Stigma (Yi Cong Yin)

Chapter 65: Extremely angry


Early in the morning the next day, Duan Mingchong came to the side hall to call Sui Yan, pushed open the door and found that Sui Yan had already woken up early and was sitting on the couch wearing shoes.

Duan Mingchong said in surprise: "Why do you get up so early today?"

Sui Yan yawned, put on his shoes, and said with a smile, "Are there dessert buns for breakfast?"

Duan Mingchong laughed: "Yes."

Sui Yan immediately ran aside to wash up.

After a while, the two ate in the outer room, and breakfast was served one after another.

Sui Yan was about to take it with his hands impatiently, but Duan Mingchong glanced at him lightly, and then he picked up his chopsticks and put a piece in his mouth.

However, he only took a bite, and his brows suddenly wrinkled, covering his mouth as if to vomit.

Duan Mingchong said hurriedly: "What's wrong? Spit here."

Sui Yan frowned and spat half a mouthful of steamed buns aside, saying with difficulty, "It's too sweet..."

Duan Mingchong was very surprised, Sui Yan often refuses sweets, and this was the first time in so many years that he vomited because it was too sweet.

Sui Yan stuck out the tip of his tongue and spat out, "It's so sweet that it's a little salty."

Duan Mingchong filled half a bowl of the warm sweet soup on the side and said, "Come on, drink the sweet soup and press it down."

Sui Yan took it with a frown, took only a sip, and ran out with his mouth covered.

Duan Mingchong was taken aback and rushed out: "Ayan!"

Sui Yan spit out the soup in his mouth, causing a pang of retching, but clutching his chest, he couldn't spit out anything.

Duan Mingchong was so distressed that he lightly patted his back.

After a while, Sui Yan stopped feeling uncomfortable, and was supported by Duan Mingchong back to the dinner table, but he lost his appetite.

Duan Ming Chong only drank white porridge for breakfast. Seeing that Sui Yan's face was pale, he fed him a few mouthfuls of porridge with a spoon.

Duan Mingchong said helplessly, "Is there something wrong with this porridge?"

Sui Yan said with anger, "It's too salty."

Duan Mingchong: "How come? I'll try it."

He was about to take a spoon to taste, but Sui Yan stopped him and said, "Don't do it, it's alright. Probably I was scalded by hot water when I was washing my tongue. Now everything is salty."

Duan Mingchong was still not at ease.

The palace servant reminded: "His Royal Highness, you will go to court soon."

Sui Yan said: "Your Highness, don't worry about me, I won't go to court today, I'll be fine when I go out of the palace by myself after a while."

Duan Mingchong said worriedly: "Can you do it yourself? Why don't you call the imperial physician to take a look?"

Sui Yan smiled and said, "Where is there such a delicate place, go quickly, Your Highness."

Duan Ming Chong estimated the time and found that it would be too late if he didn't leave, so he ordered the palace servants to serve him well, and then he left in a hurry.

After Duan Mingchong left, Sui Yan, who was leaning on the chair and pretending to be dead, suddenly jumped up alive and rushed towards the small kitchen aggressively.

The palace servant stopped behind: "Master Hou, Master Hou!"

Sui Yan ran a few steps away from them and said, "Get up, don't stop me."

He walked quickly to the small kitchen, slammed the door on the door, and said angrily, "Come out for me!"

In the outer room, the cook was leisurely leaning on the seat and humming a little tune, the tune was like a magic sound, almost scaring Sui Yan enough.

Sui Yan opened the curtain and rushed in, looking at him coldly: "You did it on purpose!"

The cook glanced at him sideways, and said lightly, "Why did you say this?"

Suiyan: "Today's steamed bread and sweet soup, what did you put in it? Are you trying to poison me?"

The cook smiled and said: "What are you talking about, Lord Hou, how dare you be so bold as a small pariah, but I woke up too early this morning, and 80% of the time thought that salt was like sugar, and sprinkled two handfuls in it. ."

Sui Yan: "…"

Sui Yan glared at him with gritted teeth.

The cook pleaded insincerely: "I'm sorry, it's a small negligence."

