Step by Step

Chapter 159: Empathy about housework


Empathy of housework

After Huzi made a round, Zhang Feng went back to the drugstore.

Today Zhang Feng came back by Santana, and he went to Huzi’s house to let Zhou Yong recognize his way. Tomorrow early in the morning, he had to go there early to dress up the colorful car. Then Zhang Feng might not be able to get up on time, so let Zhou Yong come by himself. .

Zhang Songjie and Kong Lingshan both had a calm face. When Zhang Feng came back, they only slightly nodded. They didn't greet them as usual, they seemed to be worried, and there were some anger in their expressions, which made Zhang Feng quite puzzled.

Putting down his handbag, Zhang Feng asked, "Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you, what happened?"

Kong Lingshan glanced at Zhang Songjie first, then sighed again and said nothing.

Zhang Feng knew that most of the problem was with his father. He went to the table and sat down, took out two cigarettes, handed one to his father, and kindly helped his father light it. Then he asked in a harmonious voice: "Dad, what's the matter? Speaking of it, why don’t you worry, isn’t there still your son!"

Zhang Songjie chuckled when he heard the words, and then sighed with a sullen face, and said: "Unfortunately at home! I met such an idiot as your eldest brother!" After a pause, before Zhang Feng continued to ask, he continued: "I thought that although your sister-in-law is a bit mean to the family, she still knows how to live her life. At least it's good to your brother, who knows it's also a stupid thing!"

Zhang Feng frowned when he heard that it was the eldest brother's affairs. He was anxious to separate his family at the beginning, but didn't want to get too much contact with the two men. Today, I am afraid that everything is going to be in vain, but anyway, it has to be seen. The attitude of the parents, in fact, he knew in his heart that the eldest brother and the couple were nothing but the parents.

The most important thing is that the things Zhang Feng experienced in his dreams did not happen in reality, and Zhang Ke and Wang Hui did not have the opportunity to show their wolves. Therefore, in the eyes of the parents, although they think they are a pair. The white-eyed wolf, after all, did not do anything excessive to the family, even if there are more mistakes, it is not wrong in the eyes of parents.

The harder the father scolded, the more he couldn't let go. Zhang Feng had children in his lifetime and naturally understood the mentality of being a parent.

With a wry smile secretly, Zhang Feng touched his cigarette butt, but said nothing.

After Zhang Songjie cursed a few words, but didn't hear Zhang Feng's interface, he knew that the play could not be performed. Since the second son went through a lot of twists and turns and got promoted, he has become very different from before. Coming more and more calmly, and more and more assertive, he also slowly accepted this fact imperceptibly.

Zhang Songjie naturally understood that Zhang Feng was displeased with Zhang Ke and his wife, especially Wang Hui. He used to think it might be natural, because in most families, the relationship is basically the same. If the sister-in-law is a little bit selfish and mean, there will be no There are a few who can get along with the brothers and sisters below, so he doesn't care much.

But now it seems that Zhang Feng's vision is indeed much better than others.

Since Zhang Feng didn't talk to him, he could only open his mouth and tell the truth. After all, Zhang Feng had to help him.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Songjie slowly said, “After your brother’s storeroom was sealed up, although a batch of goods was confiscated, it has not hurt his vitality. If you manage well, you may not be able to make a comeback and do better. However, there is no chance now, and the two of them became real paupers overnight!"

Zhang Feng frowned, and still did not say a word, but he was wondering what was going on. He knew better than others about the real situation of the eldest brother and the couple. After all, he had memories of later generations, and Guo Huaiyu made Zhang Ke take Zhang Ke. He already knew when all the counterfeit cigarettes and liquors in the warehouse were confiscated. For Zhang Ke and his wife, this can be regarded as a bitter lesson at best.

Wang Hui asked his three younger brothers to run a boutique store. Zhang Feng naturally knew it well, and knew that the three stores were actually supported by Wang Hui. Therefore, he never worried about checking out fakes. Tobacco and fake alcohol prevented Zhang Ke and his wife from turning over, but listening to their father's voice, it seemed that something changed.

