Steel Shell System

Chapter 58: The cat fought in the dormitory, its blood was black and yellow


The little guy took the lead with a kingly temperament, as if he was not afraid of the immediate danger, and led Qian Lingfeng and others to the door of the strange dormitory where Liu Zhu and Zhang Kaiwei had tragically died.

The door was still ajar. When the "corpse spirit puppet" dragged the ice sculpture Zhang Kaiwei had turned in, he closed the door, but it still seemed not to be closed, leaving a crack.

It seemed like it wasn't closed properly, and it seemed like it had other plans, expecting another fool to come to the door.

But in any case, no matter which explanation you make, this will save you the money to dig out the key card. Otherwise, if the door is closed, if you want to open the door, you have to take out the general key card of the property and swipe it.

Arriving at the door of this dormitory, the aura of the target was clear. Sanmaoqiu seemed to know how powerful he was. He did not just rush in blankly, but carefully patrolled the door.

There was a glint in his eyes that seemed to belong to an extremely shrewd hunter. He was cruel and extremely patient. His plump body walked around the door with small steps, as if he was waiting for something, and seemed to be waiting for something. Watching for something.

Looking at the little guy like this, he seemed to have some experience. Then looking at the half-open door, a stream of cold air came out from the door. Under this situation, Qian Lingfeng did not act impulsively. Instead, he waited for the little guy's movements.

After carefully walking back and forth at the door for a few times, the little guy seemed to be a little confused about whether to rush in or not.

Especially several times, the little guy was ready to put his paws in the door, but he seemed to be wary and finally retreated. His expression and movements were like a skilled and patient catcher.

You will never make a move without waiting for a perfect opportunity.

But unfortunately, after going back and forth so many times, the little guy is a little tired, and he has gained nothing.

After all, he was still very young and had never hunted with his mother. His original patience was gradually worn away, and the poor little guy suddenly became a little unable to hold himself back.

Looking back, Sanmaoqiu pointed towards the dormitory with his plump and furry paws in a cool and natural manner, and looked like a boss, while greeting the pets behind him, "Meow~! ( Come on, guys!!)”

Its mother, Cat, used to be a domestic cat. Before the end of the world, she relied on the supermarket proprietress to raise her. She had fish and meat every day, slept when she was tired, and ate when she was hungry. Not to mention, she lived a very nourishing life.

At the end of the day, the cat successfully evolved into a three-tailed mutant cat monster, and the supermarket proprietress unfortunately died.

Without the support of its owner, the cat will rely on its own strong personal strength to hunt.

Now Sanmaoqiu has inherited the powerful bloodline of his mother and the hunting skills deep in the bloodline passed down from generation to generation.

At the same time, it is smart and has learned a new hunting skill that its ancestors have not learned for generations, that is, when encountering difficulties, use human pets!

A powerful human pet is a great help! And there is no doubt that this is a god-level skill that has almost never been used by our predecessors!

After receiving Sanmaoqiu's instructions, Qian Lingfeng once again drew a black line on his forehead, his mouth squirmed twice, and a burst of anger was about to rush out of his throat.

He resisted the urge to hold the little guy in his arms and rub it as punishment, but in the end Qian Lingfeng took action.

He tightened his grip and prepared the simple spear in his hand. Then Qian Lingfeng quickly exploded with all his strength. Like a phantom, Lao Qian opened the door with a gentle kick and clever force.

This was a clever move. He used his toes to push open the door very slightly.

The moment he opened the door at the same time, the simple spear in Qian Lingfeng's hand was ready to pierce the enemy's head.

Unfortunately, unlike what was expected, after opening the door, no enemy came out from behind to attack.

A chill that was much colder than in the corridor hit their faces, and then Tian Zihao and the others shivered.

As for Qian Lingfeng, his physical strength and equipment bonuses have already reached a certain level. In addition, the shield provided by "Lan Xi's Guardian Crystal Eye" seems to be somewhat immune to the abnormal cold. Therefore, Lao Qian doesn’t have much experience.

The door was opened by Qian Lingfeng, and the scene inside immediately came into everyone's eyes.

It was an ordinary dormitory. Everything in the dormitory was normal, as if it was no different from the ordinary dormitories before the end of the world.

Unlike the messy dormitories in other dormitories, everything in this dormitory is not too chaotic, as if the end of the world has not caused any panic here, but the three people sitting in the seats The ice sculpture says it all.

Looking at everything in the room coldly, the door opened, but Qian Lingfeng did not rush in. Instead, he still stood at the door and carefully looked at the situation in the dormitory. The other people standing beside Qian Lingfeng and behind him is also like this.

This dormitory is so weird. Liu Zhu and Zhang Kaiwei were dragged away in succession. In just ten minutes, Liu Zhu actually turned you into the other party's "corpse puppet". The dangers involved The size is truly astonishing.

But at this moment, the cold air inside the dormitory door leaked out again. The original Sanmaoqiu couldn't help but tremble when he felt the cold air. At the same time, as if he smelled the scent of prey, his eyes suddenly lit up. .

After waiting for a while, he finally got impatient and jumped into the dormitory with the elegant cat steps.

Immediately after entering the dormitory, the imaginary atmosphere became even stronger. The little guy couldn't help but shout "Meow~!" as if he wanted to express his excitement. Seeing San Maoqiu's movements, he frowned, and Qian Lingfeng immediately took a step forward.

But the next moment, less than two steps after the little guy walked in, two figures suddenly appeared from behind the door, and the three ice sculptures who were sitting motionless on their seats also turned their necks in a strange and irregular manner, and a smile appeared at the corner of their mouths. With a weird smile, he then moved and rushed over at an extremely fast speed! !

Among the five ice sculptures, or five "corpse spirit puppets", one rushed towards Sanmaoqiu, while the remaining four all rushed towards Qian Lingfeng at the door!

It seems that they also know that the guy in front of them is the strongest, so they have to deal with Qian Lingfeng first!

Their speed was extremely fast, and the whole process seemed to be just one continuous moment. In an instant, four "corpse spirit puppets" had already thrown themselves in front of Qian Lingfeng.