Sui Yan sneered and said, "Do you really want to stay in the palace forever and not get out?"

The cook said: "This palace has everything. I eat and drink spicy food here. Why should I think about going out of the palace?"

Sui Yan looked at him with cold eyes and said coldly, "I know your name, and I probably know who you are. For the sake of it, are you still pretending to be with me?"

The chef's eyes moved, fearing that Suiyan would deceive him, he said casually: "Then Hou Ye said, what's my name?"

Sui Yan looked at him coldly. At this time, the palace servant, who had arrived late, happened to follow him, and he followed behind and called out to Lord Hou.

Sui Yan pursed her lips, and said, "Your surname is Mo."

The cook sneered and said, "Wrong."

Sui Yan didn't answer any more, and turned around to go out.

It's just that when he walked out of the small kitchen, he seemed to think of something, tilted his head slightly, and for some reason, his face was still expressionless, and suddenly there was a cold look that was half a smile, and the cook who looked at it suddenly felt a little numb.

Sui Yan's thin lips parted lightly and repeated it again.

"Your surname is Mo."

The cook looked at his handsome face for a long time before his face suddenly changed.

"you… "

Sui Yan smiled at him, but the smile had no warmth at all.

"I gave you a chance. If you don't want it, just stay here. As long as you're not afraid of death, you can play tricks in dessert."

Chef Mo said with difficulty: "Little... Lord, it's my fault..."

Sui Yan sneered, imitating his tone, and said, "Wrong."

After he finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, turned around and left.

The palace servants didn't know what the prince of the dynasty had to say with a cook dug from the common people, so he didn't understand it for a long time. Seeing Sui Yan leaving, he hurried up to meet him.

"Master Hou, do you want to leave the palace?"

Sui Yan took the small stove and replied absentmindedly, "Go back to the Hou's mansion."

The palace servants were busy preparing the carriage.

Sui Yan was waiting at the gate of the East Palace.

The heavy snow had already stopped last night. He stood under the plum tree outside the East Palace in a snow-colored fur-edge trench coat. He slightly raised his head and looked at the gradually brightening sky, wondering what he was thinking.

There was a faint sound of footsteps stepping on the snow.

Sui Yan thought it was a carriage arriving, so he tilted his head to look, and slammed into Duan Zhisu's deep black pupils.

Duan Zhisu has been working with Song Xian in Jiangnan all these days. Xu is returning to the palace to report his duties today.

Sui Yan walked down the stairs and saluted, "Your Highness, please rest in peace."

Duan Zhisu had a tired face, and said with a complicated expression, "Get up."

Sui Yan got up and closed the cloak without a trace.

Duan Zhi said solemnly: "What are you doing here? Wait for someone?"

Sui Yan nodded.

Duan Zhisu made a sound of "um".

In the past, it was often Sui Yan who caused the conversation to go on and on, but he didn't know when he stopped talking to him without knowing it, and he felt sad.

The two were silent for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Duan Zhisu said softly, "Is your health better?"

Suiyan smiled: "It's much better, thank you Your Highness for being sympathetic."

In the three years, the two have not seen each other many times, and Sui Yan has no longer hated him at first.

Suiyan himself is a heartless person. In the past life, he gave Duan Zhisu his only sincerity, but in this life he didn't even give him half of it.

To him, Duan Zhisu was probably just the same as Song Xian, just a stranger who was slightly more familiar.

In terms of emotion, Sui Yan admitted that he loved Gan Enhe more than they did.

At this time, the car of the East Palace came leisurely, and the palace servants saw the two talking, and hurriedly bowed and apologized.

Sui Yan asked him to get up, handed him the small hand stove, and said solemnly to Duan Zhi: "Your Highness, Wanggui is leaving first."

I don't know when, Duan Zhisu no longer has the qualifications to let him chat with himself for a few words. He lowered his eyes slightly, covering the sadness in his eyes, and said, "Well, be careful along the way."

Sui Yan nodded slightly, stepped on the horse stool and got into the car.

As the car driver slowly left Duan Zhisu's sight, he seemed to remember something, and instinctively wanted to take a few steps forward to chase, but he stopped before he stepped out.