Sure enough, Zhang Songjie’s next words confirmed Zhang Feng’s speculation that Wang Hui’s three younger brothers all took their respective boutiques as their own, and they didn’t recognize this eldest sister at all. When these stores were opened, Because of factors such as applying for the tobacco monopoly license, Wang Hui urged that the legal person and other procedures be changed into the names of his younger brothers. Therefore, it is not clear at all.

The eldest and the second of the three younger brothers are already married, and the eldest son has raised a young woman. Last night, the eldest and the second wife’s wife declared at the same time that if the shop was returned, they would divorce, and the third did not say anything else. , I just insisted that this boutique belonged to him, and the three brothers all proposed to work for Wang Hui for a few years, but he hadn't gotten any wages yet.

Zhang Songjie and his wife only learned that they received a call from the hospital this morning. Zhang Ke and his wife were both admitted to the hospital. After learning the details, Zhang Songjie almost broke his lungs. They lived frugally and even treated their daughters. Not enough money, they were all handed over to Zhang Ke to do business, but in the end they were taken by his daughter-in-law to raise a few white-eyed wolves.

Zhang Ke has been doing business for these years, and the return for his family is to buy a 20-inch color TV. Besides, he didn’t get a cent back. He never went home during the autumn and summer, and he did work even more. I can't talk about it, but Zhang Songjie still has to deliver noodles to the store on time. There is no shortage of coarse and fine grains, but in the end it is such a result. The old man will be hell when he can feel comfortable.

Zhang Feng said: "Where is Zhang Yuan?"

Zhang Songjie sighed, and said, "Your eldest sister has taken Fangzhuang to Fangzhuang. Let Zhang Yuan and Cici have fun together these days."

After holding back for a while, Zhang Songjie still couldn't hold back, and said, "Can you help your brother get back several stores?"

Zhang Feng let out a "chi" laugh, and said, "Dad, your son is the deputy secretary of the county party committee, not a bandit. The procedures in the store are all done by other brothers. Why should I help the eldest brother get it back? If you lose, besides, even if you can get it back, it will eventually be an empty shell. It's not worth a penny. What's the use?"

Kong Lingshan had been listening to her for a long time, and she couldn't help but angrily said: "Is it irrational?!"

Zhang Feng said: "Who said it's irrational? We are really going to take back a few stores, that is irrational."

Kong Lingshan burst into tears when Zhang Feng said a word, and pointed at Zhang Feng and said: "You have no conscience, you have the right to get out of your son when I have never raised your son!"

Zhang Feng pulled the towel from the towel rack and leaned over to wipe his mother's face. Kong Lingshan snatched it over, and while wiping his face, she cursed: "What's wrong with your brother? You are on the side." Watch the fun? Is there any brotherhood!"

Instead, Zhang Songjie sighed, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, pulled out the pot of dry tobacco from his waist, filled it with shredded tobacco, and hung his head to smoke the stuffy smoke. He naturally understood what his son said, and now he can only blame Zhang Ke and his wife. Blind, even if these things are brought to the court to go to court, they are still nothing to say, and Zhang Feng is right, even if it is brought back, it is not worth a lot of money.

Zhang Feng answered, "You went to the hospital and asked your eldest brother their opinions?"

Zhang Songjie’s expression became more and more gloomy when he heard the words. In the hospital, they also saw Wang Hui’s parents. From them, they all didn’t want Wang Hui to continue making trouble. Otherwise, three The son’s family was all broken up. The eldest son had already been divorced once. If it breaks up again, the Wang family will really be broken.

Zhang Songjie and Kong Lingshan turned around and left because they couldn’t understand their relatives’ faces and Zhang Ke’s ambiguous attitude. Instead of staying in the hospital, they ran back and became sulking. The more they thought about it, the more disappointed they became with Zhang Ke. I also feel a little disgusted with the Wang family. Zhang Ke has been in business for so many years. Only when he asked for money from his home, he never took money back, but he gave the Wang family five new three-story houses. Wang Hui paid for his son and his wife, and Zhang Songjie was naturally very upset in his heart.

Zhang Feng said: "The eldest brother and sister-in-law would rather be hospitalized than to pursue investigations, so why bother with your two elders? Forget it?"

