Steel Shell System

Chapter 64: Sure enough, there is another small plug-in such as opening the shield


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The Deep Cold Corpse Spirit can transform between the virtual and the real, and physical attacks are ineffective in the virtual state. Lao Qian naturally understands this.

Moreover, their transformation speed is very fast, and the cooling interval is only one second in total. Such a short transformation time is enough for them to transform flexibly and avoid fatal physical attacks.

Of course, the simple spear is just a one-hand preparation.

Now that the spear is blessed with a special Qi, with the Qi attached, the piercing of the spear tip should no longer be regarded as a simple physical attack.

As for whether it can attack the "Deep Cold Corpse Spirit" in the ethereal state, this has not been tested yet, so it cannot be determined.

However, Lao Qian had a hunch that the spear blessed by Qi should be able to hurt these guys in the ethereal state.

When the heads of the "Corpse Puppet" were pierced before, the brains they poured out were also mixed with blue liquid.

This shows that it is possible that the "deep cold corpse spirit" parasitic in the head of the "corpse spirit puppet" was also slightly injured and shed a little "blood".

And even if nothing can be done at the critical moment, then he still has the Sanmao Ball, the built-in shield of "Lan Xi's Crystal Guardian Eye".

His own skill "Super State White Sun Yiyin" that can shoot the blade of gaze is also an important means.

Although he has changed jobs now and has the second-level career of "Fearless Heart" and the second-level professional skills, the professional skills of first-level students are still very useful.

Slowly approaching the other corpse closest to him, and then without any courtesy, Lao Qian raised his hand, the gun light appeared, and he carefully aimed at its blown head and stabbed it instantly!

If there are "Deep Cold Corpse Spirits" hiding here, and the spear tip with the evil spirit attached to it can hurt them, then this shot will go down and stab its body. With such a fierce and deliberate shot, it will be dead. ! !

Lao Qian's tactics are ruthless, and the "deep cold corpse spirits" are not vegetarians either!

Since the "Deep Cold Corpse Spirit" who sneaked up on Qian Lingfeng was killed, the other guys have not escaped, but this does not mean that they are ready to capture them without mercy.

They just have different ideas from that bold guy, but are waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a better opportunity, such as Qian Lingfeng not being able to notice that they are leaving on their own, or being careless and allowing him to sneak attack!

But unfortunately, now that Qian Lingfeng has taken the lead, they can no longer wait for this opportunity and can only break out first!

Seemingly sensing Qian Lingfeng's malice and the impending danger, these deep-cold corpse spirits all broke out.

In one breath, at least one dark blue lightning-like shadow jumped out of every corpse! !

There was a strange chorus of screams. The piercing screams, which seemed like the screams of a dead person when they were about to die, made people's eardrums hurt and their consciousness was slightly stunned.

Seize this moment and they explode together instantly! ! All of a sudden, what they are fighting for is the idea of working together!

And I don’t know whether it was because he wanted to capture the thief first, or because he wanted to avenge his dead compatriots.

Decisively, among the several dark blue icy shadows, except for two that rushed towards Tian Zihao and the others, most of the rest shot towards Qian Lingfeng! !

Qian Lingfeng is the boss and the strongest among them all, and more importantly, his strength is overwhelmingly stronger than the others!

In this way, as long as the old money can be parasitized, the rest of the people will not be a concern! ! This is what the Deep Cold Corpse Spirits have in mind!

The rapid shooting of phantoms are all in the physical state, because only in the physical state can they be parasitic!

But it is a pity that although they have good ideas, in the face of powerful power, no matter how good the plan is, it is in vain. Lao Qian was almost succeeded in a sneak attack before, but it was because of his carelessness and sudden attack. At an extremely close distance, no matter how agile Lao Qian was, he still had no time to react.

Under the current circumstances, Lao Qian has long been prepared to prevent counterattacks, so how can he be afraid of them? They are fast, and the old money is even faster, so fast that they almost disappear!

The simple spear with the blessing of Qi in his hand danced, and the sharp spear tip transformed into extremely fast cold shadows with yellow electric light! !

Without the slightest panic, Qian Lingfeng didn't even dodge, he stood on the spot and stabbed straight out!

Quick and accurate! With extraordinary agility, the sharp spear penetrated back and forth instantly like a ghostly phantom! !

At this moment, Lao Qian's shot was much stronger than Zhang Yang's previous shot that was filled with all his energy!

At that terrifying speed, the tip of the spear instantly killed three dark blue shadows! !

Three triple-digit damages instantly appeared! The tallest one, Qian Lingfeng, paid attention and found that it reached 3 points! !

This time, there was no chance for them to scream. These fragile guys were instantly pierced. Dark blue liquid splashed out, and a cold line was drawn out along with the phantom of the spear.

This time there were a total of five dark blue shadows rushing towards Qian Lingfeng. Lao Qian was quick and pierced three of them instantly. In the end, two poor little guys managed to get close to Qian Lingfeng relying on the sacrifice of their partners. Front! !

Then without any hesitation, they screamed and were about to use "Corpse Parasitism"!

"Corpse Parasitism" only has a 40% chance of success when used on living life forms, but it is enough for them! !

The two dark blue shadows faded instantly, and then a cold breath climbed up Qian Lingfeng's body.

But the next moment, Qian Lingfeng sneered indifferently, and decisively, a transparent shield opened, blocking the two cold breaths from Lao Qian's body.

"Lan Xi's Crystal Guardian Eye" can come with a shield, which can prevent any special damage until the shield is broken!

He slammed into this layer of invisible shield, wrapped in cold air, and wanted to rush in. Unfortunately, the faint ripples swayed, and apart from losing a little protection value, there was no effect at all except a little bit of ice slag frozen on it. .

The two Deep Cold Void Spirits failed to use their direct skills and once again revealed their dark blue bodies. Seeing that something was wrong, these two guys suddenly became a little desperate.

However, these two Deep Cold Corpse Spirits did not give up. They turned around and transformed directly into the ethereal state. Their bodies faded again, and they immediately took advantage of this ethereal state to run away!
