Stigma (Yi Cong Yin)

Chapter 117: settled


After a while, Doctor Meng walked out of the inner room wiping sweat, and the hands that applied the needle were shaking slightly.

Duan Mingchong waited for a long time when he saw him come out and hurriedly greeted him.

"How is it?"

Doctor Meng Yu said: "It's just a cold and fever. Although it looks menacing, after drinking the medicine and the fever is gone, it won't be a big problem."

Duan Mingchong breathed a sigh of relief.

Meng Yuyi was taken down by the palace staff to write the prescription, and Duan Mingchong walked quickly into the inner room of the dormitory.

The bed curtains were scattered, Sui Yan was lying on the pillow with a pale face and a wet towel on his forehead.

Duan Mingchong sat beside him lightly, staring at Sui Yan's tightly closed eyes, before he took a long time to gently hold Sui Yan's hot hands in his palms, and put his head down between his eyebrows.

Sui Yan fell into a deep sleep, and he didn't wake up after being fed medicine and acupuncture for a while, but when Duan Mingchong's breath lingered in his breath, his eyelashes trembled slightly, as if struggling to wake up.

He gets tired easily when he is sick. Duan Mingchong hurriedly leaned forward and hugged him gently, whispering: "It's all right, it's all right, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."

Sui Yan's frail body moved slightly, perhaps because Duan Mingchong's comfort was helpful, and after a while he fell into a drowsy sleep again, and there was no movement.

The situation outside was changing, and Sui Yan had no idea when he fell asleep.

It was not until the end of the moon that his fingers moved slightly, and the consciousness gradually spread from the fingertips, and he quickly took control of his body.

Then, consciousness returned little by little.

His feathered eyelashes trembled slightly before slowly opening his distracted eyes.

Before Sui Yan was awake, he called out in a daze: "His Royal Highness..."

Duan Mingchong stood by for a day, and when he heard his voice, he grabbed his hand and said softly, "I'm here."

Sui Yan closed his eyes again, and after a while he struggled to open them, his eyes finally focused.

He burned his voice hoarse, and said with difficulty: "His Royal Highness, I want to drink water."

Duan Mingchong leaned forward, lifted Sui Yan gently against his shoulder, brought the prepared water mixed with honey from the side, brought the bowl to his lips, and whispered, "Slow down. drink."

Sui Yan's lips were a little pale, he bit the rim of the bowl and took a few sips of water, then turned his head away.

Duan Mingchong put down the bowl and said softly, "Are you still tired, do you want to sleep for a while?"

Suiyan glanced out the window and found that it was already dark, so he thought of something later and said, "What happened to that?"

Although he insisted that he wanted to see a good show, he just lost consciousness halfway through it.

Duan Mingchong put his arms around him and said softly, "You don't need to worry about it, just take a good rest."

Sui Yan lay down for a day, his whole body was numb, he drank water and woke up a little, then he started to feel restless again.

He stretched out his weak hands and wrapped it around Duan Mingchong's neck, carefully leaned forward and kissed him on the corner of Duan Mingchong's lips, whispering, "Tell me, I'm idle anyway, it's boring to recover from illness. , if you don't tell me, I'll go find someone else."

Duan Mingchong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he hugged his waist and said, "Can't you just be fine by yourself, and what are the other people doing?"

He hesitated for a moment, then tentatively said: "Or are you being serious about the other side... Are you soft-hearted?"

Suiyan looked at Duan Mingchong with a look of "are you stupid?" and said, "Am I the kind of person who will be moved to the point of letting go?"

Duan Mingchong: "…"

Okay, it seems that I really plan to watch a good show.

Duan Mingchong laid him down on the couch, took off his robe, and collapsed after tidying up.

"Actually, there's nothing to say. Duan Zhisu took care of all those things for you, and by the way, he also shook out the scandal in the harem back then." Duan Mingchong hugged Sui Yan softly, and said softly, "I still want it. How to deal with these two people, although His Majesty said that he gave me full authority to deal with them, but who knows if he is deliberately embarrassing me and testing whether I am really cruel brothers."

Sui Yan also thought about it, but he was more concerned about what the scandal was back then, so he blinked his eyes desperately to hint.

Duan Ming Chong was talking about this very seriously. Seeing Sui Yan's expression, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "I don't know too much about the harem. It was Duan Zhisu who told me."

Sui Yan: "Huh?"

At that time, Nanjiang was a subsidiary country of Beilan, and every year, it would pay tribute to countless rare treasures, and among the treasures of one year was the little princess of Nanjiang who had just come of age.

Most of the people in the southern border are beautiful and compelling, and the little princess is even more beautiful in the world. The emperor who loves beautiful women is naturally obsessed with it, and directly accepts it as a noble person. Soon, the second prince Duan Ruwang was born.

But how long has the emperor's favor lasted? Rao is the beautiful little princess in the southern border, but she still doesn't understand the emperor's love of the new and the old, not to mention that since then, the southern border has been turbulent every year, and the situation of the little princess is even more difficult.

Until the southern border was really lost to other countries, they sent people to Beilan for help.

The emperor did not respond, and even took advantage of the danger of people to order the Suijia army stationed in the frontier to send troops to fight for the city in the southern border.

Due to internal and external troubles, the southern border was defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

When the battle report reached the capital, the little princess already knew that the emperor did not help but instead sent troops, and anger swept the mind of the fallen princess, making her boldly go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to find the emperor's theory.

Sui Yan grabbed Duan Mingchong's shirt and said expectantly, "And then what?"

Duan Mingchong sighed and said, "Then His Majesty was furious, but he was afraid of being truthful, so he ordered the palace servants to send the person back to the palace and strangled them to death with white silk."

