Step by Step

Chapter 139: The first snow


First snow

On Monday morning, Zhang Feng dragged his tired body and pushed open the door of the laboratory. The cold wind swept across his face with snowflakes. He couldn't help shivering, and quickly tightened his army coat. It was last night. Yu Mei asked Yuan Hongbing to deliver it in person.

The first snow in winter arrived unexpectedly. Last night it was like millet grains, but in the morning it was already flying in the sky and fluttering. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground. Pretending to be so enchanting is really quite enchanting.

Several security guards in the distance were waving their brooms and brooms vigorously. A faint path could already be seen in the snow, but soon it was covered with a layer of snowflakes, and the cold air was sucked into the lungs. The smell of Chinese medicine that made Zhang Feng breathe all night finally faded a bit. He sighed, rubbed his hands, stomped his feet, and Zhang Feng sighed. It seemed that he couldn't rush back today.

Chen Huishan squeezed out from behind Zhang Feng. The fragrant smell made Zhang Feng take a long breath, tusk twice, and casually said: "Good smell!" After soaking in the laboratory all night, Chen Huishan's face looked He didn't show the slightest fatigue, and when he got out of the laboratory, he ran to take a shower and changed into a goose-yellow down jacket. The hair on the back was still wet and scented.

Zhang Feng shuddered before saying: "You... really convinced you, so your hair will freeze, so let's dry it with a hair dryer."

Chen Huishan admired the swirling snowflakes in the sky with great interest, and swayed her head casually. Some of the damp hair was swept to Zhang Feng’s cheeks: "I never use that stuff, and my hair should be air-dried naturally. Using a hair dryer will damage the hair quality and shorten the life span of the hair, and it is not environmentally friendly."

Zhang Feng was overwhelmed by Chen Huishan’s reasons. He took a breath and said, “You can simply change your name to Penguin in the future. Taking a cold bath in the winter is really killing people.” Zhang Feng couldn’t bear it. After living in a chill again, it wasn't that he was afraid of the cold, but that he imagined the smell of a cold shower in this weather, and the bones couldn't help stiffening.

Chen Huishan gave a "chi" smile, proudly holding up her proud chest, facing up her face, and said: "My lady has developed the habit of taking cold showers every morning, and the four seasons are the same. Over the years, she has insisted that she hasn't changed. , How about it, after listening to it, do you really admire this lady?"

Zhang Feng shrank his neck and turned back into the room. He felt that chatting with Chen Huishan was too depressing. Although he claimed to be strong and strong, he wanted to use cold water in such weather. Taking a bath, and still looking so self-assured as Chen Huishan, Zhang Feng thought that he couldn't do it. It's no wonder that Chen Huishan's energy is so energetic, and sure enough, there are some places that people can't reach.

Chen Huishan admired the snow scene at the door for a while, rubbed her wet hair with a dry towel, and then turned around and sat on the sofa not far from Zhang Feng, saying: "According to the smoothness of last night, at most one week. I can come up with a more reasonable formula."

Zhang Feng filled the electric kettle with pure water, then plugged it in. Hearing the sound of "Zizi", he casually said, "One week? I'm dizzy. I can finish these few experiments in one month. Thank goodness."

Chen Huishan was startled for a moment before she said: "Oh, I forgot that you have to go back to be the master of the county."

Zhang Feng corrected it: "That's wrong, now it's just for the county master, but this is still picked up. If you want to be the county master, I don't know when you have to wait." It's not that Zhang Feng is humble, his How the deputy secretary of the county party committee came, it was a little bit eyebrowful, it is not an exaggeration to say that he picked it up, and that's it, it is estimated that it depends on the treatment of the division level before his transfer.

Chen Huishan pursed her lips and said, "Anyway, it's just to lay hands. There is a big beauty here with me. It's better than going back to the county? Why don't you quit your job and come back to experiment with me."

Zhang Feng laughed at the words, and said, "I can't do this, but it's OK occasionally. I stay in the laboratory all day. I must be crazy. Besides, my ideal is to be an official, to be a very powerful official. ."

Chen Huishan curled her lips and teased: "I didn't expect to be a fan of officials, so I wish you an early promotion and rise to the center as soon as possible."

Zhang Feng laughed and said, "Don't tell me, maybe I will have that day."

Chen Huishan laughed: "If you say that you are fat, you still have to breathe. Don't talk about going to the central government. It's not bad to be regarded as the grandfather of Shang County. I really think that the official is so good. I won an international award... Uh, now I'm just a small section chief in the Drug Administration, and that's all because of it. You, just daydream."

Zhang Feng said, "Isn't there such a blow to people? Anyway, I'm also one of the youngest sub-offices now. I'm only one step away from the throne of the county grandfather. If it goes well..."

Chen Huishan raised her hand and said: "Stop! Your attributive sentence is very problematic. What is smooth? I think the hardest thing to encounter is this sentence. If it goes smoothly, you might become the grandfather of the county next year. No? What if it doesn't go well? I'm afraid that this is the end of my life."

