Step by Step

Chapter 147: Call runner


When the county party secretary Xu Yuan and the county head Tan Jinghan left, it was already dimly light. When they left, they left 20,000 yuan.

After tossing for a long time, Zhang Feng couldn't sleep at the moment. Since he has been arranged to go to the provincial city, he can rest after going to the province. If he falls back to sleep at this time, he may be able to sleep until half of the afternoon.

Knowing that he was going directly to the provincial capital, Shi Yan made a special trip back to the rental house, and then brought a large bag of tea, which looked like three or four catties, sealed it with a bag, and handed it to Zhang Feng and said: "Secretary Zhang, All these tea leaves are here for you!"

Zhang Feng naturally understood what Shi Yan hadn’t said, and smiled: “Don’t worry, you can’t go wrong with what I promised you!” After a pause, he added: “Will Li Yunhui go home during the Spring Festival?” Yan once told him about Li Yunhui. Zhang Feng already knew that the two were still relatives. He also tried to contact Li Yunhui, but he didn't have much eyebrows.

Shi Yan shook her head: "It's hard to tell, sometimes I come back and sometimes I don't come back. When I go back these few days, I will help you ask."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Thank you first, and remember to ask him to contact me."

When I came out of the office building of the county party committee, the sky was not completely bright, but the heavy snowfall stopped overnight. Zhang Feng put snow chains on the wheels and drove carefully to the provincial capital. Mitsubishi off-road is still relatively dominant. With the snow chains, apart from not being able to drive too fast, it is very stable. In addition, there are no other pedestrians and vehicles on the road so early, so there is less scruples.

It took nearly two hours for Zhang Feng to drive into the city in an off-road vehicle. It was already bright at this time. Zhang Feng first found a breakfast shop and bought a large bag of plain steamed buns. Then he bought rice porridge, using enamel jars. Sheng Hao, then slowly drove the car to the pharmaceutical factory and stopped outside the laboratory. As for Xu Yuan's arrangement, he had already thrown behind his ears.

As expected, Chen Huishan was still in the laboratory. When Zhang Feng came in, Chen Huishan had not finished the experiment.

After finally waiting for Chen Huishan to finish the comparison test in her hand, and then take a shower and change clothes, it was more than an hour later when she came out. Zhang Feng had already inspected the office outside the laboratory. She bought the dough sticks when she left yesterday. The soy milk and the steamed bun chicken soup sent by Yu Mei have been eaten up by Chen Huishan. It seems that today is about to go hungry.

Seeing the breakfast Zhang Feng had brought, Chen Huishan subconsciously reached out and touched her belly, and said, "Oh, if you don't come again, I will starve to death!" Then, regardless of the three or seventy-one, she stretched out her hand and squeezed one. The bun was stuffed into her mouth, which was completely inconsistent with her usual image, but even so, Chen Huishan's movements were still full of elegant temperament.

Zhang Feng sat down and watched Chen Huishan's indifferent buns and rice porridge. It didn't feel cramped at all. On the contrary, it gave people a pleasing feeling. He couldn't help but sigh secretly that some people are born with a lot of extravagance, such as Chen Huishan. No matter how vulgar movements are, in her hands, they will always give you a charming interpretation.

He pondered and said: "You can't do this all the time. Sooner or later, your body will be worn down, you will not have enough rest, and it will not be good for your skin."

Chen Huishan chuckled and said, "I'm more professional than you, so I don't need to show off. By the way, why do you send so many tableware for you? Are you going to cook here?"

Zhang Feng said, "Isn't it for you? I just forget about sleeping and eating when I start the experiment. I don't remember anything. I missed something when I wanted to eat. If it's midnight, where to go to eat and drink, so be prepared? Okay, you take a rest first, and I will go out to buy some daily necessities. Let's finish the experiment as quickly as possible these two days."

Chen Huishan was overjoyed when she said, "Why, don't you have to go to work these days?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Come on, how can you not go to work, but the task these days is to do things in the provincial capital, so you can fake your own business for your own sake. Let's finish your private work first, lest you continue to toss about sleepless nights, sooner or later. Finished playing."

