Steel Shell System

Chapter 107: Beast, I gave you a code name


Qian Lingfeng and San Maoqiu ran away as fast as they could and disappeared without a trace. Zhao Yexia couldn't help but gritted her teeth.

"This dog-like beast is born with a hundred legs, so it can run very fast!"

But then Zhao Yexia's eyelids twitched for a moment, and there was a slight hint of a cold, mocking smile in her eyes. The smile seemed like a smiling cat playing with a mouse.

"Beast, aren't you running away? Can you escape? Beast! I will definitely make you go to hell!!!"

People in the army like to give him various code names. Beast is the code name she gave him.

As Zhao Yexia gnashed her teeth, seemingly affected by her master's mood swings, the soul fire in the eye sockets of the big skeleton dog "Loyal Dog" beside her also shone with a strange light!

The swaying light seemed to reflect the image of a wretched and despicable animal!

Among the passive skills of "Loyal Dog", the "Revenge Brand" skill, once seen, has the ability to record the enemy's soul mark, engrain it in the fire of one's own soul, and track it! !

As long as the opponent is within a certain direction and does not exceed its sensing range, then it can track it! ! Lock the opponent's position! !

And the limit of its sensing range is 500 kilometers in radius! !

How much is five hundred kilometers? The straight-line distance from Hong Kong City to Haicheng is only five hundred kilometers in total! This means that this time, Qian Lingfeng, the bastard, has been stuck to a piece of super brown candy! !

Try to escape for your life! Try to escape for your life! !

At this moment, Qian Lingfeng was so exhausted that even the four-legged Sanmaoqiu was exhausted! ! I started to tremble faintly! !

However, he didn't dare to pause for the slightest moment. The deadly ancestor was following behind him. If he stopped, there would be only death! !

After getting rid of Zhao Yexia and Bao Chunlai, Qian Lingfeng thought that he would finally have a way out this time. Unfortunately, before he could be happy for a while, his eyes almost fell out. Zhao Yexia was already riding in the car. The big white-bone dog is chasing after me! !

The picture in my mind turned again, recalling the previous scene. That time before, I was almost caught up by the "loyal dog"!

Then what was unexpected was that when the bitch caught the person, it sprayed out a jet of black-gray air. Fortunately, it was able to dodge quickly, and the jet of breath actually melted a series of cars on the roadside!

He couldn't describe his feelings at that time. Qian Lingfeng only knew that at that moment, he was so scared that his heart almost jumped out of his throat! !

His thoughts returned to this moment, and now there was only one word left in Qian Lingfeng's mind, and that was to escape! ! You have to run away even if you can't run anymore. If you don't run away, you will die! !

Qian Lingfeng is a good young man with ideals, ambitions, and pursuits. He doesn't want to die until he realizes his ideals in life! !

Zhao Yexia's eyes were shining with hatred, and the "loyal dog"'s eye sockets were full of hatred. Even though they were far apart, even far enough to see each other, Qian Lingfeng still felt a little cold on his back! !

It seemed like two icy cold killing intent penetrated his back!

The "loyal dog" was originally as big as an adult tiger. Although it has died and turned into a big skeletal dog, its frame is still huge! Even stronger than before!

Its attributes are powerful, with a full 65 points in strength attribute!

With such a high strength attribute, it takes no effort to carry a person, and the speed will not be greatly affected!

Qian Lingfeng's agility attribute has reached a full fifty-nine points after putting on the equipment he got from Zhao Yexia, while the agility attribute of "Loyal Dog" is slightly lower than other attributes, but it is still A full 49 points! !

Qian Lingfeng was speechless. Such a small attribute gap was enough to get rid of them, but Zhao Yexia seemed to have the means to track them!

Several times, I had clearly been able to get rid of them by relying on my twelve-point agility attribute advantage, but very quickly, without stopping to take a breath, the deadly ancestors caught up with me again!

Quite helpless, and there is no way!

He was chasing and escaping, and once or twice, Qian Lingfeng even wanted to turn around and fight that stinky bitch!

But then he looked at the attribute panel of "Loyal Dog" and thought of the car that melted in one breath, and Qian Lingfeng suddenly lost his temper.

Bus No. 11 was running at full speed, running for its life! This time, Qian Lingfeng believed that it was definitely the most miserable time in his life when he was chased! !

"What should I do?! We can't continue like this. We must find a way to get rid of them completely, otherwise we will only end up dead!!"

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, but unfortunately they were all quickly rejected by Qian Lingfeng!

Zhao Yexia is not an idiot, and the skeleton dog is really powerful. If she is not careful, she may not be able to make a sneak attack, and it will only serve as a food delivery.

