Step Down, Let Me Come!

Chapter 64: 064 Hiring a Cat (Part 2) [asking for monthly votes]


As if in response, the ball in the arms meowed softly again, and the little fat boy also nodded and said yes.

He carefully loosened his hand and lifted a corner of the coarse cloth.

A small, tabby-patterned civet cat was revealed.

The cat opened its eyes, but the color of its eyes was not the usual amber yellow but a rare aqua green. Its nose was pink and its fur was much lighter than that of an ordinary tabby cat. Seeing Shen Tang meow timidly again and snuggle into the arms of the little fat boy, Chu Yao frowned.

Shen Tang focused all his attention on the cat. He carefully brushed the soft fur with his fingertips. However, the cat was a little shy and said timidly, "Is this a pet cat of yours? Or is it a wild cat?"

The little fat boy said, "It was laid by the female cat at home."

Shen Tang asked again: "Why did you bring it out?"

Shouldn't such small kittens be raised by their mother

The little fat boy was depressed for a moment after hearing this. He looked down at the cat and said, "My father and mother said that we can't keep it, so we lost it."

"You're not allowed to keep it? This cat is in poor health and can't be kept alive?"

The little fat boy shook his head and said honestly, "No, it's fine except that its eyesight is bad. Dad thinks it's taboo to keep it."

There were seven kittens in the litter, all of them were amber yellow, exactly like their mother cat, except for this one which was different. The butcher was worried that it was a bad omen. As business had not been very good recently, he felt uncomfortable and prepared to throw the kittens away or give them up for adoption.

The little fat boy then took it with him and asked his neighbors if they were willing to keep it. The result was predictable - ordinary people had difficulty feeding themselves and could not even get enough to eat, so where would they get leftovers to feed a cat

Shen Tang said: "What's wrong with the eyes? They are so beautiful."

The cat being snuggled up with its milky eyes looks at you with such a pair of watery, clear and transparent green eyes that it is enough to melt your heart.

She was about to say something when she heard Qi Shan's voice above her head asking, "Has this kitten found its owner?"

The little fat boy shook his head: "Not yet."

Shen Tang: “???”

She dared to pat her chest and guarantee that she had never heard Qishan speak in such a soft voice before, as if a degree higher in voice would disturb the kitten. She looked up and was shocked to find that Qishan also had a gentle smile on his face.



Shen Tang's expression was out of control for a moment.

Unexpectedly, she heard Qi Shan say, "That's great. Wait a moment. I'll check the almanac and pick a day to propose marriage."

Shen Tang: “???”

Under, under employment

Shen Tang asked: "Who are you hiring?"

Qi Shan said as a matter of course: "Of course I will hire this raccoon. It looks very much like a raccoon I had before."

His eyes naturally revealed a hint of reminiscence and emotion.

Shen Tang: “???”

If you want to keep a cat, just keep a cat. Why do you need to propose marriage

Not only did Qi Shan propose in a serious manner, he also looked up the almanac and picked a good day, which is tomorrow, an auspicious day for getting married. He drew a lifelike portrait of a cat on the proposal letter and asked the old lady in the house to go out and buy some dried fish and two bags of salt.

He acted decisively and without dragging his feet, and his face showed a bit of visible joy as he prepared to be the "bridegroom"...

Shen Tang: “…”

This is outrageous.

Qi Shan was busy and disappeared, so Chu Yao borrowed the east kitchen from the old woman and carefully cleaned the purchased offal.

Qi Shan knows how to bake pancakes. It was the first time that Shen Tang saw a man cooking in this era. He wanted to help but was politely declined.

"Mr. Wuhui, isn't it said that a gentleman should stay away from the kitchen?"

He not only knows how to cook, but he is also quite skilled in it.

Chu Yao wiped the grease off his hands with a cloth and said jokingly, "These offal pieces are all slaughtered by the butcher shop. Why should we stay away from them? Besides, we are not from a wealthy family. If we don't know how to cook, how can we expect to have enough food and clothing?"

His current master is Mr. Shen.

You are a servant, not a master. You must clearly see your own position.

Nowadays, cooking methods are monotonous and seasoning is sparse. Food is mainly boiled, roasted and steamed, and the taste is bland. However, Chu Yao has a secret technique. A bunch of smelly offal that ordinary people dislike, but after removing the fishy smell and adding the seasonings he prepares, it tastes delicious.

"Wulang, try my cooking."

Shen Tang slurped the bowl of noodles without any hesitation.

To be precise, it is a bowl of rough version of knife-cut noodles.

Or rather, lumps of dough.

The flour was simply rolled into a ball and then sliced. Although it was not chewy, it was a delicacy for Shen Tang, who had been eating pancakes for so long. The little fat boy also ate a lot of oil, and even the soup in the bowl was not spared, and he slurped it up.

Study with Chu Yao in the afternoon.

What you learn is not books, but martial arts.

Shen Tang: “…???”

Chu Yao is a former scholar of literature. Why doesn't he teach his students his old specialty? Instead, he switches to teach martial arts

There were two people at home, one was happily preparing to hire a raccoon slave, the other was teaching students martial arts in the courtyard, and Shen Tang...

She was free again.


After lying there for a quarter of an hour, she suddenly sat up - it was too boring, she felt uncomfortable when she was idle - no one talked to her and there was nothing to do, so she might as well go out to sell wine and support her family! With a goal in mind, Shen Tang's motivation went off the charts.

"Mr. Wuhui, I'm going out to set up a stall to sell wine." As soon as she finished speaking, she almost disappeared, as if something was chasing her. Chu Yao only had time to remind her "Don't drink", and he didn't know if she heard it.

Yesterday's old location.

But there are many types of drinks.

In addition to Dukang wine, there are also grape wine in the luminous cup, green ant new fermented rice wine, Lanling wine tulip, jade bowl with amber light Lanling wine... The others will be unlocked slowly later. It's just a pity -

She is just a wine maker, she can't taste it.

"I'm really too sad." Shen Tang sighed and lamented, "How sad can you be? It's like a eunuch going to a brothel."


Laughter came from the shadow above.

When Shen Tang looked up, she saw a familiar face. She became alert. Isn't this the tuberculotic Mr. Gu from Yuehua Tower

"Mr. Shen, are you... selling wine?"

"What else? Could it be basking in the sun?"

Shen Tang tapped the "Wine" sign beside him.

Isn't this person asking even though he already knows the answer

"Mr. Gu, do you want to buy some wine?"

“How to sell it?”

Shen Tang said, "A jar of wine is 2 jins and 450 wen, and a jar of other wine is 2 jins and 300 wen. There is no bargaining."

Mr. Gu paid the money readily, but it was a large sum of silver.

Just as Shen Tang was about to take out the scales and scissors, Mr. Gu raised his hand to stop her and said with a stern look in his eyes, "Buy them all!"

She was slightly startled.

Before the thought came to his mind, he suddenly remembered that the man in front of him could read minds. His expression froze slightly, and he withdrew his hand without leaving a trace. He said calmly, "You bought so much wine, can Mr. Gu take it back?"

"When did I say I would take it back myself? It's such a big deal, could you trouble Mr. Shen to take it back?"

Shen Tang said: "Of course I can."

The customer is God, and the workers have no objection.

Mr. Gu lowered his eyelids slightly, his expression indifferent and calm. He said, "Okay, then I'll trouble Mr. Shen to send it to Yaoling Pavilion."

Shen Tang asked again: "Where is Yaoling Pavilion?"

Mr. Gu suddenly revealed a meaningful smile.

"The Jiaofang, Xiaocheng Jiaofang."

Shen Tang's heart suddenly skipped a beat.
