Steel Shell System

Chapter 38: The one with a thicker blood tank is better


I don't know if he was aware of Qian Lingfeng's arrival, but the black cat opened his eyes. When he was a house cat, his hazy and lazy eyes had completely turned into blood and violence.

When the end of the world came, although she did not die, and became countless times more powerful than before, becoming the overlord of this area, her original sentiments had been lost.

Now she is no longer as docile as a domestic cat, now she is a killing beast!

The violent eyes revealed cold warning and murderous intent, "Meow~!" He roared in a low voice, and the murderous intent filled the air instantly.

This time it seemed that she wanted to warn Qian Lingfeng, but unfortunately, she was too weak. This warning completely lost its momentum. When it fell in Qian Lingfeng's ears, it became a clue that he could see her weakness. .

Now she is like the candle in the wind that is about to drip out of its tears after the brightness.

After relaxing slightly, Qian Lingfeng plucked up the courage and finally came to the black cat. A spear with a cold light and murderous intent was pressed against her neck.

Trying hard, feeling Qian Lingfeng's killing intent, Black Cat wanted to stand up. She wanted to kill the enemy in front of her who she could easily crush.

But the child hanging underneath her body was stuck in her lower body. A slight movement caused a sharp pain, and she fell down again with no strength in her limbs.

"Haha~" He sneered and looked at the helpless black cat struggling. Thinking of the shock last night, Qian Lingfeng couldn't help but feel that things were impermanent.

I got playful and complained: "Just scream~ Even if your throat is broken by screaming, no one will come to save you~"

After saying this sentence, looking at the black cat who is still trying hard to struggle, he is not like those bloody plot bosses. When they are about to win, they have to talk a lot, and in the end they are tragically overturned unexpectedly. Qian Lingfeng took action decisively.

He used the spear in his hand to aim hard at the black cat's neck and stabbed it! At this moment, Qian Lingfeng put in a lot of effort. What he wanted was to stab her through the neck and kill her directly!

However, when the spear went down, it was a pity that not only did it not pierce the black cat's neck, it didn't even penetrate at all.

The black cat's fur seems to be her most reliable defense. The spear tip used as a fruit knife cannot even break the black cat's fur defense! !

Take a deep breath! Qian Lingfeng was also a little silent. The black cat just lay in front of him and let himself be slaughtered. He couldn't even break her defense. I'm afraid that if he fought head-on, he would be crushed to death if he met her directly.

Fortunately, she was already half dead, otherwise she might have only a trace of strength left, and she might be in considerable danger!

She didn't stop there. She moved the dead tree to the living one. Turning his eyes, Qian Lingfeng also noticed her seriously injured abdomen. She didn't know what had been cut open there, and her intestines were still hanging outside!

"It seems that this can be used as a starting point."

Facing her open abdomen, Qian Lingfeng thrust the spear in his hand without any mercy or hesitation! Then he used his strength to suck milk and stirred wildly inside the black cat's body!

The black cat's fur has amazing defensive power, but her internal organs are pitifully fragile. After some inhumane treatment, the contents of the internal organs were almost completely turned into a pot of porridge. A series of damage values wafted up, and Lao Qian finally Killed the black cat.

A reminder that the experience value increased by 2134 floated in front of his eyes, and at the same time, two crimson light groups emitting crimson light fell down.

Bend down and pick them up easily.

"Name: Intermediate Life Essence

After use, the experience value will be increased by 00 points.

The essence of life from a powerful life form! "

"Name: Cat's Resentment (Crimson)

Necklace (Equipment Condition: Second Turn)

After equipping it, the agility attribute increases by 10 points, and comes with a special negative status, Cat's Resentment: After equipping this item, it will receive a special mark, and cat creatures within a certain range will pursue and retaliate against the owner of this item!

Attached skill: Desperate Scream. After use, a cat demon phantom is summoned, causing a screaming impact to enemies within a radius of 100 meters. The basic damage is 100 points. Consumption: None, CD cooling time: 10 minutes. "

After swallowing this "Intermediate Life Essence" directly, a prompt of 00 points added to the experience value floated directly in front of my eyes.

Including the experience points from the kill just now, this dying black cat directly gave away a full 4134 experience points in one breath! With so much experience points, there is no doubt that even if the dropped equipment is not included, it is already worth the ticket to fall out and kill He Jie.

After looking at his status panel, Qian Lingfeng was a little excited. At this moment, his current experience points had become a full 4453 points.

The experience points required to upgrade from level 6 to level 7 were 1100. Qian Lingfeng couldn't wait and chose to upgrade immediately.

The level was upgraded from level 6 to level 7, the experience points possessed became 3353 points, two more free attribute points were added, and the experience points required to upgrade to the next level also became 1350 points.

After upgrading again, the level became level 8, the remaining experience value became 03 points, and the experience value for upgrading from level 8 to level 9 became 1600 points.

After upgrading again, the level became level 9, and the remaining experience points became 403 points, and the experience value for upgrading from level 9 to level 10 has also become a full 00 points!

He upgraded three levels in a row, directly from level 6 to level 9, and did not stop until he spent all his experience points to the point where he could no longer upgrade. Qian Lingfeng felt a little indescribably happy at this moment.

Suddenly there were 12 more free attribute points. After thinking about it this time, Qian Lingfeng invested 3 of them in the physical attribute, and planned to leave one for each subsequent upgrade.

My life value is really a little low, which is a bit unsafe.

Originally, considering fighting zombies, it was best to avoid close combat until the biochemical virus infection was resolved.

In this way, the amount of health points will not be beneficial to you for the time being, so adding more attribute points to the physical attributes is a waste. It is better to simply invest all in agility and strength.

But after the battle with He Jie and the shock last night, Qian Lingfeng also had intentions, but his health was too low.

Last night, if it weren't for the "primary life restoration agent", I would have killed him directly! And just now, if it hadn't been for "Lan Xi's Crystal Guardian Eye", I might have died in the hands of He Jie because of the shortcoming of too little health!
