Step by Step

Chapter 92: It's ridiculous


Stopping his father's words, Zhang Feng quickly changed the subject and turned to ask his uncle Kong Lingqi: "Uncle, there are several quarries down the mountain pass in Donghe Town, right?"

Last time I chatted with my uncle, Zhang Feng asked about the situation of the quarry. No one knows better than him. Donghe Town, the poorest town now, will become the economic pillar of Zhou'an County in the future for another two years. Time, the main artery that runs through several provinces is about to start, and the quarry in Donghe Town will suddenly go crazy.

In my impression, because of the contracting rights of several quarries, there have been several incidents. Two years later, along the Dongyu River, the net profit of a large stone crusher can reach 10,000 yuan a day. It was a terrifying number that once made countless people crazy. Kong Lingqi made a fortune because of this. After Zhang Feng was released from prison in his previous life, it was his uncle who lent him millions of funds to start the pharmaceutical factory.

Kong Lingqi said with an "um" and said: "Except for the one in our family that is still barely supporting, the rest are broken, and they can't even pay the contract fee. Now the ownership is in the Dongyuhe Management Station, if it weren't for Murakami in the province. The construction team for the urban contracting work, our quarry has been closed long ago. These days, the sand and stone cannot be sold and worry about it. If they are sold, it will be even more worrying if they will get the money back."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Uncle, if you want to get the contracting rights for these quarries from Dongyuhe Management Station, wouldn't it be easy?"

Kong Lingqi chuckled: "Who wants to contract the sand and stones of Dongyuhe now? Isn't that a waste of money? The management station is eager for someone to contract. What is good or not? As long as you pay, you can do it the same day. Come down."

Zhang Feng moved in his heart and said, "Is there any restriction on the contract period?"

Kong Lingqi said: "There are no restrictions, but the grandsons at the management station are in the dark. No matter how many years of contracting, they must pay first."

After a pause, Kong Lingqi asked suspiciously: "Are you interested in quarries?"

Zhang Feng said with a "hmm" and said: "It's not that you are interested, you said, Donghe Town is now guarding a Dongyu River. As the saying goes, it is natural to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to draft. I used my brain on Dongyu River."

Kong Lingqi shook his head. He was not optimistic about his nephew's thoughts at all. Now that the sales of sand and stone are limited and the price is low, even if the market is not a problem, the investment will be very large if it is really done. Donghe Town simply owes it. The debt hasn't been paid for decades, so what should I invest in it? The nephew is obviously a bit too lofty.

Zhang Feng’s thoughts were not something Kong Lingqi could figure out. He was wondering if his eldest sister’s family were to contract the quarry in Dongyuhe. The relationship with the eldest brother and his family will become tense. Now Zhang Ke is developing in this direction, so he moved his mind to the quarry.

The brother-in-law Fang Lan is a very intelligent cultural person, and the eldest sister Zhang Jing is also very savvy. It couldn’t be easier for them to run the quarry. The biggest difficulty is the funds. For him, the current funds are not a problem. , There is no difficulty in operation and management, mainly for the expressway two years later, so there is no sales pressure at all.

This is the advantage of foresight, but this kind of remarks cannot be arbitrarily said, even if it is an uncle.

After casually chatting a few words about the personnel situation in Donghe Town, Zhang Feng finally felt a little composing in his heart. After lunch, he was planning to drive to Fangzhuang. In addition to sending some rice noodle oil to the eldest sister, he also bought the niece. His small gift happened to be delivered. The most important thing is to discuss contracting the quarry, but a sudden call disrupted his plan.

Driving back to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Feng was secretly surprised. He only came here yesterday afternoon. At that time, a clerk received him indifferently. He only reported to the county organization department this morning. Why did he let him again today? come? I wondered if it was because of the county public security bureau, so after I went to the city, I first found a place to call Zhou Xiaojun.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhou Xiaojun smiled and said, "Congratulations, Zhang Feng," perhaps because Zhou Xiaojun finally did not leave the political arena, Zhou Xiaojun's attitude towards Zhang Feng took a 180-degree turn, even speaking in peacetime. The tone is different.

Zhang Feng said confusedly: "He Xizhi, Secretary Zhou, do you want a treat?"

Zhou Xiaojun went to work in the provincial government inspection office. Although the level has not changed, he has entered the provincial government compound after all, and the power of the two is basically not comparable. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is elevated, but because of the province’s The atmosphere of the month is quite complicated, so since taking office, there have been no invitations to celebrate, and what Zhang Feng said is not a joke.

Zhou Xiaojun smiled and said, "A treat is indispensable," he said after a pause, "Where are you?"

Zhang Feng looked around and said, "I just arrived in the provincial capital, how about we find a place to have a drink at night?"

Zhou Xiaoyun laughed twice and said, "Is it going to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee?"

When Zhang Feng heard this, his heart moved: "Is there any inside story? I'm still at a loss right now."

Zhou Xiaojun said: "Good thing, you have been a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, and you will be the party secretary of Donghe Town, and you can throw it to Xia Peng from the Public Security Bureau." He was planning to call Zhang Feng when he got the news, but in this case During the incident, Zhang Feng was used as a gun again for his own benefit, so he hesitated, but he didn't expect Zhang Feng to call first.

When Zhang Feng heard this, he didn't mean the slightest joy in his heart. After all, he had no room to speak in this competition. It was Zhou Xiaoyun and Zhao Guangning playing games. In the end, Zhao Guangning got the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Zhou Xiaoyun got his wish as the director of public security. As for Zhang Feng, it is like Gu Jin's latrine, and he can get a member of the Standing Committee, which is considered a consolation prize.

In just a few months, Zhang Feng's mind matured a lot. After hanging up the phone, he soon realized the various intrigues in the process of his job change. In fact, it was Zhao Guangning and Zhou Xiaojun fighting for control of the Public Security Bureau. , He didn't understand what was so tricky in it, but it was obvious that he was used by the two.

If he does not leave the Public Security Bureau, he will be given the title of deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, assistant to the county governor, or even deputy head of the county after he returns from the party school. It is only a matter of time before he progresses to the deputy, but after an open fight between Zhao Guangning and Zhou Xiaoyun Later, when he was kicked out of the political and legal system, he was compensated by a county committee member, although he was only the town committee secretary, ranking very low.

Zhang Feng smiled bitterly, thinking it was ridiculous, what does this mean? Do you upgrade one level a day