Step by Step

Chapter 162: Unravel



Fang Lan and Zhang Jing couldn't help sighing when they heard this. Zhang Jing turned off the topic and said, "Wenwen, how did you just call and contact?" She didn't want her sister to talk too much about family matters, and she didn't even want to talk about it. Speaking of these topics with Fang Lan, it was nothing else, but I felt very embarrassed. Although I had known that the boss and couple were selfish and mean, they unexpectedly would reach this level.

Zhang Wen's child's disposition, he immediately moved his color when he heard the words: "The second brother's secretary answered the phone. He said that he would accompany me to the school in person later, even if the principal wants to see it, it will be fine."

Fang Lan smiled slightly. In fact, he rarely contacts Zhang Feng directly now. He usually contacts Li Guanyu for everything. Basically, he can do everything that he can do. Zhang Feng also took this Mitsubishi car some time ago. I threw it to him as a means of transportation. Fortunately, I had driven a large tractor before, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play this Mitsubishi.

The Mitsubishi car is equipped with a military license, and there are usually no people blocking it, and few traffic police in the county do not know that this is Zhang Feng's car. After passing the cross, the traffic police must respectfully salute, more than the county mayor Tan Jinghan's car. prestige.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Fang Lan held the steering wheel in one hand, took out the lighter in the other, lit the cigarette, then opened a small slit in the window glass, sprayed a puff of smoke, and said: "Wenwen, this number for you, Don't let your elder brother know, or it will cause trouble for your second brother, okay?"

Zhang Wen lightly hummed, "You think I'm stupid," he said after a pause, "In fact, my eldest brother used to be pretty good. It was just after getting married that he seemed to have changed himself. It was not like this before. Is it true that doing business will deter people? Do you have a problem with your brain?"

Fang Lan chuckled lightly, and said, "It's not that there is a problem with their brains in doing business, but their brains have become smarter, and they are better at making small calculations than before. Alas, in fact, if they can live their own little life well, It's okay. It doesn't matter if the family sponsors some money, but it's not a problem to continue to fiddle, I'm afraid the two old people will suffer."

Zhang Jing snorted: "Don't care about them, what do you like, you call A Feng and let him ignore Zhang Ke's couple!"

Zhang Wen said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. If parents must take care of their eldest brother and sister-in-law, there is no way for the second brother."

The Mitsubishi car stopped in front of the office building of the county party committee. Fang Lan saw a brand new Santana parked outside from the car window. He couldn't help but smiled: "Good luck, Zhang Feng seems to be back. Let's go to his office together."

Zhang Wen hasn’t seen Zhang Feng for a long time. He jumped out of the car with joy, and then reached out to take Fang Qian from the arms of the elder sister, and said: "Okay, okay, I haven’t been in here yet, Xixi , Let's see your second uncle, okay?"

Fang Lan and Zhang Jing got out of the car, and Zhang Jing said, "Okay, A Feng has been busy all day."

Fang Lan shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's go, I happen to have something to tell him.

Several people climbed the stairs to the sixth floor, all panting. On the contrary, Zhang Wen, who was holding Fang Qian, was still full of energy, as if he was exhausted, and Fang Qian laughed loudly and bluffed, from time to time. He shouted "Second Uncle! Second Uncle!"

Zhang Feng also just returned from the provincial capital. In the past two weeks, he has been staying at the pharmaceutical factory almost all the time. He occasionally went to Yumei’s house for a tooth-fighting ceremony, and went out for a drink with Yuan Hongbing. To speak of gains, I’m afraid he met Yang Bokang’s secretary. Liu Qing, and the two get along quite well, of course, both of them are actually consciously maintaining a good relationship with each other.

Today, I came back from the provincial capital because Ye Qing received a report from Huang Yin that the clues for investigating counterfeit and shoddy goods are almost ready, and he plans to close the net. However, once the operation is carried out, it will inevitably touch the interests of many people, and some people will inevitably use the relationship. Interfering with the operation will inevitably fall short, so Zhang Feng was specially invited to come back and sit down.

With Zhang Feng sitting in the county, people who dare to reach out must think about it. Moreover, even if they want to reach out, they will not bypass Zhang Feng. For Huang Yin’s case, it will reduce unnecessary trouble. This joint is not only Huang Ying and Ye Qing, but Zhang Feng himself knows it well. Originally, this was what he had planned for a long time and had deliberately delayed it until now.

As soon as I sat down in the office, secretary Li Guanyu told Zhang Wen about the call. Zhang Feng smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll go with her in person later. It's been many years. I haven't been back to school, I guess, few people will know each other."

Li Guanyu said again: "Secretary, the crank of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau has been here several times and asked to report on work."

Zhang Feng said with a "hmm" and said, "Is it the executive deputy director who is in charge of the work temporarily? Do you know this?"

Li Guanyu pondered: "Crank has been in the Bureau of Industry and Commerce for seven years. He has always served as a deputy and is an important assistant to Zhan Guoquan. It can be said that he is responsible for most of the daily work of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. This person's ability is still Yes, they don’t form gangs. Counting Zhan Guoquan, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce has changed three leaders in seven years, but the crank has not moved."

