Step Down, Let Me Come!

Chapter 15: 015 No more updates for the fourth level


"Mr. Qi, why don't you give me the spirit of your words 'protect yourself wisely'?"

Chen Tang almost vomited blood.

She had memorized this passage not long ago.

Condensing Qi into Gang to protect your body!

In simple terms, it means putting a shield on yourself.

It would have been fine if Qi Shan had only put the condom on himself, but this guy actually quietly retreated behind her, leaving her, a powerless 11 or 12-year-old girl, to face the murderer who was going to kill an entire family!

It's really outrageous!

Qi Shan said calmly: "I am weak and not good at fighting."

Chen Tang: “…”

She suddenly remembered her own evaluation of Qishan after reading the Word Spirit Scroll last night - LYB who uses offense as defense and hides in the grass to kill people - now it seems that this evaluation is not comprehensive, and she has to add one more thing: this guy is also very good at selling out his teammates.

"No matter how weak you are at fighting, you are still a young man who has gone through the ceremony of coming of age!"

Hide behind her

Is this what a real man does

After saying that, she kicked the middle-aged man in the chest.

Looking at the man who was kicked half a meter away before he could react, Qi Shan said, "Even a young man who has undergone the coming-of-age ceremony can't kick someone that far."

Chen Tang: “…”

The middle-aged man fell to the ground, holding his chest, his face full of horror. He never thought that a skinny kid like Chen Tang could have such great strength. He slapped the ground with all his strength, jumped up, and shouted: "If you don't want to die, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

He took out a glowing red hatchet from somewhere.

It hit Chen Tang on the head!


The man's hatchet was blessed with courage, and it could cut iron like mud. He split the hatchet in Shen Tang's hand into two pieces in one encounter. He was delighted by the situation, and then used brute force to hold the hatchet horizontally, aiming at Shen Tang's neck, with a smile on his lips, as if he saw the tragic scene of Shen Tang's head flying off.

Unexpectedly, she ducked and leaned back to avoid the red hatchet that kept coming at her. She took each step calmly.

The middle-aged man had no set moves, only brute force and a reddish hatchet that could cut through metal like mud.

One chop after another.

If you are hit by a knife, you will either die or be disabled.

Looking at the cracks on the ground, Chen Tang's expression was slightly tense. Qi Shan said at the right time: "Second-class superior."

He is still a second-rate superior creature with only brute force.

Chen Tang seized the opportunity to get close, bent his fingers and gathered strength to strike at the wrist.

The middle-aged man cried out in pain, and the hatchet in his hand was forced to drop from his hand. She took the opportunity to kick him hard three inches below his navel. This kick not only knocked the man's balls to pieces, but also made Qi Shan gasp subconsciously.

He covered his face with his sleeves, unable to bear to look.

No man can endure such pain.

Middle-aged men are no exception.

He screamed and bent over, which was exactly what Chen Tang wanted. He was grabbed by the ears and hair and pulled down, hitting her bent and upward knee.


Qi Shan subconsciously touched the area of his nose bone.

He felt pain for the man just by looking at him.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of a shadow moving outside the paper window, and he thought without thinking -

"We stand together through thick and thin, and save each other in times of danger and peril!"

The moment the word "Save" fell, a gray light broke through the window with unmatched momentum and attacked Chen Tang's vitals. At the same time as the gray light arrived, the text energy around her suddenly lit up.

The two collided and the air wave exploded with a bang.

Chen Tang had already dodged it, looking at the gun blade that had sunk several inches into the ground, and raised his head to look out the window—there were still enemies in the dark!

Qi Shan said: "My accomplice should be a third-class hairpin bird."

He had a lot of experience and could roughly judge the strength of his accomplices just by the force of the shot just now.

But the next sentence is—

“Young Master Shen should be able to handle it.”

Chen Tang: “…”

The subtext of this statement is that he still wants to be on the sidelines.

Unlike the middle-aged man who had no rules, the man who came this time was obviously a martial artist. He jumped in and rushed in, and with a suction of his palm, the long spear that was inserted into the ground flew into his hand.

