Step Down, Let Me Come!

Chapter 1: 001 Exile


"Stop playing dead, get up!"

While he was drowsy, Shen Tang felt someone kick him.

It wasn’t enough to just kick him, the other party also cursed at him.

MD, who kicked me

She curled up her calves in pain and opened her eyes weakly.

The world before my eyes seemed to have been stripped of the veil that was trying to cover up the truth, changing from a frosted texture to a high-definition tempered one.

what happened

The pain that almost exploded made her gasp and she stared blankly at everything unfamiliar in front of her.

Weren’t you drinking with someone last night

It seems that she was in the second half of the drinking process when the editor called to urge her to submit the manuscript. She had no choice but to hold on to her drunkenness and pick up the paintbrush...

There are more that I can’t remember no matter how hard I try.

But one thing is for sure, it shouldn’t be like this!

Chen Tang secretly pinched herself hard until a clear stinging pain came from that piece of skin, shattering her luck.

When I saw my unfamiliar hands, four words popped up in my mind:

She traveled through time!

It also means "travel through time".

I just don't know if he died from drinking too much or from staying up late to finish his manuscript.

The more she thought about it, the more her head hurt, as if someone was hitting her inside with a hammer, and the pain made Shen Tang stop in a hurry.

"Eat quickly so you can get going."

She was holding her head to ease the pain, and the sunlight above her head was blocked by the figure of Daogao.

The person who came was wearing a pair of straw sandals covered in dark brown mud. He casually threw a palm-sized, burnt and rough cake, which landed on the muddy ground outside her skirt. He didn't care whether Shen Tang would eat the cake covered in mud or not, and passed it to the next person.

The next second, a hand reached out to her like lightning.

He grabbed the pancake and drew back.

Chen Tang was a beat slower and could only look over suspiciously.

The one who was trying to grab the cake was a disheveled woman who was holding the cake with both hands and stuffing it into her mouth, looking like a starving ghost reincarnated.

Afraid that Chen Tang would snatch it back, he didn't even wipe off the mud on the pancake. Soon he stuffed the entire small pancake into his mouth, and at the end he sucked the pancake crumbs on his fingers as if he was still unsatisfied.

Chen Tang: “…”

I don't know how many days this person hasn't cleaned up. Her long black and shiny hair is tangled with oil, and the exposed hairline is covered with a layer of yellow stickiness. If you sniff carefully, you can still smell the strange fishy smell coming from her body - a bit like the juice of stinky socks and heather flowers that have been stuffed for three or five weeks - the only thing she can show off is her iconic facial features that can't be covered up even with dirt.

Chen Tang reasoned with her in a good-natured manner: “Ma’am, that’s my cake.”

The woman seemed to be deaf and ignored her. She just smacked her lips, savoring the taste of the biscuit.

At this moment, Chen Tang noticed that the knuckles that the woman had sucked were several shades different in color from the rest of her hand, and his throat spasmed and rolled uncontrollably.

She is not a germaphobe, but she subconsciously feels physically uncomfortable when she is subjected to this kind of visual impact at close range.

She saw Chen Tang's expression change out of the corner of her eye. The woman was worried that this idiot would go crazy and hit her, so she moved her butt in the opposite direction.

It would be fine if he didn't move, but once he moved, Shen Tang also felt a pulling sensation.

She looked down at the source of the pulling feeling around her waist - it was a very thick hemp rope. It was this hemp rope that tied her body together with the other women of different ages, with disheveled hair and faces, like a few grasshoppers.

Looking up and around, all I could see were old, weak, women and children, both men and women, wearing coarse linen prison uniforms and looking tired.

There were also a dozen young men dressed in uniform, with swords hanging from their waists, some on sentry duty and some keeping watch on other people.

Occasionally, his eyes would pause for a moment as they glanced at a young female prisoner with a good figure.

