Stealing The Wind But Not The Moon

Chapter 99


No. 1 and Ruyun were left without any supervision, and ran away with their ponytails swinging, one black and one white.

Xiang Mingzhang leaned on Chu Shichen with all his weight, and his heart was numb after he completely vented his feelings. After a while, he straightened his back, opened his deep and bottomless eyes, and asked: "Did I scare you?"

Chu Shichen hadn't let go of his embrace yet, and shook his head: "No, did I comfort you?"

Xiang Mingzhang suddenly came alive, his gloomy face showed a faint smile. He also said no, and leaned towards Chu Shichen, wanting to hug him for a while longer.

Chu Shichen dodged cunningly and walked backwards. Xiang Mingzhang missed his target. The mature man who had been stimulated turned into a childish and pious trapped beast, following his master intently.

Gradually retreating to a stretch of grassy slopes, Chu Shichen's feet were uneven. The moment he lowered his eyes, Xiang Mingzhang approached him and grabbed him firmly with his inherent aggressiveness and desire to conquer.

The two bodies collided and lost balance together. Xiang Mingzhang fell on the grass holding Chu Shichen, and even the hems of their coats were entangled.

They relaxed, panting, and lay down on the grass slope without caring about their image or how dirty they were.

After a long while, his breathing calmed down and the surroundings became quiet. Xiang Mingzhang asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Chu Shichen said: "I wonder what you were like when you were eight years old."

Xiang Mingzhang himself had no recollection of himself, he only remembered that he was very tall, and he had been a head taller than his peers since he was a child.

If childhood means innocent happiness, then Xiang Mingzhang's childhood was short enough to be ignored. He was not very talkative, busy with schoolwork, practicing calligraphy and piano every day, and participating in various sports.

"When I was a kid, I loved to compare myself with others," Xiang Mingzhang recalled. "I compared myself with Xiang Rugang, Xiang Ruxu, my aunt's cousin, and the children of the directors."

Chu Shichen speculated: "Because of Xiang Xingzhao?"

Xiang Mingzhang analyzed his psychology at the time and said: "I know why he favors me. I feel disgusted, but I try my best to make myself worthy of this preference."

As a young boy, he was probably afraid that others would say he was unworthy and thus discover the unspeakable truth.

Chu Shichen recalled the sour praise from the Xiang family, saying that Xiang Mingzhang was the most like Xiang Xingzhao. How much of this "similarity" was due to disguise

He asked: "Is Xiang Xingzhao training you according to his own wishes?"

"I am actively trying to become him." Xiang Mingzhang said undeniably, "Xiang Xingzhao is a cunning old man. He will only trust me if I really look like him. Only if I become like him can I replace him."

After Xiang Mingzhang started elementary school, Xiang Xingzhao would take him to Xiang Yue every winter and summer vacation. From one day to three days, and then to a whole working week, he was allowed to enter and exit any department freely.

When Xiang Mingzhang was in middle school, Xiang Xingzhao asked Xiang Mingzhang to participate in the company's projects. At the beginning, he taught him by example. Xiang Xingzhao taught Xiang Mingzhang the overt business operations, the ways of managing people behind the scenes, business strategies, and the mind of businessmen.

Later, Xiang Xingzhao stopped caring and let Xiang Mingzhang "hang around" with a group of directors and managers. Whether he was treated with perfunctory or respected, and whether he received opposition or supporters, all depended on Xiang Mingzhang's ability.

During the long and tormenting years, Xiang Mingzhang passed Xiang Xingzhao's tests time and time again with deep thoughts that were not in line with his age.

When he became an adult at the age of eighteen, Xiang Mingzhang officially became a shareholder of Xiang Yue and even had a position.

When Xiang Mingzhang was a sophomore, he founded a technology company. Xiang Xingzhao was originally against it and would not allow his career focus to deviate from Xiang Yue. In order to show his loyalty, he named the company "Xiang Yue Communications".

