Stellar Transformation

Chapter 8: Zhao Yunxing


Qin Yu didn't know.

The eight people who came this time have all reached the level of grandmasters of their respective schools of external skills. Each of them is extremely powerful, and they can win against ordinary masters of the day after tomorrow. Perhaps only innate masters can suppress them.

With such a level of external strength, hands and feet are already as strong as steel, even surpassing the strength of weapons, it is normal to smash bluestones. However, to cultivate external skills to such an extent, not only hard work is required, but also talent is required. After all, there are more than one billion people in the three counties of the Eastern Region, and only a few dozen people can practice external skills to such a level.

Qin Yu's eyes widened and he watched carefully, each of the masters of external skills stepped forward to perform their unique moves.


The silver-haired old man grabbed a piece of bluestone that was as big as a brick with one hand, and saw that the five fingers squeezed hard, and the bluestone was crushed into fine powder, and then the silver-haired old man walked back to his position coldly and said lightly : "Eagle Claw Skill."

This is the sixth performance by a master of external skills.

A bald and strong man came out, his naked upper body seemed to have a golden light.

"Iron Leg Skill." The bald man said with a slight smile, and then waved his legs easily.

"Phew!" The air was cut through in an instant, and there was a sharp and piercing whistling sound, and a visible airflow rushed away in a straight line, just hitting a broken bluestone, and the bluestone was immediately rolled far away by the impact .

Just relying on the airflow generated by the terrifying leg speed, a shattered bluestone was rolled far away, so if the leg hit the person, what would be the result

"Excellent." Qin Yu sighed inwardly, and then cast his eyes on the last master of external skills, the stern man in black. From the beginning to the end, this stern man in black watched the performances of the other foreign kung fu masters indifferently, his eyes were always very serious. calm.

"Why don't you act?" Qin Yu asked curiously after waiting for a while but the stern man made a move.

Zhao Yunxing shook his head and said indifferently: "My claw skills are not as good as Eagle Claw King, my strength is not as good as Man Dong's, and my leg skills are not as good as this brother, so why do I still have to be ashamed?"

Qin Yu was stunned.

"Then you must have some unique trick." Qin Yu carefully looked at the stern man in black in front of him, trying to judge his unique trick from him, but Qin Yu failed. He couldn't find the man in black at all. what a special place.

"Unique move?" Zhao Yunxing smiled, then looked at Qin Yu with a stern look, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "My unique move will only be shown when killing people, but...even if I am your teacher, I won't teach it. Your killer trick."

Qin Yu was not intimidated by Zhao Yunxing's aura, but instead asked in confusion: "You don't teach me your unique skills, so what will you teach me?"

"Exercise." Zhao Yunxing said flatly.

Qin Yu laughed suddenly: "Okay, I'll choose you."

At this moment, Zhao Yunxing's always stern face showed a trace of surprise. Even the other seven masters of external skills looked at Qin Yu in surprise. 'people.

"Okay, His Highness has already chosen, and Zhao Yunxing will be His Highness's teacher from today on." Deputy Director Li immediately announced loudly.

The other seven masters of external skills walked towards Qin Yu one by one in amazement, and Man Dong's thick voice sounded: "Your Highness, why don't you choose me? I will definitely teach you to be as strong as an ox, holding a big ax , that’s one piece.”

Looking at the curious seven masters of external skills in front of him, Qin Yu had a wicked smile on his face: "Hey, this is a secret."

At this time, Zhao Yunxing also came over, looked at Qin Yu, with a faint smile on his face, and asked, "I'm also curious, why did you choose me as your teacher? Third Highness, can you tell me the reason?" ?”

Qin Yu lifted his head slightly, and proudly said: "Stupid, do you need to say that? You are really a bunch of idiots." Then he turned around to leave, and Lian Yan, who was beside him, also came over and followed Qin Yu, then He asked, "Xiao Yu, why did you choose this Zhao Yunxing?"

Qin Yu immediately whispered in a mysterious voice: "Grandpa Lian, do you need to say anything? Just look at their expressions, eight people, that Zhao Yunxing stood at the end, no one dared to approach him. Also, that Zhao Yunxing Seeing other people performing, Xing didn't seem to care. Can't this be judged? And... Even Grandpa, look at that Zhao Yunxing's eyes are different from other people~~~hee hee!"