This, this—

Did the whole family commit a crime and were taken to the execution ground to have their household registration books cancelled

Or maybe he's on the way to exile.

The difference is nothing more than whether to die early and be reborn early or to die late and be reborn later.

Gurgle Gurgle Gurgle

My hungry stomach began to make inopportune noises, so loud that even others could hear them.

Chen Tang raised her hand to cover her slightly aching stomach, hunger making her drool continuously.

The more I swallowed, the more hunger I felt, until it became too strong to ignore.

Chen Tang frowned inwardly, and could only distract himself from the torture of hunger by diverting his attention. Within his sight, a prisoner ate too quickly, and the biscuits were dry, so he choked. He kept beating his chest to try to get the biscuits stuck in his throat down, and his face gradually turned blue.

Everyone is used to it.

He neither came forward to pat me on the back nor offered me water.

He struggled to crawl towards the man dressed as an official, and stretched out his right hand to ask for help, but his right hand fell down weakly before he died. The official had no intention of saving him, so he kicked him twice and found that he was really dead, muttering, "Bad luck!"

He drew the dagger from his waist, bent down, cut off the skin on the right side of the man near the ear, and threw it into the dirty cloth bag.

Chen Tang: “…”

“It’s time to hit the road!”

"Be careful!"

"Get up, don't let me whip you!"

The prisoners put on their heavy shackles again.

The shackles for female prisoners are smaller, weighing about 35 kilograms, while the shackles for male prisoners are more than one size larger, weighing at least 50 kilograms if not 80 kilograms.

The dozen or so young men in uniform urged the prisoners to hurry and kicked them if they couldn't react. If they still couldn't get up, they would whip them with great force, leaving a finger-wide bloody mark, which was shocking to watch.

Chen Tang walked silently with his head down, trying to find memories related to this body.

The result was unfortunate.

Not only did she fail to get the minimum living allowance for time travelers, she also had no memories of the original owner of her body, and her home was stolen from her—except for knowing that her name was Chen Tang, she had a pen name called "Youli", she made a living by drawing, and she was afraid of editors rushing her to submit her manuscripts, all other memories were vague!!!

Stealing a glance at the prisoners and the officers guarding them, he secretly sighed: What bad luck! Is this the beginning of hell

It's so unlucky that I opened the door for bad luck. I'm so unlucky!

No matter what the start is, your life is the most important.

Is it to choose to escape midway

Or choose to follow the team to the destination and then wait for an opportunity to escape

At the moment, neither option seems promising.

They traveled under the scorching sun and several prisoners fainted on the way. It was not until the sunset dyed the sky that they were allowed to rest for the night.

The officials gathered together to build a fire, took out the dried meat from their bags, put it in a clay jar to cook, and then sprinkled a little salt to make a pot of meat soup.

Chen Tang reacted quickly this time and saved the pancake.

He sat on the ground, chewing the hard, cold biscuits carefully, softening them with saliva before swallowing them, and focusing on the officials who were talking in low voices. Although the content of their chat was very fragmented, he could still piece together some intelligence.

These prisoners are from the same family.

The surname was Gong. All the members of the clan, young and old, even the servants and maids, could not escape and were all captured.

They were divided into three waves and escorted to their destination in batches.

The men were sent to the border as coolies, and the women were sent to the Xiaocheng Music School.

Chen Tang's team was the second batch, mostly composed of female students and maids from the Gong Mansion, including the most senior old lord, several young ladies in their prime, young and beautiful concubines, children of different ages, and the rest were servants and maids.

She guessed that this body of hers was either that of a maid or an heir.

After feeling his bone age, he is only about 11 or 12 years old.

Men were tattooed on their faces, and women were inked behind their ears.

If the prisoner died halfway through the process, their face or ears with the words written on them would be cut off as evidence.

She raised her hand and touched her ear, and sure enough, she felt a scabbed blood clot behind her left ear.

Chen Tang: “… Damn!”

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