Zhang Feng said "Oh" and said, "Crank is from our county, right?"

Li Guanyu smiled and said: "You guessed it right, it is from Qujia Village. This person came from a township cadre all the way. He used to be in charge of the water conservancy project command of the Dongyu River Basin. Well, Donghui Qu was the director of the command center. ."

Zhang Feng pondered for a while before saying: "Let him do his job well, don't think about it."

Li Guanyu gave an "um" and then reported some of the details of today. As he was talking, he heard the yelling and yelling from outside. He couldn't help being taken aback. Who is so bold and ran away. The county committee building came to play? He had already heard the voice of a little girl, so he couldn't help but show a dumbfounded look on his face.

Zhang Feng stood up when he heard the words and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's my niece, maybe someone is here at home, you ask Xiao Tang to prepare some snacks, my niece is a bit greedy, not easy to fool."

Li Guanyu showed a dazed look, and hurriedly went out to greet him. Xiao Tang was on duty in another small office outside, and he happened to be the opposite door. When he was away, Xiao Tang played the role of secretary, even Secretary Zhang. He's a confidant.

When Zhang Wen came to the office door with Fang Qian in his arms, Zhang Feng had already greeted him. Fang Qian shook her hands all the way. Seeing Zhang Feng, the little girl was so happy that she could not wait to rush over. .

Zhang Feng smiled and took Fang Qian into her arms, letting her crawl up and down in her arms, happily invited the eldest sister, the little sister and Fang Lan into the office. Li Guanyu had already served the tea diligently. When he came in, Xiao Tang brought in a small bag of snacks. Of course, these were her treasures, and she soon coaxed Fang Qian aside to play.

Zhang Feng smiled and said to Zhang Wen: "Why, don't you want to live on campus? This is a rare campus memory in the future."

Zhang Wen pouted and said: "Do you have any good memories? When it's hot, it's dead, and when it's cold, it's still a shop, my goodness, second brother, you can save your sister and me! Your house is so big, Can't you live in love with someone?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "What kind of logic do you have? If you do it, it seems that if you disagree, you will be guilty of crimes."

Zhang Wen giggled and added: "Moving out of the dormitory to live off campus, and asking parents to greet the school, our class teacher said, you have to go there.

Zhang Feng said: "This sentence is the real purpose, right? By the way, who is your head teacher?"

Zhang Wendao: "Mei Wenjun, our geography teacher, likes to criticize you county leaders most, saying that you don’t know how to pretend to understand the random layout, making Zhou’an County into four different places, and that the county paper mill is located in the northwest corner of the county seat. The factory was located in the southeast corner of the county seat, and it happened to have the upper hand. Throughout the year, the county town is either the poisonous gas of the paper mill or the stench of the starch factory. I don’t know how many people are smoked to death by these two flavors, as well as nitrogen fertilizer. The factory, built near several living quarters, is either noisy or smokeless."

Zhang Feng chuckled when he heard the words, and said, "Mei Wenjun? It's only a few years after graduating, but he has already led classes in high school

Zhang Wendao: "Do you know Teacher Mei?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Well, it's a acquaintance."

Mei Wenjun and Zhang Feng were also high school classmates, but after the division of subjects, Zhang Feng studied science, but Mei Wenjun studied liberal arts. After graduating from high school, Mei Wenjun was admitted to Beiyuan Normal University, which is also a key university, and was later assigned to the first county. After Zhang Feng came back from demobilization, he knew that this kid was in a middle school, but this person was relatively high and arrogant, and Zhang Feng didn't bother to care about him.

In the past two years, Mei Wenjun has also organized a high school classmate meeting. Luo Tingfeng has been there, but Zhang Feng and Luo Hu have never participated. He has heard Yang Xiaolan say a few times, and he doesn’t care much. Mei Wenjun seems to have been only last year. When he got married, he accompanied Zhou Xiaojun to a meeting in the city, so he asked Yang Xiaolan to send a gift. In fact, after graduating from high school, the two had never seen each other.

Zhang Wendao: "No wonder, Teacher Mei seems to be very interested in you, will you accompany me to school later?"

Zhang Feng said with an "um" and said: "Okay, you don't have to go to self-study tonight, don't you? Come back with me after moving home."

Zhang Wendao: "I'm not going back. I just came out of my house. It's boring. I'm going to sell barbecue with Ai'ai at night!"

Zhang Feng couldn't help but smiled: "Eating barbecue is the real thing. It's okay. Just go back and say a few words. You can't wait a few minutes. In the evening, your second brother will take you to the small night market."

Fang Lan said at this moment: "It's Zhang Ke's business, right?"

Zhang Feng said with an "um" and said: "My parents called me, and asked me to go back today. If there is a delay, I will be back in the morning. Hey, let's not talk about this, sister, how are you feeling in your body lately? "

Zhang Jing said, "Sister is okay, I never feel better, Afeng, your eldest brother's business, do you plan to do this?"