Step by Step

Chapter 69: Make bold assumptions


"Who else knows about this?" Yuan Hongbing asked just casually flipping through the contents in his portfolio.

"Except for Ye Qing, no one else knows." Zhang Feng said. He knew in his heart how powerful the contents of this portfolio were. Once the secrets were leaked, there would be a risk of being crushed immediately. This is how he learned about the details of the nitrogen fertilizer plant. After that, he insisted on driving those people to the Xiaoyang Mansion, so he secretly asked Ye Qing to do it.

Yuan Hongbing was silent for a moment, collected the file bag, and said, "You have the right to have nothing to do with this kind of thing."

Zhang Feng pondered for a while and said, "I'm causing trouble to Big Brother!"

Yuan Hongbing smiled and waved his hand, and said to Mei: "The old man asked me to go back, the plane in the afternoon."

Yu Mei frowned slightly, but didn't say much, just said: "Then you go early."

Yuan Hongbing smiled and said, "If there is nothing wrong, I will be back tomorrow morning. Well, let Zhang Feng accompany you to the streets in the afternoon. Fortunately, he will start school tomorrow, which is just a temporary job."

Zhang Feng guessed that Yuan Hongbing's words were not true. It was mostly because of the contents of the portfolio that he planned to visit Beijing specifically, but he didn't want to reveal too much in front of him, so he found such a crappy excuse and couldn't help but feel grateful.

Yuan Hongbing pondered for a while before he said: "The home is not far from the school. You shouldn't drive in or out of the school recently. Your car is a bit too garish, and it does not affect you well. The Planning Commission has a special garage here. Leave the car in the garage. In case you have to travel far, try to take a taxi, and it won’t cost much.

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Okay, I listen to Big Brother Yuan."

He could vaguely guess Yuan Hongbing’s thoughts. He really wanted to be like the reason he said. Based on Yuan Hongbing’s temperament, he probably said it yesterday. Now it must be because of the things in the portfolio. The drug case in the nitrogen fertilizer factory is It is difficult to guarantee that Zhao Beining will not have the idea of revenge, so it is better to be careful as much as possible.

Zhang Feng’s Mitsubishi cross-country goal was still too big, and Yuan Hongbing’s suggestion was a timely reminder to Zhang Feng.

Yuan Hongbing didn't delay too much. After chatting for a while, he said that he needed to prepare some materials and left first.

Yu Mei asked Zhang Feng at this time: "So, Luo Tingfeng is also one of the people who framed you?"

Zhang Feng hesitated: "It's not easy to say. I haven't seen him since that day. But in the days when the accident happened, he told my family that Secretary Zhou of the county party committee was double-regulated, and I also absconded in fear of the crime. ."

Yu Mei pondered for a while, and shook her head slightly: "Have you ever thought that there are a lot of weird things in this matter. It is said that your secretary Zhou was planted and framed by others. Those people's goals are very clear. They are aimed at him, how? Will you be your driver as the main goal, and you must get it fast? Slowly, if you don’t find drugs in the car, even if you find it, it doesn’t have much to do with you, right?"

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. What he did during the whole thing was to respond to the prompts in the dream. On the one hand, he wanted to get out of trouble safely, not like wasting twenty years of lush years in the dream. , On the other hand, he wanted to treat Zhou Xiaoyun’s fall as his own opportunity. Otherwise, there were countless ways to break the situation that night and extinguish the conspiracy in its infancy. However, he never thought about why he would Be the prey of others.

If there is no warning from the dream, he will definitely be taken away somehow, and even can't figure out who the real enemy is.

Yu Mei's words couldn't help but plunge him into contemplation. What caused him to be trapped too

Thinking back to the details in the dream, and the afterlife after being released from prison, he vaguely guessed that perhaps the problem lies with Luo Tingfeng.

But why did Luo Tingfeng put him to death and hurry up

Zhang Feng is a little vague. If it is inferred from the details of later generations, it should be because of Yang Xiaolan, but Zhang Feng has difficulty accepting this reason. He did not even notice that, including the experience in the dream, before this incident, Luo Tingfeng Do you have any illusions about Yang Xiaolan, and now he still knows that Yang Xiaolan was pregnant before.

Although in the dream, Luo Tingfeng later married Yang Xiaolan, and the two were quite affectionate, Zhang Feng could hardly believe that it was because of Yang Xiaolan that Luo Tingfeng took advantage of the opportunity of Sun Liangde and Qian Qingzhi to deal with Zhou Xiaoyun, and brought him along with him. Put to death.

If Luo Tingfeng had any signs of admiring Yang Xiaolan, Zhang Feng might still be able to figure it out, but he had never had it before.

Shaking his head, Zhang Feng said: "I haven't thought about it, but I don't understand. Although I am very close to Secretary Zhou and act as a full-time driver, in fact, Secretary Zhou drives his own car most of the time and has a small car class In addition, there are also dedicated drivers. In the eyes of outsiders, I can be regarded as a trusted subordinate at best. There are many similar people in the county."

Yu Mei said: "So, this matter is even more intriguing. Luo Tingfeng can say that you absconded in fear of sin, which means that you are in the calculations like Zhou Xiaoyun. However, looking back now, there is really no reason to take you. Calculate it."

Zhang Feng nodded in agreement. In fact, since he knew that Zhao Beining was involved, he already knew that Qian Qingzhi and Zhou Xiaojun were fighting for power on the surface, but Zhao Beining was actually behind the scenes pushing the trap, and Sun Liangde Both Qian Qingzhi and Zhao Beining were pawns used by Zhao Beining. Without Zhao Beining's promotion, Luo Heng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, would not be able to go to Zhou'an County.

And Zhou Xiaoyun knows about Zhao Beining’s existence, and even guessed some of Zhao Beining’s secrets in Zhou’an County. This can be seen from the fact that he asked Xia Peng to secretly obtain those files. It’s just that the development of the matter is finally complete. Losing control, not following Zhao Beining's design, and exceeding Zhou Xiaojun's expectations, that's why it has developed into such a nondescript as it is now.

If Zhang Feng's variable was taken down in advance according to the trajectory in the dream, Zhou Xiaojun would eventually die very aggrieved.

In that case, the winner is undoubtedly Zhao Beining. Zhang Feng suddenly had a thought in his heart, wondering if in the original track, after Zhou Xiaoyun’s death, his nicknamed wife Tang Yan would eventually marry Zhao Beining, if that’s the case, dreamland Many of the things that puzzled him were suddenly connected.

He already knew that Zhou Xiaoyun and Tang Yan were actually just married couples by name, so they had this idea.

This guess made Zhang Feng shiver unexpectedly, and a cold sweat broke out on his body.

However, Yu Mei's reminder left him with a question, who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the gods to fight and put him to death

Zhang Feng was very tangled in his heart.