Step by Step

Chapter 127: Investigation in Zhongdan Village


Liu Dapao mentioned a few in turn. The central idea is to fight for some priority rights for Zhongdan Village, such as employment, wages, and so on. As for the ones Zhang Feng said earlier, Liu Dapao easily agreed to it, and it was not embarrassing. In fact, in Liu Dapao's view, those are nothing at all. The most important thing is to find a way to make money for the villagers.

Zhang Feng’s self-consciousness is too good to go along the river. In case of a dispute in the future, the problem is still his own, so after pondering for a while, he came up with a solution: "The plan of Zhongdan Village is still neat and the street is spacious enough, but the road has not been hardened. On sandy roads, the ground will become muddy every continuous rain and snow, and the dust will be dusty in dry weather. Why not harden the streets of Zhongdan Village?"

Liu Dapao was startled when he heard the words: "What Secretary Zhang meant, let the developer re-pave a new street for Zhongdan Village?"

Zhang Feng said with a "hmm" and said, "It is not entirely true. I mean that the town has come forward to coordinate, the development businessmen provide enough cement and sand, and the town government contacts the engineering team to provide technical equipment. The village provides for paving concrete streets and drainage channels for Zhongdan Village. Of course, there is no money for paving the road."

Liu Dapao patted his knee and said loudly: "It's done! That's it! Secretary Zhang, when will the street be paved?"

Zhang Feng said: "Originally, it's better to be at the turn of spring and summer, but the rural situation is quite special. This is the slack season of agriculture. Everyone has time. Although the stonebreaker has not been installed, the developer can pay for the Kong family. The stone of the bridge, so how about paving the street right after the matter is settled?"

Liu Dapao hesitated for a while and then said, "That's the best," he paused and then said, "Isn't there a deserted beach to the south of the village? It was washed out by the flood ten years ago, covering 40 to 50 acres. It looks like it was originally a paddling land, and after the flood, there is no way to plant it. It has been idle for these years, so it's better to rent it to the quarry."

Zhang Feng was overjoyed when he heard this. He knew the deserted beach in the south of the village. There were more than a hundred acres, but it was true that the place could not be farmed, otherwise it would not be deserted for nearly ten years. Liu Dapao said there were only forty or fifty acres. It’s half-rental and half-delivery. It is also a must pass through the expressway. It happens to be on the line. If it is rented to Fang Lan, it will take a big advantage.

After pondering a little, he said: "Also, that piece of land should be enough, but Party Secretary Liu has to come up with a charter regarding the rent."

Liu Dapao pondered: "Secretary Zhang is doing things for the developer merchant?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Is it organizationally clear? When negotiating with the development businessmen, try to fight for some benefits for our village and not let the village suffer."

Liu Dapao was very simple: "The land is packaged for the quarry, and the rent is 1,000 yuan a year, how about it?"

Zhang Feng was slightly taken aback. One thousand yuan a year, that piece of land was given away for nothing. Hundreds of acres of deserted beaches were packaged and rented out. One thousand yuan was already very dark from the perspective of Zhongdan Village, but it was placed in Zhang Feng. The angle is no different from free delivery. After pondering for a while, Zhang Feng said: "It's okay, just use this standard as the bottom line and talk to them in the town."

In the evening, Zhang Feng and Liu Dapao finally came up with some general rules and regulations. Qin Li acted as a recorder and wrote down these initially drafted terms. Then he ran a special trip to the village and called the village director Liu Tianliang. After Liu Tianliang learned about the situation, he ran errands personally and asked Liu Dapao to convene members of the village committee and branch committee to hold an on-site meeting.

Zhang Feng naturally understands Liu Tianliang’s thoughts. This is because he is afraid that things will go wrong, so he should settle down first. In case it goes wrong, he is the county committee member and town committee secretary who sits on the wax. He can’t help but laugh secretly and don’t stop him. It is also good to take this opportunity to understand the thinking of the people in the village.