Sui Yan took a breath and sighed a little.

"It was only said to the outside world that she was too sad, so she committed suicide with a white ling." Duan Mingchong said softly, "But what everyone didn't know was that the young Duan Ruwang was going to the palace on a whim to find his mother-in-law. , I heard the movement and was hidden by the palace servants..."

The young Duan Ruwang watched as his mother and concubine were strangled to death by the palace servants of the Hall of Supreme Harmony with white silk, but couldn't do anything.

Sui Yan sighed for a while, and then said, "Don't you mean that others don't know, why would Duan Zhisu know?"

When Suiyan saw Duan Ruwang in Xiangguo Temple in his previous life, he only knew that he was messing around in the palace because he didn't want everyone to feel better. He also vaguely knew that it might be related to his dead mother concubine, but he didn't know that there was such a thing. thing.

Duan Ming Chong said: "I don't know either."

Sui Yan thought about it carefully, maybe Duan Zhisu found it himself in his previous life.

He listened to someone else's story and sighed for a while, perhaps because his temper was too cold, but he couldn't empathize with him, and he didn't have the slightest sympathy for Duan Ruwang.

Duan Ming Chong said, "Are you sleepy?"

Suiyan shook his head: "I've had enough sleep, it's a little uncomfortable."

Donkey Hoof Duanming Chong hurriedly said: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Sui Yan nodded his lips and hinted at him vaguely.

Duan Mingchong: "…"

Duan Mingchong said helplessly: "Don't make trouble, you are still ill."

Sui Yan had no choice but to curl his lips reluctantly, and lowered his head to fiddle with the wrench on his fingers.

Duan Mingchong smiled: "Why are you still wronged? Do you know that I was almost scared to death by you today, yesterday was fine, why did you suddenly get sick today, and you kicked the quilt at night?"

Suiyan thought for a while, then muttered: "I had a nightmare and fell off the bed, and slept on the ground for a long time."

Duan Mingchong was stunned for a moment, then looked at him with some displeasure.

Sui Yan Zhen said: "You can't blame me, I don't know anything, I lay on the ground when I woke up, I'm more afraid than you, okay?"

Duan Mingchong was angry and helpless, he gently took him in his arms, and said softly: "It's my fault, if it wasn't for me, Duan Ruwang would not have been able to implicate you at all."

Sui Yan nodded and said, "Yes, yes, it's all your fault."

Duan Mingchong: "…"

Duan Mingchong looked at him strangely and said, "Why are you different from what you said in the book?"

Sui Yan said, "How can what is said in the playbook be true? Are you still a child, Your Highness?"

Duan Mingchong: "…"

Knowing that Sui Yan's thoughts were different from others, Duan Mingchong was still confused by his words.

His forehead touched Suiyan's forehead, and he said solemnly, "There will be no next time."

Sui Yan hurriedly said: "Hey, don't say it, don't say it, nine out of ten words that a man says in bed can't be true, even if you say it, I won't believe it."

Duan Mingchong: "…"

Duan Ming Chong laughed and laughed, so he had to hug him tightly.

This matter was too hasty. Sui Yan was concealed because of Li Zhao, and Duan Mingchong was also kept in the palace because of the Duan Li Shu. What happened that day was something that no one expected. Although Wang is a bit crazy, the means are still a bit.

It's not Duan Mingchong's fault that Sui Yan knew that this matter - even if Duan Mingchong was the emperor, he couldn't beware of all the malicious arrows hurting people. Heartless and outspoken.

Duan Mingchong was originally full of guilt, and he was dumbfounded by Sui Yan's consolation, but he didn't have much resentment against him in his heart.

"Ayan." Duan Mingchong said softly.

Sui Yan looked up at him and said, "What? Are you going to kiss me?"

Duan Mingchong was choked for a moment before he said, "No."

Sui Yan looked at him with disgust: "Then shut up, I don't want to hear it."

As he spoke, he shrank back into Duan Ming Chong's arms, as if he didn't want to hear him.

Duan Mingchong was stunned for a moment, before he smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, if you don't want to hear it, I won't say it."

Sui Yan nodded and curled up in Duan Ming Chong's arms. When he was drowsy, he suddenly said, "Your Highness, can you sing Qing Yun's songs?"

Duan Mingchong said: "I know some, why?"

Sui Yan smiled at him and said, "Then you can sing it to me."

Duan Mingchong smiled and said, "Yes, yes, but why do you suddenly want to hear this?"

Sui Yan tilted his head and said in confusion, "I don't know either, but I just wanted to hear it. When I was a child, my mother often sang it to me, but I can't remember the tune."

Duan Mingchong chuckled lightly and said, "Okay."

Sui Yan leaned back immediately and waited obediently to listen.

Duan Mingchong didn't mind that Sui Yan asked him to sing a ditty, and the queen often sang this tune to coax him to sleep when he was young.


"Rotten Star Chen."

"Tomorrow, rotten star Chen."

Sui Yan stared at Duan Mingchong blankly, listening to the tune in his ear, and seemed to recall the scene in his dream these few days, but when he tried to think about it, he couldn't see anything.

Duan Mingchong was still humming a song softly, Sui Yan put his hand on his waist, leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on his lips.

Duan Mingchong suddenly stopped.

Sui Yan raised his head and said softly, "Don't go either."

His eyes were as dark as glass, with an unexpected seriousness.

Duan Mingchong was stunned for a moment, then said softly, "I'm not leaving."

Suiyan thought about whether it was safe, and then added a sentence.

"If you really leave, I will ignore you again."

"it is good."