Step by Step

Chapter 161: There is no shamelessness, only shamelessness


There is no shamelessness, only shamelessness

The special rectification campaign to control counterfeit and shoddy goods has suddenly stopped since the jumping incident. It seemed to have died down. Just when most people thought that the operation was completely aborted, newspapers, televisions, and publicity vehicles, everything you can think of The propaganda tools seemed to be on fire overnight, and anti-counterfeiting propaganda activities began overwhelmingly.

Not only Zhou’an County, but Xinyang City’s news media seemed to have made an appointment. Starting from New Year’s Day, the anti-counterfeiting propaganda has not stopped, and there is a growing trend. By the third day, provincial newspapers, provincial radio and television stations And so on, the media has also started propaganda in this regard, from the tricks of identifying fake and shoddy products to the harm of fake and shoddy products to the human body, the publicity is extremely comprehensive.

The man who jumped from the building is engaged in daily chemical products, mainly daily cosmetics and the like. This time it was also taken as a typical example in the publicity media. Especially the performance of the man who jumped from the building on the roof became well-known. It's a joke, and Zhou'an County Public Security Bureau has gained a lot of fame because of this. There are different opinions about the unique rescue methods of the Public Security Bureau.

It lasted for nearly half a month before the propaganda activities gradually calmed down, but this propaganda activity undoubtedly taught the general public a unique enlightenment class, and gave people a more direct understanding of the dangers of counterfeit and shoddy goods. It has cracked down on the market of counterfeit and shoddy goods in a disguised form, making common people's consumption more sensible and less and less greedy for petty and cheap things.

Zhang Feng rarely went home after Huzi got married. He stayed in the provincial capital almost all the time. Few people knew what he was doing all day.

Xiao Tang has handed over all the work of Chinese herbal medicine planting to the deputy mayor Liang Jin. She also went to the county. Because the preparation of the command center is still on paper and there is no office space yet, Xiao Tang stayed in Zhang Feng. As a staff member in Zhang Feng’s office, he has become Zhang Feng’s little secretary, and he has also learned a lot of general knowledge of the agency following Li Guanyu.

Qin Li was originally Zhang Fengxiangzhong’s candidate for the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicines. It was also for the purpose of accumulating Qin Li’s political achievements, but unexpectedly an exchange made Xu Yuan let him go, and she adjusted Qin Li from the position of Donghe Town Propaganda Committee to the county party committee The position of the section chief of the second section of the Propaganda Department suddenly jumped into a triple jump. However, Qin Li herself was a selected student of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and was trained as a reserve cadre, so this type of appointment is not uncommon, and this It can barely be regarded as a grassroots work.

He Zhongqiang, the deputy mayor of Donghe Town, was transferred to the deputy head of the county agricultural machinery management station. In recent years, the agricultural machinery station is still a more popular department, but it is already going downhill. In the next few years, the agricultural machinery station will be Become a real Qingshui Yamen, who still uses tractors, even if they do, they are all still in the countryside. They only take part in the autumn and summer of the year, and they don’t even use the roads.

Li Yong was transferred to the county CPPCC office as a deputy office director, and he was completely marginalized.

The deputy mayor Han Yanning took part in He Zhongqiang’s errand, Liang Jin took part in Li Yong’s errand, and Qin Li’s original work was divided between Han Yanning and the organization member and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Huang Yan. Therefore, although Donghe Town has adjusted several There was an empty position, but no one was added, but the division of labor was re-divided.

Donghe Town was Zhang Feng's site, he didn't speak, and it was difficult for other people to intervene casually.

The twelfth of January is the Laba Festival of the Lunar Calendar, and it is another weekend. Kong Lingshan cooked the trumpets early.

Zhang Ke's family came back last night, and the youngest daughter Zhang Wen also came back from school for the weekend. Except for Zhang Feng and his youngest son Zhang Yi from college, everyone else was basically there, even the daughter-in-law who rarely came back in previous years. They all brought their granddaughter to Luo Village's house in the morning. It was rare for everyone to get together. Apart from eating Laba porridge, they naturally wanted to talk about something serious.

After more than half a year of recuperation, Zhang Jing's body bones have improved greatly, at least from the outside, there is no physical loss. Zhang Feng has contacted the hospital for her, and after preparing for the Spring Festival, she will go to the First Affiliated to Provincial Medical College. The hospital went for an operation, and it had already been reviewed three times before. If it hadn't been Zhang Feng's insistence, the operation could already be done.

