Still Saving The World Today (Switching Worlds)

Chapter 32: Classmate, don't scare me (2)


After driving away the ghost who claimed to be Yang Mu, Ye Huai was finally able to take another look at this mission.

The original owner, Han You, has been abroad for more than a year, and it is now the first semester of his sophomore year, and he has not returned to China for such a long time. When he first entered the university, everything was very fresh. He actively met new friends, took courses, had excellent grades, and had a wide range of social contacts.

But when the winter vacation came, the novelty ended, and the longing for home gradually became stronger. Han You intends to book a ticket to go home. But his mother told him on the phone that she and her father had divorced, and asked Han You not to return to China.

Even if I go back, I don't have a home anymore! Han You is deeply aware of this, except for the remittance once every semester, he no longer communicates with his parents.

In the first semester of his freshman year, Han You began to indulge in the world of writing. He completely lost interest in his major and college life, and his grades plummeted.

What's even worse is that Han You's novel performance also continued to fluctuate. That's why his cynical character was created in the original story line.

Ye Huai: "I really don't understand the children of today."

520: "I am the system, and I don't understand it either."

Ye Huai: "Then what is my mission?"

520: "This time next year is when Han You will be at his lowest. He will meet someone who led him astray. Before that, you have to maintain his current life for him, and then avoid that person forever and let his life go away. On track."

Ye Huai: "You mean, I have to study for him?"

520: "Yes."

Ye Huai: "Still writing novels?"

520: "Well, what else?"

Ye Huai: "Dear little student Lingling, have you ever thought that I am a doctor, not a writer!"

520: "It's okay, you will find a way!"

Ye Huai: "You!"

520: "Do you remember that Yang Mu?"

Ye Huai: "Well, what's the matter?"

520: "Although I don't know what's going on with him, but he is a master of Internet literature in China, and his pseudonym is Yangliu'an."

Ye Huai: "Pfft, what a motherly name!"

Yang Mu: "Who are you talking about?"

Ye Huai: "I said... eh? How did I get in by relying on you!"

520: "Hey, the host used the wrong words, and 50 hero points will be deducted. The remaining points are 199,950. And, whoever made you speak out deserves it!"

Ye Huai: "@#¥%..." He has nothing to say to that guy named 520!

Yang Mu just walked in through the door, he wandered around outside, decided to come in to experience the physical feeling, and then heard Ye Huai saying that someone is a good mother and a good soil.

"I'm talking about someone else!" Ye Huai immediately explained, this is a golden thigh, it's not for nothing!

Yang Mu glanced at him incredulously, he and he were the only two men in the room, didn't you mean him, did you mean himself

"That... are you Mrs. Yangliu'an?" Ye Huai imitated Han You's usual tone of addressing Wangwen Dashou.

The corners of Yang Mu's mouth twitched twice, his expression was a little stiff, probably not used to being called "Madam". But he finally nodded, "Yes, are you my fan?"

"Yes!" Ye Huai showed a bright smile.

Yang Mu only felt that this smile was malicious, "What do you want?"

"Mrs. Yangliu, can you teach me how to write?" Ye Huai continued to smile like a spring breeze.

"No." Yang Mu's face turned cold, and he didn't bother to talk to him.

"Why..." The smile on Ye Huai's face froze, and he reluctantly asked.

Yang Mu pulled away the chair in front of the desk, leaned on the back of the chair, put his two long legs on the table arrogantly, looked up at Ye Huai and said, "You are too stupid to teach."

Ye Huai's expression was completely broken. Since he was a child, some people would praise him for being handsome and smart, but no one had ever said that he was stupid! How could he be a top student in the medical school, so stupid!

"If you give me your pen name, maybe I can write it for you." Yang Mu said again, "I am very expensive, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute, and I will be your gunner... Tsk tsk tsk, you are so happy! "

"Then I really thank you!" Ye Huai stepped forward, grabbed Yang Mu from the chair, dragged him to the door, and threw him out. As soon as Yang Mu came out of this room, he immediately turned into a ghost. After Ye Huai closed the door, he came back and put his arms around Ye Huai and said, "Don't be so irritable, I'm doing it for your own good too!"

"Look at you. I just signed the contract. How much is full attendance? Buyout or sharing? Thanksgiving is one week away. Can you pass the exam week while writing?" Yang Muyu said earnestly.

The book Han You is currently holding has signed a contract with Dian Ding Literature Network, with a full attendance of 6,000, and a share for the shelf, but his parents don't know each other.

Most of the courses at Maida have two or three monthly exams plus a final exam in a semester, and the week before Thanksgiving is the last time when the monthly exams appear intensively. Not only monthly exams, some subjects also require papers to be handed in!

In American schools, all tests and homework will be counted into the final grade according to a certain percentage, and some courses will even be counted into the attendance rate. All the test results, including the status of the subjects he is currently studying, can be checked online. Ye Huai just checked Han You's background, and his situation this semester is terrible.

