Step Down, Let Me Come!

Chapter 44: 044 A piece of puzzle truth


If Chen Tang could have any inner thoughts at this moment, probably only the standard screaming and holding her head could express her feelings.

Why not give her a guarantee of time travel!!!

Flip the table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Not only did they not give her the memories of the original owner, but they also made her run into people related to the original owner every now and then. First there was Tian Shouyi's misunderstood "niece-in-law", and then there was Gong Cheng's shocking "brother-in-law". If it were someone else, they might have been led into a ditch by these two.

Chen Tang clenched her fists, her jaw muscles tensed, and her expression was so gloomy that water could drip out of it. To outsiders, this was the outward expression of her suppressed anger that was about to erupt, and all this anger was caused by Gong Yunchi alone. Seeing this, Guan'er stepped forward.

He used his body to separate Chen Tang and Gong Cheng.

He tilted his head and asked, "Brother Yunchi, is this your brother-in-law?"

He knew that on the day of Gong Cheng's wedding, the entire family suffered misfortune, was exiled, and confiscated into the music school, including the bride who had not yet had time to pay her respects three times. Hearing about the bride's family background, the Shen family was even more unlucky, and Zheng Qiao ordered the extermination of all nine clans, and hundreds of people in the family were beheaded.

Gong Cheng replied: "It should be."

Shen Tang's voice suddenly rose.

"Gong Yunchi, what do you mean by 'should be'?"

She was almost laughing at this elder brother. He was going to marry a new bride, but didn't he know how many people there were in his family

Even if it was an arranged marriage, it was too careless!

Chen Tang did not mean to blame him, but the speaker was unintentional while the listener took it seriously, and it completely changed the meaning of his words in Gong Cheng's ears.

Gong Cheng thought that every word in Chen Tang's words was full of sarcastic questioning, and the only thing missing was questioning him - the Chen family suffered a great disaster and their entire clan was exterminated, while the Gong family was only exiled. Now, in his words, the relationship between the two families was just "should". Didn't he recognize this relative

Gong Cheng was so ashamed that he could not stand up. He swayed violently and almost fell. The young man and the waiter were quick to help him. The large movement still tore the wound open, and the bright red blood soaked the cloth strip.

The waiter urged: "Brother Yunchi, calm down!"

Young man: "You have been injured on top of injuries. Even the Master of Medicine cannot save your life. If you have anything to say, please tell me slowly."

Chen Tang, who has no script and no memory: "..."

Because the plot of "Seeing a Ghost" did not follow the script, she could only rely on her acting skills, guessing and performing randomly.

The clever servant took the shopkeeper out early.

After the scene was cleared, only Chen Tang and the other three were left in the room.

If you have anything to say, feel free to speak up.

She snorted coldly, and put her right hand behind her back: "Gong Cheng, considering your injury, I won't bother with you about those trivial things."

His thoughts suddenly changed and his acting skills came into play.

Gong Cheng is currently the person who knows the original owner of the body best. As a person who personally experienced the confiscation of property and the extermination of the clan, the information he knows is more detailed and reliable than Qi Shan's gossip. Chen Tang is going to cheat, at least to know who the original owner of the body is and what his identity is.

Maybe I can learn some secrets from Gong Cheng.

"Thank you, brother-in-law."

When Gong Cheng heard what Chen Tang said, his pale face improved a little. He sat down on the mat with all his strength and bowed to Chen Tang.

Chen Tang didn't buy his tricks and remained indifferent: "Since you call me 'brother-in-law', let me ask you, where is she?"

Who this "she" is, figure it out for yourself.

Hearing the title "brother-in-law", Shen Tang's teeth ached.

Gong Cheng's face, which had just warmed up, turned pale again.

Just as he was about to speak, a waiter on the side said, "Mr. Gu and I rescued Brother Yunchi. Under his instructions, we immediately sent people to the music school to look for your sister-in-law. However, we arrived too late, and your sister-in-law was not among the group of female students. It is said that..."

"That person died on the way to exile." The young man finished the rest of the words for the waiter and added, "Walking on foot with shackles for more than a month is a life-threatening situation for an ordinary middle-aged man, let alone a weak woman who has not even reached the age of 15..."

The dangers of exile include not only walking in shackles, food and water shortages, wild beasts and insects, but also the guards escorting the prisoners.

The chance of survival for female prisoners is much lower than that for male prisoners.

Death on the way was expected.

"So, am I being unreasonable?"

Chen Tang took advantage of the gap in her previous emotional change and deliberately turned her hands behind her back to the three people, so as not to reveal her expression. Only her back, the slight trembling of her shoulders, and the ups and downs of her butterfly bones caused by her deep breaths could reveal her emotional changes.

Acting really requires strong belief!

Guan Er couldn't help but interject, "Zheng Qiao ordered the extermination of the entire Chen family. What does this have to do with Brother Yun Chi?"

The only thing missing was to say that Chen Tang was "just being unreasonable".

Every word that Chen Tang said to Gong Yunchi was full of thorns, and he, as a listener, found it irritating, but the young man did not say a word.

Chen Tang snorted and asked back, "Are you the person involved?"

The waiter was speechless after being asked.

Gong Cheng also stopped him in a low voice, saying shamefully: "Weng Zhi, this matter has nothing to do with me, but it has something to do with the Gong family..."

Chen Tang closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind.

Force yourself not to think or analyze.

It's really annoying to have a guy who can read people's minds.

The waiter understood what Chen Tang meant and asked, "Is it true?"

Gong Cheng: "Yes, otherwise why would the wedding be so hasty?"

The mystery in Chen Tang's mind gradually became clear after these few words of conversation. She took a gamble and made up a story: "If it's not related, have you ever seen a noble lady from an aristocratic family get married before the age of golden hairpins? At such a young age, why get married? To be a child bride?"

The waiter was choked and couldn't speak.

This question is really...

The bride is indeed too young.

He questioned Gong Cheng with his eyes, and the latter explained in a low voice: "When Zheng Qiao wanted to return to the country, my father supported him openly, making him relax, and secretly contacted court officials, including my father-in-law, Lord Shen. Lord Shen conspired with my father. My father was in the previous dynasty, and Lord Shen used the secret line buried in the palace to join forces with Chu Ji, who was in great favor at the time, to prepare to kill Zheng Qiao from inside and outside. Who knew that he still failed at the last moment? Not only did Chu Ji and her son die in vain, but the news also leaked out..."

Chu Ji, who was five months pregnant, was framed and died suddenly from a miscarriage. Her country was also destroyed by the furious king of Xin State. The maids and servants who came to Xin State with Chu Ji, and the soldiers and guests who helped her manage her property, a total of more than 200 people, were reduced to slaves and sold at will.

Zheng Qiao is a vindictive person. Chu Ji suffered the same fate, so how could he let go of Shen, who was deeply involved in this matter

The young man had doubts.

"So, the Shen family was only assisting and not the mastermind, so why did they end up like the Yi Jiu clan?"

After all, it was Gong, not Shen, who was the mastermind.

Gong Cheng shook his head: "I'm not sure about that."

If it weren't for his father's repeated persuasion, his father-in-law, Lord Shen, who has always been low-key and moderate, would not have come forward, let alone provoke Zheng Qiao and bring disaster upon the family. When he learned that Zheng Qiao led his troops back, his father knew that something was wrong, and he discussed with Lord Shen to let the eldest lady of the Shen family marry in. His father was not betrayed, and on the surface he was still Zheng Qiao's "benefactor".

If Zheng Qiao takes revenge on the Shen family, at least a thread of bloodline can be preserved.

Who knows—

Zheng Qiao doesn't play by the rules at all.