Step Down, Let Me Come!

Chapter 49: 049 The literary mind that was replaced by another (Part 1)



Her three taels of silver

Shen Tang's brain was working very fast, and coupled with his usual wild imagination, countless guesses emerged in his mind.

Could it be that I am the legendary girl of destiny

After all, this is a world where the coffin lid of science has been nailed shut. Only unscientific things are scientific. But when I think about my unlucky start in hell, where I don't even have the guaranteed benefits for time travelers and my home was robbed, I can't help but shake my head and laugh at myself for overthinking.

And the Destiny Girl...

He is simply an unlucky guy who has been unlucky all the time.

"Is there any secret story behind this?" Chen Tang tried to make his tone sound less narcissistic, but he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and asked Chu Yao, "Does it have to be me who gives the three taels of silver, or can it be anyone, but it has to be three taels of silver?"

Chu Yao's answer was beyond her expectations.

He said, "I don't know."

Chu Yao did not play by the rules, and a big question mark popped up in Chen Tang's mind again, and his voice slightly raised: "I don't know???"

“It’s a long story… I’m not really sure.”

Chen Tang: "... I have time to listen to you slowly."

He was just like Qishan, trying to end the topic with a single sentence, "It's a long story," leaving her feeling extremely curious.

"Goro is really curious?"

Chen Tang admitted honestly: "Very curious!"

"The story begins from the year I was first enlightened..."

Chu Yao was ready to tell a story, but Chen Tang was not someone who would listen to stories. As soon as he started, she asked, "What happened during the enlightenment year?"

Although Chu Yao doesn't like to keep people in suspense like Qi Shan does, the story timeline is pulled forward too early, no wonder it takes so long to tell.

“Nothing happened that year.”

Chen Tang: “…”

The silence behind him made Chu Yao burst out laughing. He could picture the speechless expression of the young man on the mule's back without even turning his head.

Chu Yao wrote casually: "I just sensed the energy of heaven and earth when I was first learning to read, and I gathered my literary spirit in the same year."

Chen Tang asked again: "What is your literary talent?"

Chu Yao replied: "Second rank, upper middle."

Chen Tang was shocked when he heard this: "So high???"

Qi Shan only has 2.58 million to be a lower-middle sixth rank.

The second-grade upper-class literary heart is second only to the first-grade upper-class literary heart! The first-grade upper-class literary heart is also called the sage grade, which is also a virtual grade. Only the princes who have the national seal can have it, so the second-grade upper-class literary heart is already the highest grade that ordinary people can have.

Possessing a literary mind of the upper-middle grade of the second rank is like holding a trump card. How did Chu Yao get to this point

It's really unbelievable.

Hearing the undisguised surprise in Chen Tang's words, Chu Yao said in a dark tone: "High? It is quite high... But if I can choose, I would like it to be lower, fourth grade, fifth grade or even lower ninth grade. Owning this literary heart is a curse rather than a blessing for me."

Chen Tang was puzzled: "But isn't this a sign of good talent?"

Why would anyone wish they were less talented

Chu Yao smiled bitterly: "Wulang, didn't the teacher who taught you tell you that the rank of a scholar's literary mind cannot represent everything?"

"Yuanliang did say that, but I thought it was just his personal opinion and could not represent the views of the general public..."

Unexpectedly, Chu Yao and Qi Shan had the same idea.

Could this be the consensus among the experts

"What is the common people? Rare words and spirits?"

Chu Yao's focus was the same as Chen Tang's. He knew from the context that "the general public" was similar to "the masses" or "the common people", but he had never heard of this term.

Chen Tang was stunned and stuck: "I don't know... I just said it casually, but this is not the point."

That's really not the point.

Chu Yao did not take this detail to heart. He was more concerned about the "Yuan Liang" mentioned by Chen Tang: "Is that 'Yuan Liang' the young scholar I met once on the long street before?"

Chen Tang: "Yes, that's him."

Chu Yao said with a hint of appreciation: "He is indeed a good teacher. So, did he tell you about the talent of Wenxin?"

Literary talent

What is this


Why are there so many such messed up things!

Although Chen Tang was confused, he still said: "Literary mind... talent? I really don't know about this, and Yuan Liang didn't mention it. He just told me about the way of princes... I'm not afraid of being laughed at by the teacher. Although I have literary mind, I don't know much about it. Occasionally, I have questions to ask Yuan Liang, and he always perfunctorily gives me the answer, either saying that he will tell me later, or saying 'you don't need to know'..."

I seriously suspect that he is just too lazy to answer.

Chu Yao: "Brother Yuanliang may be doing this for Wulang's own good. The more you know about some things, the more disadvantageous it will be for your future growth..."

Chen Tang was curious: "Is there such a saying?"

Chu Yao said: "Yeah."

Chen Tang was scratching his head: "...!!!"

So does she continue to listen to the story or not

Chu Yao helped her make a decision: "There are two specific types of literary talents, one is the Way of the Princes, and the other is the Way of the Scholars. Just from the names, you can tell what the two talents represent. As for the Way of the Princes, I think your teacher has told you about it, so I won't say much. What I want to talk about is the Way of the Scholars, which is a unique ability of a small number of literary strategists, and it can be activated without any words."

Chen Tang silently remembered: "Sir, do you have one too?"

Chu Yao was silent for a while: "I did have it before, but before I had time to grow up, my literary mind was 'stolen'."

Chen Tang was shocked: "Switching the pillars?"

This is not just a literal meaning...

Chu Yao smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying something shocking: "Yes, didn't your teacher tell you that literary minds can be stolen?"

Chen Tang: “…!!!”

Qishan has never said that.

"That's how my second-grade upper-level Wenxin was swapped. At the age when I was full of vigor and vitality, I fell into the mud overnight and had no chance to turn over." Chu Yao spoke calmly as if the story had nothing to do with him, and then said, "Your teacher didn't mention the 'Way of the Scholar' to you, perhaps he had his own difficulties and considerations. Because the 'Way of the Scholar' is not only a special ability, but also a self-questioning of the scholar. It is related to who the scholar is, his personality, and what he seeks. Even a saint would not want to expose such privacy to the public, right?"

Not every literati has the way of a scholar, but nine out of ten of those who have the way of a scholar will choose to conceal it.

Without hiding anything, it felt like being stripped of all the clothes that could cover the body, and thrown into the crowd openly.

Chen Tang looked dazed for a moment.

She didn't expect Wen Xin could play like this.

My own literary talent is not high, but I happen to have the innate ability to steal other people's literary talent, so I steal others'...

No wonder Mr. Chu said that his upper-class literary mind was a curse rather than a blessing for him. Isn't this just "a young child carrying a fortune in a busy city"