Step Down, Let Me Come!

Chapter 7: 007 Wenxin monogram


The young man stretched out his right hand towards Chen Tang, palm facing up.

Chen Tang was puzzled. After hesitating for a while, he put his right hand on it and tilted his head to ask him.


The young man looked at her indifferently, with an indescribable look in his eyes, as if asking her "What do you think?"

So Chen Tang retracted his right hand as if he had been electrocuted.

"Concentrate the energy in your palm."

Seeing that Chen Tang was still confused, the young man had to speak up and remind him. He thought he had made it clear enough, but Chen Tang didn't even know what "qi" was.

Seeing that Chen Tang didn't move for a long time, he had to say: "When you used the Word Spirit just now, did you feel something moving out from the Danfu along the meridians? That is 'Qi'. Now try to draw it out from the Danfu and condense it in the palm of your hand. Will it work?"

Things like Word Spirits don't always work, it involves a question of proficiency.

The young man in front of him can use his literary talent to compete with the third-grade hairpin bird, and his words are so powerful, so he shouldn't know nothing.

The young man explained it clearly, and Shen Tang carefully recalled the mysterious and strange feeling he had before.

Qi, Danfu, Word Spirit, Wenxin...

After a while, she vaguely grasped something and guided it to slowly move towards the palm of her hand.


A ball of colorless gas gradually took shape, expanding from the size of a pea to the size of a fist, and hovered an inch above the palm of the hand.

Chen Tang looked up at the young man and asked him, "Sir, this is 'qi'? It's really amazing... What level of literary mind am I?"

Since this aura appeared, the young man has lowered his eyes slightly, and most of his face is hidden in the shadows. His expression is not very clear, but Chen Tang is sure that the latter's eyes are on the palm of her hand. She feels that the atmosphere is not right, so she asks again.

The young man finally came back to his senses and responded: "You can refine and condense this ball of 'qi' like I did."

As he spoke, a light green cyclone quickly emerged from the young man's outstretched right hand. At first glance, it looked like a ball of mist, but after two breaths, it turned into a viscous, gelatinous dark green. Finally, under Chen Tang's gaze, it turned into a baby's fist-sized, peculiarly shaped dark green monogram.

Seeing Chen Tang's curiosity, the young man took the initiative to hand over the flower seal.

The monogram is exquisitely shaped, with the seal script "Sixth Rank Middle and Lower" engraved on the side, and "Qi Shi Yuanliang" engraved in the same handwriting on the bottom.

"Your name is Qi Yuanliang?"

If this is the name, then the lower half of the sixth rank should be his literary rank.

The young man said, "My name is Qi Shan, and my courtesy name is Yuan Liang."

He said while staring into Shen Tang's eyes.

Seeing that the latter's eyes were clear and he did not show any contempt for the middle and lower-level Wen Xin, he was slightly satisfied and his expression did not look so distant anymore.

Chen Tang habitually said: "It's really a good name."

It's "good" and "virtuous", and he seems to be a good person.

Qishan was speechless after hearing this.

Chen Tang handed the flower pledge back.

"I think I know what to do."

Following Qi Shan's method of demonstration, he compressed the cyclone inwards. The cyclone gradually changed from colorless to a milky white gel, and then from a milky white gel to a small transparent object like crystal.

Only then did Chen Tang calm down and hurried to look at the side of the seal.


"Hey, why are there no words?"

"No words?"

Having said that, Qishan's voice did not sound surprised, as if he had expected it.

Chen Tang handed over his own seal and said doubtfully, "There are indeed no words on the side, only on the bottom."

The bottom is engraved with four wild and flamboyant seal characters:

"Chen's Young Pears".

"Chen... You... Li? You are really not a descendant of the Gong family." Because the monogram was transparent, it was a bit difficult to recognize the words on it. Qi Shan squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the words at the bottom and commenting, "But, young master, your courtesy name is a bit too delicate..."

At first I thought it was a girl's maiden name.

Chen Tang: “…”

She has given up explaining that she is a girl.

Since the world assumes that people with literary talent are men, it would be useless for her to come out and defend herself, regardless of whether others believe her or not. Misunderstandings are allowed, and she would talk about it when she figured out why she had literary talent or when she was strong enough, so as not to be killed as a heretic.

"Mr. Qi, my name is Chen Tang."

"The pear tree leaves fall in rouge color, and the buckwheat flowers bloom in white snow fragrance." Qi Shan smiled and said, "It's also a good name."

Chen Tang: “…”

Although she really wanted to say that her name was "Chen Tang", Youli was a random pen name with no special meaning.

But she couldn't pour cold water on others' thoughts and could only accept the compliment. What she cared about most at the moment was the level of her literary talent.

"Mr. Qi, what grade of Wenxin do I have?"

Unexpectedly, Qi Shan asked her back, "Which one do you want?"

Chen Tang: "What does this mean???"

Qishan started talking about something else.

"Unlike Wudan, which has 20 ranks, Wenxin has only 9 ranks. The first rank is top-top, the second rank is top-middle, the third rank is up and down, and the ninth rank is bottom-bottom. Wudan can break through and be promoted after tempering, and those with high talent can even be ranked as marquis, while Wenxin is born with the rank it has. I am a Wenxin of the sixth rank, which is not as good as the top, but better than the bottom. So, what rank do you want to be?"

Chen Tang was surprised: "This... can I still think of it?"

Qi Shan said: "If it were someone else, it would be impossible, but since you have met me, I can help you."

Shen Tang was confused.

Her intuition told her that Qishan's words had more to say.

But he didn't explain too much, just hinted in a calm voice: "It's not a good thing for a child to carry a lot of gold in a busy city."

Shen Tang subconsciously tensed his nerves.

What is this Wenxin? How could it be so serious

It turns out that this benefit for time travelers can also bring about fatal disaster.

Chen Tang also suppressed his curiosity that could kill a cat, and did not delve into it, but just asked: "How many levels of literary mind can be disguised?"

Qi Shan himself has a "sixth-grade middle and lower" literary mind, and literary mind cannot be changed. The grade you are born with is the grade you are born with. So it is certainly impossible for him to really help others change the grade of their literary mind. That would only be a disguise.

In this case—

Chen Tang probed, "Then - is the first-class upper-class okay?"

Qishan almost laughed out loud at her question.

"The first-grade upper-class Wenxin is a saintly grade, which is a false grade. Only the princes holding the national seal can possess it. Do you want to die?"

Chen Tang lowered his eyes and glanced at his own Wen Xin monogram.

"Then it's safer to disguise yourself as a lowly Ninth Rank."

"Ninth rank, lower? Oh, you are quite clever."

When the four seal characters "九品下下" appeared on the side of the seal, Chen Tang played with the transparent seal, not knowing what to do with it.

"How do I take this thing back?"

"What's the point of taking it back? It's used to prove one's identity. Even if one is a 'lower ninth rank', his literary mind is better than that of an ordinary person."

In this chaotic era where one generation can change two nationalities, the lives of ordinary people are worth less than grass, not to mention that Chen Tang is a prisoner who was exiled and escaped.

The words carved behind the ear were made using special means, and unless the ear is cut off, they will never be removed.

But with the Wenxin seal and covering it with earrings, ordinary officers would not dare to check, so safety was guaranteed.