Surprisingly, Luo Hu’s father-in-law, Liu Tianmin, was also a member of the village committee. He seemed to be the leader of a certain villager group. After the meeting, they naturally had a cordial exchange. The two also discussed some details about Luo Hu’s marriage. Liu Tianmin He is a person who believes in tradition, and he insists on weddings and funerals, which makes Zhang Feng a headache.

According to Liu Tianmin, he has checked the almanac. From now until June or July next year, there is no auspicious day for marriage. In other words, it is very difficult for Luo Hu to get married in a short period of time, Zhang Feng pondered for a moment, and patiently persuaded: "Uncle Liu, Shaoyao and Luo Hu are both not too young anymore. It won’t be good for both of them if you postpone it. You are here, although our country advocates late marriage and late childbearing, it’s too late. It doesn’t work anymore. As you get older, it will become more difficult and dangerous to give birth."

Liu Tianmin didn't expect Zhang Feng to come up with such a reason. He was choked so much that he couldn't speak, and he was a little worried. Her daughter would be twenty-six after the Chinese New Year. In rural areas, how could it be so big? Married? But there is no auspicious day, but he went to Nansha Village to find Luo blind man to calculate it, and it cost dozens of dollars.

Seeing Liu Tianmin’s hesitation, Zhang Feng suggested: “If that’s not the case, get engaged first, and then let the two of you go and get the marriage certificate, simply set up a banquet, and wait for the zodiac festival to make up the wedding. How?"

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Tianmin shook his head like a rattle: "No way, no way, how can you do things like this?"

Zhang Feng laughed: "Uncle Liu is embarrassing yourself, don't you hug your grandson?"

Liu Tianmin chuckled when he heard the words: "I've already held my grandson, so I have to pay you back."

Zhang Feng suddenly understood that Liu Tianmin also has a son, two years older than Shaoyao, who is married and has two boys, one girl and three children. He once heard Luo Hu say that just a fine for a superbirth is almost the same. The son punished the Liu family for being stupid. For this reason, Shaoyao's eldest brother took his wife to work in the south, fighting guerrillas with family planning people, and didn't come back until a few days ago.

The last time I gave Liu’s 20,000 yuan as a gift, I took all of it to pay a fine. Otherwise, Liu Tianmin would not have promised so happily. However, the mention of this conversation really made Liu Tianmin tempted. He pondered and said:" I'll think about it when I go back?"

Zhang Feng didn’t want to press too hard. What’s more, today I just happened to meet a few words, and he didn’t come to discuss Luo Hu’s marriage, so he nodded and accepted: "Uncle Liu, you have to hurry up, this It's something, it has an impact on Hu Zi's conversion and upgrading."

When Liu Tianmin heard this, he immediately paid attention. Now he is more concerned about Huzi's affairs than anyone else. The neighbors in the village, relatives and friends, who doesn't know that Shaoyao's son-in-law is the police of the county public security bureau? That's a face-saving thing.

Not to mention that Liu Tianmin sat there thinking about the marriage of his daughter and son-in-law. After the members of the village branch committee and the village committee got together, they held an ad hoc meeting at the house of the village party secretary Liu Dapao. Liu Dapao represented the village and Qin Li represented the town. On the previous page, I solemnly read the terms negotiated between Zhang Feng and Liu Dapao to everyone, and then started the discussion, and the result was naturally passed without any doubt.

In the evening, Zhongdan Village became hot. Almost every household knew the news. Liu Tianmin’s house was no exception. But when Liu Tianmin brought out the marriage between Shaoyao and Luo Hu, everyone in the family except himself Feeling that what Secretary Zhang said was reasonable, he agreed to marry the two of them sooner.

However, Liu Tianmin’s eldest son, Liu Chang, offered an unexpected condition, that is, Shaoyao’s eldest brother, the one who took his wife to go south to fight guerrillas to avoid family planning. After all, he had been running outside for a few years and he had a broad vision. He gave Liu Tianmin an idea. Suggestion: "Dad, since Secretary Zhang can say that moving people come here to invest and break the stone, it means that this matter has a bright future."

