Step by Step

Chapter 56: It is worth pondering


Although there have been several incidents of evil in a row, the bustling of the small night market has not been affected at all.

After slept for half an afternoon, and after doing some necessary preparations, Zhang Feng drove to the night market. Tonight, the second uncle’s barbecue stall was officially opened. He had to go to the bake stall. In his spare time these days , He has taken his little cousin Ai Ai to the beef and mutton shops and condiment shops in the county, and some details have been explained, so he did not go to the stall when he went out.

I bought a pair of firecrackers at the sales department at the entrance of the local product company. They sounded forty-nine each, which is exactly ninety-eight rings. It is also a slogan. They are carried to the car and then the car is driven. To the small night market, stop at the north side of the barbecue stall.

The original fellows of Kong Lingjun have been smashed by Jiang Zhen, so they are all new. Even the steel sticks used for wearing meat were polished by Jiang Zhen, tables, chairs, benches, barbecue supports, and even charcoal. Wait, Jiang Zhen repurchased it. Hearing that it opened today, he also specially sent 20 catties of lamb.

As soon as Zhang Feng’s car stopped, Jiang Zhen and Fang Xiao ran over to meet him. Zhang Feng was not polite, opened the car door, and asked them to help carry the big fireworks to the front of the barbecue booth and arrange them before they came to the second uncle. The second aunt said hello and said a few auspicious words, and Fang Xiao lit the fireworks over there, and the fireworks filled the sky, attracting the eyes of countless people.

Jiang Zhen leaned in front of Zhang Feng, handed a cigarette to Zhang Feng, and said respectfully: "Director, what do you think is missing here, I will help you run a leg," he actually didn't know that the barbecue booth was going to be official today. It opened, but he was recently demoted to the Grand Cross. Kong Lingjun’s barbecue stall happened to be at the southeast corner of the Grand Cross, so Jiang Zhen saw it when he went out in the evening.

Zhang Feng waved his hand and said, "Don't mess around with you, just sit there and eat."

Although he was not polite, he took the cigarette from Jiang Zhenjing and lit it with a lighter, which made the expression on Jiang Zhen's face a little relieved, and his mood was obviously much better, so he ran to the back to help pierce the meat.

Zhang Feng just sat for a while and left. Not to mention other guests tonight, there are dozens of traffic police teams alone, as well as a large group of joint defense members of the anti-drug team, all coming to eat barbecue, so Zhang Feng is not very convenient and unsightly to sit here, and after a few greetings, he drove away.

Because the car was too eye-catching, Zhang Feng didn’t even think about driving this Mitsubishi off-road to explore the underground ice factory, and he needed to make some illusions. Therefore, after leaving the small night market, he drove straight to the provincial city of Xinyang. I went to the city, and it took nearly an hour to get to the provincial military area, replaced it with an ordinary Beijing Jeep at Tang Zhenjun, turned around and returned to Zhou'an County.

Because of a delay in the provincial military region, it was already past midnight when entering the Zhou'an realm. According to the plan, he planned to do it again at two or three in the morning, so he reduced the speed and drove slowly into Zhou'an. Urban area.

When he was about to choose a place to park, the pager at his waist vibrated. Zhang Feng frowned. When he took it out, it was a secret signal that he had agreed with Ye Qing. Zhang Feng was immediately stunned. He didn't know what to do. Shouldn't believe this paging.

If you were cheated by Ye Qing, you might have missed the best time to act. Tomorrow is the 25th. He was originally scheduled to launch it in the early morning of the 26th. If he can't steal things tonight, there will be no chance. Yes, the 26th is the International Anti-Drug Day. The seizure of underground ice factories on this day is of great significance and can also maximize the results. If you miss the Anti-Drug Day, the effect will be much worse.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Feng still dropped the front of the car and entered the county seat, but this time he drove the car to the gate of the county post office, which is currently the only place in Zhou'an County where magnetic cards and ic card phones are installed.

In order to conceal his identity, Zhang Feng did not hesitate to go to the provincial capital and exchanged for an old jeep in the provincial military area. He just didn’t want people to know that he was in the county, so naturally he would not just find a public phone and give it to Ye Qing. Another reason for calling back is that it is still early, and there are still two hours before the time he scheduled tonight, otherwise he will not find a place to call back.

At around one in the morning, the street has become quiet. The post office is located on Beixin Street, very far away from night markets. There are no people at this point. Naturally, there is no need to worry about meeting people.

Stopped the car by the side of the road, Zhang Feng sat quietly in the car for a few minutes, then opened the door and jumped off. The public phone of the IC card was on the side of the road, only two or three steps away from the parking place.

Last time I made a free IC card call when I was at the gate of the family members area of the Municipal Procuratorate. This time I became more handy, and I quickly connected to the number on the pager, when Ye Qing said "Hello" from the microphone. Later, Zhang Feng asked coldly: "You have something wrong, do you paging at this time?"

What happened to Tao Ranju at noon, Zhang Feng was still angry at the moment, and of course he wouldn't give Ye Qing a good face.

Ye Qing didn't argue, and said directly: "What you want is with me. If you want to see it, come to the hotel."

Zhang Feng stagnated when he heard the words, and his chest couldn't help but felt ups and downs. He regretted looking for this helper a bit.

After a sigh of relief, Zhang Feng said solemnly: "Room number?"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng turned around and got into the jeep, took a cigarette from his pocket, took a violently, and began to wonder, he did not rush to the county restaurant in the first time, but was analyzing it. The pros and cons of the pros and cons.

He knew what Ye Qing was trying to steal already.

In the dream, this underground ice factory case was uncovered more than 30 years later. It was a huge sensation. Someone once wrote a few books specifically for this purpose. At that time, Zhang Feng had already settled in the United States because of this. From a fundamental point of view, the Jiabing Factory has something to do with his experience at the time. Therefore, he has carefully studied relevant information. In those books, he also interviewed and detailed some figures related to this underground ice factory. Narrated.

Therefore, Zhang Feng is very clear about who is involved in this ice factory, but there are some discrepancies, such as Ning Haibing, which is not mentioned in the book, nor is there in the relevant case report. I think there must be some scruples, or It is the face problem that the government has concealed itself, so there is no relevant information about Ning Haibing.

Zhang Feng thought with his toes, and guessed that Ye Qing would definitely go to Zhou Xiaoyun after he left. Therefore, Zhang Feng could not but think seriously about the attitude that Ye Qing showed at this time.

One possibility is that what Ye Qing said was a lie in order to delay and wait for Guoan to respond. Another possibility is that what Ye Qing said was the truth and had already reported it to Zhou Xiaoyun, but in the end he still did not tell. Guoan reported the case, but gave him the things according to his previous explanation. In this case, Zhou Xiaoyun's intentions are worth pondering.