Stigma (Yi Cong Yin)

Chapter 104: alone


Suiyan has been lethargic since he fell ill. He woke up early in the morning because of the noise, and after a short while in the soft chair with Duan Mingchong, he dozed off like a chicken pecking at rice.

Duan Mingchong was afraid that he would catch cold when he fell asleep here, so he pushed him gently: "Ayan, don't sleep here, go back to your room if you want."

Sui Yan found a more comfortable position and leaned into Duan Mingchong's arms, squinting his eyes to support his spirit: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I haven't slept for a while or I will be woken up by the movement in the front yard."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud noise from the front yard, it seemed that some wall had been pushed down, and then there was another shout.

Duan Mingchong frowned, Sui Yan was used to it: "Look."

Duan Mingchong looked at the green marks in his eyes and said, "Have you been so noisy during the day?"

Sui Yan leaned on his shoulder and replied vaguely: "No way, I was the only one in the Marquis Mansion a few years ago, except for the side courtyard, which was well kept, other places were empty and cobwebbed, the wedding day is coming soon, everywhere Busy repairing."

Duan Mingchong frowned more and more tightly: "You are recovering from a serious illness, and you need to rest well. How can you live in such a noisy house?"

Sui Yan didn't get enough sleep and his spirits were a little down. He always felt as if he had forgotten something, but he tried hard to think about it, but he couldn't remember it.

He leaned on Duan Mingchong's shoulder and sniffed the Aoki breath on his body. He fell asleep after a while, and said vaguely, "It's okay, it's fine if it's not noisy at night."

He was about to fall asleep when there was a deafening rumbling outside.

Sui Yan was terrified and completely awake.

He was easily frightened, which made his already sick face even paler.

Duan Mingchong watched him for a long time before he finally made up his mind and said, "Follow me to the East Palace to live for a while, and come back when the Hou's house is repaired."

Sui Yan was leaning on Duan Mingchong, breathing weakly. Hearing this, he raised his head, looked at him faintly, and said, "Do you want me to go to the East Palace to recuperate, or to warm the bed?"

Duan Mingchong: "…"

Sui Yan ripped down his tightly covered clothes, tilted his head to show Duan Mingchong the red marks on his neck, and said, "I only saw it yesterday, and I was almost beaten to death by my brother because of this, Your Royal Highness. , you really think I'm stupid, don't you remember the pain?"

Duan Mingchong lowered his eyes and closed Sui Yan's clothes unnaturally, and whispered: "Be careful if you catch a cold - I just went to the East Palace to recuperate, I really don't do anything, you... you don't... "

Although the man in the palace secretly wanted Suiyan's life, if Suiyan really died in the East Palace, everyone would have to wonder if the Prince of the East Palace murdered the son of the hero. With this stigma, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Duan Mingchong thought for a long time before deciding to let Suiyan go to the East Palace to recuperate, but he didn't expect Suiyan to think so much in a mess.

Sui Yan said, "You don't do anything? Then why do you keep putting your hand on my waist?"

Duan Mingchong quickly withdrew his hand as if he was on fire, and said indifferently, "Yes... it's too crowded."

Sui Yan actually knew that, but he just wanted to tease him.

He put another sticker on Duan Mingchong and said, "His Royal Highness is so young, and it was the first time the day before yesterday that he opened meat. If I really go to the East Palace and you can't hold it at night, I will go there to complain?"

Duan Mingchong was stunned for a moment, his ears were so red that he almost dripped blood. He didn't know where Sui Yan learned these words, but he said it so openly, but he didn't change his face, as if he didn't know how shocking he was. Shameful words.

Sui Yan continued to say, "Anyway, the entire East Palace is yours. It should be me who said Tiantian should not be called Didibuling."

Duan Mingchong couldn't listen anymore, he stretched out his hand and directly covered Sui Yan's mouth, almost pleadingly: "Ayan, don't say anything like that..."

Sui Yan actually said that his face was hot, but he was tense and didn't show it. At this time, seeing Duan Mingchong's face flushed and desperate, he couldn't help laughing.

He pulled Duan Mingchong's hand off his mouth, and the drooping black hair covered his red ears - Sui Yan began to secretly thank Jun Jingxing for letting his hair down, otherwise he would not have This dare to go to the deathly flirting Duan Mingchong.

Sui Yan said: "His Royal Highness, if you don't want to listen to people, there is not only one way to cover your mouth."

Duan Mingchong didn't know why he jumped to this topic suddenly, and looked at him blankly.

Sui Yan gave him a sly wink and said, "Ask me, 'Which other'?"

Duan Mingchong instinctively followed his words and asked, "Which one is there?"

"I teach you."

Sui Yan smiled lightly, got up and stepped forward, her thin white fingers gently caressed Duan Mingchong's side face, and covered her lips.

Duan Mingchong: "…"

The two lips were touching, and Sui Yan was about to pry open Duan Mingchong's lips preemptively when he felt that Duan Mingchong was a little short of breath, and suddenly reached out and hugged his waist tightly.

Suiyan was startled, Duan Mingchong took advantage of his trance moment, turned him slightly sideways on the soft chair, parted Suiyan's lips, and stuck his tongue in.

Sui Yan still rested his hands on Duan Mingchong's shoulders. He could barely move when he pressed him on the soft chair. His posture was very passive. He didn't like being pinched and restrained. Hold it to death.

After the kiss, Sui Yan's brain almost became a puddle of muddy water, his eyes were full of water, and he stared blankly at Duan Mingchong above his head, breathing a little short.

Duan Ming Chong looked at him condescendingly, and said softly, "Thank you, Ayan, for teaching me. I have learned it."