Naturally, I ate Laba at noon. After the Laba Festival, the happiest ones are naturally the two children. Zhang Yuan took Fang Qian to run around in the yard. The Zhang family’s old house had many large houses and no one would care about the crazy fun of the two children, adults. After eating, they all sat in the main room and talked. Zhang Jing asked her sister Zhang Wen in a low voice: "The conditions in No. 1 Middle School are pretty good, right?"

Zhang Wen pursed his lips and said, "It's not bad. It's cold in winter and hot in summer. In autumn, I was stung by mosquitoes. In the past six months, I don't know how many times your sister died!"

Fang Lan laughed when he heard the words: "Oh, our little princess has been wronged. So, other people are better off than us?"

Zhang Wen opened his mouth and said, "No, but some people don’t live in the school’s dormitory. Not only do they live comfortably, they also have a good learning environment, and their grades are all going uphill. My pressure It's getting bigger and bigger!"

Kong Lingshan took the conversation and said, "Oh, what can I do? Where can other students live in the dormitory of the school?"

Zhang Wen blinked good-looking eyes and said with a grin: "Naturally, I rent a house outside. The conditions are better than those in a dormitory. Moreover, the school's dormitory is becoming more and more chaotic now. Everyone has it."

Zhang Songjie stared, "I don't believe it! Your eldest sister and two brothers are both in high school in the first middle school. Why don't you have so many things? If you don't put your mind on the books for a day, what are you thinking about in your head? "

Zhang Wen pouted and muttered: "Stingy! I didn't let you pay..."

Zhang Jing sat next to her sister, and naturally heard her muttering sound clearly, she couldn't help but frown, and said, "Wenwen, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Wendao: "I've been to my second brother, and Ai Ai lives alone, not far from school..."

Zhang Jing said "Oh", but she wanted to get it crooked, she couldn't help but laughed: "What's the problem with this? Just tell your second brother and you won't end it? It's not a big deal."

Zhang Wen curled his lips and said, "I haven't seen my second brother in a few months. I heard from Ai Ai that he is rarely at home half of the time in a month."

Zhang Jing said: "Okay, I'll tell your second brother about this, you just move over."

Zhang Wendao: "Where can I go? Parents have to say hello to the school."

Fang Lan smiled and said, "Don't worry, your school teacher still doesn't know who your second brother is?"

Zhang Wendao: "I know, I won't be allowed to move because of this. I must see my second brother."

Zhang Jing smiled and said: "Dare to love you, you have already made a good idea by yourself, are you planning to let your parents say hello to the school?"

Zhang Wen glanced at his father secretly, turned his head and said nothing.

The corners of Zhang Songjie's mouth moved, and for a long time he said, "You tell your second brother yourself!"

Fang Lan is also a bit funny. My sister-in-law is really funny. She is in her first year of high school and she is like a little girl. After thinking about it, she said: "Wenwen, I have your second brother's office phone number here, why don't you call? Try it?"

Zhang Jing interrupted next to him: "Afeng is not here, what's the use of calling the office?"

Fang Lan smiled but didn't say a word. Zhang Wen rolled his eyes and said with joy, "Thank you brother-in-law!"

Regardless of the people still sitting in the lobby, after asking for the phone number, they ran to Zhang Feng's house and called.

Zhang Songjie pulled out the pot of dry tobacco from his waist, put it on the shredded tobacco, and lighted it. After taking two puffs slowly, he said, "Zhang Ke, what do you plan to do next? Will you continue to open a store?"

Zhang Ke glanced at his daughter-in-law subconsciously, but when he saw Wang Hui lowered his head and said nothing, he whispered, "What else can I do without opening a store?" Because he bought a household registration, a family of three would have no land in the countryside. If you can't make any money, you will become a real proletariat. Apart from beating, smashing and looting, it seems that all that is left is to beg for food.

Zhang Songjie frowned, apparently extremely dissatisfied with Zhang Ke's attitude, but still sullenly said: "Also engaged in tobacco and alcohol?"

Zhang Ke pondered for a while and slowly said, "No matter what you do, you need capital. Because of the New Year's Day, the store's funds are all stocked, but all of them are fined. Now I have only a few thousand dollars in the store. Besides the goods, I can’t make up any money. If I don’t have any money before the Spring Festival, I can’t even pay the room fees, business management fees, taxes, etc., so I can only sell the store.”

Kong Lingshan couldn't help but said, "Then you still plan to open a store? What do you want to open?"

Zhang Ke hesitated for a while and said: "I would like to ask Zhang Feng for help to return the goods confiscated by the Technical Supervision Bureau. I have retained the invoices for the purchases. If I can return the goods, I can always recover the loss. The big deal is to post some freight. With this money, whether it is to continue to engage in tobacco and alcohol or other businesses, there is no big problem."

