Step by Step

Chapter 149: Don't worry too much


On the weekend night, Zhang Feng returned to Zhou'an County alone.

Originally, he didn't want to come back so early, but there will be a few more days on New Year's Day, the day when Luo Hu and Liu Shao are happy, but he can't be absent anyway, so he completely handed over the affairs of the pharmaceutical company to Zhong Sun Shuangcheng. After taking care of her, she sent Chen Huishan away again, and then she wandered back to the county.

I don’t know what kind of means Chen Huishan used to get an overseas inspection job, and went to Hong Kong and the United States specifically to handle the approval and listing of cold medicines. In this matter, Zhang Feng and Yu Mei were the least able to do so. Strongly, after Zhongsun Shuangcheng has gone through the domestic application for approval, he is about to go abroad to Japan, intending to explore the Japanese market himself.

According to Zhang Feng's instructions, after Frank set up the financial system of the pharmaceutical company, he went to Hong Kong to register a venture capital company. Zhang Feng threw in all the remaining funds in his hand and gave it to Frank to take care of it. For Frank He had a trust of 120,000 points in his ability, so after handing it over to Frank, he ignored it.

The operation of the pharmaceutical factory is already on track, and what he can do next is really limited. Therefore, his energy is back to work. There are actually no problems with the highway affairs because of the internal information that Yuan Hongbing told him. But he did not report the facts to Xu Yuan and Tan Jinghan. He just said that he was working hard and there was hope, and therefore there was a reason to fake the public for personal gain.

It was at night when he returned to the county town, Zhang Feng drove the car directly to the small night market and parked next to his second uncle’s barbecue stall.

Although it is the twelfth lunar winter, the business of the small night market is still booming. The second uncle’s barbecue booth also has 70% to 80% of the guests. Seeing the second uncle’s busy figure in front of the barbecue grill, Zhang Feng estimated that the second uncle’s business Compared to the first time, I am afraid that it will take several steps, and the customers are not limited to the number of police officers at the beginning.

As soon as he walked near the barbecue grill, Zhang Feng was seen by his cousin Ai Ai, Ai Ai cheered, dropped the work she was doing, and greeted him: "Second brother, when did you come back?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "I just came back, isn't that my car."

Kong Lingjun also saw Zhang Feng at this time, and hurriedly asked Ai Ai to greet Zhang Feng to sit down behind him, and then grabbed a handful of meat and added it to the barbecue. The business was busy at the moment, so he naturally couldn't spare his hands, just Loudly ordered his wife to deliver the bone soup to Zhang Feng.

The barbecue stall is only operated by a family of three. Kong Lingjun did not hire a waiter, and barbecued himself. His wife did some trivial chores, but love became the main force. When he was busy, he settled the bill and collected money to greet the guests. Chuanrou, they are all fresh skewers and grilled here, although they are a bit busy, but the guests like this, and the business is booming.

Ai Ai sat next to Zhang Feng and said, "Second brother, do you want to bake some ribs or kidneys?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Whatever you want, I haven't eaten yet, you can call me a bowl of noodles."

Ai Ai Mo slipped out and ran a lap. After a short time, he made a few cold dishes for Zhang Feng, and brought a bottle of Erguotou over and said, "This is my dad’s wine. After drinking, take your good wine. Change a bottle."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "You are partial. When did you stare at my good wine?"

More than ten minutes later, a waiter brought a large plate of fried mochi. Zhang Feng touched his mouth and said: "The incense is quite fragrant, but it's too much, right? I'll have meat later."

Ai Ai smiled and said, "I'm just afraid you are too hungry. Use this mat first. The barbecue is still early."

It wasn’t until nearly midnight that the guests slowly disappeared. Kong Lingjun finally vacated his hands, sat down at the table with Zhang Feng, took the cigarette handed by Zhang Feng, and said: “It’s for your brother’s business. Are you back? How are you doing?"

Zhang Feng was startled when he heard the words: "No, what's wrong, what's wrong with my brother?"

Kong Lingjun was also taken aback when he heard this, and said: "You don't know, alas, I thought you were rushing back because of your brother's affairs. I heard from Aiai that you haven't returned for more than a month. Didn’t you mobilize your work?"