"I have no choice but to run towards the city center! Only there, no matter what, can I get rid of that bitch!!"

Qian Lingfeng gritted his teeth, took a breath, and then took aim and rushed over with the three-haired ball! !

Just now, they were dragging the two ancestors behind them around the suburbs. This time Qian Lingfeng got angry!

Sanmaoqiu is also good at agility. Although it is only four points lower than Lao Qian's, fortunately it is a bit higher than that skeleton dog!

It was precisely because of this that it was not thrown away by Qian Lingfeng this time.

Compared with suburbs and peripheral areas, there are more zombies in the city center! As I got closer, there were suddenly more zombies blocking the road ahead!

But this is exactly what Qian Lingfeng wants! Without killing them, Qian Lingfeng passed by with the advantage of superhuman agility, his small size, and the fact that he had no time to react when passing through the zombies for the first time!

"Leaving these guys to the bitch behind is the right answer!!" Qian Lingfeng couldn't help but sweating profusely with a ferocious smile.

Once he passed by and attracted the attention of the zombies, it would be a little difficult for the bastard behind him to pass again! !

What's more important is that in this mountain of corpses, Qian Lingfeng believes that there must be someone more awesome than that damn skeleton dog!

When the time comes, all he has to do is lure them over, and he doesn’t even need to get too close. As the saying goes, strong attract each other, and bastards have eyes for mung beans, just let them fight each other!

But no matter what, Qian Lingfeng was a little speechless. He had just escaped from the city center a few hours ago, and now he had to fight back to the city center to escape for his life!

Due to the excessive consumption of physical energy, the speed has slowed down significantly, but fortunately, as he continues to approach the city center, there are more zombies, and decisively, the speed of the ancestors behind him has also slowed down, which makes Qian Lingfeng slightly relaxed. Take a breath.

Unfortunately, what made Qian Lingfeng feel unlucky was that although he didn't know the specific time, the sky had obviously started to get dark!

Once it gets dark, the situation will undoubtedly get worse. I can't see anything in the darkness at night, but those zombies have no vision and rely on hearing to move!

And there is no doubt that although the situation of the skeleton dog is unclear, I am afraid that the night will not have any negative impact on it at all.

You can tell with your toes that the undead are things that come out and wander around in the dark! I'm afraid its strength will only be stronger in the dark night! !

"We must hurry up!! Go deeper and use the zombie sea in the city center to get rid of the two deadly ancestors behind!!"

Looking deeper into the place, Qian Lingfeng was secretly furious!

There is an old saying that if the house leaks and it rains all night, there is nothing you can do about it! Not to mention the rain at night, it was hail at night. There was no other way. We had no choice but to stay!

Continuing deeper into the city center, Qian Lingfeng took the lead and Sanmaoqiu followed closely.

But this time, the sky seemed to be getting dark very quickly. I made up my mind to go deep into the city center. Not long after that, the sky had already completely darkened quickly without my noticing.

The surrounding scenery slowly darkened, and eventually darkness began to dominate the entire world.

And as the sky darkened completely, Sanmaoqiu had already run to the front, leading the way for Qian Lingfeng!

But even so, due to the influence of the night, Qian Lingfeng could feel that the speed of himself and San Maoqiu had dropped significantly, almost to the same level as the killing god behind!

If it weren't for the constant turns and zombies blocking the way, I would have been overtaken long ago!

But it was only a matter of time before we were caught up. The skeleton was not tired, but the two of them were so tired that they were about to die!

At this moment, Qian Lingfeng had no other thoughts in his mind, he just kept going deeper and deeper! During the vigorous exercise, his physical energy was quickly exhausted, and Qian Lingfeng felt as if he was about to faint!

He couldn't bear it any longer and stopped to take a breath. Qian Lingfeng couldn't run anymore.

My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to jump out of my throat, and the muscles all over my body were soft and full of pain.

"Mom's stinky bitch, didn't I just fuck you once?! It's not like I don't want to take responsibility. I can only reluctantly marry you as my wife. Why are you so stubborn in chasing me? Damn!!!" If I have a chance, I will fuck you to death!!"

He couldn't help but curse, "What Qian Lingfeng wants to do most now is to kill that bitch!" But at this moment, Qian Lingfeng felt a little regretful in his heart. He knew that after killing the person, he would just destroy the body!

Even if the skeleton is burned, I'm afraid there won't be any need to be chased by a skeleton like this!

"Sanmaoqiu~! You idiot, others can carry their master and run away, why can't you?! People can mutate in the blink of an eye, why haven't you been able to change for a long time?! You coward! "
