Steel Shell System

Chapter 110: Pervasive advertising


(The second update is here this afternoon. Please give me some free recommendation votes and collections. Thank you for your support of Lazy Cat!!)

Ignoring these, after looking around for a moment and noticing that there was no danger inside, Qian Lingfeng immediately walked into the small silver-gray room inside the door.

As soon as he entered, before he had even taken two steps, there was a "bang" sound behind him. Qian Lingfeng was startled. When he looked back, he saw that the tall door behind him had closed automatically.

"I'll go, and the door automatically closes, which is a bit confusing~" Qian Lingfeng subconsciously touched the cold sweat on his forehead.

After entering, he carefully observed the small room he was in.

When you are stuck in a foreign place where you don’t know the dangers, observing your surrounding environment is indeed a very important step. Sometimes such a small preparation can save lives at critical moments!

Like the previous hall, this small room is still completely sealed. There is not even a place for ventilation. Even the original door behind it has no gaps left, as if the entire door has been completely integrated into the wall. It feels like being together.

The entire small silver-gray room is approximately ten square meters in size, which is about the same size as a bathroom.

The ceiling above, the surrounding walls, and even the back of the door are all silver-gray, shining with a strange metallic luster, which seems to have a high-tech rhythm from the legendary appearance.

I reached out and touched it. The feeling was very strange. It didn't look like a pure metal wall. Instead, it felt like a wooden wall with a silver-gray metal coating.

"Ding!! Contestant No. 3 is in place!! The first round of competition is about to begin! Please prepare!

You will have three minutes to prepare, and the competition will officially begin in three minutes! "

The prompt of the steel shell system sounded again, just as cold and mechanical as before, with no distinction between men and women.

This is what Qian Lingfeng wants to complain about. Lao Qian has missed the sweet female voice who explained to him the preliminary use of the steel shell system many times in his dreams.

"***, if the prompt tones of the steel shell system were all broadcast by that voice, then the situation would definitely be much better than it is now. The steel shell system is so inhumane..."

Wei Wei complained again in his heart, but then Qian Lingfeng calmed down and stopped thinking.

Three minutes of preparation time. He didn't know what danger was waiting for him in three minutes. He took the time and felt his physical fatigue. Qian Lingfeng took a rest.

He sat down on the ground and opened his status interface. His health and magic values were full, and his hunger level was 76.

But despite this, in fact, Qian Lingfeng could also feel that the muscles in his body were full of fatigue due to overwork, and even his whole body was a little heavy.

He moved his hands and feet and squeezed his sore legs. He had been running around all day and fought several life-and-death battles. Although his health points did not drop or anything, Lao Qian was really exhausted.

However, under the current circumstances, we can only forget these for the time being and concentrate on dealing with the next crisis!

Three minutes passed quickly, and the steel shell system decisively sounded the prompt for the start of the competition.

From the beginning to now, the dungeon prompts were all issued by the Steel Shell system. Qian Lingfeng estimated that it was related to the previous statement that the system loaded the dungeon.

Your own Steel Shell system should be regarded as a sub-client. After entering this copy, it should be connected and loaded with this place, so the prompt of the copy will be sounded by the Steel Shell system.

Standing up, Lao Qian was about to take a deep breath, but at this moment, a milky white light suddenly lit up in the silver-gray room!

This milky white light was filled with a holy and pure white color, and the whole person was bathed in this white light for an instant. At this moment, Qian Lingfeng felt that some mysterious power had penetrated his body and was filling his body. Every cell in the upper and lower body is massaged and relaxed, and the fatigue of the body is quickly relieved.

Qian Lingfeng felt as if he was so comfortable that he almost fainted, "Oh~!" He couldn't help but groaned. Whether it was physical fatigue or mental fatigue, he was overwhelmed by this milky white color at this moment. When the light shone through, Qian Lingfeng felt as if he had disappeared instantly, and even the feeling of hunger disappeared!

After being bathed in this white light, Qian Lingfeng was shocked, his face flushed, his eyes flashed, and his whole body was instantly resurrected with full blood!

After moving his body for a while, the previous fatigue was swept away decisively. Qian Lingfeng felt that his whole body was full of strength! And I feel so energetic that I want to crush an elephant!

"Ding!! In this competition, before the start of each round, all contestants' status will be restored!

