Steel Shell System

Chapter 394: Project Sentinel


Old-school masters have their own selfish motives.

Some extreme masters believe that the universe is also alive. The existence of extreme masters will threaten the life of the universe and greatly shorten the life of the universe.

Some extreme masters believe that this universe is the product of a stronger race. When this universe reaches a certain level, that race will destroy the world and destroy everything.

There are also extreme masters who believe that the existence of extreme masters destroys the balance of the universe!

So those people who had similar ideas or directions joined forces to eliminate extreme masters from the universe. Whenever a new master appeared, they would be captured and imprisoned in purgatory in the corner of the universe, and they would not be allowed to appear in the universe. .

Black Demon Alpha narrowly escaped from that prison.

"This is exactly the fear of evolution." In Qian **'s view, those actions can only be regarded as this.

Transcending limits is a milestone in every life plan in the universe! In Qian Lingfeng's view, transcending the limits is the moment when life in the universe truly reveals the meaning of its life, and it is also the starting point for life to truly evolve towards the ultimate level!

Since transcending the limit, Qian Lingfeng has felt the true meaning of life, which is continuous evolution! It would be extremely stupid to remain silent!

And not only that, in addition, Lao Qian feels that he seems to have seen a new world from the thoughts of those people. If transcending the limit is regarded as a starting point, then what is the end of this road?

Inexplicably, Lao Qian is full of interest in the end point of that evolutionary road!

Qian** decided to implement a plan! A plan to the true end of evolution! Go and see the glory after transcendent evolution! !

And now, Qian **'s Sentinel Plan is part of the entire big plan, an important part of dealing with the prison and those extreme masters.

The opponent has too many extreme masters, and of course there are even more masters imprisoned. Qian **’s initial idea is to rescue those imprisoned masters!

No matter how strong you are on your own, it is easy to transcend the limit. But if you want to transcend evolution and reach the ultimate level of evolution, your own strength is definitely not enough. You need to rely on the power of all those who have transcended the limit! !

It takes strength to rescue those masters. After rescuing them, it takes even more powerful force to make them obedient. The Sentinel Project is Qian's plan to create this powerful force.

Create an artificial army of extreme masters that completely obey your command! !

This is what Project Sentinel is about!

There are so many races in the universe, and there are countless powerful places. Each race has its own characteristics and strengths.

Qian ** collected their strengths, combined them with the power of civilization remnants, the power of transcending limits, and the technology obtained from predicting the future to create the Super Sentinel Army!

A super sentry that can compete with masters who transcend the extreme level!

The racial characteristics of the Leban Sword Star people, the Three-Eyed Clan, the Fox Clan, the Ersos Demon Clan, the Holy Star Angel Clan, the Kohler Clan, etc. were studied and applied.

The ultimate power of the heart, the power of the contract, etc., various extreme powers are given.

And in order to control their core, Qian ** attacked Arale. Now, Arale is no longer Qian Lingfeng's opponent. It was easy for Qian Lingfeng to completely control Arale.

Annihilating Arale's consciousness, Qian** turned her into a pure system, and then combined with capturing the black demon Alpha, Qian** created a control system for the Sentinel Legion. This control system is also the soul of these sentinels. and heart.

The process of making a sentinel is not an easy and successful process, but fortunately Qian** has the power to predict the future beyond the limits and can see through everything.

In many processes, Qian ** can directly predict the future, make modifications, and even predict the future and read future processes! !

But even so, it still took more than fifty years to create the first Sentinel prototype.

After constant deduction and modification, it took fifty years for this Sentinel prototype to be created! !

In fifty years, after the entire universe was unified, it developed rapidly. The entire universe became prosperous, everything went on track, and new systems were formulated. In the universe, many races embarked on the path of rapid prosperity, and those Race, calls money the father of the universe.

Of course, there are also many races who hate Qian Lingfeng, but these are no longer what Lao Qian cares about.

The first prototype Sentinel was completed. Although Lao Qian was still quite dissatisfied, it was a milestone progress after all!

Soon, Qian** mobilized more researchers of various races to join in, and the Sentinel Project progressed even more rapidly.

Another fifty years later, the Sentinel project progressed rapidly, and the seventeenth generation of Sentinel models were produced.

By the seventeenth generation of Sentinel, it had become quite perfect.

During this period, the leader of the Leban Sword Star clan actually exceeded his limit. Fortunately, Qian ** helped him cover up and was not discovered by Xianxian.

If the first-generation prototype Sentinel barely had the ability to compete with first-time extreme-level masters, then the seventeenth-generation Sentinel already had the ability to easily defeat ordinary extreme-level masters.

Each of the Sentinel cyborgs seems to be no different from the Three-Eyed Tribe. At most, they are a little bigger, each one is more than three meters tall, but each of them possesses various extreme powers.

The super intelligent brain system gives them the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and they can transform and use different abilities according to the opponent's strength, which is quite powerful.

In a hundred years, Qian ** has become more and more proficient in mastering his own power, and his own strength has simply reached an unimaginable level.

Sometimes, Qian will even use the ability to predict the future to steal the abilities of those masters in the dark prison.

In a hundred years, the universe has developed greatly and various resources have become extremely abundant. With the help of these resources, Qian ** created an army of half a million sentinels in one breath! !

Five hundred thousand masters who transcended the extreme level, this terrifying power shocked even Qian ** and others.

In the dark prison, there are more than 2,000 extreme masters guarding the prison, and the total number of imprisoned masters is more than 10,000.

With an army of half a million sentries, it was no problem for Qian ** to bulldoze them. (To be continued.)