Zhang Feng shook his head: "Why are you mobilizing? It's still in the county. What happened to my brother?"

Don't look at Zhang Feng, because of the experience in the dream, he is extremely unwelcome to Zhang Ke and his wife, and even has a faint feeling of disgust, but it is because of his sister-in-law Wang Hui, not because of Zhang Ke's emotions, leave the sister-in-law aside Wang Hui and Zhang Feng had no prejudice against his elder brother and his nephew Zhang Yuan. At this time, when Kong Lingjun talked about what seemed to be the matter with his elder brother, he naturally became anxious.

Kong Lingjun said: "Your brother's store was suddenly checked this afternoon by several units including industry, commerce and health. Not only was the store closed, but several warehouses were also sealed off. It was a big mess. I also listened to it. Your brother-in-law said, if Fang Lan hadn't come forward to make peace, everything in the warehouse would have been pulled away."

When Zhang Feng heard that it was not a human problem, he immediately felt relieved and said: "I said, second uncle, don't pant when you speak, okay, it's too scary. I thought it was something. Just check the store. , Brother-in-law is also troublesome, so what are you doing

Zhang Feng’s understanding of his eldest brother’s family is far better than ordinary people, especially his sister-in-law, Wang Hui, who is simply too shrewd. This kind of people is not only doing business, but also keen on taking some evil ways no matter what they do. In order to maximize profits, they often use all means. It is conscientious to subclass and fake. Fake cigarettes and fake alcohol are regular. In Wang Hui’s mantra, "When have you seen a law-abiding person make money?" "", "If you don't evade taxes, you can't do any business, and you will die."

Therefore, since Zhang Feng had dream memories, he never went to Zhang Ke’s store to buy things, nor did he introduce his unit to Zhang Ke’s store for consumption. On the contrary, many people saw him go to Zhang Ke’s store. Spend a lot, but after a few times, it is easy to find that Zhang Feng never goes there to get things, and slowly there are few units to go.

After Zhang Feng went to work in Donghe Town, the town government once purchased gifts from Zhang Ke’s store. After returning, Zhang Feng criticized him. Since then, he never went to Zhang Ke’s store to consume. Zhang Feng did this. I did it because I knew Wang Hui too well and didn't give her a chance to take advantage of her. Besides, Zhang Feng was the shame of buying fakes from her shop.

Although Kong Lingjun just mentioned it casually, Zhang Feng knew where the problem was, but then he was a little confused. If he is now the deputy secretary of the county party committee, when he was still driving Zhou Xiaojun, people in many units in the county knew about him. The relationship with Zhang Ke, especially the functional departments of industry, commerce, taxation and health, who will investigate Zhang Ke

There are some discords between Zhang Feng and Zhang Ke brothers. Kong Lingjun knows very well. The separation was the middleman between him and the two brothers Kong Lingqi. To Zhang Ke and his wife, to be honest, Kong Lingjun is also not very attractive, but After all, it is the relationship between the nephew and the uncle, the big deal is that there is no conflict of interest.

Therefore, seeing that Zhang Feng was not happy when he heard the words, he avoided mentioning Zhang Ke's affairs, but he also understood in his heart that Zhang Feng would not be able to get around.

At the same time, Luo Village, Zhang Feng's home.

Zhang Ke and Wang Hui sat in front of the table with sad faces, looking at their slumping father and mother who did not say a word. In fact, the couple had not yet figured out why their parents were unwilling at this time. Ask them to contact his brother Zhang Feng.

Today's sudden joint inspection caught Zhang Ke and his wife by surprise. Not only were the store closed, but the warehouse was also sealed off. They were not worried about the closing of the facade room, and they would lose a few days of turnover, but the warehouse was sealed. It is an extremely serious matter. Once a rigorous investigation is carried out, the loss of the goods in a few warehouses is not something they can afford now.

As the New Year’s Eve is approaching, a large amount of goods have been stocked in the warehouse. Not to mention, if the high-end tobacco and alcohol alone are lost, they will be distressed to death by Wang Hui and his wife. Three hundred boxes of Moutai, five hundred boxes. Wuliangye, as well as various other famous cigarettes and wines, of course, how many of them are true, but it is not enough for outsiders.

