Steel Shell System

Chapter 42: This is where your awesome life starts


(Brothers, give me some recommendation votes~ Give me some recommendation votes~ I’m in tears, meow~)

"Ding!! Confirm to select the special subsidiary occupation "Evil Nurturer"!

"Ding!! Get the special accessory profession "Evil Nurturer"!

"Ding!! Acquire special auxiliary professional skills: bloody nurturing!"

Obtain special sub-professional bonuses: damage to mutated beast targets is increased by 10%, and innate priority hatred is increased by 10%.

"Ding!! A special sub-professional interface has been added. Please go to this interface for related content!"

"Ding!! Harvest a cub of the mutated pet beast "Mutated Cat Monster"! Related operations can be performed in the sub-career interface!!"

A series of prompts sounded, and Qian Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses and quickly opened the interface of the steel shell system.

Originally, the entire interface only had four module interfaces, character status interface, item storage interface, skills interface, and task interface. Now, a "sub-profession" operation interface has been decisively added.

When you open the relevant interface, you will see that the content in this interface is actually very simple. It is divided into two modules. The upper part displays the level information related to the sub-career and a skill.

However, what is a little surprising is that unlike other skills in the skill set, the upgrade of my sub-professional skill "Bloody Breeding" does not seem to use experience points, but purely relies on skill proficiency to upgrade.

"Evil Nurturer" level: apprentice (next level upgrade condition: bloody nurturance level reaches level 3)

Number of pets that can be conquered at the current level: 11

Sub-professional skill: "Bloody Nurturing" (passive) level 1, proficiency: 1100.

Each time you nurture a professional pet, you can gain the corresponding proficiency and at the same time increase the pet's growth speed and loyalty. Passively obtain a 10% bonus to all attributes of the specified pet. This skill has no consumption and no cooling time.

After a brief glance, Qian Lingfeng's heart blossomed with joy.

It is a very good, or rather awesome, sub-profession. You can upgrade your skills and professional levels by feeding pets. And more importantly, the skill effects of this professional skill are also extremely powerful.

When the skill level is level 1, you can get a 10% bonus to all attributes of the designated pet! This is simply a free attribute point bonus!

You must know that there are only 4 free attribute points when you upgrade to a level. If you can get a lot of attribute point bonuses from the little guy, then wouldn't this mean that your level has increased a lot out of thin air!

It is conceivable that it will definitely become more and more difficult to level up in the future. When the time comes, this sub-profession will definitely be a major support for me! !

Although the little guy's level is still low now, a 10% all-attribute bonus is probably just adding one point to each attribute. Four attribute points, which is level one, is nothing. .

But when the little guy grows up in the future, it will be really impressive! If the little guy's all attributes reach 0 points, then the bonus he can get is just points, which is a full five levels!

The little guy has the skill of "double-speed digestion" and can grow quickly. His sub-professional skill "Bloody Nurturing" also has the effect of accelerating its growth. So you can imagine that the time it takes for the little guy to grow up is definitely longer than you think. Even shorter!

Hehe~ And he ***, the level of this skill is only level one now. When the skill level is higher, the 10% increase will also increase~

Thinking of this, Qian Lingfeng smiled happily again, and a silver water line slid down the corner of his mouth~ This silver water line was filled with Qian's longing and fantasy for the future.

Looking at the lower half of the interface, the attributes of the little guy are displayed, which are the same as what I saw before, except that there are three more prompts: "Pet Mood", "Pet Loyalty", and "Pet Hunger". column.

"Sanmaoqiu's mood": 83

“Sanmaoqiu’s loyalty”: 91

"Sanmaoqiu's hunger level": 61

Loyalty 91! Lao Qian was a little sad that the little guy had such a favorable impression of his mother-killing enemy!

But if you think about it carefully, it is understandable.

There is absolutely no hatred for him for killing his mother. It is estimated that the little guy has just been born and has no idea about his mother, let alone any special feelings. Naturally, he can't hate himself.

And I helped him uncoat him, scrubbed him, and teased and played with him. Perhaps because of this, the little guy developed a liking for and dependence on me.

Of course, cats are not happy if they are not cats. These are Qian Lingfeng's understanding.

But no matter what, looking at the display of loyalty 91, Lao Qian watched the little guy become more pleasing to the eye and cuter~!

The interface contains not much content and is easy to understand. Qian Lingfeng quickly understood the relevant content and interface operations of this sub-professional interface.

Then looking at "Sanmaoqiu"'s hunger level of 61 points, and thinking of the proficiency requirements for upgrading, our Qian Lingfeng became a little impatient and prepared to feed the little guy.

I took a box of milk, found a stainless steel bowl, opened the opening, poured the milk into the box, and then brought it to the little guy.

"Sanmaoqiu" has just been born. Although his appearance and size are no different from the adult cats before, and thinking of the force that the little guy bit his trousers and dragged, Lao Qian estimated that with the little guy's teeth, If you really want to eat solid food, there should be no problem.

However, considering that the little guy is a cub after all, it is better to feed him milk in a short period of time.

And as the old saying goes, children who grow up on milk are always smarter and stronger! As his first pet and future helper, Qian Lingfeng naturally hopes that the little guy will grow as healthy and strong as possible.

A large bowl of milk was brought in front of him. At first, the little guy seemed a little confused about what to do or what it was. However, when Qian Lingfeng moved up to its little head and licked it twice, the little guy... I quickly fell in love with this delicious taste~

After consuming five cartons of milk in one go, the little guy's belly was already bulging. It wasn't until Qian Lingfeng stopped him that the little guy reluctantly left the stainless steel bowl containing the milk.

Unable to help but burp, the little guy took two steps back slightly. As a result, maybe he was too full and turned into a ball. He stumbled and rolled twice on the ground.

He didn't care, he fell to the ground, and the little guy just lay there and licked himself with his tongue. Cats all like to do this, I don't know if it's just nature.

With a smile, Qian Lingfeng immediately opened the sub-career interface again.