Steel Shell System

Chapter 10: Shura scene


However, what left Qian Lingfeng still speechless was that the task item rewards of the Gangshell system were really shockingly low. After completing a task, he was given 0 experience points, but the item reward for the task was only a small bottle of red medicine.

I mentally put the small life potion into the item interface. The next moment my hand was empty, and a red glass tube potion icon appeared decisively in the first of the nine grids on the item interface.

After checking the character status and adding 200 experience points, the existing experience points were suddenly increased to 300 points. Originally, there were 90 experience points left after the upgrade. Killing the strong zombie gave me 10 click-to-kill experience points. The 0 points for the task rewards on the shelf now total 300 points, which is still 0 points short of the 500 experience points required to upgrade to the next level.

Immediately after collecting the mission rewards, Lao Qian returned to the dormitory and found his large backpack. Qian Lingfeng remembered that his father bought it for him at the beginning of his freshman year.

Holding a backpack in one hand, Lao Qian searched around and found two fruit knives and some snacks. He also prepared two sets of changes of clothes. Qian Lingfeng put them into his bag.

Food is particularly important when this kind of apocalyptic crisis approaches. I remember that in some apocalyptic novels I have read, after a period of time when the apocalypse comes, there is no productivity, and a piece of chocolate can trigger a fight!

After thinking about it carefully, these are the only things that are useful, such as some daily necessities and other items. Qian Lingfeng thought for a while but didn't bring them with him. Moreover, Qian Lingfeng guessed that with such a small amount of food found in the entire dormitory, It's definitely not enough, but fortunately, Lao Qian already has an idea in his heart.

There is a small supermarket below the dormitory building. There are a lot of snacks there. You can get refills there. Leave your bag empty now and go downstairs to pack more food.

After searching his own dormitory, Qian Lingfeng's heart moved, and he did not forget the dormitory next door, because the balconies of the two dormitories were connected together, and there was a shutter door outside the balcony, which was convenient for Qian Lingfeng to go in and search.

And according to Qian Lingfeng's judgment, there should be no zombies in the dormitory next door. The reason is very simple. If there were zombies, they must have ran over together just now. How could there be only one? And seeing that the zombie just now was full of blood, with blood in its mouth, and its name was Strong Zombie, Lao Qian naturally understood.

I'm afraid there should have been people in the dormitory. At least there should be one other person besides "little aunt". It's just a pity that "little aunt" ate him after being infected with the biochemical virus and turned into a zombie. This is also the case for "little aunt". Why is it that the zombies turned into "Auntie" are level 3 and have a strong prefix

After eating the flesh and blood of at least one living person, this zombie evolved!

Opening the balcony door, Qian Lingfeng walked out. Unavoidably, when he turned around, Lao Qian saw again the zombie that the "little aunt" he had killed just now had turned into.

With a tremor in his heart, Qian Lingfeng also looked away, but at this moment, Lao Qian noticed something that seemed to be emitting a faint white light next to the zombie.

With a thought in his heart, he stopped shying away. Thinking of the monsters in the game that have a good habit of exploding things, Qian Lingfeng also stepped forward, bent down and picked up the bloody thing. It was about the size of a glass marble. , round, a little soft in the hand, like a piece of soft meat, slightly warm.

"Name: Primary Life Essence

After taking it, it will increase ten experience points and can only be used for one turn. "

"It turns out to be something that increases experience points." Qian Lingfeng grinned, but when he looked at the dark red blood stains on the beads, he frowned. It was so disgusting. You have to swallow this thing alive. But Qian Lingfeng couldn't do it if he really wanted to mix it with zombie blood and eat it.

Fortunately, there is a bathroom next to the balcony window, with a sink inside. He tried it, and to Qian Lingfeng's surprise, the water supply has not been stopped yet.

He took it, turned on the faucet and rinsed it. The clear water flowed out and washed away the stained blood. After rinsing the soft flesh ball, he couldn't bear to think that this thing was exploded from a zombie. Qian Lingfeng was completely gone. When I took the experience pill, I swallowed it in one gulp as soon as I tasted it.

A word "experience value + 10" floated in front of his eyes. Qian Lingfeng opened the character status interface and saw that the experience value already possessed by it had increased by 10 points. He nodded with satisfaction. The experience of this zombie itself The value is only 10 points. If you don't get the "primary life essence" dropped here, you will get 10 experience points after using it.

Qian Lingfeng didn't know what it felt like to eat this lump of soft meat because he swallowed it in one mouthful. However, just for the ten points of experience gained, Lao Qian was quite excited.

"This zombie only dropped one primary life essence. Will there be other things dropped?" Unable to resist, thinking of the coincidence when he discovered the primary life essence just now, Lao Qian was also wondering whether to Search the body.

After thinking about it, the old classmate Qian, who became a little greedy, bent down. The dark red blood plasma was sticky, and the extremely fishy smell kept getting into Qian Lingfeng's nose, and he forced himself to bear the corpse. Feeling sick, he carefully rummaged through the body again.

The house leaked and it rained all night, but sometimes good things don't always come in pairs. It's a pity that after carefully rummaging through the whole zombie body more than once, in addition to the dirty and smelly blood stains on the hands, , Comrade Lao Qian, who we exceeded our boss’s expectations, didn’t find a single thread in the end~

Putting down the body of his "little aunt", or rather the corpse of a zombie, Qian Lingfeng sighed and shook his head, but he was thinking too much.

The balcony shutters of the dormitory next door were ajar. There was no need for Lao Qian to smash the door like a zombie. However, as soon as he opened the shutters, a strong smell of blood hit his nostrils. Lao Qian was stunned on the spot. The ground behind the dormitory door There was blood all over the floor, not just on the floor, but there was blood splattering everywhere in the dormitory!

What's more, Qian Lingfeng couldn't help but bend over and vomit. In addition to blood, there was a large amount of minced meat, as well as vague intestines and internal organs on the ground behind the door! ! A half-bitten palm was at the door!
