Step by Step

Chapter 77: Push the boat along the water


Zhang Feng didn't even return to the dormitory after coming out of the classroom in the afternoon, and went straight out of the school to the family home of the Planning Commission.

Both Yuan Hongbing and Yu Mei were already waiting at home. Zhang Feng was secretly surprised that he didn't know what could actually work. The two of them took the time to talk with him so solemnly, faintly, they guessed that the day before yesterday. The file handed to Yuan Hongbing was wondering if it was about Zhao's family, but he felt that the possibility was not very high.

If it was really about the Zhao family, it would be impossible for Yuan Hongbing and Yu Mei to tell him the details. It would be nice to mention it a little bit. How could it be possible to talk to him so solemnly? In his opinion, Yuan Hongbing may not be able to participate in the role played by that thing, and maybe it will affect the upper-level game.

Following the two to sit down in the study, Yuan Hongbing slightly adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner. Because Yu Mei's body couldn't stand the cool breeze, even the fan rarely blows, and the temperature in the study was obviously a little cold.

Zhang Feng said: "It's okay, it's not very hot today, so let's turn off the air conditioner."

Yu Mei said, "No, just leave it on. I also think it’s a bit hot. By the way, Zhang Feng, the medicine you took this time seems to be different from the previous ones. The effect is obvious after taking it. I can detect it in two days."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, “It’s just as effective. When these two bottles are used up, I will pair you up with two more bottles. It is estimated that it will be restored soon.” This recipe was originally prepared for Yu Mei by later generations. Yes, many experimental analysis techniques have not yet appeared. Zhang Feng is also based on the memory in his dreams. It is naturally a happy event to have an effect.

However, because of this, Zhang Feng became more worried about Yuan Hongbing's body, but Yuan Hongbing did not detect any illness, and he could not see what was wrong with his body. Therefore, this matter could only be temporarily hidden in his heart.

After sitting down, Yuan Hongbing took out two cigarettes and threw one to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng caught the cigarette, but his eyes turned to Yu Mei, not knowing if he should smoke. Unexpectedly, Yu Mei smiled faintly, and said, "Let’s smoke. It's okay, I've long been used to it."

After lighting up the smoke, Zhang Feng still opened the doors and windows and turned on the ventilation fan. Then he asked: "Big Brother Yuan, Teacher Yu, what is the matter so solemnly?"

Yu Mei said, "That's it, Zhang Feng, you didn't come back last night. When the teacher came to read the book, he found this on your desktop." Yuan Hongbing pulled out a few pages of manuscript paper from the folder behind him. Put it on the desktop, Zhang Feng understood it at a glance, and Yu Mei continued: "You wrote the things on this, right?"

Yesterday evening, because I received a paging from my home, I didn’t even think about going out, so I didn’t clean up the manuscript that was just edited on the desktop. I hurried back to call back and talked to Xia Peng for a while after talking to my mother on the phone. He was distracted by family affairs. Before returning to the study, he received a call from Chen Ye and others, so he went straight to Minghu Park to have a barbecue.

I didn’t go home again at night, so I forgot about it. Today, I still wondered how I could hand it over to Yu Mei’s logically. I didn’t expect that it was discovered by Yu Mei, but I saved my mind to make excuses. .

After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Well, I wrote it. I was wondering if I could recommend it to the party newspaper for publication. I just don't know if there is any inappropriateness."

Yu Mei and Yuan Hongbing looked at each other and smiled with such an expression, but Yu Mei’s face was proud and proud, but Yuan Hongbing was a little unbelievable. He looked at Zhang Feng like a monster for a long time, and then made some suggestions in the article. After discussing things with Zhang Feng, Yuan Hongbing's expression became more and more stunned with the debate, and finally said: "You can even study these things thoroughly?"

Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly: "I have stayed at the county party committee for the past two years when I returned home from demobilization. Apart from driving and running errands, I basically spent the rest of my time thinking about it. In addition to reading the newspaper, I was listening to the radio. When I was in the army, I went there to perform missions and studied the data there. It is not difficult to come to such a conclusion. In fact..."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Feng continued: "In fact, what I wrote is already very conservative. According to analysis, the Soviet Union is likely to disintegrate in the next year or even a few months. It's just that no one will believe it if you say it."

Yu Mei nodded and said: "The analysis in your manuscript is very reasonable. Although the conclusions you draw are unbelievable but not impossible, it is a fantasy to say that the Soviet Union will disintegrate."

Zhang Feng smiled bitterly: "I knew it would be like this. I originally wanted you to recommend it to the party newspaper. It seems that I have no hope."

Yuan Hongbing frowned and said, "Xiao Zhang, although the writing of this article is very...apostate, I still think it makes sense, because many of the reasons analyzed in the article are actual situations, and I have also seen that there are still There are a lot of things that have not been written, um, you said you often listen to the radio, did you answer foreign calls?"

Zhang Feng was startled at first, and then realized that he took things for granted when he was writing. It is impossible for people like him to understand much of the analysis content now. Information channels have obviously become a problem, but since Yuan Hongbing has already thought about it. With the answer, he was naturally happy to push the boat, nodded and said: "There should be no problem with this, right?"

Yuan Hongbing smiled and said, "What can be the problem? Teacher Yu often listens to news broadcasts from the Soviet Union."

Yu Mei said: "I don't know if you are interested in these things. I have a lot of information here, but I can give you a reference."

Zhang Feng suddenly said: "I forgot this stubble."

Yu Mei’s job is to deal with policies and regulations. There are collections of relevant policies and international situation dynamics. Especially the Soviet Union, which is undergoing vigorous reforms, is probably one of the main targets of attention. Reference materials in hand are definitely indispensable. .

Yuan Hongbing pondered for a while before he said: "Give me a copy of this manuscript after it is revised, and don't post it to the newspaper for now."

However, Yu Mei said: "It can still be sent with a slight modification. The current domestic situation requires someone to pour some cold water."

Yuan Hongbing shook his head and said, "Do you know the possible consequences of this thing? It is easy to become the target of others' attacks, which is extremely detrimental to Xiao Zhang's future development. If you really want to publish it, you will publish it in your name. ."

Yu Mei shook her head and said, "Isn't that the result of stealing Zhang Feng? It won't work."