Step by Step

Chapter 64: cautious


After coming out of the planning committee compound, Zhang Feng did not really turn around and head back to Zhou'an County. He took the honey pill prepared for Yu Mei with him, and gave it to her when he came over tomorrow. He has one more important thing at this moment. Things to do.

At the gate of No. 9 Ning'an Road, Zhang Feng hesitated for a while, pulled the car aside, and stopped next to an IC card phone.

Take out an IC card and insert it into the slot of the phone. This is a phone card that Zhang Feng bought after making free IC card calls for several times. You can't always be like a thief every time, with a card It is much more convenient in the end.

The number was quickly dialed, and a clear "Hello?" came from the other side.

Zhang Feng is holding the microphone, but his eyes are fixed on the street, "Secretary Chen, this is Zhang Feng, do you have time now?"

A voice came from the microphone: "Xiao Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Feng said: "Well, Secretary Chen, I have something here, I want to hand it to you in person."

Chen Jingyuan, who was opposite the microphone, pondered for a while and said, "Where are you alone?"

Zhang Feng said, "I'm just outside the No. 9 compound, alone."

Chen Jingyuan was silent for a moment before saying: "Then you wait a moment, I'll let someone come and pick you up."

More than ten minutes later, a man in his thirties came over from the other side of the road, quietly and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Zhang Feng had a little impression of this man. He saw him last time at Chen Jingyuan’s house. It was Chen Jingyuan's secretary, whose surname was Zhong, but he didn't remember the specific name.

"Mr. Zhang, right?" The two met last time, but looking at him, they obviously don't remember Zhang Feng.

"Secretary Zhong, hello," Zhang Feng smiled, "Is Secretary Chen free?"

"Secretary Chen is in a meeting, Mr. Zhang, just tell me what's the matter." Secretary Zhong said in a seemingly gentle manner, but his expression faintly reveals the arrogance that is thousands of miles away, and his eyes contain disdain.

"Oh, then forget it, let's talk about it when I have the opportunity next time." Zhang Feng smiled faintly, ignored Secretary Zhong, turned around and got into the car and walked away. He originally had great hopes for this trip, but after listening to Chen Jingyuan's call, he flinched a little. When he saw Secretary Zhong's expression and voice, he was completely dead.

Secretary Zhong was standing on the side of the road, looking at the Mitsubishi off-road going away, his complexion became very ugly. He didn't know how to explain to the boss later and asked him to come out to pick someone up, but it didn't happen. No matter what the reason, In the eyes of the boss, it is incapable.

Zhang Feng had originally intended to give the things Ye Qing had stolen to Chen Jingyuan, secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, but the obvious sense of alienation in Chen Jingyuan's phone made him very uncomfortable, especially when he learned that he had come alone. The obvious change.

Last time it was Tang Yan who came with him. Chen Jingyuan left him with a very good impression. He didn’t expect it to be like this this time. In addition to Secretary Zhong’s attitude, in his eyes, it naturally represented Chen Jingyuan, so immediately He turned around, and if it was something else, he didn't mind patience, but this matter involved a lot of things, and if one was not careful, he would have to take his own life.

Therefore, do not allow him to be cautious.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Feng drove to the provincial military area again.

Chen Jingyuan knew about his relationship with the Tang family. She suddenly left. Maybe he would call Tang Zhenjun. After all, Zhou Xiaoyun is the son-in-law of the Tang family. If you know from the Tang family that Zhang Feng had gone to Chen Jingyuan alone. , It is inevitable that there will be no ideas. After a series of things, Zhang Feng dare not look down on anyone.

The files stolen from the underground ice factory were enough to put Zhao Beining to death, but Zhao Beining was the son of Zhao Bohui, secretary of the Beiyuan Provincial Party Committee, and a large number of officials were involved. The Zhao family in the upper echelons of the Republic should not be underestimated. Political family, therefore, Zhang Feng did not dare to hand over this thing easily anyway. Once the news is leaked, it will end up in pieces.

In the dream, this underground ice factory was not cracked by Xia Peng until nearly thirty years later. Zhao Bohui had retired at that time, but the number of people involved in this ice factory was many times more. Zhao Beining also became a world-famous one. Although this underground ice factory was seized, Zhao Beining was still not injured, because Zhao Beining had moved overseas at that time.

With such a powerful force, Zhang Feng couldn't say anything carelessly. He was not alone. He had relatives and friends.

Therefore, even if Chen Jingyuan only showed the slightest hesitation, he did not dare to hand over this file, and he could not even arouse anyone's suspicion. At present, Zhou Xiaoyun is most likely to associate him with this file. Therefore, Zhang Feng had to be cautious in this matter.

In the courtyard of No. 9 Ningyuan Road, Secretary Zhong hesitated for a long time, but after all, he couldn’t linger over. After a group of people left Chen Jingyuan’s office, he gently opened the door to enter, first refilled Chen Jingyuan’s teacup, and then watched The document’s Chen Jingyuanhui reported: “Secretary Chen, Zhang Feng left without leaving anything.”

When he went down to pick up people, he knew who Zhang Feng was. The reason for putting on such a face was not that he specifically targeted Zhang Feng, but that he was used to it. Moreover, as a secretary, observing words and colors is the most basic skill, Chen Jingyuan When he answered the phone, he was right in front of him, and he naturally noticed that the boss was hesitant, so when he went down, he was deliberately delayed for a while at the gate.

However, Secretary Zhong did not expect that Zhang Feng would have such an attitude, which made him very embarrassed. The boss arranged for him to pick up Zhang Feng and see what Zhang Feng had to give to the boss. As a result, he didn’t do the same thing. Cheng, this is not only because he has lost face, but also the boss's face is not very good-looking.

Therefore, Secretary Zhong hesitated when he came in, and was ashamed when reporting.

Chen Jingyuan frowned slightly when she heard the words and looked up at Secretary Zhong: "What's the matter?"

Secretary Zhong didn't dare to conceal it. He told it through the original text. It was not very complicated. After three or five sentences, he made it clear, and then stood on the side with his head down, waiting for the boss to attack him.

Chen Jingyuan was silent for a while and then slowly said, "There is nothing wrong with Zhou'an County, right?"

Secretary Zhong hesitated for a while and said: "A few days ago, the Zhou'an County Public Security Bureau solved a major case and seized dozens of tons of drugs and several murderers wanted nationwide. Now the case has been transferred to the provincial government."

Chen Jingyuan thought for a while and said: "Well, you go and follow this case."

After Secretary Zhong left, Chen Jingyuan reached out and grabbed the microphone on the desktop and dialed a number.