But even if they were all fakes, that would be an astronomical loss. If they were fined again, the couple would never turn around in their lives. To speak of it, I would also like to thank my brother-in-law Fang Lan, who were also distraught at the time. He was rushed to go to the doctor, but he didn't expect that Fang Lan would really know people in the industry and commerce and other departments. In the end, he was only blocked and not checked on the spot.

In the evening, Fang Lan asked the people from the joint inspection and law enforcement to go to the dance hall to have fun. Zhang Ke and his wife went back home to find their parents to find a way. All they could think of was to ask Zhang Feng to come forward, but the problem was that Zhang Feng had already gone to the provincial capital. It has been more than a month, except for him to call back, but no one can find anyone who wants to contact him.

They didn’t know that because of the experiment, Zhang Feng rarely turned on the pager during this period. Sometimes it’s normal to not turn on the pager for three to five days. Slowly, fewer and fewer people called him. Zhang Feng On the other hand, I called my pharmacy every other time and chatted with my parents. Even Fang Lan rarely contacted him.

Zhang Ke seldom contacted Zhang Feng. If nothing happened, it would be normal not to meet and speak for three to five months, but they knew that their parents must be in contact with Zhang Feng, so they ran back and asked his father and mother to contact him as soon as possible. Zhang Feng, in their opinion, without Zhang Feng coming forward, the hurdle in front of them could not be passed anyway.

However, Zhang Songjie had his considerations. Since the separation, the old couple has completely lost their minds about the eldest son and his wife, and it can even be said to be extremely disappointed. Now the family is supported by the second son, the third son and the younger daughter. Both are still studying, and he has never expected his eldest son to end the retirement of his old couple in the future.

The matter of Zhang Ke and his wife was left in the past. Maybe he asked Zhang Feng to solve it without thinking about it, but the incident on the day of the separation made him lose confidence in his eldest son and his wife, although Zhang Ke and Wang Hui vowed to guarantee that the store was nothing. In violation of the law and discipline, the goods in the warehouse are all genuine products imported from regular channels, but Zhang Songjie doesn't believe it at all.

It is precisely because of this mentality that he does not want Zhang Feng to touch the matter, and it is done. Zhang Ke and his wife will feel that they should be taken care of. Not only will they not appreciate it, but will also encourage their lawless arrogance, continue to behave and do it badly. Zhang Ke and his wife will definitely blame Zhang Feng to death, that is to say, as long as Zhang Feng intervenes, no matter what the outcome is, they will not end up in the end.

The most important thing is that Zhang Songjie believes that this incident will adversely affect Zhang Feng and even affect Zhang Feng’s future. This is something he absolutely does not allow, and he has already told his wife before, so, Although Kong Lingshan was willing to help her eldest son this time, she could still resist not mentioning a word. She felt that this matter should be decided by Zhang Songjie, the head of the family.

Wang Hui waited a little anxiously. She didn't understand why her father-in-law was hesitant. As long as Zhang Feng came forward, whether it was the department of industry, commerce, taxation, tobacco and health, wouldn't she have to retreat? Things that can be solved in one sentence without losing one or two meats, there is no way to hesitate, she has no way to contact Zhang Feng, otherwise, she would call when the accident happened in the afternoon.

He stretched out his foot and kicked Zhang Ke. Wang Hui made a mouthful, meaning that Zhang Ke could speak, but Zhang Ke frowned slightly, did not speak, and even moved his butt, a little farther away from Wang Hui. Although he was not good at speaking, he was not stupid, and he was not far away at this time. He had already felt Zhang Feng's unhappiness on the day of the separation. It was naturally difficult to ask Zhang Feng today.

He is also ashamed to think about the separation plan. He always feels that he enjoys the rights at home, but he has not assumed the slightest obligation. He usually doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with it. When he needs help from the family today, he suddenly feels a little congested in his heart. The more I think it’s hard to open my mouth, of course, the main reason is that I only have this idea after seeing my parents.

He naturally understood what Wang Hui meant, but he knew that this was not the time to speak, and his father had to come to get the final idea. If he hurriedly opened his mouth, he would probably backfire, although his heart was burning at this time.

The sound of a car came from the door, and several people in the family raised their heads, and the faces of Zhang Ke and Wang Hui showed hope.