Sui Yan felt nothing in his heart, and found a comfortable place to sleep in the carriage.

The carriage stopped suddenly, and Sui Yan opened his eyes in a daze.

"Master Hou, the Hou residence is here."

Sui Yan made an "oh" sound and jumped off the curtain.

Haitang ran out to meet him, seeing him as if she had seen a savior, she said with a sad face, "Young master, you are finally back, come back to the side courtyard to have a look!"

Sui Yan was yawning when he heard the words vaguely: "What happened?"

Haitang was hesitant to say anything, but only told him to watch it.

Sui Yan didn't know why, so he had to go back to the side hospital first.

A thick layer of snow had accumulated in the side courtyard, and a few cinnamon branches were almost crushed.

He absently pushed open the closed door of the side courtyard, raised his eyes slightly and was startled by the scene in front of him.

—In the room, Wuyuan was dressed in black, with a grim face, leaning against the bookshelf with his arms around his arms, staring coldly at Jun Jingxing who was sleeping on the table opposite.

Beside the bookshelf, a knife has been unsheathed, and the blade is cold and gleaming.

Others looked at it, it seemed that the next moment he was unwilling to hold a knife and chop Jun Jingxing into two pieces.

Jun Jingxing was awakened by the sound of pushing the door, and almost jumped up.

He looked at him sleepily, and said, "I, I didn't move, I'm sitting, I'm sitting well... I didn't move!"

Unwilling: "Huh."

Sui Yan: "…"

Sui Yan said, "You two, what's the matter?"

Wuyuan slightly clasped his fists and salutes: "I have seen the little master."

Sui Yan waved his hand and said, "Why is he here? Still sitting and sleeping?"

Wuyuan lowered his head and said, "Little Master said last time that Young Master Jun would keep him when he came back and not let him leave half a step."

Sui Yan seemed to understand but didn't understand: "Oh, well done, hard work."

Wuyuan's ears turned red, and he said indifferently, "Wuyuan's... duty."

The two were in a deep love between master and servant, and Jun Jingxing, who had not slept well for two consecutive nights, was finally fully awake at this time. When he saw Sui Yan, he could not wait to rush up to eat him alive.

"Forgetting to go home!!"

Sui Yan turned his head to look at him and saw the anger on Jun Jingxing's face. He didn't know why, so he said angrily, "What's wrong? I haven't settled with you yet, why do you still look like you're going to fight back?"

Jun Jingxing was so angry that his ears blinded, no matter how many words he didn't know how to say it for a while, he could only stare at him resentfully, the hand pointing at him was shaking all the time.

"you you you… "

Sui Yan turned his head to Wuyuan and whispered, "Is he stupid? Why is he still talking in a bad way?"

WuWan also whispered: "I don't know."

Jun Jingxing: "… "

Jun Jingxing was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and after holding it for a long time, he scolded angrily: "Where have you been in the past two days? Why didn't you come back, do you know that I sat here alive for two days and two nights? !"

Sui Yan: "…"

Sui Yan was shocked by his sudden roar, rubbed his ears, and looked at him with the eyes of a fool: "Sit for two days and two nights? Are you stupid or crazy?"

Jun Jingxing: "… "

"Age, forget, return!"

Jun Jingxing was so sleepy at this time, his eyes were blue and black, his mind was hazy, even if he had more to say, his mind seemed to be unable to keep up.

Sui Yan saw that Jun Jingxing was so angry that his eyes turned red, his conscience finally realized, he coughed dryly, and said, "Why are you still sitting for so long? Are you waiting for me? Oh, even if you wait for me, you don't have to wait from dark to dawn and then wait until dark. Well, it hurts so much, I never knew you were so worried about me."

Jun Jingxing was so angry that he uttered foul language: "I won't call you Yuejian if I care about you any more!"

Sui Yan: "…"

Sui Yan blinked: "You weren't even called Yue Jian."

Jun Jingxing immediately pressed his forehead and cursed in pain: "You are so mad! Let me think about what my name is?"

Sui Yan: "…"

Unwilling: "… "