Step Down, Let Me Come!

Chapter 10: 010 The Way of Princes


Shen Tang took another bite.

She was almost jealous to the point of having her facial features shifted.

"Although it's very sour, there's only one Word Spirit at a time, and the yield is low, but it's good enough to be eaten."

After all, she's my childhood sweetheart, so I can't ask for too much.

She planned to get more and make green plums, salted plums or green plum wine. After all, it was a cost-free business. Even if she couldn't make a lot of money, she should be able to support herself. She carefully picked a big, green, and sour plum and handed it to Qishan.

"Hey, Mr. Qi, would you like to try it?"

Qi Shan did not take it immediately. He first lowered his eyes to look at the green plum in her hand, then raised his eyelids to look at the smug smile on Chen Tang's face, which showed that he had gotten something for nothing. His eyebrows twitched fiercely, and veins on his forehead seemed to be faintly visible.

Does this young man know...

After a long time, Qi Shan took it with a sigh.

He wiped it roughly with his sleeve and took a bite.

It’s really sour!

Both the feel and taste are exactly the same as unripe green plums.

Seeing Qi Shan's expression gradually getting out of control, Chen Tang smiled and said, "If it is more mature, it should taste better. I wonder if there is a word spirit that can make wine. If there is, brew some green plum wine and hide it. When it snows in winter, go to the center of the lake to enjoy the scenery, make tea, drink wine and taste green plums. Wouldn't it be fun?"

Qi Shan looked at Chen Tang with complicated eyes.

Sigh: "If you think it's good, then it's fine. Just don't regret your rash actions today..."

Chen Tang paused while chewing the green plum, looking puzzled: "What does Mr. Qi mean by this... Is it not a good thing to be able to conjure things? Will I regret it?"

"It's a good thing for others, but it may not be a good thing for you." He looked at Chen Tang with a bit of regret, as if she had lost a great treasure without her knowing it. Before Chen Tang opened her mouth to get to the bottom of it, he suddenly changed the subject, "Of course, if Mr. Chen doesn't have any big ambitions, and just wants to have two meals a day and a roof over his head, this can also be considered a good thing."

Chen Tang chewed the green plums, looking "confused" on the surface, but frowning on the inside.

Speculate why Qishan said this.

She asked tentatively, "Is it related to my literary heart?"

Qi Shan was surprised at her sharpness and nodded: "It is somewhat related."

Chen Tang seemed to be listening attentively, but Qi Shan refused to cooperate and did not intend to elaborate.

What did he say

It is said that the national seal hidden by Gong might be in the possession of Mr. Shen Xiaolang

Even if he had no interest in the national seal, Shen Xiaolangjun might not think so. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, it would be better to pretend not to know. Most importantly, he suspected that Shen Xiaolangjun's literary mind had resonated with the national seal and inadvertently awakened the "way of the princes".

The relationship between Wenxin, Wudan and Guoxi is very special.

The national seal can not only stabilize the country's destiny and defend against foreign enemies, but also has a very crucial ability, which is the "Way of the Princes".

The princes who possess both civil and military courage will have the opportunity to resonate with the national seal when holding it, and randomly gain a special ability based on their inner thoughts. The princes' more common choices are generally "rule", "be close to the people", "supporters", and even civil and military courage that can bless the civil and military officials under their command, so as to recruit many talented people to serve them.

He didn't know Chen Tang's way of being a vassal, but it was definitely related to "farming".

Otherwise, how to create green plums

A prince with a talent for "farming"...

Just by listening, you can tell there is no future.

However, Young Master Shen didn't seem to have any ambitions and only wanted to protect himself, so this ability was extremely suitable for him, at least he wouldn't starve to death.

Chen Tang, who felt like a cat was scratching his head, said: "..."

What I hate most is leaving things unsaid and letting people guess.

"Sir, you don't want to elaborate, and you have your reasons. Logically, I shouldn't ask too much, but after all, it concerns me..." Chen Tang retreated to advance, asking indirect questions, "I guess, is there something wrong with my literary mind? Is this problem serious... Can it be saved?"

Qi Shan answered simply, “No.”

As far as he knew, one national seal corresponded to one prince and one "prince's way".

This kind of innate ability needs to be activated through the national seal. Except for one case, it is generally fixed throughout one's life.

Which situation


It can't be changed unless you die!

As long as Young Master Shen is still alive, this national seal in her hands can only be of its current capacity—the only benefit is that she will not worry about starving to death.

If Mr. Shen has ambitions, it will be terrible.

He lost at the beginning and was born with a deformity, so he was no match for the other jackals, tigers and leopards.

Looking at Qi Shan whose expression became increasingly solemn, Chen Tang felt that the green plum in his hand no longer smelled fragrant.


Is he going to die soon

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

If Qi Shan hadn't spoken to pull her back to her senses, she would have imagined herself lying on her side, sick and writing a suicide note.

"Mr. Shen, besides the green plum that quenches thirst, can you transform into something else?"

Shen Tang shook his head: “I don’t know, but I can try.”

Qi Shan pulled out another scroll, pointed at a passage of spiritual words on it and said, "Then you try this passage of spiritual words—"

Chen Tang took a closer look and murmured, "Is it impossible to eat a cake made by drawing on the ground?"

"This passage is similar to 'Looking at the plums to quench thirst'."

Since "looking at the plum to quench thirst" can turn into green plums, this passage of words may be able to turn into pie.

Chen Tang said: "But they are all 'inedible'. How can we eat the cakes that we have drawn? It would be better to simplify it to 'draw cakes to satisfy hunger'?"

Pancakes are more filling than green plums.

Green plums are fresh, but they are too small and sour, so even Chen Tang's iron stomach doesn't dare to eat too much.

I just chewed about twenty of them and my gums were numb from the pain.

I tried more than ten times but nothing happened.

She was a little discouraged, and her eyes inadvertently glanced at the densely packed words on the scroll, and her eyes lit up. She moved her finger and stopped on a paragraph of text: "Mr. Qi, compared to the pie in the sky, I think this paragraph is more interesting - turning stone into gold to pay the tribute!"

"Turning stone into gold?"

He immediately understood Chen Tang’s trick.

"Yes, turning stone into gold! How many kilograms of green plums and pancakes can a small piece of gold buy? In terms of value, this word is naturally higher. Not only that - there is also something like 'a golden house hiding a beauty', which can also be arranged, but I don't know whether it will be a 'golden house' or a 'beauty'. If it is 'beauty', this 'beauty' is a man or a woman, beautiful or ugly..."

Qi Shan looked at Chen Tang as if he was looking at a fool who was daydreaming.

He is young, but has beautiful thoughts.

"If you are not afraid of sudden death, you can give it a try."

Chen Tang: “???”

Qi Shan sneered, "The value and effect of the Word Spirit depends on the consumption of the Wenxin. The stronger the Wenxin, the greater the consumption, and the more powerful the Word Spirit. If you forcibly use the Word Spirit beyond your ability, failure is not a big deal, at most you will be weak for a while, but once you succeed, it will inevitably backfire on the caster. For example, life span is shortened, premature death, illness, lingering sickbed, and even bleeding from all seven orifices, and dying on the spot. Throughout the ages, such tragedies can be found everywhere, and Mr. Shen should not follow in their footsteps because of curiosity and greed."

How can the value of a green plum or a piece of cake compare with gold, silver, jade and other precious stones

Everything comes at a price.