So as Yang Mu said, if he wants to complete the task, he will have to face a daily update volume of 6,000 and the ensuing exams.

If Han You is a medical student, maybe Ye Huai can comfort himself, but this kid is a financial student! Is Ye Huai's financial knowledge not good enough to put here

"Six thousand, share." Ye Huai sat down on the bed, Yang Mu's feet were still on his desk.

"How much can I earn every day?" Yang Mu asked again.

Ye Huai didn't really want to answer. He had just seen Han You's backstage of online writing, which was even worse than his grades...

"Little friend, online articles are not as simple as you think. Why don't you call out your account, and I will write for you, and the manuscript fee will be yours. Anyway, I can't use my ghost!" Yang Mu began to fiddle with Ye Huai's computer, and asked Said, "Where is Wen? Let me see how bad it is."

Ye Huai didn't move, Han You was only nineteen years old, he wasn't.

"Why do you help me? Why don't you think about how to reincarnate if you have time." Ye Huai said.

Yang Mu stopped fiddling with the computer, the light from the laptop shone on his face, and Ye Huai's unscrupulous smile faded when he saw him.

Yang Mu shrugged and said, "I don't know either. I was obviously in China when I died, but I came here after I died and became like this. Your room is the only place where I can have a physical body. I don't want to I don’t want to sleep even after eating, so the only thing I can do is write.”

Ye Huai didn't know how to answer the words for a while, even though he was used to watching birth, old age, sickness and death in the hospital, Yang Mu was only in his twenties, still so young.

If he becomes like this, what he misses the most is probably the years when he could be at the operating table. At least the busyness and high pressure can make him feel alive.

"Okay." Ye Huai gave up the dispute, he got up and opened the document on the computer, opened the browser and entered his background address, and logged in to show Yang Mu.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this result is really horrible!" Yang Mu said bluntly.

Although Ye Huai was not the original owner, but as the object of "praise", Ye Huai still wanted to beat Yang Mu very much! This guy had a look of grief just now, but it changed really fast!

"Don't worry, brother also came from Pujie, it's a piece of cake!" Yang Mu said confidently.

"Really?" The memory Ye Huai received was also about the famous Yang Liu'an. He debuted five years ago and became popular with a novel on Immortal Cultivation in another world. Has millions of followers on Weibo.

"Of course, no one is born with the ability to write. I had many pseudonyms before Yangliu'an, so I couldn't afford it, but..." Yang Mu flipped through Han You's income records again, and said, "No matter how much you pounce, it's better than writing." You are much better, if I had this grade, I would have committed suicide under a pseudonym and hid at home to study!"

"Can you still lose a little more?" Ye Huai gritted his teeth.

Yang Mu smiled, did not speak, and began to delete, delete, and type in the document.

Ye Huai didn't know anything about novels, he spent his second year in online games, and was completely uninterested in such things that only girls like.

The next morning was the monthly exam for Physics 101. This course is a basic elective course. In order to meet the school's graduation requirements, many students will take it, and Han You is no exception.

The content of this course is not deep, but the scope is very wide, and the examination is mainly multiple choice questions.

However, when the test papers were handed out today, all the students' faces turned green, and there was not a single multiple-choice question on the test paper. All the questions were calculations and questions and answers!

"The exam starts now. The exam papers are divided into A and B papers. The one next to you is different from yours, so don't even try to copy it!" After the Yankee with an Indian accent finished speaking, he sat behind the podium and admired his masterpiece with satisfaction.

Except for a few people, the class was dead silent.

Ye Huai: "Xiao Lingling, it's not this page, it's in the front, right, right, right here."

Ye Huai read the illusory textbook in his mind very comfortably, and rarely sighed, the system is really a good thing! With 520, the artifact of the exam, Ye Huai quickly finished all the writing, pretended to check it twice, and went up to hand in the paper confidently.

And all the Yankees around were still scratching their heads and pressing their calculators.

This feeling is even more exciting than the imperial examinations in the last world!

Ye Huai put away her schoolbag and strode out of the classroom.

He had just taken two steps when his phone rang. The caller ID is Shen Shiran.

Ye Huai picked it up, but before he could say hello, Shen Shiran's anxious voice came from the opposite side, "Han You, have you finished the exam? An An and Hui Ling are arguing again!"

Shen Shiran, Jiang Huiling and Xu An'an are not friends, including Han You who didn't know each other before they lived together. The rule of Mai University is that freshmen must live on campus, but they can move out of campus starting from sophomore year.

After Han You moved out, instead of looking for a student apartment, he found an intermediary company in the society and wanted to live in a single-family villa. Although it is a villa, it is actually the standard of public housing in China, and it is just a single family.

When renting, the agent said that there was a house in which three girls lived, and they wanted to find another roommate. Han You saw that the price was right, and after meeting the three girls, he thought it was pretty good. The place where the girls live should be cleaner, so he signed the contract happily.

It was okay at first, but later I found that these three seemingly harmonious girls were full of contradictions.

The author has something to say:

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