Step by Step

Chapter 58: action


Zhang Feng was far more decisive than Ye Qing had imagined. After getting what he wanted, he arranged an unexpected mission for her to monitor the phone.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Qing said that he couldn't do it. The equipment and personnel did not have the conditions, and he needed the cooperation of the post and telecommunications department. At this hour, it was impossible to complete the task.

Zhang Feng retreated and sought second place: "If all the communications of Railway East are interrupted, isn't it a big problem?"

Ye Qing said: "It would be easier to interrupt all telephone communications in Zhou'an County, but for a certain area, you need professionals from the post and telecommunications bureau. After all, time is limited, and it takes a lot of effort to confirm the line."

Zhang Feng said with a "huh" and said, "Then stop all the switches, from three in the morning to eight in the morning, there should be enough time. Also, there are several telephones on the nitrogen fertilizer plant that can be accessed. Get all the call records."

Ye Qing groaned for a while and said, "It doesn't take that long, right? If it's dawn and communication is not resumed, I'm afraid it will not be affected."

Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "I have my own discretion, and you can do it accordingly."

Raising his wrist to check the time, he said, "I'll send you to the county bureau, and then let Xia Peng accompany you to the post and telecommunications office computer room. The action will start at three o'clock." I planned to act again tomorrow night, but I didn't expect that Ye Qing had already taken the first step. He stole things out, and even took the sheep hand in hand, and ran away the property in other people's safes, so he could only act in advance.

First, I notified Liu Ruochen of the Armed Police Detachment by using the phone of the hotel. He had already passed Liu Ruochen ditch a few days ago.

When going downstairs, Ye Qing stuffed the small suitcase under the bed, then carried the big suitcase into Zhang Feng's car, threw the big suitcase into the trunk, and the two gave the dollar bills and gold in a tacit understanding. After all, Ye Qing didn’t do this kind of thing less before, and he was naturally proficient in doing it. Zhang Feng’s soul had been nurtured by later generations, and it was normal to do so consciously. If he turned it in, he wouldn’t know whose pocket he would end up in it. It’s better to put it in your own pocket. A few days ago, I was worried about the start-up capital, and I made a lot of money in a blink of an eye.

Xia Peng is on duty in the bureau at night, because of the last time the Criminal Police team leaked secrets, he has been tossing these grandsons in the past few days.

Zhang Feng awakened Xia Peng in the duty room and arranged the next tasks. First, he accompanied Ye Qing to the computer room of the post and telecommunications bureau, interrupted the telephone switch for a few hours, and then asked him to gather when he was notified. Interpol team, perform the task.

After leaving Ye Qing, Zhang Feng drove the old jeep to the armed police detachment. When he saw Liu Ruochen, it was less than three o'clock.

Inside the office, Liu Ruochen was a little unbelievable: "Nitrogen fertilizer plant? This is incredible!"

Zhang Feng said: "I thought you knew it a long time ago."

Liu Ruochen shook his head: "I thought that this place in Zhou'an was a drug transfer station. I never thought that there would be a large-scale underground ice factory. Moreover, in the past few years, I have not found out how they transported the drugs. Although a lot of evidence points to Zhou'an County, there is still nothing here in Zhou'an County."

Zhang Feng pondered for a while and said, "That's why the drugs in Zhou'an County are allowed to be so rampant?"

Liu Ruochen sighed: "There should be considerations in this regard, but that is not something we can control. However, for several years, no clues have been found. It seems that the rampant local drugs and the bulk drug trade are not that big. It seems that the supply of the drug dealers raised by the county anti-narcotics team is almost all from other provinces."

Zhang Feng said: "Let's go, time is almost up, let's talk while walking."

The armed police detachment had long been prepared, transferred a brigade of heavily armed armed police, and quietly left the station.

The county nitrogen fertilizer plant is also east of the railway, already on the edge of the city, not far from the location of the armed police detachment.

When Zhang Feng and Liu Ruochen arrived at the county nitrogen fertilizer plant, a brigade of armed police had enclosed a completely enclosed area in the nitrogen fertilizer plant. This place was the location of the underground ice factory. It was surrounded by armed police and cut off again. The communication line, the people in it are hard to fly.

Liu Ruochen took out a cigarette and threw it to Zhang Feng: "Should we notify the police?"

Gently spit out a string of smoke rings, Zhang Feng said: "It has been arranged, and Xia Peng will come over soon."

Liu Ruochen nodded. Zhang Feng had already told him before that the public security team was not good and bad, and Zhang Feng just took office. He was too late to rectify the police force. He was worried about leaking secrets during the operation, so he asked him to mobilize the armed police to help and set the goal. After enclosing the ground, cut off the telephone communication, and then call the public security over again, there is no risk of leaks.

Zhang Feng is most concerned about the things that Ye Qing stole back first, and then destroying this den is also to cover up the traces of those things, otherwise, after surrounding this place, he will attack directly, and there is no need to wait for the criminal police team to come over.

The people inside must have been alarmed by such a big movement outside, but it is impossible for them to want to escape. The outside is like an iron bucket, but they can take advantage of this moment to destroy the evidence. This is also what Zhang Feng wants them to. Things to do.

Twenty minutes later, Xia Peng rushed to the nitrogen fertilizer factory with the Criminal Police Brigade. Zhang Feng didn't talk nonsense and said indifferently: "The people inside may have weapons. If they resist, they will be shot dead!"

Ye Qing came with Xia Peng. The things at the post and telecommunications office were clearly arranged. Zhang Feng glanced at Ye Qing and said to Xia Peng, "Ye Qing is more familiar with it. Let her lead the team. You Responsible for command, I will coordinate with Captain Liu on the spot and start the action."

Liu Ruochen waited for Xia Peng and Ye Qing to lead the action, and said to Zhang Feng in the car: "You are giving me credit for nothing."

Zhang Feng shook his head, and said: "What is giving credit for nothing? If there is no armed police today, the action will probably fail!"

Liu Ruochen still didn't believe it, so he took a breath and said, "Paste gold on my face."

Zhang Feng sighed with a heavy expression, and said, "You will understand it soon."

When the words fell, there was a burst of gunshots in the silent night sky, Zhang Feng's face suddenly sank, Liu Ruochen was also taken aback, and the smoke between his fingers fell out: "Is there a gun? It's a fucking slight punch!"

Both of them couldn't sit still and got out of the car.

Zhang Feng had long known that the people inside had weapons, but he didn't expect it to be a slight impact. After all, the information in the previous life dreams was not personally there, but was collected through other channels, and the information published must not be true. It was a concealment. Fortunately, I was cautious and directly transferred an armed police from a brigade. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss today.