Stellar Transformation

Chapter 677: This is life


"Yes, sir."

Chunyurou's heart is full of joy at the moment, Chunyurou is very concerned about her children, and she has actually been concerned about Lier's matter in her heart. She is naturally happy to be able to solve it now. And Jiang Fan got Houtu Yin and Wanmin Yin. She was also happy for Jiang Fan.

"Tomorrow? So soon?" Jiang Lan was also a little surprised.

Facing Jiang Lan at this moment, Jiang Fan was mostly ashamed: "Not happy, not happy, your sister-in-law often wants to Li'er, but she never went to see Li'er because she was worried about me. I also hurt Li'er, Qin Yu and his wife's heart, I don't have the face to see them for the time being, so it's better not to go. It's enough for your sister-in-law and Yan'er to go."

Jiang Lan also nodded slightly.

Thinking that Jiang Li could be happy, Jiang Lan felt relieved for a while.

On the same day, Jiang Lan returned to Zixuan Mansion. After returning to Zixuan Mansion, Jiang Lan also talked happily with Che Houyuan for a long time. Jiang Lan and Che Houyuan were old acquaintances.

the next day.

Qin Yu was sitting and chatting with Hou Fei, Hei Yu, Li'er, Zixia, Hong Yun, Bai Ling and other people. When they were chatting happily, one day the maid of God ran over.

"Master, there is a group of people outside who say they are from Piaoxue City." The words of the maid of the god made Qin Yu's group quiet down.

"Floating Snow City?" Qin Yu frowned. Hou Fei, Hei Yu and the others also looked at each other in surprise.

But Li'er was the first to stand up, his face full of excitement: "People from Piaoxue City, brother Yu, hurry up." Jiang Li excitedly pulled Qin Yu and rushed towards the gate of Zixuan Mansion.

Jiang Li, who was anxious in his heart, took Qin Yu to teleport directly to the front yard of Zixuan Mansion.

"Jiang Yan, and that Chunyu Rou..." Qin Yu's new cosmic power spread out, and he could clearly observe the group of people in Piaoxue City at once. This group of people is almost all from the Jiang family. They all have deep feelings for Jiang Li.

Qin Yu was puzzled in his heart.

Jiang Fan is a human being, Qin Yu can still feel it from these years of contact. This Jiang Fan is not the kind of person who is easily subdued. And I have a lot of conflicts with him.

"As the Holy Emperor, this Jiang Fan should have a lot of face. Logically, he should not let these people from Piaoxue City come over. Why?" Qin Yu was thinking, but Jiang Li who was beside him immediately shouted. .

"Brother Yu, come quickly, don't just stand there in a daze. Mother, do you know me?"

Qin Yu broke away from his thoughts, and immediately saluted slightly with a smile: "I have seen my mother-in-law." Qin Yu thought to himself: "No matter what Jiang Fan thinks, but at least he has done a great thing."

Jiang Li has always missed those relatives and friends, and Qin Yu has always felt guilty, but now he feels comfortable in his heart.

"Qin Yu, hello." When Chunyurou saw Qin Yu, his heart felt a little pimple.

At the beginning, she tried every means to make Zhou Xian her son-in-law, but what happened in the end? The four great god kings in the entire Thunder Punishment City, including Zhou Xian who later became the god king, were all dead. Now it has even fallen to let a junior boy named Zhou Qing become the Holy Emperor of Thunder Punishment City.

Back then in the Arctic Saint Emperor Palace, she could comment on Qin Yu wantonly, but now, in terms of status, Qin Yu surpassed the Eight Great Saint Emperors and became the absolute number one person in the entire God Realm. Perhaps, only the three aloof Heavenly Venerates can overwhelm Qin Yu.

"Brother Qin Yu, you probably know most of these people. This is the older brother of me and Li'er, 'Jiang Jun'. This is also the brother of me and Li'er, called..."

Jiang Yan was very active at the moment, constantly introducing people to Qin Yu. Among the visitors, Qin Yu knew most of them. After all, Qin Yu also stayed in Piaoxue City for a long time. Even if they didn't know each other, Jiang Li had talked with Qin Yu in the past, and now, as soon as Jiang Yan introduced him, Qin Yu knew each other.

The arrival of a group of people from Piaoxue City made the entire Zixuan Mansion lively. However, Jiang Li was probably the happiest in the entire Zixuan Mansion. As for Qin Yu, there was always a puzzled doubt in his heart.

Qin Yu walked to Jiang Lan's residence alone.

Jiang Lan chatted with Che Houyuan for a long time yesterday, but today he has been resting all the time. Even when the people from Misty City went, he just dealt with it at first, and then returned to his residence.