The fees related to this "Medical Light" are provided by Tuotuo Keke Medical Zhouji Group! Let us thank Tuotuo Keke Medical Zhouji Group for their generous sponsorship! ! "

“What?! Is this white light sponsored by someone else?! I’m going to tell you that I can even advertise here?!”

At this moment, Qian Lingfeng seemed to hear the sound of his own sanity disconnecting!

But not to mention that, just after the "medical light" completely restored Qian Lingfeng's condition, at the same time, a white light screen appeared on one wall of the silver-gray room, with Chinese characters clearly displayed on it. A section of font.

"Warning: This is an important opportunity that will determine your life, please behave well!"

Seeing that this paragraph is written in red fonts, it is filled with a heavy and dangerous feeling.

I don't know why, but inexplicably, Qian Lingfeng's heart suddenly tightened, and a heavy feeling arose in his heart.

But soon, just as Qian Lingfeng's mind was slightly distracted, the Chinese characters on the light screen on the wall disappeared.

Instead, countless icons suddenly appeared. These icons were very simple. Some depicted a cross, some a hook, some a skull and the like, and some of the same icons, the colors seemed different. There are differences too.

These icons flashed and jumped quickly one by one, each one only staying on the screen for a short moment.

This is like a lottery interface, and next to these beating icons is a sixty-second countdown!

"Ding!! Please contestant No. 3 choose a scene for this round within sixty seconds! If you don't make a choice within sixty seconds, the countdown will end and the system will automatically choose!"

The prompt of the steel shell system sounded again, and this time, the prompt of the steel shell system fell, and the sixty-second countdown started instantly!

"Nima~! It's your uncle!! You told me to choose, but you bastard didn't even tell me how to choose!"

Seeing the sixty seconds passing quickly and the constantly beating icon, Qian Lingfeng couldn't help but curse.

But unfortunately, there was no voice to explain this time. Qian Lingfeng was obviously ignored, and the sixty-second countdown continued to pass quickly!

There was a black line at one end, Qian Lingfeng quickly shouted casually, "Stop!" There was no response, "End?!!", there was no response! "Have I chosen?!!!", there was no response.

"Fuck you!!" He was ready to yell again in an instant, but this time, when Lao Qian opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't make a sound! !

"Fuck~!! What's going on?!!!" Qian Lingfeng was a little panicked for a moment, but this time a prompt appeared quickly.

"Ding! Contestant No. 3 frequently uses insulting words. According to the "Virtual Era Civilization Code", he is given a first warning and banned from speaking for five minutes!"

"Damn it~!! I really thought it was just a joke! And you have to be banned?!!" Qian Lingfeng stretched out his middle finger and raised his head and gestured towards the ceiling.

"Ding!! Contestant No. 3 used insulting gestures, second warning, banned for fifteen minutes!"

"I'll go! This is okay!!" He complained in his heart and wiped away the cold. This time, Qian Lingfeng did not dare to continue to make any disobedient actions.

It's not okay to refuse. They are awesome, they have big fists, and all your rights of life and death are with them. No matter how aggrieved you are, you have to endure it.

Doing such an obviously conflicting thing once is already too much, and doing it a second time would be too stupid.

The sixty seconds ended in an instant, and the beating icons on the light screen stopped instantly, and the picture was frozen on a fang icon.

"Ding!! The scene selection for this round has been completed! Contestant No. 3 please start from the initial room! Enter the relevant scene room!"

When the beep fell, the entire light screen instantly turned into shattered light spots and disappeared, and the silver-gray wall where the light screen was located also instantly turned into a faded shadow and disappeared.

The wall disappeared, but a deep and dark passage appeared in front of Qian Lingfeng! Directly in front of the passage, there was a trace of light coming through.

Obviously the exit is not far ahead, and that should be the relevant scene room mentioned by the steel shell system.

He frowned slightly and picked out a fang icon. Thinking of the vividly drawn icon that really looked like the fangs of a beast, a strange feeling rushed over his face. Qian Lingfeng felt faintly It seems that my luck is not too bad, it seems that I have drawn something not very good.

Looking at the passage that suddenly appeared, it was deep and dark, and there seemed to be a dangerous aura coming from it. But then he gritted his teeth, took out his canine dagger, and with fear and courage of the unknown, Qian Lingfeng stepped on Passage!

"Bang!" Just like before, as soon as he walked out of the silver room and stepped onto the passage, the room behind him closed instantly.
