Step by Step

Chapter 158: Yang Feng Yin violates


Yang Feng Yin violates

Zhang Feng had to admire the well-informed people of these people. The meeting held in the morning was spread throughout the afternoon. It was only then that he vaguely understood that it was not a coincidence that everyone got together today. In fact, they must have been conscious. Keep in touch with each other. As for what Zhong Nan said, there may be several layers of meaning, and he doesn't necessarily have to choose one.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Feng smiled slightly and said, "Dare to love everyone. The news is very well-informed. What Lao Zhong said is true. Secretary Xu only decided this morning at the meeting, but I am responsible for the specific work. , But those who really work have to rely on the professional backbones drawn from each unit. As for me, I really need someone who does office work."

When everyone heard this, they subconsciously turned their eyes to Xiao Tang and Tan Li. All of you here, Zhong Nan and Huo Ming needless to say, and Fang Xiao cannot be transferred. Nan Guoxiang and Liang Jin are either deputy secretary or deputy secretary. The mayor, if the two want to make progress, they are also looking at Zhengke, so the only ones who can meet Zhang Feng's conditions are Tan Li and Xiao Tang.

For the project command center to be established, although everyone does not understand the nature of the structure, since Zhang Feng is personally responsible, the level of this center will not be too low, at least it is a department-level organization. Even if it is a temporary organization, it is a kind of qualification to enter a post, and it is still very powerful.

In fact, the Standing Committee of Zhou’an County was just like what Zhang Feng said at the beginning. It is a rotten sieve full of holes. There are no real secrets at all. Almost most people already know about the highway. Now the county party committee Suddenly, such an engineering command center was created, and anyone who understood it could guess that it was related to the highway.

Therefore, it is easy to think that this is a very powerful and well-oiled department. Therefore, including Nan Guoxiang and Liang Jin, they all had ideas before, but Zhang Feng’s position was too low, and they naturally did not May be transferred to the past, even if there is more oil and water, it will not have any chance with him.

However, Qin Li and Xiao Tang couldn't be more suitable. Their abilities and qualifications were not a problem, and it was possible to take advantage of this opportunity to rise to the next level, depending on whether Zhang Feng planned to transfer personnel from the town.

Zhang Feng obviously noticed everyone's expressions and couldn't help but smile, and said, "How many years is Qin Li this year?"

Qin Li is a selected student. The files are managed by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. The local receiving unit is responsible for the evaluation. After being promoted and rated, it will receive the deputy section salary. The salary is the same as that of the deputy mayor, but it is not the leadership level, but just the salary That's all, her situation is actually a reserve candidate for party and government cadres, or a reserve of high-quality staff for party and government agencies at or above the county level.

Xiao Tang belongs to the category of civil servants and is quite different from Tan Li. One of the files of the two is managed by the Party Committee and the other is managed by the Civil Service Bureau or the local administrative personnel files. There is also a big difference in the grades. For example, Xiao Tang This, if there are no special circumstances, the regularization and rating are like a section officer, a civil servant at the second level.

Qin Li was startled when she heard the words, and then she understood, "Secretary Zhang, it's the second year, and it will not be three years until next year."

Although the selected and transferred students are at the sub-division level and the status of a cadre, they are still not a leading cadre. They need to work at the grassroots level for two years, that is, two years of red line before they can participate in the selection of personnel in the province. In Li's actual situation, staying in Donghe Town is actually the best choice.

Donghe Town is about to show results. Leaving at this time is actually a loss for Qin Li.

Zhang Feng said to Xiao Tang: "When Qin Li finishes the work on the quarry, you will also transfer the Chinese herbal medicine to Qin Li, and then come to the county and become the office director of the engineering command center. The town will arrange another person to take care of matters handled by the party and government."

Xiao Tang felt a little regretful, but she quickly accepted it happily. During this period of time, she had been busy with Chinese herbal medicine and suddenly handed it over to others. Naturally, she would be a little uncomfortable, and the regret in her heart was reasonable. It was not because she gave the credit to others that she felt uncomfortable. She also understood that it was a better choice to follow Zhang Feng to the county.

Zhang Feng turned the subject and asked Zhong Nan: "Have the secretary and the village head of Shaping Village been here?"

Zhong Nan smiled bitterly, and said: "It may be that the deputy mayor He didn't notify me. I haven't seen the secretary and the village head of Shaping Village come to town. By the way, is there something going on in Shaping Village? This year, the mountain is covered by heavy snowfall. It’s not easy to get in and out."