Liu Tianmin rolled his eyes: "Aren't you talking nonsense, fools will come to do things that have no prospects, and they have to post money and pay wages to sell stones. Do you think the money is falling from the sky and the wind is blowing?" Secretary Zhang is Who? The youngest person is a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, and I can't think about it. Needless to say, everyone knows that the quarry has something to do with it."

Liu Chang said: "Then why don't we install a rockbreaker?"

Liu Tianmin sneered, "Do you know how much it costs to install a rockbreaker? How many stones will you eat in a day when you officially smash it? The electricity bill alone can kill you! You have to pay for the stones and pay for it. Labor, who has the money? Just one day I know my mind and I don’t want to do anything reliable, you, if it were not for the tiger, you would still be outside and unable to return home!"

Liu Chang's face blushed and said, "We don't have money, but brother-in-law has one, can't we get one for brother-in-law?"

Liu Shao was a little unhappy when he heard this. Since his father came back and talked about her marriage with Huzi, Shaoyao sat on the kang with his head sullen and played a sweater, silently listening to family discussions, but listening to the eldest brother. When it comes to Huzi, she has to say a few words: "Huzi is now a public security officer. There are regulations not to do this kind of thing, and he has no money to lend to our family for business!"

Liu Chang said, "Oh, before we get married, I started to abduct my arms. If I don't have money, how can I get 20,000 yuan as a betrothal gift? We are from ten miles and eight villages. Who has heard of such a big gift? Money? It was when I married your sister-in-law, our family only gave out a betrothal of 800 yuan. At that time, it was already overwhelming. And our village sweet girl, not yet..."


Liu Chang's words almost angered Liu Tianmin, "Jing one day thinking about crooked ways, I will go to the river to fish for rocks in the next day. If you can't get the 20,000 yuan fine, don't enter this house!" The old man was a little stupid.

Liu Chang didn’t take it seriously. He smiled and sat there smoking. There were a lot of things to make the children happy, but his wife whispered: "Dad, I heard that the quarry needs a forklift, a tractor, or something. If we drive, let’s get a car to transport him, or just buy a forklift and put it in the quarry. It’s better than going to Dongyu River to fish for stones, right?"

Liu Tianmin just breathed a sigh of relief, but he opened his mouth but didn’t say anything. The daughter-in-law’s idea is naturally more reliable than Liu Chang’s, but this also requires a lot of money, that is, a second-hand thirty-five tractor. It costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. For them, it is undoubtedly an astronomical amount of money. It is impossible to pay a family planning fine. But where can I get tens of thousands of yuan now

Luo Hu’s family is planning to build a new house. This Liu Tianmin knows. He also knows what his son Liu Chang’s idea is, but that kind of thing is not something he can or is willing to do. The daughter finally finds a happy one. Her husband's family, however, can't be dragged down by his own family. Peony has always been Liu Tianmin's pride. He didn't want his daughter to be incapable of talking at home after marriage.

After pondering for a long time, Liu Tianmin said: "Let me think about it in a few days, tens of thousands of dollars is not so easy to get."

If it was his son’s suggestion, Liu Tianmin would definitely scold him back without saying anything, but when his wife spoke up, he would have to weigh it up, and at the very least he couldn’t think about it and refused. If he worked hard, he would still fail to do it and want to come to the children. I can figure it out. Is this the only condition in the family

Presumably understand the situation at home, Liu Chang's wife wondered: "Dad, do you think the loan is okay? I have been working outside with Liu Chang in the past few years. I have a better understanding of transportation. If you buy a tractor, you can not only run transportation, but also autumn and winter. You can also make a lot of money in the crops of the season. Nowadays, you don’t need livestock for cutting wheat and farming. Tractors turn the land for sowing. Every year you can make no less money than running and transporting. If you use a forklift, you can also earn a lot of money. The loan is not too big a problem."