There is a special lounge on the laboratory side, and air-conditioning is installed, so Zhang Feng doesn’t have to worry about rest. After Chen Huishan finishes eating and enters the lounge, Zhang Feng shook his head and came out of the laboratory, planning to go to the street. Buy some daily necessities and seasonings. Since I plan to settle down in the laboratory these two days, I always have to prepare some ingredients.

Coming out of the storage area, he met Zhongsun Shuangcheng head-on. Zhang Feng was startled slightly and said, "Zhongsun, have you come so early?"

Zhongsun Shuangcheng said: "Is it very early? It seems that it is almost ten o'clock already, the boss's concept of time is very different."

Zhang Feng shook his head secretly. He didn't know anything that didn't fit Zhongsun Shuangcheng's eyes. When they met, he sneered in yin and yang and turned off the topic: "How are you preparing for the placement of workers?"

Zhongsun Shuangcheng said indifferently: "Don't worry, as long as the funds are in place, it will be solved perfectly soon."

Zhang Feng looked at Zhongsun Shuangcheng strangely, but nodded politely: "That's good, funding is not a problem."

Because the person in charge of finance agreed by Chen Huishan has not yet taken up his position, Zhang Feng is actually taking care of the financial affairs of the pharmaceutical factory himself, but he doesn’t have time to manage these details, he just deposits the money directly in the pharmaceutical factory’s account. I’m in charge. It’s up to Zhongsun Shuangcheng to use it. There was nothing wrong with it. However, Zhang Feng suddenly said that he would hire a dedicated financial officer. Zhongsun Shuangcheng will inevitably feel some uncomfortable feelings, although she also knows that she shouldn’t. With such thoughts, I can't help but still think so.

Although Zhang Feng didn’t quite understand Zhongsun Shuangcheng’s thoughts, he believed in Mei and took an unconditional attitude of trust in Zhongsun Shuangcheng. This is actually what Zhongsun Shuangcheng could not figure out the most. Therefore, in his own heart, he treated Zhang Feng. Still quite curious, I found that Zhang Feng had come to the laboratory early this morning, so I came to take a look.

When Zhang Feng's car left, Zhongsun Shuangcheng still stood there for a while, then stomped his feet and returned to the office building.

Zhang Feng drove the car and wandered the street for more than two hours. He didn't return to the laboratory until almost noon. He moved the daily necessities he bought into the office outside the laboratory, and took some specially bought ingredients. When I came in, a small stove was specially arranged in the corner of the office, which was regarded as a makeshift kitchen.

Looking at the time it was already noon, knowing that Chen Huishan would definitely not get up at this time, he just got something to eat at will, and then went to sleep in the lounge. It was like tossing all night without much sleep. This I can't stand it anymore.

When he woke up, Zhang Feng found that it was dark outside. He touched his watch from the bedside and looked at it. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

I slept really well for seven or eight hours. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and changed my clothes. When I came out, there was a plate of tuned pig ears and a plate of beef on the table. But it was a hot pot. Looking at the instant coffee on the glass round table, Zhang Feng couldn't help but feel a headache. Needless to say, Chen Huishan must have been drinking coffee and eating beef and pig ears.

Feeling wasted all her morning effort, Chen Huishan didn’t even start cooking at all, she brought herself back to cut the cooked meat for supper, and then made a cup of coffee to make up for a meal, and poured herself a cup. Hot water, Zhang Feng sat at the table, looking at the beef and pig ears on the table. He didn't have any appetite, but he was so hungry.

He sighed, and did not go to the laboratory to harass Chen Huishan. Zhang Feng turned on the gas stove and boiled a pot of millet porridge in a small iron pot. He deliberately boiled a few jujubes in the pot, and then opened a few bags of mustard and put them in I ordered some vinegar, poured it with cooked oil, and slipped the leftover buns in the morning to see if it was almost done. Then I sat at the table alone and started to eat slowly.

After eating a bowl of porridge, I thought it was boring to enjoy such a fragrant meal by myself, so I knocked on the door of the laboratory, gestured to Chen Huishan who was preparing for the experiment, and then returned to the table and ate slowly. stand up.

