family, then wouldn't it be legitimate for Yisi's resources to be given to Du Heng? Who among outsiders could interfere

The father and son are of the same mind, and Li Heng most likely agrees with it. Then how sincere is he to Chu Shihui

Chu Shichen put down his knife and said meaningfully, "You only have a few years to study, so you should work hard. It doesn't matter if you delay other things."

Xiang Mingzhang echoed: "Society is so realistic, there is no reward without hard work."

Li Zangqiu came to break the ice, without rebutting, and praised: "Xiao Hui will definitely have a bright future, and she will probably be on par with Shichen."

"Uncle Li is flattering me." Chu Shichen said, "I'm just living a lazy life, just trying to be honest and not get into trouble."

"We are all family, you don't need to be modest." Li Zangqiu changed the subject, "After being the CEO's secretary for a year, Mr. Xiang knows best whether you have the ability or not."

Xiang Mingzhang politely unpacked a Dungeness crab and put most of the crab meat on Chu Shichen's plate. He wiped his hands and said, "Of course there is one for Shichen. It's too unfair for you to follow me."

Li Zangqiu's eyes flickered: "Sure enough, the rumors are true, Shichen is going to be promoted."

More than one person in the project team was promoted. Chu Shichen had made great contributions and would definitely be rewarded, but the position change would be kept confidential before it was announced. Xiang Mingzhang smiled but did not answer.

Mrs. Chu observed his expression and said, "What's the point of promotion? Don't put pressure on my son. I'm satisfied as long as he works hard."

Everyone laughed it off. Mrs. Chu looked naive, but she was a jack of all trades when it came to socializing. She pulled Mrs. Li aside and changed the subject, from skin care to health, and then to holidays.

Mrs. Chu said, "Zang Qiu is so busy during the week, didn't he go out with you during the holidays?"

Mrs. Li said, "How about our two families come together? It will be more lively with more people."

Chu Shichen finished eating the peeled crab meat, poured a bowl of soup and placed it next to Xiang Mingzhang, and said nonchalantly: "Have you ever been to a tropical island? My colleague went to Bali for vacation before, but I didn't go."

Mrs. Chu exclaimed: “You had an accident at sea, how dare you go to the beach?”

Chu Shichen looked over the candlestick at Li Cangqiu. The other party had a natural look on his face and said with an air of an elder: "Being a mother means worrying. It's a good thing that he has no psychological barriers."

Xiang Mingzhang agreed and added: "Bali is too popular. Some small islands in Thailand are also good. They are less crowded and suitable for vacation."

Li Zangqiu nodded indifferently. Li Heng took the opportunity to ask Chu Shihui if she was willing to go. There was nothing unusual in the reactions of the father and son.

In the afternoon, everyone went to the back garden to play golf, and Xiang Mingzhang and Chu Shichen took a walk along the flowers beside the wall.

Xiang Mingzhang was not too surprised at Li Zangqiu's request for peace. Everything that happened in this year was enough to make Li Zangqiu realize that Chu Shichen was no longer the prodigal son he used to be, but a powerful enemy that should not be underestimated.

Instead of confrontation, it is better to rely on the remaining old friendship to win them over.

Unfortunately, Li Zangqiu did not expect that Xiang Mingzhang was also there, and his friendship with the Chu family exceeded his expectations.

Chu Shichen stopped in the sun, squinting his eyes slightly, and saw Li Cangqiu supporting his waist after swinging the club, revealing a little bit of old age.

He said: "The returns are proportional to the risks. I also saw a joke on the Internet that the most profitable ways are written in the Criminal Law."

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "What do you want to say?"

"People are willing to take risks only if the rewards are big enough," Chu Shichen said, "If Li Zangqiu hates me and hopes that I disappear, then if I die, what practical benefit will he get other than relieving his hatred?"

Without Chu Shichen, there is still Xiang Mingzhang. Without Xiang Mingzhang, there will be the next president. Yisi has been acquired by Xiang Yue, and Li Cangqiu's power is destined to be reduced.

Xiang Mingzhang understood: "A businessman would not do such a business if he takes the risk of committing a crime but does not make corresponding profits."

Laughter rang out from not far away. Li Heng missed the ball. Li Zangqiu said, "Whether you want to go into the hole or go over the water, you must identify the target before you shoot."

It is not difficult to destroy a contract during the chaotic escape.

Xiang Mingzhang said, "There is one thing I don't quite understand. We hired Alan because he knows yachts and is good at sailing, but he may not have an advantage on land. He may not even be familiar with the roads."

Chu Shichen thought thoughtfully: "He looks a bit conspicuous, so why do we need him to follow us?"

Xiang Mingzhang and Chu Shichen gradually got rid of the state of "worry", constantly guessing, questioning, and then overturning, falling into a circular logic of argumentation.

After having afternoon tea, Li Zangqiu and his family left first.

Mrs. Chu finally waited for the opportunity, took out the red envelope and gift she had prepared, and said embarrassedly: "A tie, solid color, good match. I'm sorry for not hosting you well today. I didn't arrange it well."

