Steel Shell System

Chapter 119: Is this domestic violence? ~!


Killing two people in a row, but it's a pity that these two people are paupers, clean and pure, and there is no profit at all if they are killed.

One person with the last name exploded a bottle of primary health recovery potion, and the other one, who was slightly better, dropped a pair of light blue shoes that were part of a one-turn suit.

Qian Lingfeng looked at these two items and stuffed them into his equipment bag. I didn't care about it and moved on.

Icon drawing, this time Qian Lingfeng drew a red crown icon.

"Ding!! Congratulations to contestant No. 3 for winning the designated scene room! After entering the scene room, you can choose the room where the remaining contestants are, enter it at will, and force one of them to fight!"

"What?! And this, you can come in at will?!~!"

Qian Lingfeng was a little excited for a while, but then a figure flashed in Lao Qian's mind!

"Zhao Yexia! I wonder if you came in or not?! If you are here too, then you are in luck this time!! I must give you a surprise!!"

Thinking fiercely, Qian Lingfeng had a ferocious look on his face!

Before coming here, Qian Lingfeng was chased so miserably by Zhao Yexia that it felt like heaven and earth, and he almost died under the breath of the skeleton dog several times!

I couldn't wait to enter the corresponding room. Compared with the previous rooms, this room looked like a video surveillance room.

Surrounded by gray-brown wall paint, there are more than a dozen light screens on the wall, which clearly display the real-time situation of the rooms where each contestant is located.

After reading all the contents on the light screen one by one, Qian Lingfeng's heart suddenly trembled. Sure enough, Qian Lingfeng found that familiar figure.

Zhao Yexia is in a room, and her opponent is a Level 2 Attacker zombie! ! !

The huge size of the second-level attacker was completely out of proportion to Zhao Yexia's slender body, but the situation between the two sides was just the opposite.

The strength and physical attributes of the second-level attacker were definitely over 50 points, but its stupid speed made it a target for Zhao Yexia.

In a few minutes, except for occasionally catching Zhao Yexia once or twice, and a final blow, a skill knocked out one-fifth of Zhao Yexia's health, this second-level attacker had almost no ability. It brought too much trouble to Zhao Yexia.

With extremely low intelligence attributes and outrageous agility, the second-level attacker is simply one of the most deceptive evolutionary types among zombies.

The health points were completely wiped away by Zhao Yexia, and the huge corpse fell slumped.

After killing the huge second-level attacker, Zhao Yexia also collected the loot there for a while and then rested there.

He kept watching Zhao Yexia's battle, quickly assessing the opponent's strength in his heart. Immediately after the battle ended, Qian Lingfeng's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Is it my turn now? Let me give you a surprise!" Thinking of this, Qian Lingfeng grinned, showing his cold teeth.

If it weren't for Zhao Yexia's pursuit, Qian Lingfeng wouldn't be forced into such a situation! I was unlucky enough to be sucked into this copy, but this time my luck turned out to be good!

"This stinking bitch must be killed this time, and she must be crushed to ashes! She won't even have a chance to be resurrected!"

After confirming the choice to move to the room where Zhao Yexia was located, all the light screens on the wall disappeared, and a passage appeared silently.

Holding the Li Han gun tightly in his hand, Qian Lingfeng stepped forward with a flash of anger on his face and a hint of ferocity.

At the same time, the victim, Zhao Yexia, didn’t know that she had been targeted by a demon!

The opponent was eliminated, but the end time had not yet come, so Zhao Yexia had no choice but to rest and wait for the sixth round of competition to end.

But suddenly, a wall in front of her disappeared silently, revealing a huge passage! And inside the passage, there seemed to be an extremely dexterous figure flashing!

The whole person's attention suddenly focused, and he stood up suddenly. At the same time, with a flash of cold light, the wolf-tooth blade in his hand was also taken out.

Although the properties of the Wolf Fang Blade have dropped a bit, and after such a while of killing and fighting, the undead toxin attached to it is no longer there.

But even so, if the orb is not covered in dust, it is still a good weapon. At least it lived up to its second-level deep red name, and its attribute quality was still higher than the first-level light red and light blue suit parts.

And for Zhao Yexia, the most important thing is that it is very handy, and it is also a weapon that corresponds to her profession.

For the profession of imperial guard, only by using sword-type weapons can the professional strength be fully displayed.

Very lightly, just a second or two after emerging from the passage, there was almost no sound. A figure had already flitted out of the passage like a ghost!

Such a swift movement shocked Zhao Yexia for a moment, but then she did not move forward suddenly, but pulled back a little.