Chen Huishan has almost done the preparations for the comparison experiment tonight. She planned to call Zhang Feng up in a while, but unexpectedly Zhang Feng would call her out for dinner and finish the work at hand, so she changed He came out of the sterile room with all his clothes, and just wanted to say that he had already eaten, but when he saw Zhang Feng's porridge, he resisted the blurt out.

Sitting opposite Zhang Feng, Chen Huishan stirred the porridge in the bowl with a spoon, sipped it with a spoon like coffee, and said while drinking, "I didn't expect that you, a little bureaucrat, would still cook. The craftsmanship is not bad."

Zhang Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Since I like eating so much, why don't you do it yourself? The ingredients are ready."

Chen Huishan smiled faintly, and said: "I don't know how to do it."

Zhang Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and almost bit his tongue. It took him a long time before he could not help but sigh. After all, it was not the Chen Huishan that he met in his dream. It must be that Chen Huishan has no future generations to work alone abroad. Those experiences, without more than 20 years of hard work, how can you compare her later generations with her now

In later generations, Chen Huishan was quite proficient in cooking, and the craftsmanship was extremely sophisticated. She really liked the soup made with the side dishes she made. She didn't expect to return to this era, but it was her turn to cook porridge for her, alas, gotta Think of a way and let her do it herself, otherwise, she will have to become a nanny sooner or later.

Chen Huishan did not have any awareness of this aspect. After drinking the porridge, she made a cup of coffee and said: "Tonight, we two should work together. It should be several times faster than me alone. The preparations have been done. Fortunately, the best formula can be found tonight, and then the process is left."

Zhang Feng said: "I hope, by the way, have you called yet?"

Chen Huishan said: "Well, of course I did. Don't worry, things are going well. Frank will be able to come in at most two or three days. Also, the company registration has been settled, and a professional lawyer's office will do it in Hong Kong. In this case, the offshore company was registered in Hong Kong. After merging with a pharmaceutical factory, even a Hong Kong-owned company will have a lot of concessions."

Zhang Feng said: "You can make the decision. I don't quite understand these things. When the time comes, you can just sign the documents."

Chen Huishan waved her hand and said: "No problem, it's all done by the most professional people. If it goes well, Frank will be able to bring the documents by the way when he comes over. At that time, the joint venture will require Director Yu's help."

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Frank is the professional in charge of finance you invited?"

Chen Huishan said: "Well, don't worry, I am definitely the most dedicated and capable professional."

Zhang Feng smiled and didn't ask too much. He has a rich experience in later generations. How can he not understand the operation of offshore companies? And what Chen Huishan said was Frank, the doctor of business school who had worked for Chen Huishan for half his life, and the professional manager of venture capital. In another period of Zhang Feng's life, he was one of his important assistants.

What I didn’t expect was that Frank was already working for Chen Huishan at this time. Zhang Feng couldn’t help but sigh secretly about the strangeness of life. With Frank joining, I don’t know what kind of giant the pharmaceutical factory will eventually grow into. I know if Zhongsun Shuangcheng still has the ability to control the pharmaceutical factory.

The pager rang, and Zhang Feng took it out and took a look at it, but it was the number of the Donghe Town Government. He couldn't help being a little curious, and said to Chen Huishan: "I'll go back and call, and we will start the experiment later. "

The one who answered the phone was Liang Jin, a member of the Party Committee and the deputy mayor of Donghe Town, who was in charge of agriculture, water conservancy, and animal husbandry. When Zhang Feng was in Donghe Town, he asked him to specialize in planting Chinese herbal medicines. The matter is still in the preparatory stage. I originally planned to start pilot projects in Xiangyu Village and Kongjiaqiao, but because many people did not understand it, it didn't go well.

At the Yuebin Building that day, Xiao Tang came up with a compromise plan. Both Zhang Feng and Zhong Nan thought it was good. They are currently preparing. Liang Jin is in charge. Zhang Feng heard that the person opposite was him, guessing I want to talk about the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine, but I'm afraid it's not that simple to paging so late.