Xiang Mingzhang took over: "Aunt, what nonsense are you talking about? I had a lot of fun today."

After talking about island vacations for so long, Mrs. Chu had other expectations in her heart. She said, "I hope to invite your mother to our farm in New Zealand when there is a chance. It is so beautiful there."

Xiang Mingzhang couldn't help but soften his tone: "Then I'll bring back a few boxes of honey."

Chu Shichen saw Xiang Mingzhang out. The car window was half lowered. He reached in to loosen his seat belt. When he pulled his hand back, his palm was supported. Xiang Mingzhang kissed the ring on his hand.

The remaining two days of the holiday passed quickly. Xiang Yue started work on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year and required employees to arrive at work half a day in advance to prepare.

On the afternoon of the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Shichen arrived at the company. Almost all his colleagues in the department had arrived and were just relaxing when someone discovered that a formal announcement had been posted on the intranet system.

After the new year, Chu Shichen will be transferred to Yisi Sales Department and serve as director.

Chu Shichen sat in the secretary's office, staring at the words on the screen. He had a premonition in his heart, but he was still somewhat happy when he saw the clear notice in front of him.

Colleagues rushed in to congratulate him, but were reluctant to leave. Some sentimental ones even wiped away tears.

Chu Shichen was so scared that he handed over a circle of tissues and said, "It's just moving from the ninth floor to the twelfth floor. It's only a matter of seconds by taking the elevator. Don't make it seem like I've been fired again."

Peng Xin arrived late, with a confused look on his face: "Shichen, you have helped me a lot. I selfishly hope that you will stay on the ninth floor, but people always want to move to higher places. I should bless you."

Chu Shichen said: "Thank you, please don't be sentimental."

Peng Xinting listened to the advice: "No, if you stay, I'm afraid you will have to take my seat."

Chu Shichen laughed and his cell phone rang. It was Zhou Kesen calling to congratulate him. Seeing that he was about to answer the call, his colleagues tactfully went out.

After hanging up, Chu Shichen walked to the door and looked at the entire secretary's office, where people came in and out every day, worked at desks during the day and lit lamps at night. It was the place he was most familiar with in Xiang Yue. At the moment, he wanted to clean it up but didn't know where to start.

Suddenly, two figures approached in my peripheral vision.

Chu Shichen turned around and saw Xiang Mingzhang walking towards him, followed by a young man who was dressed formally and wearing a pair of glasses. He looked calm and capable.

He asked, "Mr. Xiang, who is this?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "The secretary transferred from the Administration Department, Feng Han."

Feng Han extended his right hand: "Hello, Director Chu."

Chu Shichen looked away from Xiang Mingzhang's face. He was only thinking about leaving and forgot that he had to find a new secretary. He extended his hand back and shook it. He said, "Hello, I will hand over to you as soon as possible."

Feng Han said: "Okay, I don't have enough experience, please forgive me."

Chu Shichen asked Feng Han to sit in the secretary's office for a while to familiarize himself with the office environment. He stepped out and followed Xiang Mingzhang into the president's office.

The lights were off and the room was dim. Xiang Mingzhang walked to the temperature-controlled wine cabinet and said, "I'll pick a bottle of wine for you. Treat your new colleague to a drink in the restaurant tomorrow."

Their suspicion of Li Zangqiu has not been completely dispelled, and Yisi's sales department has always been under the jurisdiction of Li Zangqiu. Chu Shichen said: "I thought you would change your mind and let me avoid Li Zangqiu."

Xiang Mingzhang did think about it, but he kissed Chu Shichen's ring and said, "You have blood, I guess you don't like hiding. You want to win, and the director is just the first step."

Chu Shichen walked closer slowly: "Thank you for understanding me."

The sun went down and the office became darker. Xiang Mingzhang asked, "Do you have any other opinions?"

"Yes." Chu Shichen said, "The new secretary is very handsome."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "Secretaries have to attend social events, there is nothing wrong with that. People used to see you, but if you were replaced by someone ugly, there would be a gap."

Chu Shichen raised his eyebrows: "Is there a gap between others or you?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "No one can make up for my loss."

Chu Shichen hugged Xiang Mingzhang from behind, half of his face reflected on the glass cabinet door. Inside was a crystal glass. The cut ridges matched his eyes inside and out, and it was hard to tell which one was more dazzling.

He said: "Is the promotion and salary increase due to having a cat?"

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "What do you mean?"

Chu Shichen asked: "Don't you know the lucky cat?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "It's a Japanese cat."

"Forget it. I was going to go and thank Ling Tuaner." Chu Shichen clasped his arms together, hugged them tighter, and rubbed his chin lightly against Xiang Mingzhang's shoulder.

Feeling itchy on his shoulders and in his heart, Xiang Mingzhang realized belatedly: "Young masters of the Republic of China, do you have to lay the groundwork for sex for so long?"

"Then I'll change it." Chu Shichen said, "Instead of going to Manzhuang, how about going to your apartment?"

(End of this chapter)