Liu Tianmin is not a ignorant person, he pondered: "What you said makes sense, but the loans in the past two years are not like in previous years. Credit unions have money and can't get them out. Anyone dares to lend them. Now they are all mortgaged. And without a strong relationship, you can't get money at all, let alone a huge sum of tens of thousands of yuan."

Liu Chang's wife said: "If you really want a loan, you have to help with Shaoyao."

When Shaoyao heard her sister-in-law talk about herself, she was a little embarrassed: "Sister-in-law, I am more anxious about the situation at home than you, and I want to be able to help, but I have to deal with the credit union for the loan. Where can I have this relationship? The few people I know are all poor teachers in the school. They are really powerless."

Liu Chang's wife did not speak this time, but only looked at Liu Tianmin with her eyes.

Liu Tianmin's mind turned around, and some understood, and he couldn't help but look at his daughter-in-law with admiration. Unexpectedly, after running for a few years, his knowledge increased a lot. He took out a pot of dry tobacco from his waist and slowly filled it with tobacco leaves, but he was wondering in his heart. Do you want to open this mouth? After a long time, I smashed it and said: "Shaoyao, you and Secretary Zhang are not classmates. See if you can ask Secretary Zhang to help provide a guarantee? If you have Secretary Zhang's guarantee, from the bank There is hope for lending some money."

Liu Shao was startled when he heard the words, and after thinking about it for a while, he said: "Dad, I don't know anything about this. Zhang Feng and I have a normal classmate relationship. If it weren't for the tiger, you wouldn't be able to say a few words to me. No, let me ask? In fact, Huzi is most sure about this matter. If you are not in a hurry, when Huzi comes, I will talk to Huzi."

She knew where Luo Hu’s money came from, but she couldn’t tell her family. She was even more embarrassed to talk to Zhang Feng. If it was Huzi’s own business, she would have tried to help Zhang Feng without opening up. The eldest brother wants to take a loan. This crook is a bit big. Liu Shao really doesn't want to open her mouth, but she also understands the situation at home. If she doesn't think of a way as soon as possible, it's hard to solve it.

When Liu Shao’s family was discussing how to borrow money to buy a car or install a rockbreaker, many families in Zhongdan Village were thinking about similar things. To say it, there are really few dumb people. Almost most of the simple truths. Everyone can figure it out, but the problem is that few people can get the funds to lay the groundwork, but the quarry can't get it done, but it doesn't mean they have no other ideas.

Because the double committee was held temporarily, it was already late in the evening when Zhang Feng planned to leave. Naturally, Liu Dapao could not let Zhang Feng leave at this time. In any case, Zhang Feng had to stay and drink two glasses of wine. Feng had no choice but to ask Qin Li to call Huo Ming. The dinner scheduled for tonight was pushed to another day. The people in Zhongdan Village were so enthusiastic.

Liu Dapao’s wife is a native of Neijiang from Sichuan, who cooks authentic Sichuan cuisine. In order to entertain Zhang Feng, she deliberately reveals a Sichuan flavor that has not been displayed for many years. Although the technique is a bit rusty and the preparations are not very complete, she still lets Zhang Feng was full of praise, and the two of them unconsciously poured two bottles of Lao Bai to dry them, looking extremely happy.

When he first started to clean up the dishes, the village director Liu Tianliang walked in and squatted beside him for a long time, smoking cigarettes without speaking.

Zhang Feng thought for a moment, knowing that Liu Tianliang might have something to say, but he couldn't speak, so he smiled and said, "Comrade Tianliang, is there something that I haven't figured out yet? Just tell me if I have something to say. Not a cannibal tiger."

Liu Tianliang was a little embarrassed, stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "It's something I didn't understand. Don't be surprised by Secretary Zhang. I don't know much about the country folks. I can't sleep at night because of things in my heart."

