Steel Shell System

Chapter 50: I decided to use you~Pikachu


A cold light flashed in Lao Qian's eyes, and there was anger deep in his eyes, but it passed away for a moment, and then he still looked calm, as if he had no objection to Liu Zhu's words. Or maybe it’s as if you didn’t hear it.

"Liu Zhu, Zhang Kaiwei, Zhang Yang, Li Siqi?" But in his heart, our pig's foot Qian Lingfeng was like a serious and hard-working little ant without asking for anything in return, silently remembering these guys. A stroke of luck.

As expected, the order of the cannon fodders lining up to die changed instantly, and Liu Zhu was honored to be ranked first for the time being~ "I will decide to use you in the lead later, Liu Zhu~"

The unknown is a very scary thing, especially the unknown scenario that represents a death crisis, which makes people not want to face it.

Although before coming here, I also talked about the goals and action plan of this operation, which was a little psychological preparation in advance.

But when I actually came downstairs in Building No. 3, I felt the unknown terror inside Dormitory No. 3. I thought about going in with real swords and guns, and the idea that I might have to die in there this time came into my mind. It also gave people an ominous premonition inadvertently.

At the same time, the fearful emotion in my heart controlled the secretion of adrenaline. While my heartbeat accelerated, I was also full of panic. I was really afraid and didn't want to move on.

Tian Zihao also had some bad feelings. To be honest, he really wanted to be as far away from this damn Building No. 3 as he could.

But when he heard Liu Zhu speak and noticed the flash of chill in Qian Lingfeng's eyes, Lao Tian's eyes suddenly froze, and a hint of chill emerged in his heart!

This chill comes not from this dormitory in Building 3, but from the man next to me named "Qian Lingfeng"! Building No. 3 may contain dangers that can kill people, but isn't this man someone who can kill him? ! !

"Hehe~ Liu Zhu, Zhang Yang, you are too cowardly~ What's there to be afraid of? There are so many of us, why are we afraid of such ghostly things?! If we really want anything, don't we still have money? Boss? Boss Qian takes action, isn’t it easy to catch him? I think Boss Qian has the final say in everything!”

Suppressing the coldness in his heart, Tian Zihao smiled proudly, and then took over the topic as if it was natural. At the same time, as if it was even more natural, Lao Tian slapped Qian Lingfeng hard and shamelessly. Flattery.

There seemed to be nothing wrong or unnatural at all. It seemed that this was normal. Tian Zihao's expression was calm and calm.

Qian Lingfeng didn't speak, but Tian Zihao spoke. After hearing Lao Tian's words, Liu and the others suddenly seemed to realize something and doubted the boss's decision. Damn, this is a proper death-defying rhythm! !

Regret suddenly appeared in his mind, and at the same time his face was a little ugly. He was anxious, and he opened his mouth and prepared to say something else. Unfortunately, before he could say anything else, Qian Lingfeng's face showed a trace of a smile but not a smile. , and then started to speak leisurely.

"Hehehehe, Lao Tian, you think too highly of me~ My level is really nothing~ At most it's just a sprinkle of water~

At this level, it’s okay to play with mud by myself. I can’t even make dough and sauce. I can’t make it on the table. I can’t make it on the table~

You see, we have a few real masters here~ Liu Zhu and Zhang Yang, aren’t you four very powerful~

Even those who are powerful can survive without our group~ I think since you four masters are so powerful, you can survive outside this D-zone dormitory, right? ! !

As I said before, follow me wholeheartedly. You can eat whatever I eat. It has only been a few days now, and I have become a great master, with a big fist and confidence~ Do you think my old money’s decision was wrong? ! !

Haha, my temple is small, it seems it can’t accommodate you four great gods~"

After finishing one sentence, Qian Lingfeng seemed to be a little narrow-minded to the extreme and said in a strange manner. The content and tone of his words made people's hearts tremble!

When the last sentence was finished, the chill in the words was already frightening.

As for Liu Zhu and the others who were involved, their expressions were extremely ugly, and their foreheads, backs, and palms were covered with cold sweat! !

This rhythm! Qian Lingfeng clearly wants to show them a good look now! !

After leaving the dormitory in Area D, I really had to leave the dormitory in Area D. When I think about the so many zombies outside, I am afraid that the four of us will be eaten by zombies soon, and not even the dregs will be left! !

At this moment, Liu Zhu really regretted why he talked so much! Isn't this asking for trouble? ! !

"I'm really a stupid pig! I've made it clear that I have the authority to provoke Qian Lingfeng. I'm really asking for death!" In his heart, Liu Zhu really felt regretful!

As the boss, what is the most taboo thing? ! ! It’s just that the people below are disobedient! A second voice appears! ! This is a naked slap in the face of the bosses! !

This is the most taboo thing for all bosses, and especially when fighting against the enemy, singing the opposite tune is the most hated thing. As the saying goes, anyone who disturbs the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!

What is the first rule and discipline in the army? ! ! Absolutely obey orders! ! The reason why I emphasize it so repeatedly is that I am afraid of people who do not obey orders!

Qian Lingfeng is very narrow-minded! We have to be narrow-minded in the last days! ! Those who are not narrow-minded and careless will not know how they will die.

Liu Zhu and the others just had a little bit of strength, but they dared to face their own decisions and they would get angry.

If you don't show them some color now, I'm afraid that in a while, when they are stronger, wouldn't it be possible for several people to join forces to compete with themselves? ! !

Although Qian Lingfeng believed that he was strong enough and was not afraid of what they might do, but no matter what, who the hell would want a fire in their own backyard!

There is a life-and-death enemy outside, and we have to worry about the disunity of people inside. It’s just a fool’s errand, so we should delete the files as soon as possible~!

How can he be allowed to cause chaos on the couch where he is sleeping? Of course if there are any signs, they should be nipped in the cradle! !

Cleaning up this dormitory building is necessary no matter what! And this time Qian Lingfeng also wanted to take this opportunity to beat these people hard.

In the past few days, these guys have begun to have some independent thoughts and ideas in their hearts. This time, Lao Qian also let them know who is the boss!