"Uncle Lan, it's me." Qin Yu said aloud when he walked to the gate of the courtyard.

"Xiao Yu, come in." Jiang Lan's voice came from the courtyard, and at the same time, the courtyard door opened automatically.

Qin Yu stepped into the courtyard. Jiang Lan was sitting alone under the old tree drinking wine. When he saw Qin Yu coming in, he smiled and said, "Come, have a few drinks with me."

Qin Yu also sat down with a smile, chatted casually with Jiang Lan and drank a few cups.

"Uncle Lan, I have something I want to ask you?" Qin Yu put down his wine glass, looked at Jiang Lan and asked.

Jiang Lan smiled and nodded: "Looking at your expression, I know you have something on your mind, so tell me, what's the matter?"

Qin Yu nodded slightly and said, "Uncle Lan, the 'Law of Time' contained in the Wanmin Seal is very profound. You have only practiced in the new universe for four years. Even if time is accelerated by a million times, it is only four million years... Four Millions of years are not enough to comprehend the law of time. Now that you have come out, Uncle Lan, have you succeeded?"


Jiang Lan smiled, "Xiaoyu, according to what you said, if I can't comprehend the law of time, I can't come out?"

"No, no." Qin Yulian said, "Uncle Lan, you know that, I didn't mean that."

Seeing Qin Yu's appearance, Jiang Lan smiled: "Okay, I'm just joking with you, I know what you mean. Yes, it's really short for me to practice for such a short time. As for the law of time, I can't improve. Not big."

"Uncle Lan, I want to know if the people from Piaoxue City have something to do with you? You went to Piaoxue City to persuade them?" Qin Yu asked.

Jiang Lan couldn't help looking at Qin Yu, but didn't speak.

"I can guess that Uncle Lan, you went to Piaoxue City just after you came out of the new universe. The next day, a group of people from Piaoxue City came, so I have to think of you."

Qin Yu smiled and said, "Uncle Lan, you have done a great deed. But I am very puzzled, Uncle Lan, how did you convince my 'father-in-law'."

"Move it with emotion, and understand it with reason." Jiang Lan said casually, and then drank a glass of wine.

"Move it with emotion, understand it with reason? It's so simple?" Qin Yu couldn't believe it.

Qin Yu didn't know about Jiang Fan's character. In order to get the chance to become a god, he didn't even care about his daughter, and he didn't hesitate to break his relationship with his brother. Such a decisive person is so easy to persuade

"Uncle Lan, don't lie to me." Qin Yu stared at Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan was stared at for a long time, she couldn't help but shook her head with a smile and said, "Okay, you child, I'll tell you, it's really not a big deal. I just gave the Houtu Seal and Wan Min Seal to Jiang Fan, That elder brother of mine has been looking forward to Houtu Yin and Wanmin Yin for an indefinite amount of time, and if I give it to him right away, he is naturally extremely grateful, and it is only natural that he would do so."

Qin Yu was stunned.

"Uncle Lan, you said, you said that you gave the seal of Houtu and the seal of Wanmin to Jiang Fan?" Qin Yu didn't call 'Jiang Fan' his father-in-law at this time.

Qin Yu guessed that Uncle Lan must pay some price to persuade the other party, but he didn't expect that it was these two incomplete Tianzun Lingbao that contained the opportunity to become Tianzun.

"Uncle Lan, if you have the seal of Houtu and the seal of Wanmin, you may become a god. You have two, and the possibility is much higher than that of Luo Fan. Why, why..." Qin Yu felt unwilling.

Jiang Lan smiled lightly and said, "It's just the seal of Houtu and the seal of Wanmin. It's not very useful to me. I don't have any desire for the position of Tianzun, and it doesn't matter whether I become Tianzun."

"Uncle Lan—" Qin Yu frowned.

"Xiao Yu, by the way, you gave me the Wanmin Seal, and I gave it to someone else, so you won't be angry." Jiang Lan said to Qin Yu with a smile.

Qin Yu couldn't laugh or cry at this time.

"This Jiang Fan." Qin Yu couldn't help feeling resentful and annoyed, "Back then, this Jiang Fan disregarded his brotherhood with Uncle Lan, father and daughter of Li'er, just to have a chance to become a god. Even disregarding my huge advantages in recruiting relatives at that time, I just let Zhou Huo be my son-in-law!"