Kong Lingshan had wiped away her tears, and she pondered for a while and said, "How can we live the rest of the day?"

Zhang Feng said: "People don't have to worry about themselves. Is it useful for us to take care of it? The big deal is to go home to farm, and the living can still teach urine to be suffocated. There are many people in Luo Village, and there are a lot of people who do not do business. Are not alive anymore."

Zhang Songjie said: "After the separation, your eldest brother listened to your sister-in-law's idea and said that it was for Zhang Yuan to study in the county. A family of three spent 20,000 yuan to buy a commodity grain account. The village has no land for them. There is land for them to plant? It just doesn’t work if you want to come back to build a house, and it is impossible for the village to approve the base for them.

Zhang Feng looked at his parents for a few moments before saying: "Dad, what do you mean then?"

Zhang Songjie bored his head to smoke and didn't speak, Kong Lingshan sighed heavily, turned around and went into the inner room.

The father and son sat face to face for nearly half an hour, but Zhang Songjie remained silent, but Zhang Feng’s expression became heavier and heavier. If there was no dream experience, he would never leave the affairs of Zhang Ke and his wife indifferent. Now, if he wants to let him help Zhang Ke and his wife, he will never do that, but if his parents ask for it, he can't refuse.

Dididi, the pager rang suddenly, Zhang Feng took out a look, and then said to the silent father: "Dad, I have something to do, let's go first," stood up from the chair and said to the inside: "Mom, there's something in the county, I'm leaving, and I'm going to drive to Huzi to marry a wife tomorrow, so I won't come back tonight."

Kong Lingshan was still wearing an apron, poking her head out from inside and said: "The meal is ready, let's go after the meal."

Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "It's too late, there is an emergency in the county."

Looking at Zhang Feng's back, Kong Lingshan came out from the inner room and looked at her husband. It took a long time to say: "Forget it, after all, he is a brother. He won't care about Ke'er. Besides, Ke'er was bullied like that. The county party leader, can't face up to you?"

Zhang Songjie sighed heavily, knocked the pot of dry tobacco on the leg of the chair, and said, "If Zhang Feng can help Zhang Jing, he should help his eldest brother. Fang Lan has been exposed to him by an outsider, and his own brother can No matter? No!"

Kong Lingshan still looked worried, and said in deep thought, "Who did you hear about Zhang Jing? Also, where is Fang Lan from outsiders? That is our son-in-law!" After a pause, he continued: "The Fang family already has money, and it's normal for Fang Lan to do such a big thing. Don't talk nonsense and hurt your relatives!"

Zhang Songjie sneered: "The Fang family is rich? Give it to Fang Lan to go to the quarry? Huh, why didn't you take it out? Don't you know how Zhang Jing's family lived? Why did Zhang Feng become an official? Has the Fang family changed?"

Kong Lingshan said: "How many money do you have in your son's hand? Don't you think about it. I don't want to say that Zhang Feng and his elder sister usually give me some food and drink at home. ,I do not believe!"

Zhang Songjie also knew that his reasons were too reluctant, but the eldest son’s affairs made it impossible to calm down, both for the selfishness of his son and his wife, but also for their future livelihoods. In fact, the older couple had already thought about the eldest son a lot before. The way out, but in the end he couldn't get around Zhang Feng's level.

Zhang Feng hasn’t gotten married yet, and his fiancee blew it somehow, so the old couple really didn’t talk about family matters. They had discussed it, and when Zhang Feng came back, Zhang Songjie and Zhang Feng would have an in-depth discussion. After all, Zhang Songjie Feng's situation is a little better. At this time, the boss of the help is also reasonable. As for how to help, we will discuss again.

The two of them thought about it and felt that they had allocated the drugstore to Zhang Ke. However, after holding back these words for a long time, Zhang Songjie could not say it. The agreement to separate the family was still there, and there was Yang Xiaolan at the time, and now he regrets it. If you don’t, it’s impossible to put it anywhere. The most embarrassing thing is that the boss's own wealth is all cheaply given to the Wang family, but they come back to harm their family.

After Zhang Feng got out of the car and got into the car, his expression was a bit unswerving, and he said to Zhou Yong in a deep voice, "Go to the Great Cross!"