For more than 20 years, Xiang Mingzhang has been wearing a mask all the time, deceiving everyone. If it weren't for his deep hatred, he would probably become schizophrenic one day.

In front of Xiang Xingzhao, Xiang Mingzhang was filial, smart, and strong to the right degree. When he was a child, he pretended to envy others for having a father, and when he grew up, he pretended to miss Xiang Long. Xiang Xingzhao was fooled by him and projected his love and guilt for Xiang Long onto him.

It was not until Xiang Xingzhao suffered a stroke and became confused that Xiang Mingzhang revealed his disdain for Xiang Long. When others mentioned Bai Yongti, he revealed the tip of the iceberg of anger.

Xiang Mingzhang’s excellence is real, but his elegant demeanor is fake; his competitiveness is real, but his loyalty and filial piety are fake.

He had no patience for trivial matters because he had had enough of endurance. He could hide a scandal or a secret for ten or twenty years until his goal was achieved.

Over the years, Xiang Mingzhang's ability has become stronger and stronger, and the power he has gained has become greater and greater. He is a tree cultivated by Xiang Xingzhao, gradually gaining deep roots and leaves, and no one can shake it.

More importantly, only big trees can shelter from wind and rain. Xiang Mingzhang gradually settled the people who he was unable to protect in the past and took over the search for Xiang Long, while Xiang Yue continued to expand his sphere of influence.

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren has reversed. Before the stroke, Xiang Xingzhao had let go a lot. Xiang Mingzhang has gone from being a bargaining chip to a shoulder that Xiang Xingzhao needs to rely on.

Chu Shichen looked at the starry sky, and his mind flashed back to the countless days and nights that Xiang Mingzhang had experienced, and finally returned to the origin of the outbreak. He asked, "How long has Aunt been like this?"

Xiang Mingzhang said in a low voice: "Moving out of Jingpu Mansion, that's about it."

Bai Yongti used to be a frightened bird, trying hard to hang on to his last breath to stay alive. After leaving the quagmire, his body was still there, but his spirit was gone.

Chu Shichen felt sorry for her, then changed his mind and said, "As long as Auntie is comfortable, nothing else matters."

"You're right." Xiang Mingzhang sighed, "Manzhuang is a place to escape from the world. She feels safe hiding here, so she refuses to go out."

Chu Shichen turned his face away, and the dry winter grass leaves stung his cheeks: "It took a long time for the ice to freeze three feet thick. Take your time."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "You said 'man' means restraint, so am I tying myself up in knots?"

"No." Chu Shichen stopped Xiang Mingzhang from getting too hung up on it. "Even if it was, your cocoon was already broken the first time you brought me here."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "Before I met you, I never thought of bringing anyone here."

It's like there was no innocence in childhood, and Xiang Mingzhang had no throbbing in adolescence. He acted in front of people and planned behind their backs, but he lacked the instinct to like someone.

Chu Shichen stated: "Except for me, no one else has interfered with your territory."

"No." Xiang Mingzhang said, "Who else can see through me except you?"

Chu Shichen turned over and sat up, saying, "You can't light the fire directly."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "I remember you took a bite first."

Chu Shichen grabbed Xiang Mingzhang's wrist, leaned over and bit the head of the eggplant, occupying his mouth. He slightly raised his eyelids and signaled with his eyes that he should bite this position, not more or less.

He bit it off and spit it out, then Chu Shichen licked his thin lips.

Xiang Mingzhang lit a lighter, and a flickering flame flickered in the dark night. Chu Shichen raised his hand to block the wind. Behind his head was the bright white moon, and his face was reflected in orange-red.

The cigar was lit, and Xiang Mingzhang took a deep puff, choking a little. White smoke blew out and a cold wind blew back. He lay on the grass and breathed heavily.

Chu Shichen asked: "Does it taste good?"

Xiang Mingzhang said: "It's too strong."