Zhang Feng patted his forehead. He had forgotten about the heavy snowfall this year. Then he remembered that Shi Yan seemed to have said that he had gone back some time ago, and asked, "Is there any problem entering the mountain now?"

Zhong Nan said: "Well, the road is almost clear. Although it is still very difficult, there is still no problem getting in and out."

Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's okay. I'll talk about it when the spring comes next year." The needed news has been learned from Shi Yan, and he has taken people to investigate the tea trees. It is not the season now, so we should wait for the new tea. Let's talk about it when

When the banquet was over, Zhong Nan did not return to the town government, but got into Zhang Feng's car and followed Zhang Feng to the county seat.

Zhang Feng was planning to go home, but Zhong Nan followed, so he opened the house at the county party committee's small move. The two made a few more dishes, took two bottles of white wine, placed them on the bedside table, and then sat on both sides of the house. **, chatting with each other: "Secretary Zhang, how about replacing the two of He Zhongqiang and Li Yong?"

Zhang Feng had guessed that Zhong Nan must have something, otherwise he wouldn’t have come back from Donghe Town back to the county, but unexpectedly what he said would be this: "Well, these two people should have long been. If we hadn't left Donghe Town early, we would have withdrawn these two goods early."

Maybe it was a few more drinks, or maybe it was because there was only the relationship between the two of them at this time. When speaking, both of them became less scrupulous and became more direct, and they did not care about the use of words. Civilized.

Zhong Nan laughed when he heard the words, and then said: "You can do it, but I can't. This matter has to be done by the county."

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "What did you plan?"

Zhong Nan said: "What's your plan? Those two goods are things for eating dry food and not shit, it makes no difference whether there is or not."

Zhang Feng pondered and said: "He Zhongqiang's position can be taken over by Comrade Han Yanning, and there is no need to adjust the division of labor. I believe Comrade Han Yanning is more than enough to handle it. It’s not a big problem either for Nan Guoxiang or Liang Jin."

Zhong Nan said: "That's what I meant. The leaders in the town will get confused if they have more ideas. If you have the credit, everyone will grab it. If you have the responsibility, it's all irrelevant. It's pretty good to get rid of the two. You don't know. Make people sick to death."

Zhang Feng laughed twice, and said: "The discussion between the two of us here is for nothing. This matter will eventually go to the Standing Committee. I just don't know if He Zhongqiang and Li Yong are covering them, or else we will have to pay for it. Random hands and feet."

Zhong Nan threw a peanut into his mouth and sneered: "It's impossible to sit in a position where these two can occupy the pit without shit. It is impossible to say that there is no one on it, but even if there is that, it is the same thing in the past. Now, a large number of people have been exchanged from top to bottom, and some positions have been changed several times, so there should be no people."

Zhang Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket, and took a sip of it slowly. “It doesn’t make a big difference whether there is any. The key is that Secretary Xu and County Magistrate Tan don’t just stare at it. In fact, according to My original plan was to let these two goods sit on a cold bench and let them dry for a while. As time goes by, we have a reason to clean them up without finding a way out."

Zhong Nan was obviously unwilling to do this. He didn't have that patience. After a while, he turned the topic off: "What did you think about what I told you last time?"

Zhang Feng shook his head secretly, knowing that Zhong Nan had deliberately changed the topic. He obviously hated He Zhongqiang and Li Yong in his heart, so he stopped entangled in the matter, and followed Zhong Nan's topic: "Last said With so many things, who knows which one you are asking?" After a pause, it suddenly became clear that Zhong Nan was referring to his personal problem.

Zhong Nan smiled and said, "What else can be wrong? It's your personal problem."

Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, some not wanting to say this, and said: "Take a rest, there have been too many things in these two days, and my brain is a little tired!"

Zhong Nan laughed and said, "What can make your mind tired? Speak out and listen."

Zhang Feng threw away his cigarette butt, leaned back on the quilt, closed his eyes and said, "I'm really sleepy. Let's talk about something tomorrow."

Zhong Nan drank two glasses of wine on his own, and found that Zhang Feng really didn't want to talk, so he went to the bathroom to wash, and then went back to sleep. The worry was over, and he soon fell asleep.

Zhang Feng slept until dawn, and after freshening up, it was almost eight o'clock. He ignored Zhong Nan, who was still asleep with his head covered, and went to the restaurant to drank some porridge and went back to work at the county party committee.