After speaking, Qin Yu walked out of Xiyuan, and the eyes of the eight masters of external martial arts were all surprised. They were all masters, and their hearing was much more sensitive, and they all heard Qin Yu's words.

"Third Highness is really careful, maybe he can really receive a good disciple, but... I don't know how his perseverance is." Zhao Yunxing had a smile in his eyes.

The other seven masters all knew it in their hearts, and they all praised the wisdom of the three highnesses.

"General Zhao, I'll go back to the barracks first." Man Dong and the other three masters of the Liehu Army immediately clasped their hands together, with a very respectful expression, which came from the heart. For this General Zhao, even if he is an innate master, in the eyes of these army masters, he is not as good as General Zhao.

"Brother Zhao, congratulations on accepting such a high-ranking apprentice, and we are leaving too." Eagle Claw King and the others said with a little respect as they cupped their hands.

There is a circle of internal kung fu masters, and there is a circle of external kung fu masters. In the entire Qianlong Continent, there are so many external kung fu masters. In this circle, Zhao Yunxing belongs to the emperor level and is respected by all external kung fu masters. The military is also great. Zhendong King Qin De was willing to let Zhao Yunxing teach for a year, which surprised Xu Yuan for a long time at first.

On the second day, on the huge practice field of Yunwu Villa, Zhao Yunxing stood there alone in a black practice uniform, motionless.

"Teacher!" Qin Yu, who was wearing a practice suit, ran up to Zhao Yunxing excitedly, respectfully.

Zhao Yunxing nodded slightly, and then said: "From now on, you must arrive at the training ground at 6:00 in the morning. It is already 8:00 in the morning, and you are an hour late. You will be punished first by running from Yunwu Villa to the foot of the mountain, and then from the foot of the mountain to Yunwu Villa." (In order to let everyone see clearly, the time of Qianlong Continent is set as 24 hours a day, 30 January, and 360 days a year. In fact, it is also tomato laziness.)

Qin Yu was slightly taken aback, and immediately said angrily: "Teacher, this is the first time, you didn't tell me to come at six o'clock before."

"Don't have any doubts about my order, all you need to do is... execute it." Zhao Yunxing stared at Qin Yu with indifferent eyes, without any compromise, Qin Yu bit his lip, and immediately said: "Yes, teacher! "After finishing speaking, he started to run down.

Yunwu Villa is located on the mountainside of Donglan Mountain. It is about 2 kilometers from Yunwu Villa to the foot of the mountain, and the round trip is 4 kilometers. Moreover, the climb up the mountain is too difficult for an eight-year-old child.

Zhao Yunxing watched Qin Yu start to run, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded slightly. Then he returned to his stern look. Zhao Yunxing also started to run behind Qin Yu. Zhao Yunxing's running was as easy as taking a walk. The whole person was like the wind, and one step was a few meters. Zhao Yunxing followed behind Qin Yu.

Qin Yu's eyes flickered with light, he pursed his lips and began to run.

In the past, he often climbed mountains, and often ran from Yunwu Villa to the top of the mountain, each time more than 1,000 meters, which made Qin Yu's endurance very good. In addition, he soaked in the hot springs of Yunwu Villa, and his body was far stronger than his peers.

After running the 2,000 meters at the foot of the mountain, because it was going down the mountain, Qin Yu didn't exert too much effort. After running the 2,000 meters, he was just out of breath. When he turned around, Qin Yu started running up.

It is easy to go down the mountain, but difficult to go up the mountain.

After only running a few hundred meters, Qin Yu felt that his breathing was extremely painful, and every step was extremely strenuous. Qin Yu felt his leg muscles sore, and every step was very strenuous, but Qin Yu could feel that Zhao Yunxing was next to myself.

Qin Yu was also stubborn and arrogant in his bones, he immediately gritted his teeth and continued to persist.

The limit... It was difficult to breathe, and the entire chest sucked in oxygen like a bellows.

"I can't do it?"