The other party had no intention of taking action suddenly, but then Zhao Yexia took a closer look and saw the true face of that figure. Her heart was shocked and filled with horror!

"It's you!!! Qian Lingfeng!!! Beast!!!" Zhao Yexia blurted out!

"You didn't expect it, it was me!! The beast in your mouth!! Qian Lingfeng was almost chased to death!!"

Staring at Zhao Yexia, Qian Lingfeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent!

It is said that a couple's love lasts a day, but for Qian Lingfeng, although his first time was given to the woman in front of him, no matter who he is, anyone who wants his name in everything is his enemy!

If you are an enemy, then it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman! No matter young or old~! Regardless of relatives or friends, they will all be killed! You want my old money’s life! I'll send you to hell first! !

"You're dead this time!"

Without further ado, as soon as the words fell, Qian Lingfeng rushed over in an instant! Killing someone and taking the vital part, the Li Han gun in his hand shone with cold light and pointed directly at Zhao Yexia's throat!

Qian Lingfeng's agility attribute was 62 points. As soon as he took action, his body speed was extremely fast, and the gun in his hand was flying, and the shot was also extremely fast!

The figure flashed, and the afterimage came to the front instantly, and the gun in Qian Lingfeng's hand suddenly appeared, and it was about to pierce Zhao Yexia's throat in an instant!

However, Zhao Yexia is not a vegetarian. Although her surname strength is not as good as Qian Lingfeng's, she is still a second-level master after all, and she is not someone who can be treated as a soft persimmon!

The whole person suddenly shifted around, trying to avoid Qian Lingfeng's spear light, but the next moment, what people didn't expect at all, Qian Lingfeng's speed, which was already so fast that even the naked eye could not see clearly, suddenly surged again. cut! !

At that moment, Qian Lingfeng's whole body seemed to have suddenly moved! Zhao Yexia was caught off guard, and the Li Han gun's light pierced her chest and penetrated her whole body!

"-135!" A dilapidated damage number floated straight up!

Originally, the Li Han Spear was meant to pierce through the throat, but at the critical moment, Zhao Yexia desperately twisted to avoid it by a few inches, and the tip of the spear only pierced Zhao Yexia's chest!

"How can it be?!!"

His two eyes were fixed on Qian Lingfeng's hands holding Li Han's gun! At this moment, Zhao Yexia was quite unbelievable! Surprised by Qian Lingfeng's strength!

Qian Lingfeng's speed, which was already so fast, was able to accelerate again, and at that last moment, she believed that this soul's agility would completely crush her!

That kind of movement speed, which is like instantaneous translation, is probably above 70 points! ! !

With an agility attribute of more than 70 points, unless all attribute points are added to agility, it will be impossible to achieve this in the second turn! ! !

But if all the attribute points are agility, where does such high damage and such terrifying power come from! ! This gun obviously didn't use any skills, but it was able to deal over 100 damage! !

At this moment, looking at Qian Lingfeng, Zhao Yexia couldn't understand it at all! !

"How is it impossible? Huh! Let me tell you, my agility attribute is 62 points. When the temporary skill effect of agility is activated, my agility is directly broken by 70 points!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Lingfeng's eyes flashed!

I was shocked, and a creepy feeling instantly rose from the back of my head!

Zhao Yexia subconsciously wanted to pull away and retreat, but Qian Lingfeng's hand continued to exert force, and the powerful force actually pushed the spear to pierce it again!

At the same time, Zhao Yexia showed no mercy and suddenly raised her spear. Before Zhao Yexia's feet could exert any force, she was picked up by Qian Lingfeng!

He threw it weakly twice, but unfortunately he couldn't exert any force in mid-air. Instead, the sudden violent movement cracked the wound, and a damage number floated out in succession after the two ones in front that had not disappeared!

Both hands tightly grasped the barrel of the gun that had pierced his chest. Blood seeped out from Zhao Yexia's wound along the barrel of the Li Han Gun!

Struggling in vain, Zhao Yexia's eyes were full of unwillingness and disbelief. At this moment, from the moment she was stabbed in the chest by Qian Lingfeng, she seemed to have been completely at a disadvantage! Life and death are completely controlled by Qian Lingfeng!

Zhao Yexia originally thought that the last time Qian Lingfeng was able to kill her easily was because of a sneak attack. Her strength should not be weaker than that of Qian Lingfeng!

But now the strength Qian Lingfeng showed completely overwhelmed her. With 70 points of agility attribute points, and quite high strength and physical strength attributes, this kind of strength is simply terrifying! !