Li Guanyu had arrived at the office half an hour early to clean up, change the thermos, and put the papers and newspapers in separate categories.

Sitting at the desk, Zhang Feng's mood improved a lot. It seems that there is no secretary, it is really different.

The documents that need to be reviewed are quickly processed, and I am planning to take a trip to Xu Yuan. The affairs of Donghe Town must be dealt with as soon as possible. It seems that the New Year is about to be celebrated. Maybe a little delay will become next year’s affairs. When the time comes, the changes in Donghe Town will naturally fall into the eyes of many people. Maybe these two goods get out and two others come in.

Li Guanyu opened the door from outside the office and said, "Secretary, Director Guo Huaiyu of the Technical Supervision Bureau is here to ask for instructions."

After hearing this, Zhang Feng sat back in his chair and said, "Let Director Huaiyu come in."

Guo Huaiyu came in from the outside and owed his waist very respectfully, and said, "Secretary Zhang, I'll report on my work."

Zhang Feng nodded slightly and said, "Sit down and talk, watch the fish, and pour a cup of tea for Comrade Huaiyu."

Li Guanyu quickly rushed a cup of tea and placed it in front of Guo Huaiyu, but Guo Huaiyu straightened up very stiffly and thanked him.

Guo Huaiyu would not touch the tea cup, but straightened his waist slightly, sat on the sofa, spread the folder on his knees, and began to report to Zhang Feng about the daily work of the Technical Supervision Bureau. There are really a few of this Guo Huaiyu. Brush, it only took six or seven minutes to report the tedious work of the Technical Supervision Bureau, and the organization was very clear. At least after listening to the report, Zhang Feng already had a clearer impression of the Technical Supervision Bureau in his mind. .

Zhang Feng nodded, and said, "Major Tan has assigned all the work of the anti-counterfeiting operation before the holiday, right?"

Guo Huaiyu hesitated for a while and said: "The office meeting yesterday afternoon was arranged and organized by Deputy County Magistrate Liu. However, the Technical Supervision Bureau did not receive notification from the relevant personnel. The market went through overnight, and it is said that reporters were invited to follow up and report on it."

Zhang Feng understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, and nodded calmly, and said: "How did yesterday's affairs be handled in the end?"

Guo Huaiyu said: "Three thousand yuan was punished according to regulations, and all the fake cigarettes and alcohol were confiscated."

Zhang Feng let out a "huh", then he pondered for a while and said, "Have you figured out the channels for fake cigarettes and alcohol?"

Guo Huaiyu was slightly startled when he heard the words, and said, "This is my negligence. I will go back and make up immediately."

Zhang Feng shook his head and said: "The Technical Supervision Bureau is mainly to identify authenticity. Let professional people do other things."

Although Guo Huaiyu didn't know if Zhang Feng pointed out otherwise, he still responded and nodded.

Zhang Feng said: "You go back first, and the comrades from the County Public Security Bureau will contact you later."

After Guo Huaiyu left, Zhang Feng’s face sank. The deputy county magistrate Liu had seen him several times, but he had never spoken. He didn’t expect this to be a thorn, and he didn’t know where the courage came from. Actually dared to sloppy with him.

First, he called Ye Qing to talk about the situation at the Technical Supervision Bureau, and then said: "Huang Ying has already reported to the Criminal Police Team? Well, let him lead the team personally on this matter. I'm afraid others can't do it yet."

After arranging the matter, Zhang Feng sat in the office and pondered for a while, then grabbed the microphone and dialed to Xu Yuan’s office. The one who answered the call was Xu Yuan’s secretary Xiao Han. Zhang Feng said, "Secretary Xiao, do you have any air?"

There was a pause there, and then Xiao Han's soft voice came: "Secretary Zhang, Secretary Xu is just free right now."

Zhang Feng said with a "Yeah", "Okay, I'll come over right away."

Xu Yuan deliberately greeted him from behind the desk when Zhang Feng entered the office, and squeezed his hands tightly before he smiled cheerfully: "I was looking for you to discuss something, but I didn't expect the call to come."

Zhang Feng smiled flatteringly, and said, "Secretary Xu recruited, I wonder if there are any instructions?"

Xu Yuan took Zhang Feng and walked to the sofa to sit down, and said, "I heard someone violated the yang and yin?"