Secretary Li Guanyu called just now, and left a message to him. Someone was going to jump down on the top floor of the Grand Cross Mall. Several leaders in the county have passed. I'm nervous right now. Tomorrow is New Year's Day. When this happened today, it is difficult for Zhou'an County to be famous without being famous, and the county leaders can get past, indicating that the reason for jumping off the building is definitely not simple.

When the car got on the road, it drove toward the county town like a swift, but Zhang Feng's heart was like a mess, and his head was filled with the sad faces of his parents. He is not a fool. How can he not guess the thoughts of the two old men? Because of the memory of later generations, Zhang Feng's thinking will inevitably be affected, and he has been thinking about one thing in his heart.

If he remains indifferent to the boss, how is it different from the boss in dream memory

Yes, you can say that the reason why the eldest couple is today is to blame themselves. On the other hand, in the dream memory, the matter of his imprisonment in the eyes of the eldest couple is not to blame? Therefore, in the face of family affection, it is impossible to fully reason, relatives are relatives, and these disgusting things encountered by the eldest couple, did he feel the same in his heart

Otherwise, he wouldn’t let Fang Xiao come forward to rectify Hao Chunxi’s Hengyuan Trading Company. In the final analysis, he still feels unhappy about the boss's unprovoked seizure. He subconsciously wants to let this breath out. As for the end, It would be such a big situation, although it was beyond his expectation, he was secretly relieved, and finally gave out the evil anger held in his chest.

But Zhang Ke and his wife planted in the hands of the three Wang family brothers, but it made him a little bit helpless. If he did too much, it would definitely hurt his relatives. Moreover, Wang Hui may not appreciate it. Maybe he will hate him for the whole life. In the face of family affection, there was originally no reason to say, but to deal with the three brothers, Wang Hui had to do it himself, and others did it, but Wang Hui was offended.

Zhang Feng has a mature soul for later generations, but this matter is also obvious, so he refused his father's request without hesitation.

However, despite the fact that Zhang Feng’s parents wanted to help solve Zhang Ke’s plight, Zhang Feng could not really be indifferent, even though Zhang Feng was very unhappy. In that case, he would not be much different from Wang Hui in his previous life, at least In terms of the outcome of the matter, the nature is exactly the same.

He didn't know how his father planned, but in any case, he couldn't really stop him, and he had to cooperate as much as possible, even if it was to re-divide, it would still be the same. In fact, in addition to re-separation, He couldn't think of any other way his father could use the power in his hands. He would never do it. It was not how noble he was, but it was not worth it.

Occasionally, Zhang Feng would even think that if the pharmaceutical factory was also handed over to his parents to run it, it is unclear whether he would also be assigned to the boss. He didn't know what to say, so he sighed secretly. What he can do depends on the attitude of his parents. He is really not good at expressing his attitude at will.

Santana stopped near the Grand Cross in ten minutes. It was already half afternoon. The winter nights always came earlier. A stall in the small night market had pulled the guys onto the street, and Zhang Feng watched. When the second uncle's tricycle stopped far away on the side of the road, the little cousin Ai Ai slanted her satchel and stood on the road fangs and looked towards the big cross.

The place where the accident happened was just in front of the second uncle’s barbecue stall. The southeast corner of the Grand Cross was already full of people. The police lights flashed in the distance. Several street corners were blocked by traffic police. Zhang Feng’s Santana was still far away from the Grand Cross. It stopped a few hundred meters away. There were so many people on the street that the car couldn't move forward, so I had to pull over and stop first.

After getting off the car, Zhang Feng and Zhou Yong walked for several hundred meters. When they reached the Great Cross, they saw the county party secretary Xu Yuan and the county magistrate Tan Jinghan from a distance. Zhang Feng hesitated and walked over and asked when he got there. :"what happened?"

Xu Yuan and Tan Jinghan both had a gloomy face. Looking at the roof of the six-story shopping mall, Zhang Feng had just noticed the figure standing on the wall skirt above, but they could see it more clearly from this position. It was a forty. A middle-aged man of many years, standing on top of the concrete fence on the roof of the building against the wind, teetering, seems to fall down at any time.