Fang Lan pushed the door in from the outside. There was a faint smell of alcohol on his body, but his face was full of fatigue. Tonight, he accompanied the joint law enforcement team of the industry, commerce, taxation, tobacco and health departments to entertain, spending a lot of money, but not much. , And also exhausted myself.

Wang Hui spoke first: "Brother-in-law, what did the inspection team say?"

Fang Lan frowned insignificantly, but soon covered it up, and no one noticed, "I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome. Did you offend someone?" After a pause, he continued, "Otherwise, those people. It's impossible to check you guys. You can even feel it in the warehouse when you make a shot. It would be strange if no one pointed me!"

Zhang Ke said, "Brother-in-law, how much money will you spend tonight, I will make up for you when I look back, and I can't let you fill this hole."

Fang Lan sighed and said, "Forget it, I don't have a lot of money. My brother-in-law can still afford it. The problem is that we have to find a solution to the store as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be for you."

Wang Hui said: "What can I do? I can only count on Zhang Feng."

Fang Lan shook his head: "Zhang Feng has been out on business for more than a month. There is no guarantee when he will come back. I really have to wait for him to come back. The day lily will be cold."

Wang Hui pondered and said, "It doesn't have to be that he comes back. It can be solved by just a phone call."

Fang Lan waved his hand slightly: "It's not that simple. Didn't you talk to others about Zhang Feng today?"

Wang Hui said, "I've said it, but Deputy Director Meng of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce said, even if there is Secretary Zhang with a wide finger, it will be a problem. They will immediately withdraw from the team, or make a phone call, otherwise no one will believe anything. Ah, you can't just say that they are relatives of a certain leader, they have to admit it."

Fang Lan frowned when he heard the words and groaned for a while, and said, "I'm afraid things are not as simple as we thought."

Zhang Ke suddenly said: "Could it be Hengyuan Trading? I heard that Hengyuan's boss is very background."

Fang Lan was startled when he heard the words, and said, "Hengyuan Trading? Which one is it?"

Zhang Ke said: "Also in Nanxin Street, specializing in high-end tobacco, alcohol and non-staple food gifts, the storefront is much larger than ours. I heard that the boss has a background in the county. Many units are designated to purchase in Hengyuan, just government procurement. One item has made Hengyuan Trading a great success, and the business is huge."

Fang Lan said, "Do you know what their background is? Who is the boss?"

Zhang Ke shook his head and said: "That's not clear, anyway, it's very relevant. Well, the boss's name is Wen, and his name is Wen Qianqian."

Fang Lan pondered: "I haven't heard of it," he paused, "I heard what they said tonight, someone deliberately wanted to fix you."

Zhang Ke and Wang Hui looked at each other with a sad look on their faces. They are separated from Hengyuan Commercial and Trade by only one street. The two are in a serious competitive relationship. They usually dismantle each other. They also know Hengyuan. Business has a backstage, but they think they are not inferior to each other, so they didn't take it seriously. In their opinion, there are few who can surpass Zhang Feng in Zhou'an County.

It's just that the two of them regret it now. If Zhang Feng hadn't come out to support the facade, this time they would be settled.

When Wang Hui saw that Zhang Ke never mentioned contacting Zhang Feng, she couldn't help it. She turned to Zhang Songjie and said, "Dad, do you think you should call Zhang Feng? If Zhang Feng is speaking, that's not the case. Something."

Zhang Songjie took out a cigarette again, took a hard sip, and then said, "Don't tell A Feng about this. Since the store is legally operated and there are no prohibited items in the warehouse, I am afraid of something. Let them check!"

When Wang Hui heard this, her face turned white immediately, check? If you really want to check, the two of them are afraid that they can't even afford the rope because of the hanging!

However, Zhang Songjie threw the smoke he had just inhaled twice on the ground, raised his foot to stamp it out, and stood up and said: "We are all going to bed, we are not afraid of shadows, as long as there is nothing wrong with it, we are also afraid of a fart. If they can’t find the problem, they won’t be able to eat and walk around!” Kong Lingshan also sighed and stood up and said, “The house is all cleaned up. Let’s rest early, you Don't worry too much."