"A while ago, he targeted me again and again, and even ruthlessly attacked me. Back then, those god kings and holy emperors fell into the new universe, and his life and death were under my control, but in the end, for Li'er's sake, I Still let him go. I thought he was at least thinking about that love, but I didn't expect Uncle Lan to persuade him, but he didn't agree. He just waited for Uncle Lan to give him the Seal of Houtu and the Seal of Wanmin before agreeing. This kind of person—”

In Qin Yu's heart, he had already begun to look down on Jiang Fan.

Originally, he at least recognized him as his father-in-law in his heart, but now Qin Yu didn't want to recognize him at all.

"Wan Min Yin, Hou Tu Yin, the ones he accepts are not too hot? Uncle Lan, did he ever refuse?" Qin Yu looked at Uncle Lan.

Uncle Lan was slightly taken aback.

Back then, Jiang Fan had indeed accepted the Wanmin Seal and the Houtu Seal without any refusal.

"Okay, Xiao Yu, Jiang Fan really wants to be the Heavenly Venerable. After getting the Wanmin Seal and the Houtu Seal, of course he is reluctant to give up. It's nothing, anyway, I don't want to be the Heavenly Venerable. Let my elder brother realize his wish. Nothing." Jiang Lan said with a faint smile.

Jiang Lan was in a good mood and didn't mind at all.

"Become a god?"

Qin Yu laughed, "He still becomes the Heavenly Lord? Uncle Lan, even if he gets the Wanmin Seal and the Houtu Seal, he will not be able to become the Heavenly Lord. This is his fate, and he doesn't have that fate!"

Jiang Lan was startled by Qin Yu's tone, which contained absolute confidence.

"Xiao Yu, are you so sure?" Jiang Lan was puzzled.

Qin Yu smiled slightly. He recalled what he had said with his second elder brother Lin Meng. When Xiaosi was born in "Hundred Days", Lin Meng said that none of the god kings who were still in Tianzun Mountain at that time could become Tianzun.

At that time, Jiang Fan, the Holy Emperor of the North Pole, was in Tianzun Mountain.

"Uncle Lan, you will know when the new Tianzun is born, Jiang Fan, he can't become Tianzun." Qin Yu said indifferently. It's just that Jiang Fan now has endless expectations, and is earnestly practicing the law of time through the "Hou Tu Yin, Wan Min Yin" penance.

Time passed, and nearly eight months passed in the blink of an eye.

In Zixuan Mansion, a large group of people gathered outside Hou Feina's courtyard at this moment, more than a thousand people from Zixuan Mansion were talking with each other in low voice, and inside the courtyard were Hou Fei, Qin Yu and a group of people.

Hou Fei's two wives, Zixia and Hongyun, are going to give birth at the same time today.

Hou Fei was so anxious at the door, he kept walking around, his fists clenched even more tightly. From time to time, the eyes flashed red, and the energy in the whole body trembled slightly.

"Fei Fei, sit down and don't worry too much." Qin Yu said aloud.

Hou Fei glared at Qin Yu: "Can I sit down?"

Immediately, a group of people in the courtyard laughed, but everyone kept their voices very consciously, lest they disturb the two women who were about to become mothers inside.

"En?" Qin Yu frowned.

"Brush." Qin Yu disappeared into the courtyard out of thin air, and the surrounding Hei Yu, Jiang Li, Yi Feng, Che Houyuan and others were all surprised.

At this moment, Qin Yu appeared out of thin air on a path in Zixuan Mansion, and walking in front of this path was a middle-aged man in a purple robe. His figure was a bit thin and thin, but he looked aloof.

Those eyes that occasionally flashed red light swept over Qin Yu.

"Senior Xiaoyao Tianzun came here, and this junior couldn't help but be overjoyed, but I don't know if senior is here, what's the matter?" Qin Yu cupped his hands slightly and said.

The person who came was Xiaoyao Tianzun. At this moment, Qin Yu already had a feeling in his heart that the coming of Xiaoyao Tianzun was probably related to Hou Fei.

Above the God Realm, in a very high space in the God Realm, this space is completely isolated from the rest of the God Realm. Other god kings couldn't find this place at all.

In this independent space above the God Realm, there are various auspicious clouds floating, and in the depths of the clouds, there is a palace.

At this moment, outside the gate of the palace, there is a person standing, his falcon-like eyes are looking down, this person is Lei Punisher, who has a grudge with Qin Yu!

"Huh, Junior Brother finally went to see his precious son." Lei Fei Tianzun sneered, "But it's almost too soon, five years, five years to go, after five years the new Tianzun candidate will be decided, after that I can have no scruples Go and kill Qin Yu! Qin Yu... I will allow you to live another five years." Lei Fei Tianzun's eyes flickered coldly.