Step by Step

Chapter 13: Tang Zhenjun


Standing outside the compound of the Provincial Military Command, Zhang Feng let out a long sigh.

Finally no longer looking forward and backward, thinking about it, after making up his mind to come to the Provincial Military Region, Zhang Feng's mood suddenly relaxed.

Before, he was too concerned about Zhou Xiaojun's feelings. In fact, after careful analysis, although Zhou Xiaojun was good to him, but he had a very direct relationship with the Tang family. If it weren't for Tang Zhenjun, Zhou Xiaojun might not be so good to him, right? If Zhou Xiaojun ignores the feelings of the Tang family because of concerns about Zhou Xiaojun, wouldn't it be a bit of abandonment.

Zhang Feng also discovered the truth after getting the videotape in the study room on the third floor of the villa, but because too much happened from yesterday to today, and his spirit is in an extremely tense situation, he did not go too far. After careful analysis, it was only when I was rushing from the county seat to the province tonight, that I began to have the mind to analyze it slowly, comparing my dream experience, and trying to understand something.

When talking with Xue Hanxiang just now, he suddenly understood that Zhou Xiaojun and Xia Peng were unwilling to use the hands of the Tang family to resolve the crisis. They were obviously worried about something. Although Zhang Feng didn’t know the relationship between Xia Peng and Zhou’s family. Relationship, let alone whether Xia Peng was until Zhou Xiaojun's real birth, but he knew that Xia Peng must know that Zhou Xiaojun was Tang Zhenjun's son-in-law.

Zhou Xiaojun has been in Zhou'an County for two years and has never mentioned his family in any person or occasion. I believe few people know that Zhou Xiaojun has such a strong backer in the province, but there are two exceptions, Zhang Feng And Xia Peng.

Needless to say, Zhang Feng, Xia Peng is Zhou Xiaojun’s absolute confidant in Zhou’an County, for Zhou Xiaojun’s firm control of the public security system, and for Zhou Xiaojun’s steady foothold in Zhou’an County, but Zhang Feng doesn’t think that summer Without knowing Zhou Xiaojun's backstage, Penghui was so reluctant to take refuge in him, selling his life to help Zhou Xiaojun.

So as long as you usually pay a little attention, it is not difficult to find that Xia Peng actually knows some secrets of Zhou Xiaojun.

Regardless of Zhou Xiaojun's original background or his relationship with Tang Zhenjun, commander of the provincial military region, Xia Peng should not give up choosing the most sure channel at this time and go to the so-called chief prosecutor Xue Hanxiang.

In another period of Zhang Feng's life, he spent 20 years in prison and was prosecuted by the procuratorial organ. How could he not understand some of the functions and procedures of the procuratorial organ? In the current situation of Zhou Xiaojun, Xue Hanxiang, the chief prosecutor, cannot help Zhou Xiaojun's situation at all unless he uses other relationships. This is also the main reason why Zhang Feng is not optimistic about Xue Hanxiang.

In addition, in Zhang Feng’s view, it is certainly not possible to solve the problem in three or five days. The longer the time is, the more disadvantageous it will be for Zhou Xiaoyun, and it will also make Zhang Feng’s situation more embarrassing. It will affect the family sooner or later.

And this, Zhang Feng was extremely unwilling. In his dream, his affairs had already caused great harm to the family. He didn't want to happen again. In that case, rebirth would become meaningless.

Zhang Feng soon wanted to understand the concerns of Zhou Xiaojun and Xia Peng, and this concern was also what he had worried before. Once the relationship between Zhou Xiaojun and Liu Jingjing is exposed, it will inevitably have a great impact on the marriage relationship between the two. It will also affect the rescue operation of Zhou Xiaojun. If it is more serious, Zhou Xiaojun's future career will probably be ruined.

However, just tonight, Zhang Feng suddenly figured out the joints. In the life experience in the dream, he concealed the relationship between Zhou Xiaoyun and Liu Jingjing from the Tang family. Not only did Zhou Xiaoyun eventually die unfavorably, he was also abandoned by the Tang family. He didn't even have to ask about it. This led to the death penalty in the first instance after being prosecuted by the procuratorate.

Therefore, no matter what Zhou Xiaojun treats him, the relationship with the Tang family is fundamental. At the very least, he should not conceal something from the Tang family regarding Liu Jingjing's matter. This is something that cannot be concealed.

It is no longer possible to investigate the reasons for doing that in the past. The key is to relieve the immediate crisis through the hands of the Tang family.

After all, everything Zhang Feng is doing is actually helping himself.

After waiting at the gate for about five or six minutes, a military jeep drove out from inside, made a turn around the gate, and then jumped down a twenty-four-five-year-old soldier. He looked around and immediately locked in Zhang Feng only hesitated for a while before he walked over, "Excuse me, your last name is Zhang, right?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Zhang Feng, Commander Tang asked you to come out? Do you need to verify your body?"

The young soldier looked at Zhang Feng seriously, then saluted, and said, "Mr. Zhang, Commander Tang asked me to take you in."

It was not the first time Zhang Feng came to the Provincial Military Region, but it was the first time he came in so late. Perhaps it was because of a worry. He was not in the mood to speak either. He sat in a jeep dull and drove in until more than twenty minutes later. Inside the compound.

Tang Zhenjun was just in his early fifties, and his energy was quite good. Although he was awakened in the middle of the night, he couldn't see the slightest fatigue. When Zhang Feng came in, the old man was sitting at the table making tea with an expression. Very serious, seems to enjoy it.

In a salute, Zhang Feng stood beside him without saying a word, quietly waiting for the old man to speak.

About five or six minutes later, the old man squinted his eyes, took a deep breath, then shook his head gently, and said, "Hey, it's almost a bit," he turned his head and looked at Zhang. Feng glanced at it and said, "Let's talk about it, what is it worth waking me up in the middle of the night?"

Zhang Feng lowered his eyelids and said, "Master, it's Secretary Zhou's business."

Tang Zhenjun frowned slightly, and said, "He has something to find here? Huh, don't you make your own decision?"

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment. I don’t know what Tang Zhenjun’s words mean, but since he’s here, he didn’t intend to cover it up. First, he took out the portfolio Xia Peng gave him from his body and gently placed it. Put it in front of the old man, and then explained in detail what happened last night to today.

Tang Zhenjun once served as the chief of Zhang Feng’s Falcon unit. Although the number of Falcons is not very large, most of them belong to the high-tech arms, so they are a division-level organization. The ranks of ordinary soldiers are higher than other ordinary troops. In a big festival, for example, when Zhang Feng changed jobs, the actual rank of the army was already a lieutenant colonel, a serious deputy regiment.

That’s why Zhang Feng would call Tang Zhenjun’s commander. At the same time, there is another important reason. Tang Zhenjun’s father was the founding father of the country. For special reasons, Zhang Feng served with Tang Elder for more than a year, until Tang Elder was born. .

Therefore, the relationship between Zhang Feng and the Tang family can be said to be quite close. In front of Tang Zhenjun, Zhang Feng is also relatively casual.

Quietly listening to Zhang Zhufeng's account of his passing, Tang Zhenjun held the tea cup in his hand and did not move. There was no ripple in his face, as if the person Zhang Feng said had nothing to do with him.