Zhang Songjie frowned and said, "Aren't they all counterfeit and shoddy goods, who are you going to return?"

Zhang Ke said: "Those goods are imported from Xinyang City, so naturally there are channels for returning them."

Kong Lingshan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard this, but she didn't open her mouth when she wanted to say something. Obviously, she was still not sure whether Zhang Ke's words were reliable.

Fang Lan frowned. After all, he was a knowledgeable person, and he didn't only worry about himself like Zhang Ke and his wife. The first thing he thought about was whether it would be troublesome for Zhang Feng, so he groaned slightly. "It’s not that easy. How can it be possible to return the goods that have been confiscated by the Technical Supervision Bureau?"

Zhang Ke glared at Fang Lan, and said, "Why not? People's shops in the county, even if they really sell fake goods, did not confiscate them. Some of the goods have been confiscated by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. They all returned. Are they still selling now? Zhang Ke is the deputy secretary of the county party committee, so he doesn't even have this privilege, right?"

Fang Lan's face sank slightly when he heard this, but she didn't speak any more, but she was extremely upset in her heart, huh, return the goods? Because of this, Zhan Guoquan, the director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, was dismissed and investigated. Liu Guanghui has been left idle because of bribery, whistleblowing, fraud, and other issues. the difference.

He is in a different position, and the people he comes in contact with are naturally different. Many people know that Fang Lan is Zhang Feng’s brother-in-law and Zhang Feng’s spokesperson, so some not very important news will be passed on to him, sometimes , The news from the upper level was even more timely and detailed than that of some township leaders.

Zhang Ke's words made him look down on this older brother-in-law more and more. He glanced at his father-in-law and mother-in-law, but saw that they also looked like they should be. He couldn't help shaking his head, standing up and saying to his wife: "I have something else. Will you go later or go with me?" He really didn't bother to talk to the older brother-in-law.

Zhang Jing just hesitated for a while and said: "Let's go together, I'll go find Qianqian back." She was also an extremely intelligent woman, Fang Lan's simple action, she understood a lot of things, mother. What happened in the house has already been familiar to you during this period of time. I was called by my parents today. On the surface, I was eating Laba. Yan Zhi was not for Zhang Ke

Therefore, before coming, Zhang Jing already had a plan in her heart. The reason why she is today is thanks to her second brother Zhang Feng. Now although she has a lot of funds in her hand, it was all taken out by Zhang Feng. Almost all of the Fang family's wealth was placed on Fang Lan. He didn't have any capital, so he couldn't be generous to others.

If it is inconvenient for Zhang Feng to come forward and ask the couple to take out the money, there is nothing to say, but it is impossible to let them help Zhang Ke by themselves. Zhang Jing’s illness is not discovered now, and Zhang Ke Would rather take the money to build a house for Wang's house to buy a car to marry a wife, and never think about her sister's illness, how can she use her life money to help

Therefore, as soon as Fang Lan stood up, Zhang Jing barely hesitated, and went to the back courtyard to look for her daughter Fang Qian.

Zhang Wen just finished the phone call and jumped out from inside. Fang Lan got up and said hurriedly: "Sister and brother-in-law are going to leave? Just pick me up, take a ride, and throw me to the county seat."

Fang Lan smiled slightly and said: "Okay, you pack up, I'll start the car." After that, he said to Zhang Songjie and Kong Lingshan, and said: "Dad, mom, there are still things to be handled in the county, I Another day, Zhang Jing and Zhang Jing will come to visit the two elders."

Watching Fang Lan go out without turning his head, Zhang Songjie's face was so gloomy as a pool of stagnant water, even Kong Lingshan sighed slightly, and waited until the sound of the engine came from the yard, and then the sound of the car was getting farther and farther, it was obvious. After leaving, Zhang Jing actually went out and never showed up again. Zhang Songjie severely knocked the pot of dry smoke and cursed in a low voice: "White-eyed wolf!"

In the back of the Mitsubishi off-road vehicle, Zhang Jing held Fang Qian and watched her sister Zhang Wen teasing her daughter, but there was a bitter smile on her face, saying: "Fang Lan, today we not only offended Zhang Ke and Wang Hui, but also Dad. I'm afraid I have opinions!"

Fang Lan chuckled and said, "At this moment, maybe people are scolding us with white-eyed wolves."

Zhang Wen suddenly said, "What? Big brother and sister-in-law are the real white-eyed wolf. He took all the hard-earned money from the family and fed the wolf cubs. Humph, listening to what they said today, I blushed. Are you still? I know, my parents are going to give the medicine shop to the eldest brother, and they also said that they will re-divide the ancestral house. Oh, I wonder if they were given drugs!"