Liang Jin said, "Secretary Zhang, I went to the county to report to work today, and then I knew that you had gone to the province."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "No way, work is needed, is it about the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine?"

Liang Jingong said: "Yes, the preparatory work is almost the same. Because of the heavy snow, there is not much work in the ground for the time being, but the hired farmer has been fixed. When do you think we will arrange for someone to teach the technology?"

Zhang Feng said: "Well, don't worry for now. I have to wait until the Spring Festival to organize the medicine garden. I will arrange the teaching technique in two days. By the way, besides the farm, how many villagers plan to participate in the first batch? In the pilot program?"

Liang Jindao: “Only six households in Xiangyu Village are willing to participate in the pilot program. There are more than 40 households in Kongjiaqiao who are willing to directly conduct the pilot program. Although the remaining villagers did not agree to conduct the pilot program, they are willing to rent out the land. Compensation is given, but the benefits of planting herbs have nothing to do with them."

Zhang Feng said: "Yes, it is already very good to be able to do this step. After all, it is a new thing. There is always a process of acceptance."

Liang Jin respectfully said: "In fact, the main thing is that Comrade Tang Shenghua has planned a good plan, and the preparations are also meticulous and solid. I just follow the rules and follow the rules, so Comrade Tang Shenghua's achievements are the main thing."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Well, Xiao Tang is really good, but his qualifications are a little bit shallow, so I will talk about it for a while in the Party and Government Office.

Liang Jin paused, and seemed to hesitate for a while before he said: "Secretary Zhang, when I have time, I can ask you to work in person."

Zhang Feng said with an "um" and said: "After a while, I have been in the province recently, okay?"

Liang Jin reluctantly said: "Secretary Zhang, then you are busy, so I won't bother you."

After Zhang Feng hung up the phone, it was a little strange. Liang Jin's call was a little strange, and there was no need to call so late for work. He shook his head and put it aside if he couldn't figure it out. Sooner or later, he would understand.

As he was about to change clothes and enter the laboratory, the paging rang again. Zhang Feng took it over and took a look, but it was Ye Qing's number. He went back and said, "It's so late, what's the matter?"

Ye Qing smiled and said, "Of course something is going on. The county party committee held a full afternoon meeting today, and it didn't last a while."

Zhang Feng said "Oh", and he suddenly understood, "Is it a follow-up to the Chuanxiangju incident?" Last night I discussed this with Xu Yuan and Tan Jinghan, because he was coming to the provincial capital, so Xu Yuan has solicited some general opinions from him, but he didn't expect Xu Yuan to be so open about his work, and he actually held a meeting today to discuss it.

Ye Qing said: "I really haven't concealed anything from you. I heard that not only Bian Heng’s mayor Huang has been invited to have tea by the County Commission for Discipline Inspection. Hao Chunxi has also been exempted from everything. There is also Duan Honglei. Adjusted to the forestry police station in Xihe Township."

Zhang Feng smiled "chuckled" and said: "For this kid's luck, he thought he would be stuffed into the traffic police team to stand guard."

Ye Qing chuckled when he heard the words, and said, "Unfortunately, they were dealt with at the county party committee meeting. If the bureau party committee meeting, I will definitely send him to the traffic police team to stand guard, which is where Jiang Zhen was originally."

Zhang Feng also chuckled, "How is that kid Jiang Zhen?"

Ye Qing said, "I heard that my mouth is quite strict, and I just confess some trivial matters. If you really want to prosecute, you have to find some evidence to survive the sentence of three to five years. Otherwise, it will be difficult to let the guy relax."

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said, "You can find Fang Xiao to find out about the situation."

Ye Qing said, "Fang Xiao? Well, I know how to do it," he said after a pause, "Do you recommend Hefei?"

Zhang Feng gave a "Oh" and said: "Recommendation is not the main thing, but the key is that He Fei has enough qualifications."

Ye Qing smiled and hung up the phone.

Zhang Feng suddenly understood Liang Jin's intention to make that call just now. He was running an official!