Reaching the physical limit, Qin Yu felt extremely painful: "Father." Thinking of his father, Qin Yu gritted his teeth and continued to hold on, the pain became more and more painful, and even Qin Yu felt that he was going to die, but suddenly... as if turned over As if reaching a peak, Qin Yu's breathing became a little easier again.

After going through this physical limit, Qin Yu maintained his running state close to the limit.

After running for more than a thousand meters and seeing the gate of Yunwu Villa, Qin Yu reached his physical limit for the second time.

"We've arrived at Yunwu Villa." Qin Yu felt relieved for a while and wanted to stop to rest. But-

"Run to the training ground." Zhao Yunxing's cold voice sounded behind him. Zhao Yunxing didn't even have the slightest breath, not even the slightest ups and downs in his voice. Ordinary people are panting when they walk and climb mountains, but he doesn't even breathe Variety.

"Huhu~~~~" Qin Yu didn't say anything, but took short breaths. Qin Yu gritted his teeth and finally ran to the training ground. As soon as he arrived at the training ground, Qin Yu felt that his legs were weak and tired. , will sit down.

"Stand, don't sit down." Zhao Yunxing came to Qin Yu's body in a blink of an eye, and looked at Qin Yu lightly, with the same expression on his face as before going up and down the mountain.

Relying on the arrogance in his bones, Qin Yu forced himself to stand and just looked at Zhao Yunxing like that.

Zhao Yunxing nodded, and said: "If you can run down, you can also feel the limit of your physiology. Very good, if you run down once, from today onwards, you will be my disciple of Zhao Yunxing." Zhao Yunxing's words are very obvious. , if Qin Yu couldn't finish the run, it is estimated that Zhao Yunxing would leave directly and stop teaching Qin Yu.

Qin Yu just looked at Zhao Yunxing, it wasn't that he didn't want to talk, but at the moment he couldn't speak at all, it was the first time he was running so violently.

"All external exercises, or iron sand palm, or iron leg exercises, or others, are all about exercising a certain part of the body, making it stronger than steel, with amazing attack power. They are all methods of attack. No matter what external exercises, the body is the root. The body is the foundation. A person who is as fast as lightning and lifts a thousand catties with strength is definitely better than a consumptive ghost in any external kung fu, or Bawangshenquan, or iron leg kungfu." Zhao Yunxing talked eloquently.

Qin Yu was out of breath at the moment. Hearing what Zhao Yunxing said, he immediately said: "Teacher, I understand this. The body is the foundation. A good body is a piece of rough jade, and it is much better if it is carved, while a weak body is more difficult. It is a piece of impurity jade, even if the craftsmanship is superb, it will not be a good jade carving."

Zhao Yunxing had a rare smile on his face: "Very good, just understand. I only teach you for one year. Within this year, I will train you in all aspects of the body, including strength, speed, flexibility, Explosiveness, resistance to blows, etc., make your body constantly transform. As for the attack method, I will not teach you. I will only teach you the method of training the body to a perfect state. As for how to use this body to attack people and kill people , realize it yourself."

"My training method is... the extreme training method. You must have felt the existence of the physical limit when you were running just now, but compared with my training, it is just a child's play. Of course, you can choose to give up. If you choose to give up, I can relax Now, my soldiers are much stronger than you, a child." Zhao Yunxing looked at Qin Yu and said indifferently.

Qin Yu's eyes were firm.


Qin Yu felt that he fell in love with the feeling of surpassing the limit, yes, he liked it.

"Teacher, let's start." Qin Yu looked at Zhao Yunxing proudly, Zhao Yunxing raised his eyebrows, surprised at the strength of this disciple's heart, and there was a satisfied smile on his face.

But Qin Yu suddenly had a bitter face, blinked his eyes at Zhao Yunxing, and said pitifully, "Teacher, can you let me take a rest, I'm really tired from running just now, drink some water first, and then soak in the hot spring , Let Grandpa Weng give you a massage, the muscles are very tired."

Zhao Yunxing was startled, and the expression on his face froze. At this time, Zhao Yunxing's expression was very exciting, which can be described in one word, that is... dumbfounding.