Sui Yan was stunned for a long time, then he raised his hand tremblingly, covered his eyes with the back of his hand, and said in a trembling voice, "Get up for me!"

Duan Mingchong hesitated, but still didn't want to get up.

Sui Yan looked at him with one eye open, saw Duan Mingchong's expression clearly, and said in awe, "You don't want to hear what I say?"

Duan Ming Chong pursed his lips and nodded.

Sui Yan immediately covered his mouth, looking at Duan Mingchong as if he were looking at a beast.

Sui Yan shot himself in the foot again, not to mention how aggrieved.

Duan Ming Chong stopped when it was enough, got down from the soft chair, straightened Sui Yan's messy hair, and said, "I'll go to the front yard to find General Sui to tell you that you are going to stay in the East Palace, and you ask Haitang to tidy up, We will leave after noon."

Sui Yan shrank on the soft chair and stared at him with his knees bent: "I'm not going, who said I'm going? Don't make decisions for me without authorization."

Duan Mingchong said softly, "I don't want to hear this."

Sui Yan immediately bent his knees to cover half of his face, and said in a sullen voice, "Go, try it out, and see if my brother will give you a good look."

Duan Mingchong smiled, turned and left.

Sui Yan lay down on the soft chair by himself for a while, and Duan Mingchong came back.

He asked in surprise, "How's it going?"

Duan Mingchong said, "Your brother agrees."

Suiyan said in surprise: "Impossible, how could he agree so quickly?"

According to Suixun's temperament, knowing that his younger brother was eaten and wiped clean, how could he agree to send him to Duan Mingchong's tiger's mouth

In fact, Duan Mingchong is also very puzzled. He was already prepared to be embarrassed by Suixun, but he didn't expect him to see Suixun. Just after he told the story, Suixun nodded in agreement - although his face was still indifferent , at least not as ugly as the previous few times.

Duan Ming Chong said: "Xu Shi... figured it out?"

Sui Yan thought about it carefully, and then he remembered what he had forgotten to tell Duan Mingchong.

"You're really lucky." Sui Yan glared at him, and explained the story that Sui Xun almost stripped him alive last night, "If it were yesterday, my brother would be considered good if he didn't look at you with a knife. yes."

Duan Mingchong did not expect Jiang Ning to be so transparent, and blinked in surprise.

Sui Yan said: "Since I met you, everyone has told me to let me go back as soon as possible. I won't have a good life with you. This is the first time someone has said that to me."

He stretched out and kicked Duan Mingchong's clothes, raised his head and said, "They will get married in a few days. You should know what to do, right?"

Duan Mingchong was a little helpless: "I know."

Suiyan gave him a big gift, and then he sat up with the armrest and asked Haitang to pack his things for him.

The two had lunch at the Hou Mansion before saying goodbye to Suixun and entering the palace leisurely.

After Suiyan entered the East Palace, he grandly moved all the boxes containing personal clothes into the main hall of the East Palace.

Hearing his orders, the calf and stomach of the palace servants softened, and Sui Yan's eyes were full of horror, but when he saw that Duan Mingchong did not stop him, his face was softer and heavier. .

After being busy for about an hour before putting things away, Sui Yan didn't want to take a nap, so he took Duan Mingchong, who had nothing to do, to cut flowers and branches in the imperial garden.

He tucked the scissors into his sleeves and looked at the plum garden all the way, pretending to enjoy the snow scene.

Duan Mingchong followed behind him, but helplessly said: "I thought only Lishu would like to cut flowers and branches. You are so old, why are you still like when you were young?"

Sui Yan was walking in front, when he heard this, he turned around and walked back, saying, "Don't Your Highness know that there is a popular saying?"

Duan Mingchong said: "Huh? What?"

Sui Yan blinked at him: "Folding flowers and sending you to your heart will inspire you."

Duan Mingchong was stunned for a moment, and then he understood why Sui Yan always loved to break flowers and branches as gifts for him.

The corner of his lips smiled even more, and he was about to say something when Yu Guang swept behind Sui Yan and suddenly said, "Be careful."

Duan Mingchong reached out and grabbed Sui Yan's sleeve and forcibly dragged him back.

Only then did Sui Yan turn around and look forward.

Duan Zhisu didn't know when he came out from the hanging door on the side. There was no one behind him, his face was as pale as paper, and he was staring at Sui Yan without blinking.

Duan Ming said, "Brother Three Emperors."

Duan Zhisu stared at Sui Yan closely, as if he didn't see him at all.

Sui Yan straightened his sleeves, bowed and saluted, "Your Highness is well."

Duan Zhisu's lips were pale, and he looked like he was recovering from a serious illness. When he heard Sui Yan speak, he nodded dazedly, and said hoarsely, "Forgetting to return..."

Sui Yan frowned. He had heard Song Xian say that Duan Zhisu seemed a little stunned, but according to his cold-hearted nature, even if he regretted the past, it would not hurt much.

Looking at Duan Zhisu's appearance now, why does he seem a little worried

Duan Zhisu tilted his head and coughed a few times, and said in a hoarse voice, "Forgetting to return, I have something to tell you."

Sui Yan didn't know why, and said, "Okay, I have time."

Duan Zhi said solemnly, "Speak alone."

Sui Yan frowned, looked up and looked at Duan Mingchong before saying, "Let's talk here."

Anyway, Duan Zhisu also knew about his relationship with the prince, and Sui Yan didn't bother to hide it - he reached out and grabbed Duan Mingchong's hand, shook it at Duan Zhisu, and said, "You, tell us alone. ."

Duan Zhisu: "…"