Step by Step

Chapter 81: Write a check


Although it was long expected that the article on vigilance against bourgeois liberalization would cause trouble, when the trouble really came, I was caught off guard.

On the third day of Yuan Hongbing’s return from Beijing, Yu Mei was first suspended by her work unit, asking her to write an inspection, and then returning to work when she realized her mistakes. She severely criticized her unorganized and undisciplined behavior. After reporting to the superior, he privately published this kind of article, which caused an extremely bad influence on the unit and made the leader quite passive.

Therefore, when Zhang Feng went home for lunch, he knew that Yu Mei was on holiday, and couldn't help but smile: "I'm sorry, Teacher Yu, I caused you trouble."

Yu Mei chuckled and said, "What's the trouble? The teacher just took the opportunity to rest for a few days. Recently, I'm in good spirits and I'm planning to go out for a stroll." After a pause, she asked Zhang Feng curiously: "Is there nothing wrong with the party school? ?"

Zhang Feng smiled: "I want something to happen, but no one believes it."

People in the party school naturally noticed this article, and many people joined the retort debate. But no one believed that the signed Zhang Feng was the classmate who sat with them, and Zhang Feng himself wouldn't get up and find it unhappy.

Yu Mei and Yuan Hongbing both laughed when they heard the words, but Yu Mei still said to Zhang Feng: "It won’t take long to hide this. Someone will come to the door soon. Maybe there won’t be much trouble on the party school side, but Zhou’an County It's hard to say."

Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "What can be the trouble? At most, I was suspended like you. Anyway, I don't go to work now. It doesn't make any difference if I don't stay suspended. It doesn't matter if I am removed from the police chief."

Yuan Hongbing said: "You are quite confident, but do you really think there will be problems in the Soviet Union?"

Zhang Feng smiled, "Big Brother Yuan, isn't it the first time you asked this question, right?"

Yuan Hongbing's face blushed slightly, and said, "Isn't this in my heart. Since your analysis is so detailed, I must have some context in my heart. Tell Big Brother Yuan about your judgment, so that Big Brother Yuan feels a little bit unreasonable. ?"

Zhang Feng pondered and said: "You have read that article, and the reasons that can be enumerated are all above, but there are some things that are not suitable for writing. For example, the Soviet Academy of Social Sciences conducted a questionnaire survey, and the respondents believed that The CPSU still represents 4% of workers, and only 7% of the people still represent the entire people. However, 85% think that it represents bureaucrats, cadres, and government officials. A ruling party that no longer represents the interests of the people is destined to be a ruling party. Abandoned by the people."

Yuan Hongbing nodded in agreement: "This is normal, but it is a bit out of place to say this now, and it will be taken out of context. You may put a hat on it. You think the crisis in the Soviet Union will probably lie. When will it break out?" Going around, this is what he cares most about.

Zhang Feng pondered for a moment. According to the memory in his dream, it should be the coup d'etat on the 19th of this month, and the official disintegration will be until Christmas Day in the West at the end of the year. It must be said to be a huge irony, but with his own article. It’s really hard to say whether the publication of the troupe has caused an unprecedented debate in the country. It is hard to say whether it will affect the course of the incident. Therefore, this magic stick is not easy.

Yu Mei poured a glass of red wine and sipped a sip. After more than a month of recuperation, her complexion has changed a lot. The skin that had been slightly yellowish has also become warm and moist like jade, tender and white. There was a faint blush, and it felt like a completely different person, and there were some changes in the diet unknowingly, such as drinking, although it was only red wine.

Putting down the cup, Yu Mei said: "Yes, do you think the crisis in the Soviet Union will break out?"

Zhang Feng nodded, and said affirmatively: "It will definitely happen, and it won't be too long, it can be seen in half a month."

Yuan Hongbing and Yu Mei looked at each other in amazement. They were obviously unbelievable at Zhang Feng’s conclusion, but they still nodded slightly, and Yu Mei smiled and said, “Well, I wanted to rest for a while, but it seems impossible. Up."

Not out of Mei's expectation, when Zhang Feng returned to school, he was immediately passed to the office by Vice Principal Luo.

Zhang Feng has been in the party school for so long, but he has not met with Vice President Luo several times. Today is the first time to face each other closely. Of course, at this time he already has some understanding of Vice President Luo. The name of Vice President Luo is Luo Qinglian, who is very female. The name was changed, but the person was thicker and taller. When he first knew the name, Zhang Feng even laughed with Chen Ye and others.

Vice President Luo sat behind the desk with a gloomy face, obviously very unhappy about Zhang Feng's incident.

Zhang Feng stood at the door and hesitated for a while before saying: "Principal Luo, are you looking for me?"

Vice President Luo looked at Zhang Feng coldly. It seemed that he had noticed this student for the first time. He pointed his finger at a newspaper on the desk. Vice President Luo said faintly: " Feng, is it you?"

You don’t need to read it, Zhang Feng knows what Vice President Luo is talking about. In the past few days, the party school has not refuted Zhang Feng’s article. Naturally, it is difficult for him to deny it at this time, and it is impossible to deny it. I also saw that the signatures above are very simple, that is, the names of him and Yu Mei, with the Northern Plains Province added in front, so why can I find him all at once

Almost without hesitation, Zhang Feng nodded and said, "What you are talking about is the signed article on guard against bourgeois liberalization. It's me. Do you have any instructions from the principal?"

Vice President Luo stared at his face for half a minute, and then said coldly: "You don't need to go to class these days. Think about it, write a deep review and submit it. I'll talk about other things later. Go ahead."

Zhang Feng was stunned, but he didn't add any more excuses. He turned and went out. In fact, he felt relaxed. He could just rest for a few days. As for what the party school would do with him, Zhang Feng didn't worry at all. Anyway, it won't take long. It will prove everything. At this time, I have a few days of leisure.

Before reaching the dormitory, the pager at his waist rang. Zhang Feng took out and took a look, but it was Zhou’an County’s number. After pondering for a moment, he turned to the school gate and used the public phone to go back. The one who answered the phone was Ye Qing asked hurriedly as soon as he was connected: "Did you write the article reprinted in the newspaper?"

Zhang Feng was taken aback for a moment before he said, "What reprinted the article?"

Ye Qing said: "Reprinted in the provincial newspaper, signed by Yu Mei and Zhang Feng, the county has held a meeting to discuss the Soviet reform and bourgeois liberalization. I heard that you wrote it. Is it true?"

Zhang Feng didn’t know about the article being reprinted by the provincial newspaper, but it didn’t matter anymore. He said, "I wrote it, what's the matter?"

Ye Qing sighed and said, "I heard that Secretary Zhao criticized you by name at the enlarged meeting of the county party committee. You will be suspended from your position. He Yi, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, will concurrently serve as the director of public security."