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, never taking Liu Tianliang’s words seriously, took out a pack of red pandas from his pocket and opened it, threw one to Liu Tianliang, and said, "Let’s talk, not just about the river beach, but the rest of the village. Any questions are fine, but I am here to stay here."

Liu Tianliang faced Zhang Feng. It is impossible to say that he is not nervous at all. Not to mention that Zhang Feng is still a member of the county party committee, or a town party secretary alone, and it is not that he, the village director, can talk to him at any time. Yes, I have organized the language for a long time in my heart, but when I really faced it, I had already forgotten it completely, and he hesitated for a long time before remembering where to start.

"Secretary Zhang, the town has contracted Dongyu River. The people in our town go to the river to quarry sand and stone. Do you want to pay?" Liu Tianliang pondered for a long time, but decided to ask one by one so as not to mess up the rules.

"Naturally, you have to pay, but it is not the person who quarries the stone, but the person who buys it. In other words, the person on the stone crusher will pay for the labor and the management fee, and the management fee will be paid directly to the town. It doesn't matter in the village. The wages are actually the stone money paid in the amount of stones. The more sand and stones you mine, the more money you can sell. Whoever sells the stones to the stonebreaker will receive the money."

"In other words, anyone in our town can quarry stones in Dongyu River and sell them to the quarry. The money sold is equivalent to wages. You don't have to worry about other things?" Liu Tianliang's face was already exposed. The color of relief.

"Well, that's what it means, but I think it's better for Murakami to come forward organized quarrying, so that we can use labor more effectively and make more profits." Zhang Feng said casually, but he didn't. Take this matter to heart, just think of it and just give it a few words at will. As for whether the village will adopt it, it doesn't matter.

"Then what if the villagers also want to install stonebreakers?" When Liu Tianliang asked this, he was actually very nervous.

"Yes," Zhang Feng laughed when he heard the words. "The treatment is the same as those of the developers, but it is not so convenient for land and electricity. You can negotiate with Murakami for land issues, and you can also use electricity with quarrying. We don’t need to consider the welfare investment of laying cement roads in the village. The town still encourages everyone to install stonebreakers."

"That's a pity..." While Liu Tianliang was happy, he also showed a look of regret. Like Liu Chang, he also thought of installing a rockbreaker, but thinking of the huge capital investment, he still died of that thought. But it is better to ask about the policy face to face. If there is no funds now, it does not mean that there will be no in the future. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

"Secretary Zhang, I'm considering buying a car. It's a kind of small dumper, which is the same as the one in Kongjiaqiao. Can it be treated the same as the quarry?" Liu Tianliang asked. There are two quarries in Kongjiaqiao. A small dump truck transports stones from the river to the stone breaker in the quarry. In this calculation, the income is much stronger than pure stone fishing.

"This should be no problem. If there are enough similar dump trucks, the quarry itself does not need to be equipped, but the town can negotiate with them, there should be no problem." Zhang Feng had already laughed in his heart and saved some more. Invested.

Subsequently, many villagers came over one after another, asking everything, Zhang Feng was very patient to explain and reply.

Until ten o’clock in the evening, the people gathered at Liu Dapao’s house slowly dispersed. Liu Dapao left Zhang Feng to stay at home, but Zhang Feng said that there was still something to do in the town, and he could not stay for long. He left Zhongdan Village overnight and when he left. Let Qin Li sort out all the talks at Liu Dapao's house today, and hand them to him after work.

Back to the town government, it was already 10:30 in the evening. I didn't expect that as soon as the car entered the town government compound, the deputy secretary Huo Ming greeted him and opened the door for Zhang Feng with a smile: "Secretary Zhang, are you back?"

How can Zhang Feng not understand? He smiled and said: "Have you not rested yet? If you are not tired, let's go have a drink?"

Huo Ming was overjoyed. He waited at the gate of the town government just to wait for Zhang Feng to come back. With such a sentence, his painstakingly waiting was finally not in vain, and he quickly and diligently said: "The arrangements have been made at the Yuebin Building. Let's This will pass."