Zhang Feng was immediately a little unhappy when he heard the words: "How can you curse people like this?"

Chen Huishan "poofed" smiled, and said, "It's just telling the truth. This is also called curse?"

Raising his wrist and checking his watch, Zhang Feng said, "I won't talk to you. There is still a meeting today. I have to go back to the county."

Chen Huishan frowned and said, "It's too dangerous to drive on the road in such a heavy snow."

Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "You have to go back to the danger. Let’s go here for today’s experiment. You can sort out the data, and take advantage of the fact that I’m away in these few days, take advantage of the procedures for purchasing a new production line and the pharmaceutical factory. That friend of, who is the person in charge of finance, can you come here soon?"

Chen Huishan said: "No problem, I am in Hong Kong, and I will be able to come over soon, and he will ask someone to handle the formalities."

Zhang Feng didn't ask carefully. He made two cups of tea with boiling water and handed it to Chen Huishan. He said, "Drink some hot tea to warm it up. I'll see if there is a decent breakfast."

The pharmaceutical factory has not yet officially operated, and the canteens and other supporting departments cannot be put into operation so early. Three meals a day have to be settled in the restaurant outside. Zhang Feng also suggested Chen Huishan to set up a stove on the laboratory side. He was hungry. When I made my own meal, I was more palatable. In my impression, Chen Huishan’s cooking skills are quite good.

Unexpectedly, Chen Huishan was vague, and she didn't know if she heard it in her heart.

Zhang Feng poured hot tea into his throat, a layer of sweat formed on his body, and he rubbed his hands before going to the street to buy some breakfast.

Out of the laboratory, stepping on the thick snow, when Zhang Feng walked to the entrance of the pharmaceutical factory, the soles of his feet were already cold, and the snowflakes got into the shoes along the mouth of the leather shoes, and the inside became sticky after a short time. It was very uncomfortable. After all, he didn't prepare in advance. He was wearing the usual flat shoes, which was really not suitable in the snow.

Yejiazhai is a prosperous commercial area, and catering is naturally more developed, but the city management has become more and more standardized in the past two years, but the food stalls on the street are hard to see. Zhang Feng walked along the street for two miles. I found a breakfast shop a long time ago, wrapped five or six fried dough sticks in hemp paper, and ordered two bags of soy milk. I wanted to buy some bun porridge, but I gave up after thinking about it.

When she came back, she met Yu Mei at the entrance of the factory. She had expected Zhang Feng and Chen Huishan to spend the night in the laboratory. In the morning, she saw the heavy snow flying outside, so she made a pot of soup and bought dozens of them. A vegetarian bun was delivered to Zhang Feng on a special trip. Of course, the driver brought her over. With her skills, she was afraid to drive by herself in this weather.

Zhang Feng accepted the rice cooker and paper bag that Mei Mei handed over, and said a little embarrassed: "It's too much trouble, Teacher Yu..."

Yu Mei pursed her mouth and said, "Hurry up and go in the tropics. I have to go to work, so I won't stop."

Looking at the shadow of the car gradually disappearing in the flying snow in the sky, Zhang Feng's heart was filled with indescribable warmth, until he could no longer see Yu Mei's car, he took the fried dough stick soy milk he bought and the steamed buns sent by Yu Mei. Chicken soup, turned around and entered the pharmaceutical factory.

Chen Huishan was naturally overjoyed to see so much food, and said, "I don't have to go out to buy food today!"

Zhang Feng stunned: "No, you don't have to go to work?"

Chen Huishan curled her lips and said, "What's so good about that class? Isn't it just a piece of paper and a cup of tea? It's a waste of life!"

Zhang Feng smiled bitterly: "Then you have to go, you will have to be opened sooner or later."

Chen Huishan laughed: "I wish, I can concentrate on the laboratory then, you can't leave me at that time, otherwise, this lady can only beg along the street, oooo, I'm so pitiful!"

Zhang Feng was amused by Chen Huishan's funny behavior, and said: "Then you quit your job, I will support you in the future."

Chen Huishan smiled "chuckled" and said, "I really resigned. I'm not sure who will feed me. I hope your salary is not enough to buy me a few beakers. I see, your abacus is still pretty good. Yes, do you want me to concentrate on being a scalper here for you? A lot to create profits for you."

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "I was seen through so soon! Okay, you clean up slowly, I have to go."

Driving out of the pharmaceutical factory, Zhang Feng couldn’t help but secretly rejoice. Thanks to the maintenance of the car in advance, the engine oil was changed and the antifreeze was added, otherwise he would have to take a taxi back today, and swayed out of the provincial city until the end. After the Xinzhou Highway, I slowly started driving faster, but I was more cautious than usual. Driving in a snowy day can neither be too fast nor slam the brakes.

After finally entering Zhou'an County, the pager in his waist yelled. Zhang Feng then took it out and took a look, but it was a non-local number. He was stunned and reacted. He hurriedly kicked the accelerator and drove to the county committee compound. , Planning to go to the office to call back.