The target was not Chen Tang, he made a feint and went straight for Qi Shan.

The man who came was dressed in black, nine feet tall, with a broad back and strong muscles. He gave people a great aura of oppression just by standing there, making the originally spacious house seem narrow and cramped.

Qi Shan had an expression of "as expected", and he recited the single word silently without hurrying. The light under his feet surged, and his body swayed slightly and retreated more than ten feet. The man in black wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Shen Tang who came with the "Motherly Sword" and could not escape.


Guns and swords clashed.

Qishan dodged to a safer open area and added slowly: "When I am in danger, I will also be in danger to others. Therefore, when I am in danger, others will be in danger. If others want to be safe, they need to lend a hand to help me out of my predicament."

The words fell, but the light of the text lit up under Chen Tang's feet.

Chen Tang, who heard the words clearly, said: "...???"

While blocking the enemy's fierce spears, he shouted angrily: "Qi Yuanliang! Be a decent man!"

Qishan is a real dog!

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with that passage of words, but when translated it means that if I am in danger, I will pass the danger on to others. If I am in danger, others will be in danger too, so if that person wants to be safe, he has to help me solve the danger.

It is equivalent to mandatory risk sharing.

"Young Master Shen, the overall situation is the most important." Upon hearing this, Qi Shan laughed shamelessly and said, "As the saying goes - 'If the literary mind is not eliminated, the martial courage will not be extinguished'. This man is a martial artist, he must know this truth. I am weak, so I can entrust my life to Young Master Shen."

Chen Tang: “…”

Brother Qi Yuanliang, do you still remember what I said last night, "Guess whether my sword is a decoration or a handy weapon?"

He's already adopted the persona of a weak scholar in just one night


A big hole was created on the roof of the house by the gray light from the sword.

This man had an unusually large amount of strength, at least much greater than that third-class hairpin bird official. Chen Tang stepped back several steps before he was relieved of the gravity, and his face darkened as he looked at his slightly numb knuckles.

"Qi Yuanliang, are you sure he is a third-class hairpin bird?"

Qi Shan was about to say "yes", but he saw through the light of the oil lamp that the man's thick lips slightly opened and he murmured something silently.

Immediately afterwards, his aura changed, and hundreds of gun shadows were danced out in an instant, and the gun bodies wrapped around Chen Tang's sword like spirit snakes.

Qishan carefully identified the lip movements.

The military has no fixed position, and water has no fixed shape...

This is…

Pray for goodness and enlightenment in an instant.

"Be careful, this guy is a fourth-level guy!"

Almost as soon as the words fell, a black shadow with a bit of illusion appeared silently in the blind spot of Chen Tang's sight, and formed a pincer attack with the black-clothed man who was entangled with Chen Tang. The gun wind came, and Chen Tang seemed to have eyes behind him. He grabbed the hanging curtain and jumped vertically onto the broken beam, avoiding the gun that was directly hitting his heart.

"Fuck, it can even split into two!"

As soon as she stood firm, she heard Qishan's voice in her ears.

He said: "Spread all over the place!"


The crisscrossing words extended from under his feet. At first glance, it looked like a huge chessboard. When the chessboard appeared, the man in black sank his feet, and his knees trembled slightly, as if a huge rock pressed on his shoulders and his legs were stuck in an invisible quagmire. He shouted loudly, and the martial energy around him burst out. The gray light collided with the text light, making a harsh collision sound.

Shen Tang watched this scene, not knowing how to help.

This was beyond her comprehension.

Qi Shan saw her worry and said coldly, "Just fight, leave the rest to me, catch him alive!"

The threshold for becoming a Gongshi or Shangzao is very low, any warrior can reach it, and the third-class hairpin bird is the watershed. The fourth-class can borrow the words of military tactics from the beginning, and can be a centurion in the army.

If one is willing to join a powerful army and become his subordinate, he will never have to worry about food and drink. Why would he become a bandit and make a living by robbing and killing people