"Romeo and Juliet isn't the strongest." Chu Shichen said, "I should get you a lighter one."

Xiang Mingzhang held the cigar between his slender fingers and asked, "Do you like strong or weak?"

Chu Shichen leaned over Xiang Mingzhang, snatched the cigar that was offered, and brushed his fingertips across Xiang Mingzhang's palm to give him a sweet taste. He replied, "I'm addicted. I'm not picky."

Ruyun and No.1 came running after a circle. The sound of horse hooves could be heard at the bottom of the slope. Chu Shichen took a puff of his cigar, and his breath turned into mist. He lowered his head in the west wind at night and passed the remaining wisp of smoke into Xiang Mingzhang's mouth.

Xiang Mingzhang hugged him and rolled over with his back covered with fine grass. They shared a Romeo and Juliet who relieved their worries, facing the same vast sky, until they were cold all over.

It was already the middle of the night. After sending the tired horses back to the stable, Xiang Mingzhang and Chu Shichen went to the South District to sleep.

Manzhuang was so huge that walking made one's legs weak. Chu Shichen had used up all his strength riding a horse and his steps gradually became slow.

Xiang Mingzhang stopped and waited two or three times, then squatted on one knee and said, "I'll carry you."

No one was relaxed tonight, Chu Shichen said, "No need."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "By the time you get to the villa, it will be daybreak."

Chu Shichen joked lazily: "Then let's watch the sunrise."

Xiang Mingzhang didn't waste any more words. He pulled Chu Shichen onto his back as if he was capturing someone. He stood up, hooked his thighs and stabilized him on his back with a push.

Chu Shichen was helpless and put his arms around Xiang Mingzhang's neck. He had only been carried by the housekeeper when he was young, and he dangled his legs all the way home, and found that one of his small leather shoes was missing.

His mother scolded him, saying that he was not stable. He was so sad that he cried. His father then said that he was indeed not stable enough and how could a man shed tears.

Looking back now, that little thing was insignificant. Chu Shichen leaned over to Xiang Mingzhang's ear and asked, "Have you ever cried?"

Xiang Mingzhang didn't react: "What?"

Chu Shichen said: "Have you ever cried in all these years?"

Xiang Mingzhang replied: “No.”

Chu Shichen sighed: "Really strong."

Xiang Mingzhang pinched his thigh, his fragility receded, and he returned to his usual dominance: "Don't talk to me in the tone of an ancestor."

Chu Shichen fell asleep on the way. Xiang Mingzhang carried him to the villa. He couldn't bear to wake him up, so he gently put him on the bed and only took off his dirty coat.

Xiang Mingzhang retreated to the outer room and closed the door. He had no desire to sleep and was still worried about Bai Yongti's condition.

He took out his cell phone and dialed the number. He picked up the phone after two rings. Sister Qing always answered the landline phone in the North District. He asked directly, "How is my mother?"

Bai Yongti's voice came from my ear: "I'm fine."

Xiang Mingzhang was silent for a long time, then said, "Mom, why haven't you rested yet?"

"I'll go to bed soon." Bai Yongti said, "Come over with Shichen for breakfast tomorrow morning. I asked Sister Qing to make ginger soup."

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "Why do we need to drink ginger soup?"

Bai Yongti said, "You've been lying in the stable for half the night. I'm afraid you'll catch a cold."

Xiang Mingzhang clutched his cell phone, unable to imagine Bai Yongti's worried expression as she chased him out and hid far away around the horse farm, watching him.

He compromised and said, "I'll tell Mrs. Chu—"

However, Bai Yongti interrupted him: "I haven't been out for too long, I must be out of date."

Xiang Mingzhang was stunned and said: "Mom..."

Bai Yongti's tone was so light, but her decision was heavier than a thousand pounds: "Just tell Mrs. Chu to ask her to take care of it. I agree."

(End of this chapter)