Step by Step

Chapter 24: upset


Fangzhuang Village is not small, there are about four to five hundred households. It is considered a medium-sized village in Zhou'an County, but such a large village only has one telephone, installed in the agency store at the head of the village, if anyone owns it. If you call, the agent at the agency will find someone to notify you, and there is no charge, unless you use the agency’s phone to make a call, so this agency is very popular.

Agency stores are not many relics from the production cooperative period. At that time, they were called Daigou agency stores, which were dedicated to supply and marketing cooperatives. They purchased materials and sold goods from the villages below, but now they have very simple functions. They are purely commissary stores. Public ownership has been contracted to private ownership.

When Zhang Feng came to Fangzhuang in the past, he always stopped at the agency sales shop at the entrance of the village. There were people coming and going. It was Fangzhuang’s idler concentration camp. Anyone who had nothing to do would squat outside the agency shop. Under the cypress trees, there are people who pinch squares, fight for the upper reaches, and play chess. There are also people who gather around and talk about the mountains, so the information is very good. If you want to know any news, you can ask it casually.

Zhang Songjie’s phone number came to this agency store, so Zhang Feng was going to ask when he was passing by to see if he had passed the word. Unexpectedly, before arriving at the agency’s door, he saw the eldest sister Zhang Jing and her brother-in-law Fang Lan hugging Bringing the niece over, hurriedly greeted him and took the niece from the arms of my sister, and said: "Sister, let me hold Cici."

Zhang Jing's daughter, Fang Qian, is only four years old this year. She is very popular with pink makeup, but her grandparents don't like it.

Fang Lan was still carrying a bottle of wine and a kraft paper bag, obviously there were things in it. Zhang Feng said, "What are you taking? Isn't there anything at home? Brother-in-law, isn't it a surprise."

Saying that, Zhang Feng did not insist on letting the brother-in-law take the things back. Although the elder sister's family life is relatively difficult, she is a face-saving person and has a strong self-esteem. Zhang Feng also respects the eldest brother-in-law from the bottom of his heart.

Fang Lan smiled and said, "It's not a good thing. The wine is still left over during the Chinese New Year, but this wild pheasant took a lot of effort."

Zhang Jing smiled next to him and said, "When harvesting the wheat two days ago, your brother-in-law met in the wheat field. In order to catch this wild pheasant, he even was delayed in harvesting the wheat."

Zhang Feng smiled slightly and said, "Brother-in-law is getting better and better, so he can catch the pheasant alive."

Fang Lan was born as a scholar. Although he grew up in the countryside, he is a real scholar. I dare not say that I have no power to restrain the chicken, but he is definitely not very strong. After marriage, he separates his family. Every year he farms and harvests crops. , Zhang Songjie had to come to help. Later, I learned that the Zhang family had a family-renowned vitality cultivation technique, so I followed Zhang Songjie to learn it. In the past few years, his body has gradually improved.

Zhang Jing pursed her lips and said, "It's strange to say that the qigong set in our family has long been believed. People in several generations have never seen effective use, but your brother-in-law can learn it right away. Otherwise, it doesn't. It will be so strong."

Zhang Feng shook his head secretly. No one is effective, how can it be passed down if it is really ineffective. He was recruited into the Falcons just six months after he was admitted to college, just because he was stunned by the family health skills. Everyone's aptitude and circumstances are different, which leads to very few success in cultivation.

Fang Lan glanced at the Mitsubishi off-road police car, and asked curiously: "Zhang Feng, are you really the chief?"

When the person from the agency shop passed the message to Fang Lan, he thought he had heard it wrong, but the person who passed the word to the shop couldn’t say it. He could only prepare a little gift in a hurry, and couldn’t find anything decent for a while. He simply slaughtered the colorful pheasant in the cage, took another bottle of wine for the Dragon Boat Festival, and hurriedly greeted it toward the entrance of the village, but he did not expect to see the police car.

Fang Lan is not a person with little knowledge. After graduating from middle school, he studied at Zhou'an Teachers' Training College for two years, which is equivalent to living in the county for five years. He is considered to be more than half a county citizen. He is both good and bad about the car and the license plate number. Have some knowledge.

Zhang Feng was not hypocritical, and smiled and said: "Acting, the county bureau chief has something wrong, so he is only acting as the public security chief temporarily. No, he hasn't officially taken office yet," he still had some thoughts in his mind. The proud ones are naturally not easy to show in front of others, but the eldest sister and brother-in-law have no such scruples in front of them.

After getting in the car, Zhang Feng put his niece Fang Qian in the co-driver's position and let her crawl around. As he drove, he asked the elder sister casually: "This year's harvest is not bad, right?"

Zhang Jing said: "It's okay," after a pause, she said another thing: "Why did Xiaolan called the night before to find out if you were with sister? Are you two having a conflict?"

Zhang Feng and Yang Xiaolan had already talked about marriage and planned to get married on the National Day, so the relatives of both sides basically knew about it.

Fang Lan took the conversation and said, "Hey, I forgot if you didn’t say this. The Luo Tingfeng in your Luo village is the one who has a good relationship with Zhang Feng and also works in the county government. He also called the night before. , Asked Zhang Feng if he had come to Fangzhuang. At that time, I happened to go to the agency store to fill the vinegar and answered the phone. Did something happen?"

When Zhang Feng heard the words, don't mention the feeling in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be nonchalant and said: "It's okay, the leader ordered to go to the provincial capital that day and forgot to bring the pager. No, they just came back last night. Just ask."

Because Liu Shu died suddenly, many important clues were disconnected. The evidence in hand almost all pointed to Liu Shu and Sun Liangde. These two people are dead, but it has no effect on Luo Tingfeng. This adjustment of the county magistrate’s money Qingzhi, the reasons were not very good, so Zhang Feng was very unwilling, but there was nothing to do.

Asking for leave and rest is also to avoid Yang Xiaolan, Luo Tingfeng and others. According to his estimation, if Qian Qingzhi is transferred to another place, Luo Tingfeng is very likely to be taken away. His feelings about this growth are very complicated, maybe , Not seeing him for the time being is the best way to deal with it, as for the future, let's take a look.

The real headache for Zhang Feng was Yang Xiaolan. The scene in the dream did not happen after all. Although he had a grievance in his heart, he could not find a reason to settle the relationship between the two. Every time he heard a question from his family. , There was a burst of unspeakable irritability in his heart, but this kind of distress had nowhere to tell, which made him suffer.

When he returned to Luo Village, Zhang Feng surprisingly discovered that the villagers had been able to ignore the police car he was driving. There were even a lot of people who came up to take a closer look. When they stopped the car in front of the house, they found his brother-in-law and the village. A lot of top-notch people were standing in the yard, and Zhang Feng was a little surprised. After such a short while, the news that he was the chief of public security might already be known to everyone in Luo Village.